(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs


it's true right? no point forcing lor. make everybody go crazy right? i go bom bom 1st...

tian insisted to watch little einstein. sigh!
cause she poo-ed today. i am here typing away.

AAA, bf baby's jaundice can stretch till quite long. tian until 1 month old. as long as it is not v serious, mild mild ok.

SQ? CIO at 1 mth old? quite cham. we still dunno what the baby wants right?

AStro. haha!!
if a tecko and a fatter lady standing in front of her, she will say the fat one is prettier. too skinny not pretty. my mum fat fat herself. haha!
pax: i have a fren woh i admire for her tenacity.. she wants to go back tbf when her girl was on fm.. so she let the bb cry and reduce fm untill now she is almost succeeding in bfing her girl..
it is so funny wor. i used to be the one encouraging her dun give up when she told me her ss is little.. now i am the one who can't latch on anymore and feel like giving up.. ha

QQ: SQ wun CIO yh.. alamak.. all my fault. i use the wrong term.. not CIO.. erm.. ok.. paraphrased.. let bb keep crying and dun give bottle and force bb to latch on..
and. i want to stand in front of ur mum.. then i can complimented for being pretty. haha
sq:ya...to 2nd pax.. i dun let yh suckle to sleep.. when i see yh not actively drinking.. then it became yh strictly associate my boobs to milk.. never suckle sleep..in fact he will spits the nipple out when he has enough then i put him down to sleep..i think yh is one bb whose suckling reflex not as strong,, he aso dun like the pacifiet..think onli way not to CIO of being bao bao to sleep is to encourage him self soothe with his thumb.. but i see him trying stuff his thumb in but he like not shiok sucking like that.. then he cries.. aiyoh.. ok. i shall be patient n encourage him more...
there's a period where J pulled and touch his penis..but i think it's just becoz they curious bah...coz after awhile, he stopped doing it...
Astro: Actually your paraphrase still sounds like CIO to me leh.. But I guess it depends on how long you leave him crying for milk and how long you intend to keep this going. Even for an iron-heart disciplinarian like me, I still think he's too young + the "thing" which you want to wean him off is not serious enough to warrant you to CIO him.

QQ: Really huh? Then how would we know if it's serious or not unless we keep doing the blood test??
Little Eistein is a good programme, can let her watch. And also let her watch word world.. Anna will request Little Eistein to be in Chinese, then when it comes to wordworld, she will say she doesn't want it in mandarin anymore.. Of course lah, that shd be in english lah..
Astro: Yah, anna also likes to touch her private down there.. In fact, I think ayden is the copy cat after seeing her do that. :p

Ariel also likes to suckle to sleep lah.. That's why she can latch on for more than 1 hr, then can still wallop up 80ml of FM! And she's only 6days old..

Mash: Ok.. Looks like it's just curiousity for him then..
AA: still sound like CIO? erm.. ok.. as long as u get what i mean ..

yes. i agree. not serious enough. and on more reflection. really slightly funny and ilogical coz eventually there lies a possibilitythat he will prefer the bottles when i go back to work since i can't be there to latch him all the time..

well. hmm. let me try my non-CIO way to woo him back to my breast.. hahaha.. sounds cheasy.. it worked last time. i hope it will work this time..

i also cannot do without miser.. but i try my bets not to tell him that.. that man has a v healthy level of self- confidence.. sometimes too healthy.. lest he becomes yayapapaya :p
hi mummies!

Don noe itzzit the forum got problem or my phone got prob. It keep prompting mi tt it is under maintainence.

same thinking, i don wan to pump, because i feel tt it is veri troublesome to bring and wash so many things.

sling will be ur best friend and breastfriend. Lol!

if after latch to slp, den i unlatch her, den she slp by herself, like tt ok? Same as bott, after drinking milk, bel goes to slp by her own. Will get tooth decay?
Astro: Yah, use other methods first..

