(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

It's at basement, near the Cold storage. Quite big and long bah. Got balls somemore.
Hb went to indo on Tues, just came back to day. So he came to lunch with me. We ate very ex lunch, $45. Went to drink soup at paradise Inn, now also very full.

no, i'm not ok lugging her with my 24x7 wherever i go for the next 2 years. so i will intro the bottle when cl leaves. reason #1: i have no patience to use the spoon. reason #2: i want her to get used to the breast before i intro the bottle.

will she reject the bottle in a few weeks time? maybe. then it means i have to keep "forcing" her, or i will have to latch 100%. i'm ok with both (i think). cos if i latch 100% that would be my dream come true. if she takes the bottle, it means i have some free time.
huingee: 3 hourly 420ml! gosh.. i wasn't here in the first three months.. apart from u.. who are the moo moo cows? QQ.. and?.. wah liew.. 'freaking' :p
Astro, SQ,
Haha, hence normally i dun comment much about bm. I scare of bm, i felt like a cow. Smell like it too but boots so big that i can't wear those fitting t-shirts.
My CL last time also commented that I'm the only mummy she saw got so much much.
another moo moo cow = linda
i can never forget the sight of her bursting to the brim EBM milk bag. if you have time to ever dig the archive, you will know what i mean
it's quite "scary"

mummies who have seen it would know what i mean
why everyone hates huingee?

i also near west coast plaza woh. *wink*

AStro u looking for a definite answer from us?
I give u my answer.
I will give bottle. cause latching experiece from me is very bad. but if baby really drinking well, and everything ok, i will try CIO again. but i only tell baby, i giving u only 3 chances. that's it! so when the chances are used up, all bottles.

giolyn, sometimes i feel like i living in a palace. cause ppl always come and stay like very huge house. my mum said i should feel happie instead so i am now neutral about that.
yes i stay in a palace. big woh. so mant guests coming now and then, why not my own kids?

i think huingee had more milk than me to start with. haha!! but ok la. i like to pump milk, themore i pump the slimmer i can get. right? MOTIVATION sia.
hmm. i go buy dinnre for teng and ellie.. got to siam here. before i become too annoying again.. dun mean to lah. just thought i need to type my thoughts out coz a bit blue over this

peace ah.. astro dun want to create wars.. astro no strength to battle now.. just want to find a hole to hide.. :S

but i feel slightly better.. though yet to come to a conclusion...
My lst time try there, cos my colig said it's nice. Heard their desert also nice.
But hor, now i very thirsty. Must be the double-boiled soup.
QQ: ya. i was looking for more affirmative responses :p.. ok.. QQ--> bottles.. :p

huingee: what was ur pumping interval then? for such a freaking ss? :p
i know QQ once pumped two hourly.. right QQ?
if i direct latch her 100%, i dun mind lugging her everywhere i go. cos it would be so convenient. i oni find it a hassle to lug her AND her milk bottles and steriliser etc. but if she direct latch, i oni need to bring pampers. v convenient esp for travelling. and i'm a sticky mummy anyway. i stick to my kids more than they ever dream of me

somemore you so thin! yet so much milk! ok ok, i know there's no corelation but before i had ye, i always tot i would have tons of milk since i'm so fat! alas. you can oni imagine my disappointment. and that's an understatement
it's v funny :p over at that oct thread. got one incident.. pple expressing that they dun have enough ss.. when their ss is sooo highliao. so a pal got upset.. then another pal stood up to say it is not funny to havet oo much ss either.. so.. erm.. actually pple like me best? no excess.. just barely enough :S
think milk dun associate with thin or fat. Both me and my sis got lots of milk. I think we ate many fish during preg. Every meal got fish.
huingee: i also eat a lot of fish leh..

haiz.. so amazing.. this Nature vs Nurture (Pumping).. ok.. i shant keep talking abt this.. got greater things in life than to keep harping on this

