(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Angel wipes

Not forgetting FREE DELIVERY !!!


1 bundle (3x80s) @ S$5.50
1 bundle (6x30s) @ S$6.00
Min Order 12 bundles (Can mix packing)

Pax: Each time I order, I just pay. Not sure if prices are higher or lower now than before. :p That's my perpetual problem. Even after 3 kids, I still had no idea howuch MP diapers cost. :p
Astro: Actually I don't buy that in the first place. So not surprising to me.. Some drs shd also do a study to support/question why the duration of 6mths was chosen by the WHO to TBF a baby. :p
On another note, I have enough ss for my little milk monster.. Strange as it seems cos she's a bigger drinker at this age than either jiejie or korkor..

SQ: Not sure leh. But my bb poos each time after she drinks. She drinks every 2.5 - 3hrly. So you see.. I use a lot of wipes, when my CL is not around. I'm just pre-empting that I'll need so much ad I'm afraid my supplies will run out.
me too, stimes i buy from here, stimes from there, stimes hv promo i buy more.. i also duno how much exactly is chloe's FM.. i only know its 50+, diapers per pc cannot be more than 40c dpd on which brand etc..

i m getting rashes so unsightly on my tummy, today my mood not that good, then chloe keep coming to irritate me. i told hubby i wanna hide in ac room so i m not so mang cang!! then she will come disturb me when i want some peace n read a mag
stick to me, climb on me n kick me, these little things irritates me alot!
so u r ordering 12 bundles? i jus txt my sil to order 6 bundles for my collig. if u can't hit 12 bundles for free delivery, can order tog w her lah..
Pax: Haven't decided how many to order.. I still have from the last time I order. But then I can't remember when was the last time I ordered and how many packs I ordered ie I can't calculate my normal usage. :p
Failure!!! I think I know the prices of my SB toold more clearly than the baby products! :p

belle: We mostly buy from NTUC. Like you, I buy more when they say it's on promo. Haha.. You wanna apply some cream? Ask your gynae to prescribe anti-itch cream safe for preggies to apply.

Pink: Haven't posted Ariel's pics. I haven't rec the CD yet.
hv been applying some steroid cream lightly when the weather is hot it gets worse..

dun mind getting the wipes to try.. any mummies wanna share ard my area? maybe i can try 3-6 pkts will it dry out soon?

kelly also says will email me quote, still waiting.. think she just got back from overseas accdg to her sms
the last time u ordered was in Aug, i think. Yvonne n i tumpang ur order. :p

thks! i jus placed order for chocolate banana fr Awfully Chocolate. post on my FB status, askg for recommendation. all 3 friends who replied, recommended the same place! so won't go wrong!
i tempted to watch but dare not few wks back i accidentally saw a scene from final destination. after that the scene kept flashing in my head for a few days!
constantine! dun watch.. vv horror!!

store the wipes upside down. if dry, jus "pour" some cooled boiled water into the pack.
for CCC, Jo will get a Hello Kitty royal chocolate cake fr Polar. M requested for a strawberry cake, so we got the 4-leaves one for him. for home celebration, M will get the same strawberry cake, but smaller. as for Jo, i wanted a nice chocolate cake, so finally jus placed an order w Awfully Chocolate!
mission completed! i was wondering where to order the chocolate cake. Lana's at Greenwood has lost its shine, not as good like before, according reviews on hungrygowhere.com. one of the reviews mentioned Henry Park, that's why i was asking abt a confectionery there. finally turned to FB for help! and the help came instantly and i ordered w/in 30min!
Belle: they on't dry up so soon.. Yah, as what pax suggested, store them upside down.
Steroid cream is the best remedy for now. Can you take anti-histamine like zrytec? If yes, can take. Try to practise mind over body control.. Will the itch away.

Pax: Looks really scary leh.. Good thing I not preggie now, else I sure won't watch. Now that I'm not, tempted leh. But then again, I know I shdn't cos I'm sure to have sleepless nights becos of this. You know... I still remember scenes from horror movies like the Ring... My bed is facing the tv leh.. Sometimes I will imagine someone crawling out.. Mad right?? Good thing now my kids sleep with us and I feel safer now..

