(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

it's conjunctivitis. highly contagious. keep leia away fr enya. make sure everybody wash hands often. it's in the air,
the past 2 wks, i also had lots of eye discharge, couldn't open my eyes after nap / sleep.
wanted to ask u bcos i dun rmbr u mention. Marissa did come back to help u w enya?

3 days MC. plus no hard knocks etc. must wear sunglasses to keep away the glare right? ok. thks! my left eye still recovering fr conjunctivitis, sensitive to light. wait to recover 1st.

QQ: Hahah.. Still only 80%? Cannot be bhah.. Now that everyone knows, it'll be such a joke if this is wrong leh. Don't think so negative.

Pax: Yah, they usually deliver very fast. Am order 12 packs myself too. I think they can keep for sometime.
I always think a HDB is a good investment. Esp those near to mrt stations. Rental yields can be 5% or more. Why not you rent instead of selling it?
Happy bithday Ash..

SQ: boy or girl also ok.. MIL and my mum both commented that i should aim for a boy.. hahah. SIL also say the same thing.. cos she is aiming for a girl mah.

QQ: good lah, can close shop liao. actually 2 girls also can close shop lah.

Pink: could be the haze coming too.. just be more diligent in cleaning her eyes, keep her fringe short so it dun poke into her eyes.
happie birthday ash, just realised your birthday same same as my dad. time flies..
i remembered last year i was ordered to bedrest around this time. this yr at least got good news (boy or gal also no issue) and can delivered by this year.

star, hb said at home too many ladies liao, too many girls. need a boy to neutralise. if this is a girl, prob #3 can be a boy. i dun mind having 3 gals. but i am scared of the whole preg/baby care process.
luckily tian was there during check up, dr said boy. so tian knows it is a didi.
initially she kept telling me mei mei, baby la. etc .. dun want didi.
i say didi can protect her.
tian said: nainai also girl, gugu also girl, mama also girl, tian tian also girl.
papa is boy boy, baby is also boy boy. then she laughed and walked away.
what did she mean? i dunno.
tell her tian tian can be her meimei.
wah.. like that tianmight pester me for a meimei next time? i need to go for # 3? jialat.
She said different cos not staying in the same house. She want staying in the same house one.
Heehee, see how lah. Last time you said you want 4 kids???
how to handle and have so many kids in singapore? a bit hard.
i thikn 2 is enough. 3 max liao... 4 i can die, or bankrupt.

So hazy here in woodlands! Everywhere is blur blur like genting like tt. I feel choke by the haze.

Ash, happybirthday!

oh dear. Don scare her, slowly drip the eye drop? I noe kids sure struggle, drop at the side of the eye. Bel also cry so badly when she go for eye check. They have to drip the eye drop, and will feel abit wierd after tt. Hope leia recover soon! U take care also.
Ash: Happy Birthday!

QQ: Have 4 will go bankrupt? No lah, just no life when they're young only.
Now meimei is still small, sleep, eat and poo only. When she starts to demand more attention, Anna can be very independent liao, and then didi will have started school. So still ok.. I want to start didi on fuill day school already.. Then I can be so sin-nang and can attend SB classes.. Hahaha..
Boys are really playful and dao3 dan4 and wan2 pi2. The things we tell ayden not to do, he will purposely do. Places we forbid him to go, he will wander there when no one's looking at him. He simply likes to challenge whatever restrictions placed on him. When caught red-handed, he will show me the dovey eyes (sometimes with tears) to get away! *sigh*

QQ: Warning: Boys will not be as guai as Tian hor.. Boys and girls are really really different. SO boys, 1 is good enough - to "show result", girls can have more never mind.
ecmom/star/QQ/AAA/pax/huingee/yvonne: tk u! but shld hv listen to my fren last nite n not come to work today. *sigh* early morning already 1 pc of not so gd news at work. juz hope the day will be beta!
For Dylan he is more independent and guai than jiejie. He will not lie jiejie climb here or there. Also Dylan is very sweet compared to jiejie too. But he can be stuborn, he dun want to apologise but choose to go stand instead.
QQ-hahaa.. couldn't stop smiling.. kekeke. congrats on a HAO zi... I will go pack pack bb boy clothes when i'm free!