SQ: ah.. i know liao. i am not a sticky mummy! so maybe that;s why i am in this dilemma.. hmmm food for thought...
SQ/huingee/QQ/autum: thanks for participating in my little whiny session
yes i did once expressing every 2 hourly for 1-2 days, cause my menses came back. suddenly drop in ss to 50-60%.
actually having too much supply is not good, unless we have a baby who can drink so much.
tian only drink 50-70% of mine. the rest gone.

aiya, just nice supply is the best bah.

i am going back home .bye!!
u are weird le. for someone who is a sticky mummy, yet u will beat/whack your kids.. aiyoh! you psycho leh! *siam quickly*.. :p
haaahha... I tell my hb. I dun care abt all these bo liao trival thing. As long as my kids are fine, not starved, can liao. I only got two hands, 1 brain. No time for all the cat fight in that house.
SQ: yeah same happened to Rae, i shouted at HB to get his attention rae was around, she turned to me and say "xia1 dao4". think they startled easily.

Astro: why u wanna CIO YH? for BF, its on demand one, u can't fit too rigid a schedule.

Astro: i think i wanna advise you. every baby is different. maybe YH belongs to those baby that do not settle well at night. i dun think he is hungry leh.. and the amt u feed him thru the night is a lot. and BF babies, like to suckle for comfort. they just suckle only.
hahah.. YE cute lah. When i scold rae, if she is not happy, she will run to the bed room and throw herself on the bed and hide under the pillow dun want to look at me. she say she "fa1 pi2 qi4"
Pink: Yah, she's quite tall at birth. 52cm. Tallest among my kids. I'm going back to see my gynae on 10 Feb, so will sun4 bian4 bring the kids there to see the PD also. Hopefully her jaundice is ok, really don't want to hospitalise her, like in Ayden's case. :p

I usually don't burp her leh. Maybe that's why sometimes she will burp out some milk herself..? I think I'm like her human pacifier. She likes to hold my nipple in her mouth and doze off..

Star: You can go have #2 and #3. #2 a boy for you first, and #3 another girl so you can reminsce of Rae's NB days..

Astro: Erm.. I've heard of CIO during weaning off, but not CIO to latch on the child leh.. Nothing wrong with pumping out (exclusively). You already said there's no big deal. Don't set difficult tasks for yourself leh..
But I understand how you feel, cos I was feeling the same with Ayden. I've had problems latching him on from very early on - sore, bleeding nipples etc.. Then I pump and we gave him the bottle. Then when I miss the latching on feeling, I want to latch him back on, but I just can't get it right.. That's the time I tell myself I will say goodbye to latching my babies lor.. But who knows.. I got preggie again.. Wahahaha!!! So I'm telling you, since you want to have #3, then you can still have this latching on feeling with your #3.. SO for now, just be happy...

P/S: I didn't want to say so directly for you to go with bottles, but then I read further down the archives and QQ said it first. So I'm going to second her and tell you --> use bottles..

SQ, RR: I'm opp from you. I'm the insecure one. I'll ask my anna and ayden (separately) if they love mummy.. Cos I know they definitely love daddy lah, but as for me, erm... ??
Even my CL (who has only stayed with us for 3 days) says my kids are sticky to my hubby.. :p
I console myself I must be excelling being the disciplinarian at home.. :p

SQ: Wrong lah.. I shouldn't be in your list of those with good ss.. I'm like you, and my CL has taken the liberty to supplement FM when the bb cries for milk and I have none pumped out yet... Hahahah.. While I try to pump/latch as much as I can, I'm fine with her decision..
And like you, I'll be lying if I say I don't wish to have a ss like QQ's.. (although there are also issues with having too much, then again, we can worry abt that when we have that problem)
And now I add HN to the list of those with ample supply...

HN: You're the silent moo moo cow.. I never knew you had such good ss!

Astro, SQ, QQ, HN: I always have this question on my mind. How can studies ever conclude that BM is a dd = ss thing???????
From so many cases here, it obviously isn't. :p
Wha what a long post?! Paiseh...

