(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

QQ: I also agree you did the right thing. The boys bully her in class? That's very notti of them. Good luck to their parents man.. They're already bullies at such young age, I can't imagine what they'll become when they grow older. Someone should really tell their parents of their behaviour.

i help u take care of ur nb la! waahahahaha *nick will be so happy if i can take care of a nb and lighten his job scope.. wahaha...
AA: ya.. i think u can start nthe small size liao leh. coz Ariel a big bb.. most NB sizes limit at 5 kg?
too long? erm.. i dunno. but yh was given a packet of drypers for his stay at kkh.. was liew.. for teng i cldn't stand dryers.. cuttin too small.. this time round still cannot stand it.. the tapes machaim cemented onto the the diaper kind. so hard to remove.. got ot use more strength than fitti..
i still like petpet, mamy poko, huggies most..

nana: congrats on ur princess.. good weight control

QQ: so no more playgroup below?

AA: tell also no use. coz most likely these parents are highly protective an spoil the children.. it is like when i was still a teacher. u want to talk to parents of some rascal.. only to find out the parents are greater rascals :S
yvonne: how wld taking care of QQ's NB help lighten nick's job SCOPE? :p u mean lighten his fanancial burden huh? :p
come. help me take care of yh?! i need to sleep thru man.. even if it is for one night.. *shacked*
not night la... day time la.. i also need to slp one leh... den i have to latch sam and feel bott for a nb? wahaha... ya... can lighten his fanancial lor...
i am looking for someone who can fetch my baby & tian from cc after 5pm. then cook dinner for tian.
as for newborn... haha!!! no problem.. i will kIV your offer. i dun want to make you go kisiao then nick wil be in trouble.

talk again. appreciate your help definitely.
love u!

Astro, i yak with u about playgroup next time.
meanwhile, jay said wanna go rp and talk to school see if they accept tian.
i told him not possible.
who have to cook dinner? the nanny huh? jia lat lor... my food buay jiak one... wahahah! too blend la... lol... maybe must go learnt from joelle den can start cooking for others to eat... wahahaha... no worries la... be taxi, i can... by then, both gals veri big liao, i will be more relax.
QQ: u nvr know lei.. can ask jay try try.. no harm done mah..coz surely got pple withdrawing.. and my colleague's dotter..s till not starting leh.. her slot left there vacant sooo long liao.. it wld be great if T & T are in the same childcare!

yvonne: dun say like that lah.. nick supports ur decision.. but i think u can be a nanny if u want.. hey.. i think yh can be coaxed back to the breast coz he let latched when he is drowsy in the middle of the night.. but day time.. wah liew.. SCREAM..
astro, qq,
i feel sam now slim down le... ever since she start walking... now can walk veri fast.. almost like running like tt... she nv gain weight leh... and eat so little... eat junk can eat alot onli...
if i be nanny, my inlaw cannot come and stay... good hor! wahahaha... i so evil i noe...
just continue to latch in the night... bb veri easy to change the routine one... u are more pro in this den mi...
how notti is this boy? maybe not his fault la but jay said it is really out of control type.
say if tian and him at playground, tian wanna play the slide (got 2-3 slides there), then he will purposely wait for tian to come down, then he will walk up the slide in opp direction instead.
if tian is climbing the stairs/steps, he will purposely bang the railing to make the whole system swaying so that tian cannot climb the stairs.
or, when tian moves to another area to play something else, he will block her way so that tian cannot do that. tian fed up in the playground and ask papa to go home last time.
papa saw liao kept stopping the boy also cannot. the parents of the boy also sit there and bochap.
jay fed up and brough tian back home.
so that's their incident before they met in school.