Huingee-my boy also seems to prefer a meimei, although he is protective over didi as in don't allows strangers carry him all these but when we say EXCHANGE didi for meimei(my sil gal).. he say OK lo.. then he very gentle to meimei de, take care of her like that. hee hee.

Ash-happy birthday, stay young!

pink-hear liao so heartpain, hope she gets well soon.

astro-patz patz, hope Teng gets well soon, nowadays a lot of kids are down, dunno y..
happy birthday!!

haha! Reyden is the opposite. Though he bullies his sister all the time but everytime people ask him to go home without Meimei, he'll cry and say "no, no, Meimei come, my meimei!!" Possessive boy. :p
I have the same thoughts about boys. keke. But not neccessary all boys behave the same leh. See Huingee's Dylan & Autum's EJ. Think they'll tell you their boys are easier to handle than their gals.
Ya loh EJ also more guai.

My nanny also said Dylan more guai than jiejie. When dinner time he will ask jiejie go eat dinner.
RR-I always thot gals more easier to handle but I got no right to say since mine both boys. kekeke.

Haha yeah.. although boy always bully didi but he don't like strangers carry him or carry didi out.. he will ask me go carry didi.. then beat the person who wanna carry didi away...

Thats why when we say exchange didi for meimei, bring meimei home to sleep, we was surprised he say ok.. haha.
i like gals, cause more sweet and easier to handle. after seeing esther climbing up my gate (long time ago) when she was 2-3 yo, then i think gals can be v active and hard to handle sometimes too.
gals are more emotional la. like my tian tian, so emotional de. see things not open.
Dylan is active too. huingee and david lost more weight cause need to run after him. now better liao cause he is older now, and become more guai guai and easy to handle.

for boys? i can just dump him anywhere and train up his machoness. right? less stress for me? i hope. but i wont be the one running after him, cause hb will run ba. if not, i can run and execise at the same time?
my bil's boy is so guai1. drink, sleep drink sleep. dun really cry de. not demanding.
this tian, demanding too much. mil also feel so, but she said demanding kids are good woh. her theory la.
i think both good as long as happie and healthy.
Huingee-Really? Thot boys usually more stick to mommy, mine both stick to me more. Sweet yeah lo.. tats why I wish to have a girl also lo.. hee.

So fast our kids are turning 3 and I still keep thinking he's still 2!!!
RR: *sigh* But then again, I feel boys ought to be dao dan and wan pi. So boh bian. Last night I used to comment that my BIL's sons are very very notti. So now it's "retribution", my boy turns out the same pattern as them. I think may be worse. :p
I'm very relieved every time I see meimei, and I know I don't have to relive the "ayden" days another time.

HN: You're lucky to have a guai boy.
tian: 奶奶,妈妈生一个baby给我推。
tian: 不是,我要推!!started crying liao. 颖恩也有推妹妹。
me: aiya, she wants to push the stroller for baby, not pushing out of anger.
mil then realised OH!!

SQ, see, the peer influence!!
Mine is Esther looks like me and sticks to me.
Dylan looks more like daddy and sticks to daddy.