I feel certain things shd be said out when there's still the chance to. Like I tell him now and then, that I love him.. *so mushy* My hubby doesn't have that yayapapaya attitude. Even without me saying, he's very confident in himself.. I've asked him if he's afraid I'll run away with another man. I pushed him for an answer (think for such questions, men will usually wave it off if they can). Then he replied, he's not afraid cos he treats me so well. Where can I find a man who will treat me beter then he does? His answer made me ponder and sort of dumbfounded me.. I agree with him..
Yvonne: sling has its probs too :S
sam cannot resist u.. heh

aa: what i meant abt miser being yayapapaya is.. say i tell him i love him n can't do without him.. he will v matter of factly replied \ 'yes iknow'.. ha.. i find that cocky . not at all humbled by my compliment! ha!
aa: my version will be. i can't find a man how knows me more than him.. he knows me more than myself.. i dun have to try to lie to him..sometimes quite scary
astro: your miser is really too much.. purposely "belittle" your revelations.. :p :p
yah, if i'm in your shoes, i will also not tell him, lest i give him the chance to gloat... :p
i just know there prob wont be another man who will accept my nonsense. but then again i also think i treat my hb v well (at least sometimes. hee

i think i sacrifice alot for him and his family too (urmph, at least that's what i'd like to believe. double hee
thks for the tip on not latching to zzz. wil try my utmost not to let yh be reliant on that bad habit

last time ye also associate the sling with going gai gai and zzz. it was so ez going out cos she'll just zzz away
I also think I can't leave without my hb and he thinks that too. To him, i rely on him alot. But actual fact I think I'm actually quite independent or he force me to be independent.
Like that day he on business trip for 2 days, went he came back I told him i forgot to put on Dylan's diaper at the night before. Ended up Dylan woke up at 12midnight told me he's wet. More over he slept on my bed, on top of the quilt. In the middle of the night i had to changed him, change my bedsheet, quilt cover and put in washing machine to wash.
Did you know what's my hb's reply? He asked,'So you cry is it?'
To him i just cry over things. But indeed i didn't, just change and get to sleep at 1am.
Haha, I'm the kind sometimes will breakdown easily. Sometimes my kids too naughty till i cannot handle I will cry in front of them. Then they stunned and kept quiet.
AAA: hahah ya i will look forward to my #2. maybe will get lucky from the lucky o strips QQ passed me from pink .. hahah

Astro: I read wrongly? hahaha anyway, take it easy.. dun stress, there is alwasy lots of arguement and dilemma on BF one.. hang in there, if u can dun give up, if really cannot, give up also ok. i think. i can take a step back liao, there are a lot of BF experts like yourself.. heheh
anyway, CIO to latch a baby is weird lah.. cos sometimes, when u intro bottles liao, bb dun want breast cos flow too slow. maybe YH likes the fast flow of bottles and he scream when milk is not coming out quick enuff for him. for rae, she loves my boogies.. refused to touch the bottle, i think she likes the close contact with me during BF so die die also dun want the bottle.

Yvonne: forgot to answer u, i BF rae a total of 26 mths.. finally CIO her at 26th mth to wean off. And she cried for 1 full week when i weaned her off. Its up to you when u wanna wean but the longer u drag, the more diff it is to wean esp when bb is stubborn and refuse to let go off your breast.
wah, AAA, morbid le. haha!! haha!
AStro, haha!! your miser yaya papaya...

my ah jay quite poor thing, i hope it will not affect his confidence. He will never be yaya papaya cause he knows i can survive without him. so he is trying to value add himself with his services, which i like and enjoy at the moment. i dun cry over small things, but when my tears drop, it shows the severity of the matter and he might be at lost or loss his sanity not knowing what to do next.
he also said, if he is not around, as long as $$ is enough for me, i should be able to take care of the family with lighter load. wah!! so he said insurance is a must.
but i feel that oni jay can take my nonsense sometimes. some of my coligs/friends cannot stand my nonsense de. but the nonsense is not happening very often though. haha!!

i hope i dun need to CIO my #2 in any form... really.. i scare baby cry..

AAA, i told tian to be happy last night, u know what she said??
she suddenly turned into a smiley face and told me, mama i am happy. so I stay at home tomorrow? dont' go to school ok?
i have to hong3 her a bit, telling her school has many frens to play with but not at home. then she said, ok la! she will wait for mimi to fetch her.
i was shocked by her sudden change of face into a FAKE smile face.. so scary.. so fake.
I went PG to order rae bday cake.. the PG ppl, go scare shannie and myself.. say if we want end of mth cake, must order by yesterday cos they close for CNY!! anyway, PG will be closed from 12 to 23 Feb. So those who want cakes by end feb, better order by these 2 days.

CK: there are 2 to 3 Dora design cakes at PG and its very nice. one is the dora imaged in creama nd icing and the other is a dora figurine cake.

Autum: i saw 2 spiderman design there as well.. one is the chocolate net on the cake, the other is a a nice spidy pic on the top both round lah.

