(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

irin / SQ : think girls now is like.. scady cat.. lolz.. my ger also.. she will "mummy is so notti, scold n scold people" den i will ask her "mummy scold who?"
T : "mummy scold tiffany"
ME : "why mummy scold tiffany?"
T: "becos tiffany is notti"
ME : "ya u notti den mummy scold like that mummy notti?"
T : "yes"


astro, darius loves to suckle for comfort. He will not be able to fall aslp w/o latch on when i was still bf him. Wad issues u hv wif didi now??
not weird. most pple are lidat
actually with #3, whether it's a boy or gal doesn't matter. so you can have #3.

at least logistics wise. u see, i have 2 gals. so if i have #3 who is a boy, then i really need to revamp my house so that the boy and gals get their rooms. not nice to share rooms. for you, doesnt matter. if boy, bunk in with ej. if gal, bunk in with ev
i am still thinking of my spiderman cake! the other day, i went to PG and saw they have spidy design.. but it's flat-design.. think they draw or paste the photo. the spider-web is drawn using chocolate fudge.. quite cool.. but the spiderman itself, think the photo not that nice.

hmm, i don't think can find spiderman figurines hor? hey, I ordered a spiderman T-shirt from ON with QQ's spree.. and i intend to wear it on EJ's birthday! whahahaha.. now I must try to find a spiderman shirt for him too. :p
Maybe Yh hungry, the flow not to his comfort? Latch him before he cry for milk bah.
I didn't manage to latch my kids, only pump out.
so cute! your spiderman T. must paste pic. i'm still thinking of the cake. it's for hb whose bday is next week. but hb said no need spiderman since it's likely that ye would have forgotten abt the request anyway

most imptly the cake cant be big cos we cant finish and it'll oni take up fridge space!
i hate pumping
i know i should pump to increase ss, but i dun
hb says the pump is a waste of $, i told him it's to standby first. see how
after that failed miserable attempt at pumping and having oni a few drops, i've not touched the pump since
it's indeed a waste of $
(pssss: that's why i'm trying to sell to QQ. wahaha...)
SQ, gals are alys better cos they will be closer to u. Unlike boys, they will become someone's husband one day and "abandon" me. sob sob

My hb's collig wants to hv boys instead. She was kinda upset when her #2 is a gal.

star, wads the chinese article u hv abt conceiving a gal??
Reyes won't be scared if the one I'm shouting at or scolding is someone else (read Reyden :p). She'll carry on with her things.
She's also one sensitive kid lah. She says I can't scold her, can't shout at her cos she'll be sad??? Then I ask her how about at times when she's naughty, she told me "我没有坏蛋,我乖乖" which is right also. She seldom give me any problem so I guessed I just need to "talk" to her when she's naughty.
i guess the oni cartoon t i can wear is pooh bear
cos i need pooh's tummy to camouflage mine
if i wear the spiderman one, everyone can see my yi4 da4 li4
QQ, hahaa... u live in palace huh?

Yesterday drama again. Mil know i am on leave then called my hp to complain abt the maid here and there. She dare not call us during workday cos fil scolded her before saying how can she disturb us on this type of issue when working. I was pissed off cos bcos i am not working, she starts to stir up all her nonsense again. *faint*
Then i bo hiew and continue to go and do my hair and buy my new year clothes, spring cleaning etc. MIl even refuse to let VG (my maid) to eat lunch. Sighhh...(let hb to settle the old woman)

Just now i called to ask if everything is ok. And surprisingly, VG told me that my mil apologise to her.... *speechless*
hmmm ... my mum says cos I was the 1st one mah and that time my auntie was running a confectionary so all my number cakes sponsored by her. Think that time 流行? :p
Then by my sis' time, they already sian of the numbers liao? wahaha!!
My sis was quite a "difficult" kid since young, maybe the imbalance caused that? Don't want to ask her lah, later I get scolding. :p
reyes is the same as ye
every night before zz and every am when she wakes up, the last and first thing she ask me is "mama, do you like/love me?"

then i'm v suay, if i'm in a good mood or she's been a good gal, i say "yes"

if she's been notti, i will say "you guai guai then i like, else i dun like"

now she can repeat to me when she's notti "guai guai mama like, notti mama dun like. cannot hwey hwey hwey (mimics crying)"
wa giolyn
dun let her eat lunch? so poor thing

wow huingee
you are like QQ then
i din noe you have so much milk!
so good!