Oh that long ago? Prob is when I ordered then, I still had pigeon and other wipes to use..
ll go count how many packs I have left before i decide how many to order..
paisei..just managed to transfer now. thanks!! =D

To Account POSB Savings
1xx-xxxxx-x smhQQ
Amount S$98.00
Transaction Reference 2724629600
only when u open the pack. must be cooled boiled water. tap water cannot bcos it contains minerals n stuff which may spoil the wipes etc.
ya me too le my imagination can run v wild too. after watching that scene few wks back, i go toilet pee , then surroundings quiet right.. arrh that feeling will come eeks!!

pete just got the snake powder for me.. cooling n makes me feel better
the show is top TVB serial in HK last yr... must watch! i think can burn to DVD. 6.7GB. if u r keen, can try to pass to u... but must watch fr laptop. with Real Player
Pax: Is it sci-fi or horror movie? actually theres little difference btw the 2 these days.. :p Thanks.. pls pass to me..

Belle: If snake powder works for you, then good. It doesn't for me. I have to take zrytec .
Mejo, sad, i did not lose weight...maybe i am stressed with work.

QQ, actually, i went back to hot yoga recentlt, cos i got more free time on hand when CO not in bj.

this morning, i sent CO to dentist for cleaning...i was impressed with the dentist, she was real good. $55.
I love constantine, still showing now? jialat rae not sleeping yet so many be cannot watch.

I was watching the new tawian drawan "poor with love"?? chinese title "Jiu4 Xiang3 Lai3 Ju4 ni3", with jerry yan and ella.. not bad leh.

Mejo/QQ: actually, rae was not that smiley that day during the PS, but i am glad the photograoher's cam was fst enuff to captured the moments when she smile. Daddy had to tickle her so many times to make her smile leh.

QQ: this is how tian is. no need to capture all shots of her smiling, if she is a sewrious kids, should capture her true self so u can show her the photos next time.

CK: which dentist u went? $55 still cheaper han my PD dentist leh.

edde: pls help me to collect my toiler seat. thank u very muchy.

astro: u never sms me your address.
mejo, i am also playing The Sims now! i dunno if this is the latest version but i guess shld be.. this version can do a lot of detailing and styling!

star, yap! last nite i replied the spree-ist that i will collect yrs too liao
i heard awfully chocolate is nice. let us know your verdict. think they have outlets elsewhere too cos i rem seeing it before

the good thing about YE being a end mar bb is i can rely on all your recommendations before i decide on where to order for hers

i see. i use cotton wool for the initial months. wet wipes always make the bbs skin red red and i see liao v scared!
ladies.. feeling low again.. like the stretch of bad luck never did leave my house.

just now 4am plus.. ellie knocked onmy door.. i was just done feeding yh.. ellie said teng has high fever! :S

measured.. 39.9
.. then quicklly give him panadol.. and tried sponging him but of course the boy dun want.. then miser looked at the fever sheet of dr ong. coz he being so controlled again.. say monitor.. wants to give bifen now. i say not like that one.. miser said on paper it seems both together. i told him no.. but i said. inever dealed with a fever that high before.. for teng. so end up,. teng and ellie and miser went to kk A&E lor.. took xray. has a bit of chest infection.. maybe due to prolonged coughing coz that bout of viral never really did go away.. then come back liao.. but yh woke up early again.. now fussing. i feel so tired. and the haze not making things better.. i feel so lethargic .. haiz.. today little gym miss the class again. teng missed so many little gym classes liao. i dunno how to make them all up given i start work next week liao .. haiz ...
SQ: i think they have small out at vivo? along ben and jerry's?? or was it at this row of shop houses near bugis area?

Astro: pls take care. rest as much as u can today.
Astro: Aiyooh.. Poor Teng. What else did the drs do and say at the hospital besides taking the x-ray?

Yah, the haze yesterday was rather bad judging from the smell of it everytime I open my room's door. Hey, during this period, maybe you want to let Teng sleep in an air-con room? could be counter-intuitive. But at least his lungs won't have to breathe in the smoked haze?
If the fever is first detected at 39.9, can give brufen immediately, don't have to give panadol first.

