(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs


You have to find out what's the reason YH rejects latching. Is it really because flow too slow or could it be flow too fast? If it is a flow too slow problem, you can pump a bit before feeding. Have the let-down reflex started first then put YH on the breast. Too fast, then you pump till the initial explosive spurt is over before latching. Anyway, I wouldn't recommend forcing because I suspect YT hates to drink milk because I kept trying to force her to latch. In the end, have to start her on solids close to 5 months old cuz she is not gaining weight. It could be just "nipple confusion" so maybe if you kept on offering the breast it will resolve the problem (or not)...
SQ, star,

Er, I also whack YT but nowsaday, lesser liao. I find that she is more dong shi now and I can just use only my mouth to get her to do things. If she is really being hard headed then I'll threaten to cane but rarely need to cane already cuz she will be tamed by the mention of it. Then I was thinking whether or not to get her a cake this year cuz the other kids at home no cake, so I dun want them to feel imbalance also.
Then I dunno what happened to YT's finger. I only noticed this when I cutting her nails one day. Is it an injury or some lack of nutrients problem?

Hmm, I'm trying to get the moderators to delete some posts with ours and babies full names and contacts (hp and email!) but no response from them lei. How? Search your full name and you will know what I mean. I don't want to repost the post again and duplicate their appearances.

Love Enya's pics! I especially like the one where she is propping up her head with her hands. The smily one came a close second.

Oh yar, now my whole household coughing. Even the baby and the maid!!! Aiyoh, very bad right?
wah i wrote many long posts but unable to be posted cause it was down last friday. then i had to go home liao.

SQ, YH really look like YE a lot. haha!!
YE's mood was better on saturday, still a bit down. but overall better liao. still similing and got interact with tian.

today's dancing lesson was quite entertaining. cause all of them were rolling on the mat placed on the floor. haha!!
and aston food was quite nice too.

Star, i din puke aston's food. but then, i drank a bit of birdnest today. then? i puked out. so sayng. i guess this baby might be aboy, cause boy boy will say: mama, i am a boy, dun need birdnest. haha!!

SQ, i went to a cc open house. by ntuc. surprisingly i find that this is mcuh better than kinderland that i went to. however they are full. i put my name as wait list. see if june/july time they have slot for tian or not.

this coming week, i will be busy with my exam on tuesday, prob friday need to go buy things and stock up for CNY. now din even buy anything for cny at home. jialat.

mejo, hope all of u can recover by cny!!
maybe her finger scratch something in her play?
Forum is finally up?!?

Mejo: Could it be ue to calcium deficit?

QQ: Hope you have a boy..

Pink: I think Ariel's NB pics by Kelly will look the am as Enya's. Hahah...
Forum up?

Just to share 2 heart-shaped lanterns i made over the weekend. Fun!

Using long packets and normal packets.
finally forum is up. Yesterday i have to attend some important thing, so have to leave bel and sam at home, bel is ok without mi, this sam hor, veri jia lat! She feels abit hungry, so i no choice to ask my mil and give her fm. Made 180ml, she onli took 2oz. After tt she keep asking for mi, even point to fil and mil neh neh and say she wan this one. Lol! They find her funny la. But i feel she really cannot slp without me man. Jia lat lor. Mon have to attend again, guess she will have to go thru the cryagin.

Autum, nice!
i will feel like torturing her like tt. Lol!

Something funny happen just now. Sil use the alarm clock to scare her.(cos sam so notti) she make it ring. Sam freak out and keep pushing the alarm clock away. Den by luck, she learnt the button can stop the ringing. This sil still so silly and make it ring and throw the alarm to her, sam took the alarm clock and press the stop button and return to sil! Wahahaha! All of us cant stop laughing lor. Lol!
u bought the angbows? this year, all the free angbows i got r long ones...

she's old enuf lah.. if hungry, can give bread or biscuit?
forum finally up?

YE was indeed in btr mood tis week. hey! nex wk ter's class?! so weird. but i can finally attend! yeah!

oh jay's bday? u celebrated?

u always rem the bdays

guess bf bbs r lidat

i cant fit into any o my pre-preg tops

got to wear maternity clothes to bai nian tis yr
hi morning.. all mommies..

Mejo-my both kids down with cough and flu too..

#1 more jialat, got persistent high fever and suddenly diarrhoea yesterday... haiz.. worried worried.

pink-ENya hen ke ai.. looks like her jiejie.. hee.