let's not rake up the past

ya, for a moment, the number cakes were so lao2 tu3. but guess it's in vogue now cos the confectioneries make them look so nice!
the funny thing is though she's a sensitive gal but she had never ask me if I love her or not. She assumes I must love her. haha!!
eventually u can wear la. now you still have yi da li cos u just gave birth mah. 1yr later, can wear liao! Your reason for wearing Pooh Bear T is so funny!

ya, better don't ask, later dio-meh. :p
so now you mei mei for cny?
at least your fil got the sense not to bother you all during working hours
i also think it's v bo liao and dun like my mil to call my hb to lililorlor during working hours
SQ:ya, latch or bottlefeed both BM. and the fact that this time i can sustain this long is already a personal acheivement in itself.. last time with teng at 3 mths, sayonara to attempt to bf liao (and incidentally, i was happier then!
).. this time maybe cause tahan this long.. all the more dun want to let go..
ok. sry to sound whiny lah. no big deal my concern
.. just cannot get thru and decide.. i think i want best of both worlds.. to have YH capable on the breasts as well as by the bottle.. but the boy.. he can't.. he is that kind either breast or bottle kind.. and with the greater issue of his sleep association (last night.. night mare.. woke up three times in the night.. SCREAMING on top of his voice..i wanted to latch him direct coz dunno how much he wants. refused.. i was so frustrated.. end up miser go and make fm.. first waking at 2am, drowned 180ml!, second waking at 4am again? how can that be right? ok. he screamed.. can't settle down.. give him 60fm..then wake up at 630.. scream again.. !).. cannot go this way.. seriously.. then he having so much trouble falling back to sleep.. funny thing is he can fall asleep nicely by himself.. just the stage when light sleep go deep sleep.. he wake up crying. coz he needs help to go to deep sleep again.. i am desperately waiting for him to find his thumb.. that he can self soothe back to sleep.. he rejects the pacifier!!! great. now i dun have an issue with the pacifier.. unlike teng last time.. now i have issue with bao4 bao4!

so u see. once everyone recovered.. (waiting for the blood test results to see if it ia mycoplasama infection.. later tonight update on this).. i need to do something.. i dun want to CIO.. but i see him like that.. i more heartpain.. when i am not heart pain. i am frustrated.. it is not healthy..

SO.. if i do bottle feeding.. i dun have to let him CIO again for direct latching..
if i insist him to latch. then it is twice the CIO for him.. i am undecided.. coz i dunno if there is such a need to ake the child cry. just to have this flexibilty of being able to latch and bottle feed....

BBmarch:yh was hospitalised. that time he was fine with bottle and breat coz i was latching most of the time.. and only 2 bottles a day.. so he was ok.. but when he was hospitalised.. to monitor intake. i pumped.. and since then.. for the past three weeks. he has been on bottles.. coz he refuse to latch.. prefering the bottle for the faster flow.. another thing which makes me blue is i am killing my own ss.. most of the time pumping onli at the 6th hoour interval.. because i always try to wait to latch rayan.. but he refused.. then iget too upset ot pump..

aiya. silly me.. things like that also get vexed.. for what? argh..
but i rem you can wear your old clothes after 1 month!
see? i remember such things cos i'm so vain and shallow

with YE, i had 5kg to lose and it never happened. now i've 15kg to lose to ever be slim again. haiz. let's not talk about it now

*steal a glance at astro*
huingee: tried all timings. hungry not hungry.. he just refused.. and screamed.. there was once.. i won him back onto the breast.. but took a while.. now it let slip again..
SQ: i not slim lah. i back to pre preg weight nia mah.. i never go below the pre preg weight.. so which means before i got preg with yh. i was already like that mah.. that is one qn i dun quite get lor.. pple tell me i have slim down. but my wieght is pre preg weight. but when i pre preg wieght.. no one tell me i am slim slim.. haha..

u are not fat ah! nice.. if u too slim.. then u look.. very.. proud *siams* :p coz u got a natural aura of elegance.. if too slim.. then machiam those might high up there with nose in the sky kind leh.. :p
dun get offended.. now u look so friendly and approachable..
cos that's what i was contemplating in the first few days of yh's life
i was so adamant about bf but no milk ss!!!
then was so miserable and sad and stressed and stressed hb up also. then wanted to flare at everybody. at the end of the day, i asked if motherhood is what this is about.