as described by jay to me this am. cause i told him this boy mayb not at fault la, he just try to be friendly to tian, but use the wrong method. tian needs bigger space, that's it. jay refused to agree with me.
it s his birthday today, let him win!
QQ/Yvonne: miser keeps saying yh is fatter than teng at this age.. yh getting obese! but according to health booklet no wor. teng was at 3mth..7.2kg, 62.5cm.. yh at 14 weeks only 6.7kg nia mah.. where got fatter??.. BUT... he is a shortie!!!! 59.5cm nia.. omg.. i keep thinking i bring back the wrong son. how can MY son be that vertically challenged?
hey, later ppl call police leh... they might think i kidnap children... lol! somemore all around at the same age, how to give birth to so many.... lol! my seng li veri ho!
so fast hor..your 2nd trim is ending soon

i got bigger size clothes instead of maternity wear this time. still wearing some of it but im giving away big portion of it. really no space to store. CNY coming, must clear away.

our confinement is ending soon! i will be heading to the gym and pool after that. here are a few things i need to do when im still not officially back at work.
lasik. eyebrow embroidery. teeth whitening :p

i feel like perming my hair leh, cannot rite? if im giving breastmilk....

just did a mini manyue for enya on sunday. my mum did everything...made red eggs, bought small cake, new clothes, bath meimei, trim off a little bit of her hair...
dun think any other pple remember tat shes turning 1 mth

plan (1) is more cost saving. if you get a good maid, all problem solved. weekends also not so busy. can even steal time to go watch a movie if someone can jagar Tian while maid jagar small one. (thats wat i do :p)

plan (3) since nanny is good, can still engage her service to take care of #2? 1-1 rather than infant care?
don compare la! sam is faster den bel... i give in to fate la... let them be... i m comfirm both is my children... wahahha! yh is comfirm ur son la! he look photostat like miser!
yvonne: change of routine, no prob.. i just ta boleh tahan the screaming liao.. haven't even latch him.. he sees my boobs.. SCREAM!.. wah liew. feel insulted man.. ha! then it doesn't help.. on my other thread.. bb prefers boobs reject bottles.. they say 'baby loves the mother more'.. wah. so if i have to interpret this as yh not loving me.. OUCH.. haiz..

that's why i asked here then.. if i shd go thru all the crying just to make him latch again.. well. haven't come to a decision yet..
BUT i hope he sleeps thru leh.. i am SO tired..

yes.. Sam has slimmed down a lot leh..
maybe ur flow veri fast... babies are clever... they know day time more milk... veri difficult to latch.... last time sam was like tt... always cry... after tt i press down and lie on my back, feed her lying flat on mi to latch... can le... opp the gravity ma... milk wont rush out like tt... will choke... u wan to try this position? wahgahaha!

gek sim la... ever since the last few mth she keep coughing... she start loosing her fats!
oh.. want to share this. teng 'got lost' yesterday at my coffeeshop area!

coz we all went down ta bao dinner.. then teng acted up.. want to eat there when we all dao bao liao..

wah. he got angry leh. then he 'hrmn-ed' us.. turned back in the opp direction and ran back to the coffeeshop. miser gave chase..

then couldn't find teng anymore! wah i got worried.. pushed yh in the stroller.. back to the block next to th coffeeshop.. waited for a few minutes liao.. then i saw teng came out from another corner and walked towards me! he was still 'hrm-ing'.. and nagging 'i angry with u ah.. i want to eat at coffeshop ah...'. NAgging and scolding me, pointing a finger at me, sulking!

wah liew.. this teng.. gave miser and me a scare! then yesterday night. we relfected on this.. laughed. coz quite funny.. esp when teng went one big round onli to appear next to me again.. with that sulky look.. then miser said.. teng beong da4 dan3 liao .. last time.. he saw us leaving.. will cry and stick to us.. now.. he buay song.. he go and do things himself liao! aiyo..
heh...if yvonne feeds QQ's nb..then she'll really be a NAI3 Ma1!! :p

get tian to come to seth's pg!! i'll make sure he sayang her!! ha! in fact, he was banned fr sayang-ing a new girl last week! cos the more he tried to coax her n play w her the more she cried, end up teacher gotta ask him to go away! then the girl looked over n saw him n cried again. he quickly ran to the teacher n say,"Not me! Not me!!" =X

but the boy at the playground really notti leh! i would have told him off LOUDLY on the spot and shamed his parents!
yvonne:hmm.. flow fast?. i thougt slow leh. coz i just changed him to teat 2. but u are right leh.. middle of the night.. and early morning. he will latch.. other timings he sees me like see posion like that.. wah. latch like that machiam acrobatics! but if nurse lying down.. he accepts leh..i dunno leh..
titu: ask yvonne to latch yh also.. :p then hor.. wow.. bf three kids! whahahhaa..