Autum-u r good at that, can make to sell next time in retirement age

QQ: wha i also very long never eat ashton liao.
Wha ya lor, hope its boy for u.

i found a nice ramen place at great world city.. the soup base is really yummy.

Autum: wha heart shape? very appropriate for CNY this year leh.. hahaha, nice.

AAA: pls post pics of ariel soon, i wanna see. think if i have #2 i wanna get kelly to shoot too.
poor sam. but bo bian if you have things to attend to.

so have you decided whether you are coming back to lnt?

what's that ramen place called? my hb loves ramen though i'm not a fan. are you talking about the basement of great world city? i always attack the andersons ice cream there, and the kweh..

you seen tian's teachers yet?
SQ: no plans on returning to LNT at the moment..may need to go back and ask hb.
Nah, its this place next to BK (opp kenny rogers) calle sapporo ramen. i think they have been around for a long while but first time for me there. very nice. this place quiet weird cos the ramen cost more than your don bowls.

QQ: yeah give us an update here after your chat with the teachers. I will pick up the stickers from u next week.
SQ, not yet.
tomorrow then meet teachers. anyway, tian wills top schooling le. she was under huge stress in school cause she was crying and laughing at the same time.scary.
we will find out more from teachers tomorrow. but waiting for them to confirm the appointment. today we went down at 8am but teacher not there yet.
and after that we chat face to face next time cause not nice to post everything here. too open and wont be good for the centre and teachers.
as for tian, it is an escape for her.
she said, when she grow up a bitmore, can go to another school, with only gal gal but no boy boy.
i think she has boy phobia. cham!

star, ok ok.

pax, u know his birthday? huh... haha!
yes. it is today. i oni greeted him happy birthday this am, when we were having bf. nothing much la.

there will be a big change in my family arrangement this year.
1. maid + cc(tian)
2. cc + infantcare + partime helper
3. cc + nanny + partime helper
Still thinking.

I am more inclined towards #2.
however, keeping plan #1 on too! lets see...
i still have a bit of time to think and plan.
right now you more urgent to settle tian. seems like all your options have tian in cc, so at least you can work on that first. the rest can think till bb arrives
SQ, cc no space le..
have to wait also. so meanwhle let her settle her own feelings and we will send her to cc when available. prob few months later. no rush.
i can also bring her there and walk walk whenever i on leave.
tian is good now, in nanny's place.
and i told myself, i will want to be in control when tian is in school next time. i will be the one sending and fetching her, or hb, no one else. it makes a huge difference.

apparently, tian feels that if she dun go to school, she has no tv to watch. and she is wasting my money.
but when she goes to school, she kena bullied (i dunno details yet), and dun even dare to go toilet, thus wetted her pants. for some reasons i think teachers are in fault for this. so we need to find out more. tian is able to tell us things, but there is always a time lag. she usually dun tell me right away, have to wait to dunno how many days then she say. sigh!
good morning mummies!

I went for followup scan on friday.. baby is doing fine and VERY active.. did a 3d scan to see the lips of the baby.. everything is fine

I gained 2kg up til now.. 25 weeks already.. another 1/2 more to go..
QQ: i think it sgood to establish a rapport with the teacher right from the begining. so maybe u can start that with Tian's new school.

School just called me, say rae running a fever, i called MIL to go pick her up now.. i hope she is ok man. dunno why fever again *sigh*
MIL got her back, turned out that she is not running a fever. but she cried for nai nai.. when MIL asked her what happened, she say she misses Nai Nai. I wonder why she cry all of a sudden. she was ok in school this morning. now i wonder if someone bullied her or did teacher scolded her?!

Nana, wha so fast 25 weeks. hey did you share here? so are you expecting a girl or boy?
how did you keep such good control of your weight gain? wow

certain days ye also lidat. my sil says my nephew also lidat. how come the school mess up about the fever?

i agree with star. altho ye is not in any prestigious childcare, she likes her teachers and they like her too. they even got her a gift for her meimei. we are v comfortable with them. i hate to think that there'l come a day when we dun like her teachers next time. but surely that day will come

so you withdrew tian officially liao? her mimi told her if she dun go school cannot watch tv? is she happier today?
SQ : i dunno leh.. my gynae also surprised although she gave me a cap of 5kg.. becos my #1 .. i put on 17kg! hahaha..

i really dunno leh.. maybe work stress lor.. i just eat normally.. just eat wat i feel like eating ..
i got something to share.. for anyone who got diabetic..

my gyane was sharing with me.. abt her friend who is a diabetic.. u know actually apples can control the sugar level.. and 6 months later when tat friend went back to check on sugar level.. it dropped drastically..
so cool... u r doing a good job!

you have another alternative. u send tian to full day cc, then change your nanny's job scope. ask her come over your house, take care of bb, then tidy up some housework for you. like that, you dun need a maid.
Star, yalor.

maybe just light fever. or sometimes it s like tat de. to play safe, bring home and rest first.