so after i kan4 kai1 and ask the cl to just supp whenever yh seem hungry, i'm a happier person. do i wish i have more milk still and can do tbf? i'll be lying if i say i don't. am i envious of pple with ample ss like QQ or aaa or star blah blah blah? you bet! but since it's something i can't change, i have to live with it, happy or sad. and i choose to be happy instead of sad.
I got so much milk till i cry. Cos pump and pump cannot clear, gorgement. Middle of the night have to wake up to pump cos painful, milk leaking till t-shirt wet.
I have to pump every about 3 hours, each time got about 2 bottles of 7oz. Baby speed not enough to meet my milk supply, store till frezze no space.
The weird thing is I dun drink milk or take calcium supplement but I got lots of milk.
astro ah..
haiz.. sometimes i read your posts.. i dunno what to say.. kekekek.. erm, looking at more practical side, you going to go back to work soon right.. so just let him fully go on bottle bah. don't stress him.. and there is no reason to make a child CIO for any reason (if possible).

well, think of it this way. if he bottle-feed and he can take milk, that is something to be very thankful and happy for already! cos some babies cannot breast-feed and cannot bottle feed either! ie.. some problem with drinking milk, which YH doesn't have. So be happy!! :p
now i look mumsy

ok, if i were you, i will bottle feed, since yh is already fine with it, and i would need to bottle feed anyway when i return to work right?

<font size="+2">BUT</font> i must let you know that for my yh, i have yet to intro the bottle. whatever i need to supp, the cl spoon feed her. cos she told me that if i intro bottle with the faster flow, yh will reject the breast. and to me, i oni want to bf if i can direct latch. i dun wanna pump and wash and sterilise and feed, then oni to have to repeat the cycle again. then when i go out, i have to bring pump and blah blah blah. to me, it's life worse than FM! but that is oni my personal opinion ok, no offence to the mothers who pump. i'm siao la
SQ:ya. that was the same question i asked myself when i gave up bf-ing with teng last time too.. coz it was freaking me out.. and i was happire. teng was happier.. pple was amzed teng sleep wells feed well 7 - 7.. easy peasy..

pax is right.. can't assume the 2nd child can be put on routine just because the 1st did so so naturally.. yh still follow the timing. but coz of this bf-ing thingy.. his feeds and timings changes from day to day (though the latest he goes to sleep is 730pm) and the night time terrors with the sleep associations.... even miser commetn4ed.. 'this time like cannot gf hor?'..well.. haiz..

u are right. i am undecided. can't bear yh to cry for no rhyme and reason.. yet so selfish want to be able to latch and bottle feed at the same time, to fulfill my own want..
SQ, pinkpink, Pax
Went to eat lunch at west coast plaza with hb just now. They got cny promotion, if spend $50 or more there, child can go play bounch castle.
Very easy to spend more than $50 esp cny coming.

Maybe can bring Leia there why u go buy something?
you said it. it's your own want vs yh's needs. you got to decide as a mother and a woman. no one can decide for you

gina ford? i can't even find my book now! as much as i wanna take a look at it. better not stress myself now
wa huingee!
west coast plaza v near me!
what bouncy castle?
where is it?
v big?
so nice hb went for lunch with you

i kept thinking you are at tiong bahru. so good that you are so near me now! we can always meet at west coast plaza. wahaha...
But l lazy mummy, i stop making bm when i start work. Cos if i do that i think i will go into depression.
That's why my kids health not too good. Hb didn't insist cos he see me so tired and stress with pumping milk.
I want to be a happy mummy = happy chidlren = happy family
autum: i know :p i also da boleh tahan my own indeciveness.. kekekekeke ..:p
yalor.. that was the question i asked here.. several days back.. this head of mine.. too much fat and oil liao.. somemore cannot go thru leh..:S

huingee: i old liao.. i no heart to do so.. even though i keep saying i want to do so.. but i look at yh ah.. i think one fine day. if miser da boleh tahan. miser will be the one CIO-ing him.. just like his brother :p

SQ: ur CL is right. but erm.. wld u be ok.. if the bb totally reject the bottles? which mean.. only u and u alone can feed her.. and u must lugh her everyway u go? i shudder at that thought.. (erm.. yvonne/star, no offence hor)
and feeding ebm is more leichen than fm.. miser once said. fm is the greatest invention ever! hahaha i agree.. hahahah

since you had so much milk and you already fed them for mums, it's equivalent to us who has been supplementing from day 1 lah. dun feel bad. what's more impt is to be happy. you see, a few years down the road when the kids are in pri/sec school, do you think we care so much whether they were bottle fed or not? like our parents age looking at us now, do you think they bother whether you and i were bf or bottle feed? so we just have to learn to let go. else we will never be happy (wah so ez to say hor