that time doris fook said actually we all can bf up to three kids at the same time! i was like. sur eor not?! hahahah..
wahahaa... i wish... but cannot la... my milk not suitable for nb.... unless i strictly stick to the menu last time... den can drink... if not, bb will allergy one...
AA: yes. i concur.. but can't be he sleepy then latch.. then he wld be v hungry also.. and develop a habit of latching to sleep.. wah.. no good also lah..
YH is chubby! anyway no need to fear now lah, he's still young, he may even be taller than teng after he hits puberty.
y not... nick wai po feed up to 10kids! she hand express to those glass bott and attach the rubber teat...and latch the younger ones. stylo! she is so happy tt i can successfully bf sam... up till now... lol!
yvonne: i anyhow eat wor.. with exception of brocooli/cauliflower.. raw prawn shasimi (coz my skin is v bad now).. peanuts (coz i dun like).. :p

pink: i hope so man. now he really looks like a BALL..
Ariel is taking 100ml every 2.5hrly.. She's only 10days old. :p An this girl was chuckling away at my breast now... So funny to see her hold the nipple and chuckle in her sleep.

Astro: Also good in this case. He's learning to sleep thru' the night liao.. Sleepy babies don't suckle well..
oh..if i dun remember wrongly.. u cannot do lasik when u r bfing woh... cos of the hormanal changes when u r feeding... the accuracy of ur eye power will be less zun.
up to individual la... i went to read those boobs nanny in US... not cheap hor this service... also they stick to a strict diet... tts how i learn tt cannot any how eat... so i onli eat fish and spinach and papaya soup... safe... bb wont have allergy... who knows, the toufu freak mi out... tot she after 3mth can eat... den up still get wind and cry like mad in the night...
AA: oh.. hmm. yalor sleepy bb would doze off .. but eh. he suckle suckle.drink finish. spit out nipple.. onli to wake up two hours later wor.. this is learning to sleep thru the night?
eh. i confused..

wah.. that much ariel is taking? hey. u got calculate according to her weight? but anyway. she is not spitting up right?
wah.. i miss sam hold my breast and latch... now, when ever i look at her, she push my face away! i feel so sad ... she don allow mi to look at her drinking milk wan...

i also shock to hear... wahahaa... her boobs are really big.... she got alot alot of milk last time.. she also know all kinds of latching position... veri stylo one... and tts y she say i so small also can have milk till now.... wahahhaa
Astro: bbies like to suckle to sleep. even with their sides moving, doesn't mean they're actually drinking.. so if he's not drinking, or at least not rinking the amt he normally does, then he's able to go without milk or with less milk in the nite, then he's on his way to sleeping thru' at nite... makes sense??

i dunno how much she weighs now.. no scale at home.. yah, i also think she drinks a lot...
star: u know. u are the onli person who keeps saying yh is handsome leh.. heh.. miser and i both think he looks like a ball.. in fact. miser says yh looks abnormal. coz from behind u can see his cheeks.. machiam like a puffed up puffer fish :S the eyes so small somemore..
AA: hmm. but he is waking up more often wor..meaning drink less but wake up more often.. he used to latch for a longer period of time and that he woke up onli once at night. now twice.. and shorter latching time.. so it doesn't really match with 'sleeping thru the night' lei.. so i am confused..
astro: did u post yh's nb pics taken by kelly? share leh..
like i said, yh, enya and ariel look alike! with the same props, i think hard to tell the diff..

yvonne:nick's grandma really is a legend man.. ellie.. hmm. sometimes i ger stressed out by her. coz she tbf her three kids.. total latching too.. then when yh refused to latch. she always comment 'aiyoh. u cry again ah?!.. why? ah boy ah boy.. want to drink from the bottle huh?'.. sian..