On a lighter note.. Anna has started singing the ke4 ren2 lai2 song in her own version..

She will sing the original version first, swinging her body left and right to the rymthm of the song. When she has finished, she will ask me.. Mummy, you want milo?

Then she will sing the song again, with the last sentence being, qo3 qing3 ke4 ren2 xian1 zuo4 xia4, zai4 jin4 zi1 bei1 milo! Wahahahah.. .She will go on to substitute tea with ice cream, yakult, cholocate etc etc.. Wahahahha!!!

On the 6th day of Ariel's life, jiejie and korkor still loves her..
Mummies with boys: Do your boy(s) dig into the pampers to play with his little birdie?? Ayden has been doing that leh.. Anything wrong with him?? Or is he telling us he's peeing?
nope, EJ never dig into his diaper. but when we take the diaper off, when he pee, bathe etc.. he will touch. but i think it's more out of curiosity.
RR, so reyes also sob sob when not happie or feeling ke3 lian2. i see.. then i think some kids are like that, what a relief!
tian will also tell me to speak softer if i speak too loud. i can speak really loud when i scold her. she will b unhappy and said, mama, ni3 bu4 yao4 da4 da sheng1, qing1 qing1 jiang3.

SQ, astro, jialat. my mum also said when my face is round round, looks better. she likes round round and fat fat one. haha!!
ya, Reyes' also the sensitive type. She thinks alot de. Don't worry lah, Tian is not weird. Just have to be more sensitive towards their feelings bah.

Reyden also never dig into his diapers last time. Now without diapers le, I did catch him touching/pulling it a few times. But like what Autum says, I think it's more of curiousity?
Middle-child mums: Hey, we;ve come a long way. Never mind how we were treated before. That's in the past. Now we make sure we get the respect we deserve.

Autum: Ayden will dig into the sides of the diapers and pull at the birdie.. Then sometimes, urine will leak out. Hence, I'm thinking if he's telling us he's peeing...

QQ: Yah, auntie started sunning her this morning.. She's quite yellow really. Good thing the eyes are not.. Dunno why my children all got jaundice. Ayden's and Ariel's blood type is the same as mine.. :p
huingee: thanks .. aiyo.. u are such a nice person.. aiyoh

sq: ya.. coz she no time handlig yh and teng at the same time. it used to be teng at childcare..then i go fetch teng during evening times.. then ellie handles yh.. then when i am back.. i go feed yh. ellie cooks whlie mum jaga teng.. so mum's gena my quarantine.. so these few days.. all da bao..

Star: eh.. wrong lei. u speedreading ?.. it is the opp.. i want yh to latch on again.. he prefers the bottle now is totally reject the breasts.. dun say suckle lah.. dun want at all.. and withyh. my routine has always been so flexible till it goes haywired and i live with it wor..

wrt to the amt i feed him at night. yes a lot.. now the prob is.. he doesn't want to latch on..so cant suckle.. he doesn;t want the paci also.... if i let him cry without feeding him to settle him. then really CIO liao wor.. ermm. what wld u have done if u face this situation?

AA: ya. bingo.. i wun say i miss the latch on feeling that much.. but i am thinking that i worked so hard.. tahan the pain of cracked nipples.. and he was so difficult to latch in the early days.. now he can latch ebtter.. yet dun latch him liao? hmmm.. and to increase ss.. latching is still easier than pumping wor.. so ya.. another factor i was grappling with.. ha. ting? i dunno man. i realised i not gd with infants! yesterday i almost wanted to throw yh on to the bed cause he was screamin on top of his voice! then i asked miser to take over.. else i really slapped him..

and ur question, dd=ss.. is also my qn! i have pple who endlessly latch. pump zlitch.. some who seldom latch, dun want to bf. how come so much ss?! hmmm.. question mark!