SQ: The have many outlets. The nearest one to me is at Serene Centre. Yah, their cakes are nice.
star: i am not the one with the chest infection, it is teng.

AA: prescribed him antibiotics.. but i have so many question marks over the med now!
1. they gave panadol, 10ml to be taken!! dr ong, only 4ml? for the same concentration!.. miser searched on internet.. said for that concentration for kids from 1 - 5 years.. can give 5ml- 10ml.. but teng is 3 years old nia leh.. max liao? big built? but lose weight liao wor.. miser also.. they asked how heavy? he said 20kg. but teng has lost weight from the virus last time mah! now it is 19kg.. max 19.5.. haiz..then they never weigh him also. just let him sit on the stroller?????

called dr ong.. dr ong said if give 4ml can bring panadol down.. stick to 4ml.. real lucky i go and read the label.. and even luckier that ellie just used the old panadol (dr ong's one).. give 4ml.. even if 10ml is appropriate for teng.. but wah liew. more than double leh..

2. they gave him promethazine for his cough, running/blocked nose. then i told dr ong.. dr ong 's first reaction 'why give that drug? which hospital u go to?'.. i said kkh.. she said promethazine not really effective for cough.. then said if give together with ventolin.. but the problem is we ran out of ventolin liao! haiz..

3. this one miser said.. dr at kkh prescribed antibotics for 5 days.. the pharmcist got to call up that dr and tell him the antibotics can only be given for 3 days max..

4. then iliadin.. teng finshed oune round lao.. so he can't take taht. needs to take ortivin.. i smsed miser all the drugs he took etc.. coz i got to stay wiht yh.. can't go with him and ellie.. it upsets me that miser 1, not sure of his son's medical history 2.even with sms, still can fumble with iliadin?!!!..

then i questioned him again and again.. on which 'pattern' to give coz dr ong's and kkh's dr vary so much..

his response is always so cool.. too cool and colelcted for my liking.. i am getting upset by that!

is ventolin avaliable over the counter? anyone has spare now?
then i am upset with miser also over the air purifiers

yesterday went saw the sharp plasmacluster air purifier.. plans was to buy then start using tonight.. i told miser i am paying for it.. so i am going to buy 2 at one go.. one for teng's room, one for our room (yh with us).. he says dun. buy one. test first.. i was liek now promo.. and the haze is coming back.. still test first?.. he says at most ask teng over.. then, i was fine with his suggestion..

just now i said.. must go and get the purifier liao, and used it let teng sleep in aircon bring temp down.. miser objects and says no good to sleep in aircon with fever.. i am v pissed with him lei.. v v v v v v v pissed!
hi mummies!

I m down with throat infection and fever. Lol! Too much cny goodies liao. And yesterday i still go play blackjack, scream veri loud, this morning wake up no voice. Today don noe how to entertain the guest liao, today they coming over to play. Jia lat.

if i were u, i will get honeywell. Other brands i nv used before, i nv see the effect. Hospitals also use honeywell leh!(but commercial ones la, for home use, buy the smaller size one).

Pls take care. Don blame miser la. He also not sure ma. Jia you jia you.
Ventolin, got to get from pharmist. Can try ntuc pharmacy, might have pharmist working.
Becos of Dylan we also on aircon cos the outside air either dusty or too cold.
take care, dealing with 2 is difficult. i m not sure abt medication dosage, i think is by wgt of child le.. last time chloe fever doc also mentioned 'judging by wgt' give xx ml.. i vaguely rem la.. hope teng is better by now. weather real hot i also super mang cang, MIL come i also dun bother entertain n talk, my face is BLACK le.. but i cant help it just try to make small talk only.
Star, in raffles city - office tower, level 5.

SQ, awfully chocolate is good...they are quite popular in china. always run out on weekends.
leia was having slight fever, dosage to be given is 7.5ml for 2-3yrs old

ariel doesnt look like anna or ayden, she has her own special look!
wow she is fast, can lift her head, and she looks more like 3mth old!

awfully choco's choco cake is very nice!

CK that is a regular dentist? they see children too?

AAA: wha so cute... i love the bunny ears cap. and her smile is sooo sweet. i am curious, how does kelly position the baby to look like this? u mean ariel never wake at all during thne entire length of the shoot?