Dylan still run very fast now, just that we no need to chase him now. Haha, that's why my hb now put on weight more.
Everyday, he will start to run after the ntuc, about 2 blocks to the lift. Think cos Esther used to be like this. They will dash there.
QQ, HN: Climbing the gate is ok. If you tell her not to, she will stop right? BUt for ayden, even if we tell him not to, he'll find that an opportunity for him to defy! See the difference?
3As-yeah.. mine both very dao dan, esp think #2 worse.. when both of them come together, its a war zone

QQ-haha, yuan wang Tian!! its cute how kids look at things and say hor??..

my boy the day b4.. he pooed in his potty, got 1 big long one, 1 medium size and 1 small one.. and he can tell me they are papa, mommy and baby.. a family of poo? dun think we adults look at poo this way.. haha.
Esther will climb the gate, hold to the window railing. Scare she will fell from the gate or the window railing give way.
I always scold her not behaving like a 6 year old. See all her girl classmate much better leh.
3As-haha.. yeah lo.. sometimes when my boy drawing on his board, didi also purposely SIT HIS BUTT on korkor's writing board.. then korkor will push didi away, didi stubborn keep sitting there dun wanna move, then korkor angry keep hitting didi.. didi cry..
else when didi play toys, korkor keep snatching and give didi something that he don't wanna play anymore, then didi angry wan snatch back.. then end up both fight.
aiyo how to not scream?? haha..

sometimes I wonder if its a meimei, would things be different?? =P
i feel it depends on each kid's personality. not the gender. what u describe abt ayden, i feel its like Leia, she is more like a boy, hyper. when we tell her not to do something, she also deliberately do it.

how long did u take to recover? her right eye is very swollen, poor thing lah, PD didnt want to give antibiotics first, he said if still not recovered by tomorr or thur, probably has to see him again.

rina suggested using breastmilk! wahhaa. i put some on cotton ball to wipe her eyes just now. later will use a syringe and instill some into her right eye, hope it works!

she refused to eat and drink, i let her eat ice cream, drink cold ribena, need her to drink more to get rid of the heatiness. her temperature is ok at 38+ but body is super hot in the nite.
Enne: Actualy what you described happened to the 2 bigger As too. Plus, Anna's got long hair and didi likes to pull her hair when he's losing. He really pulls clumps of hair out, and Anna has bald patches already! :p

Things rascal Ayden do:
1) Eat bits of playdough. In fact, he puts into his mouth anything he can find on the floor. :p
2) Poo in his diapers and go dig into it - he poos more than 5 times a day, each time a little bit only. So sometimes he has poo in his hands. :p
3) Climb up and down the stairs for no reason. Maybe he enjoys watching my maid rush after him when he does that cos she's afraid he'll fall.
4) Push any barricade we have placed at the staircase to prevent him from climbing up and down.
5) Walk about the room touching everything when it's bedtime. Purposely go disturb anna when she's trying to sleep or sleeping. Step over her, roll into her etc etc.
6) Switch off/on the video player when it is still playing. When the tv screen goes blank, he'll say "oh" with a surprise. :p
7) Press the speaker phone on/off and "talk" into it.
8) Open/close the fridge
9) Run in/out of the balcony to play with the stones
10) Mess with my SB supplies.
11) Lie down on the floor mat, cos it's abt the same length as him. :p
12) Bite and pull the teether til bits of it are chewed off. :p

I can go on and on and on...

Ayden, ah Ayden... When will you grow up to be more guai and sensible??
He's teething now and his gums on both sides where the teeth are to come out are really swelling very badly, they look like volcanoes abt to explode... I've not seen this with Anna previously.. Poos boy. It must have hurt him a lot.
3As-Yeah yeah some of it sounds really familiar, really can go on and on abt the dao dan things. haha..

will Anna give in to him coz he's the didi??
Enne: Only sometimes. They still fight over the same toys. Whatever Anna is playing, Ayden wants to play them too. I told anna didi likes to play tricks with her. If she wants something, he wants also. But if she pretends not to want it anymore, he'll also give up. So I told her to pretend to give the toys to him and walk away to play something else.. Usually, this works and ayden will give up whatever they've been fighting over.
But somtimes, Anna just refuses to give in and then there'll be screaming and crying in the house.
any of your kids watch pocoyo?
you notice how pocoyo likes to walk kicking his legs forwar and placing his hands behind him? ayden likes to walk liddat leh.. it's qutie cute actually..