ok. let me paraphrase.. maybe it is not CIO.. but ok. bb wants milk. hungry.. two option: latch/or give bottle. u try latch. bb scream louder. but to give the bottle means no latching liao lor.. so paraphrased means--> would u let the bb keep crying till hoarse kind.. and u keep trying to latch him on.. and just rather let him go hungry than to give him the bottle?

ok.. share teng's conversatin in the cab today

Teng (murmuring to himself): Mama's upset coz didi notti
Me: (surprised).. wah.. u know how to use the word 'upset' huh?
Teng repeats what he said earlier
me: why is didi notti?
Teng: didi notti because he keeps crying at night
Me (stunned): how u know didi keeps crying at night? u heard didi cry?
teng: I think so...

wah.. teng thinks so leh. haha. this boy cute :p

AA: the boys naturally go and fidle with their birdies.. and the way they pull, drag their birdies. u can winch in pain for them :p but they feel no pain.. like what autum says. they are exploring their bodies.. i have seen all the little boys durin the showers in the CC dragging and keeps fiddline with their birdies..hahaha. cute

i heard girls also go and touch or rub the vaginas lei..
AA: bbs will all naturally get jaundice.. coz their body is trying to break down the bibbrulin (dunno how to spell).. the similar blood group thingy comes in to reduce the jaundice level though for what reasons. i didn't ask last time..

also with bf bbs.. there is this thing called bf juandice.. coz early days. colostrum is little.. and milk yet comes in. coupled with teething problems on latching on.. bf bbs tend to lose more water than fm bbs and hence when lesser water, biblirubin (still wrong spelling.. haha) dun get flushed away as fast.. so bb becomes more yellow..

also got another factor. vaccum/forceps.. will brusie the head and cause a swelling that will increase the jaundice level..

so with yh.. all three factors met! haiz..
SQ: u can still prevent the latching to sleep bad habit. when yh gettin drowsy and her suckling is the fluttery kind, not drinking kind, unlatch her and put her down.. she might cry. but wait for 5 minutes or so.. normally will settle down. else latch back for her to drink more.. and repeat again..
the latching to sleep is really no good.. same as bottled fed to sleep.. it is what the dentist said abt tooth decay .. with all the pooling of milk..

i have had a fren from oct thread who shares that her child had to go under GA to remove her teeth coz decayed.. and had to be put out.. big $ spent aside.. so painful to see the child under GA. and being toothless at their age inhibits speech development and frens also laugh at them :S

think some of the ladies here also faced this problem before...
dun worry too much abt latching or btl. if u think giving btl will help u keep sane (i know can go crzy listening to bb cry), then give btl lor. there's no right or wrong ans to this... i know the latch-on feelin is addictive. when Jo decided to stop latching on her own, i cried.
but she "free" me to do my stuff while she took the btl then. let nature take its course. let YH choose.

if u r gg to be SAHM, then be like star. cont latching. i'm FTWM, i needed to wean the kids off to btls before gg back to work, no choice lor. if u can, try nt to CIO at this age. only 1 mth.
on our thread, we hv traz n kiddo whose kids went thru the op... it's def no gd to sleep or latch on btl.

try nt to let YH to latch to sleep. i managed nt to do that totally. can be done. jus un-latch her when her suckling bcom demanding n put her down. will def cry a little. let her struggle a while. if she struggle, unsettled, then latch her again. like astro say, need to repeat a few times.

actually i am all to be blamed for yh's plight now..
. coz i got hooked on the sling.. it gives me the freedom to go out and nurse yh as and when anywhere.. but little did i know. the timing.. :S.. coz i always go out during his noon nap.. when he transits in all his sleep .. then i think the mvt is so assuring to him.. it lulls him back to sleep when he might be hungry.. (with teng also. that time young and ignorant.dunno hunger cries.. confinement lady give paci i also give paci. end up teng become reliant on the paci to dong back to sleep).. same with yh case. he didn't cry for food.. despite hungry.. then become used to movement to sleep.. so there u go. all my fault. :S