Astro: for your prob, i think u should try and cont to latch him again, maybe after a few days of crying, he will know there is milk and will want to suckle back again. this is the only way, if nt, u will have to give him the bottle lor. baby are very persistent one. anyway bb is easy to train, its a matter of who has a stronger will power. if u insist that he latch, soon he will learn that there is the primary milk source, he will guai guai go back to latch and drink.
And astro, bb who has become reliant on sling will not want to sit on the stroller leh.. so if plan to use stroller extensively in future, dun sling him anymore, put him on stroller instead.
Star, am I too late to order for tian/???
oops.. but we dun have time to go over and order woh. how?

i wan minnie cake.
QQ: wha our kids turning to be more and more smart now hor.. anyway Tian is very intelligent..maybe this her way to try and see if she can convince you not to go to school?

Rae's school attached a memo, asked for us to dress her in traditional chinese clothes on 15th when the school is celebrating CNY. so fun. i plan to let her wear her jshopper clothes from last yr.
QQ: i saw this mickey mouse cake,with figurine, very nice.. but i think the figurine may be provided by the client leh. u wanna call them and check again. see if u can go down over the weekend to order instead? 64576159 / 6456 3552

Huignee: Its Hello Kitty. Rae told me she wants Hello Kittycake!
K's school is having pre-CNY party on Feb 12, nect friday. so i will let her wear last year CNY dress too. kekekeke...
yesterday i saw a note attached for a trip to Science Centre. i ask her last nite whether she wanna go with MRs X and MRs Lim, she said yes. but this morning when i ask her, she said no.
anyway, i went ahead and issue the cheque for her.
Star, yes.. i will call them.

i will need to get another smaller cake for her class celebration. tian already said wanna celebrate. cause one of her xiao peng you also did that. with some goodies for everyone. tian said she v happy that day.
and she said no need to wear uniform on that day. wear pretty pretty.
ok lor.. i will celebrate of course.

ya. if really no time then take begawan solo. easier for pick up also.
what i did last year was, i used the top up for my Cake from party and ordered a plain cake fm bengawan solo and added the toppers to it. looks ok lah with sesame street theme then for flavors, i got those stick balloons which all the kids loved.
Ya, 1 kg is enough for her class celebration. Bring her to choose the design. She will be very happy and must make her like princess on that day.

Remember must bring plates and forks for the class celebration too. Also must let the teachers know in advance. Then must go take photo too.
Haha, last year i ordered from Bengawan solo for Esther's class celebration as she want princess cake. When Esther was 3 years old, i got from Prima deli the barney cake for her class celebration.
For Dylan, it's easy he is crazy about Thomas the train. Will order from Polar for Thomas the train cake.
oh do i need to get a cake for rae to celebrate in school too? maybe i should. school rules states that i need to call the school 2 days in advance if i wnat to celebrate. apparently the school will not arrange for snack that day. on the day of the bday celebration, bring the cake to school and leave the cake and camera with teacher who will take photos. haha. rae's school even have a board where teacher pinned up the months in thsi year and all the bday children's names under they bday month.
You check with the teacher how big cake you must bring to the school too.
I think Yvonne bought cupcake for Bel's birthday celebration in sch last year. Can also consider cupcake.
oh..... ok ok..
roger, kaexin, huingee n star.
i am excited for tian.
must pass camera ah.. this is new to me.
haha! but i doubt that the teachers will do a great job. and i also dun intend to take leave on that day le. alamak. i better rethink about this.

star, nowadays kids are so smart, can try to win our hearts with any tricks that they can come out. including drama. sigh!
diff sch have diff rules, I didn't pass camera to teacher. For two years i'm brought the cake to at snack time. Last year, i lazy just pass the cake to the teacher. Didn't pass the camera to teacher.
This year i think i check with the Dylan's teacher see how should it be.

ok. Hmm, nick ask mi to continue, so i guess i will. Since no reason to force mi to wean. And i bu se de to wean. Lol!

Star, hg,
if u buy cupcakes hor, unless the class is small. If the class is big, buy 1kg better. This yr i think have to buy 1kg. Her class so big! It will cost a bomb if i buy cupcakes for the whole class plus so many teachers and aunties.
Ya, continue to bf Sam. I will make her immune system stronger.
How is your house progress?
i prefer whole cake that cup cake cos can cut the cake.
qq, hg,
last yr i stay in sch and take the pic myself. The whole process is chaotic. All the kids got so hyper when i open up the cake. Teachers all have to block them from touching the cake, den must arrange them to stand round the table. No one including myself got time to take pic. Lol! And somemore nick is around, he stand there like a block!