SQ, she told me dun want to go school today. and kept delaying at home. after that papa said, no school today, she wear her crocs and said bye bye. went to mimi's immediately. can sense the difference.
she said no fun in school.
SQ, another option. but nanny dun want to come to my house to avoid complex issues in future.
And she has no confidence to take care of newborn too.
I haven't asked her about newborn, but i know her pattern. i will still ask her before i deliver, but i know her pattern, i need to have a back up plan myself.
and she is not pro bf. she said milk is like our blood, so scary and she dare not feed.
now i dunno if she has changed her mind.
no one is perfect... she is good for kids above 1 yo, not newborn bah...
after baby is 3 yo like tian, also about time to go school. she is also not good enouhg le cause she is not willing to travel far to fetch tian.
nevermind, yvonne will be my professional taxi service person...
if there is a need.
morning mummies!

although i don't really agree to giving in to the kids at this stage re school going. (cos i fear they will think it's ok to dislike a sch, just quit!) BUT i think for tian's case it's like really traumatising her. i think u did the right thing withdrawing her. at least she is now willing to try out new schools in the future. it would be bad if she starts hating sch at this age. she has such a long way to go.

that aside. recently i've seen alot of cases of sch kids, mainly sec sch ones... dropping out of sch jus cos they cannot get along with the fellow students. my cousin is one of them. 14 yrs old oni sitting at home n rotting cos she doesn't want to got to sch. sigh.
QQ : tiffany is opposite leh.. when she is bored at home.. or when she keeps making mistakes and we scold her.. she will say she wanna go to school..
today brought teng back to LV again. he cried in the cab and screamed when brought into the centre. but on seeing his teacher rinah.. he calmed down significantly..and cld say bye bye and blow me kisses.. while trying to stop crying.. (teacher rinah was there to hold onto his hands)..

cleared of mycoplasma infection teng.. and i hope this marks the episode of that horrible virus!.. dead beat..

yh. waking up 2 hourly. last night.. managed to latch him at 3 and 5 plus.. no din.. so that's much better liao.. and at 7. he cld drink another 120.. and 8.45 another 140! growth spurt?!

v tired..
hello mummies...

Re school: When anna wakes up in the morning, she'll ask what day is it. Then, she'll say whether there's school or no school.. Hahah..

Fitti diapers: Anyone use before? What's the feedback? Now there's a promo for $11 per pack only..
AA: fitti diapers.. the premium one?.. initially NB i find it quite good.. but yh outgrows them v fast.. then i find it too tight liao. and the tape V sticky.. sometimes might jerk the bb when removing diaper

sq: ur confinement over liao ah?.. so fast!
CNY coming.. so after that .. we shd meet up at TPY again with QQ for lunch .. let YH meet YH
Keira is using fitti for night time.i changed to Fitti from Huggies, quality the same just diff labels.

when K is in a good mood, she will sign the 7 days in a week song and she will tell you she like sat best! coz no need go school.
Astro: Yah, the premium one.. I don't need to buy anymore NB diapers.. Bot only 1 pack, brought back from hospital one pack, then some came with gifts and hampers.. And my CL uses nappy for the day. So I really don't think I'm gonna finish using them before Ariel outgrows them..

The other sizes no good becos of the tape isit? Then no point liao. Some complain it is too long?
i am not so hard hearted, jay made the call himself this round. i cannot say no.
I thikn he did the right thing, he said he dun want to wait till tian got sot sot before she even turn 3-4 yo. this is terrible.
Tian said she is ok to go to another school, as long as no boys. i think they boy traumatise her. not as if done something to her, but she was traumatise without any help of others. if only an adult could separate them and give her a breather in class.
anyway i think tian is ok to go to another school. she promised me.
Kaexin: Anna doesn't know the 7 days a week song.. But she will ask everyday morning what day it is.. Then after that, she will ask for papa.. She adores her papa lah.. Both my kids do..
