(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Irin: no leh.. i alwasy show her cat when i bring her downstairs...she seem to be only frighten of this pic of the cat in the telephone.. i think cos the cat looks veryt dark and scary and with blue eyes.. errie leh.. and when the phone gives off the meow meow sound, she cried even harder.. so funny.

Belle: i got the Ts... size 2 a bit big leh, Rae cannot wear it yet. Hey i love the quality.. nice nice.. i go post in blog then u go see lah.

my hubby will be going with me tomorrow. my hubby always say it seems that he is the only hubby who turns up for all the gatherings! haha..

re: kitchen playset
err.. can buy for boys to play ah not? is it very sissy? heh heh..
Autum: of cos can lah.. my MIl bought a set last time for my nephew.. she told me when she taught in kindergarten, they have a set there too and the boys enjoyed the kitchen set as much as the girls. I think with the kitchen set, its very creative and interesting play.
you made me envious again...the 2 of them masak masak together, so cute. wat brand is the kitchen set? i like yours bcos of the cabinet below, i doubt mine has.

hey, im kinda worried about next sat gogobambini, hope there wont be crowd

sounds like JWT class cannot make it. but since its free, nevermind :p

i brought leia to BIG SPLASH today for a birthday party at this place called Frisco Romp. kids maze again, more for elder kids but our new toddlers can play in ball it.
wow im so suaku, i like the big splash layout, machiam like USA style, would like to try out the white coffee cafe.
we can organise another gathering there???

re: crab and seafood
i love seafood but i force myself not to eat during preggy days till 1 particular day in my last trim..had a huge crab in this rest called No. 3 at Tiong Bahru area. it comes in curry gravy which is drinkable and we can add Chu Mi Fen into the gravy and it'll become laksa. expensive 1 huge crab at about $50.

if my hubby cannot wake up tomorrow, i have to drive leia there alone as well
that's funny but since it's only the picture then think she should be able to conquer her fear pretty soon.
no leh.. i 100% Singaporean! Hubby from Ipoh (where they also sell this laksa lah).. but Penang one the BEST. I went to Penang holiday before n ate there.

Oops! Didn't know Reyden is the one who likes to play with the kitchen set. :p

how come Tiff humbin.. is it because of the JWT class? play too much there?
the big splash bday party package NOT CHEAP! still got the prcing in my mail.

next mth when my mum cames over, can invite you over and eat. cant invite autum coz she HIGH expectation!
hi mummies! nice meeting all of u n babies at jwt today! aiyo...pie jammed... i was late..then no time to socialise...so sian they chase us out so fast! heh...

seth loves the swing too!! think he went hysterical! shrieking away!! n he was stooping down and kicking his legs like how we will do it to make the swing move! i was so surprised cos first time put him on a swing leh! must dig out my niece's swing for him to play liao!! :p

i especially like the last part of free play too! n how they mingled around! but so short oni! a huge dampener leh.. to end just when they r getting used to the company! sigh...

overall find it too short liao...n disorganised n messy! think we can gather together in someone's house and dump balls and lego on the floor n they can enjoy oso leh... but at least the bbs get to mingle la... n have fun. heh.
irin: ya i will try again tomorrow.

Pink: Big splash nice? i keep seeing the ads on TV.. they revamp the whole place hor. Like quite fun leh.. but a bit inaccessible. Hey how is parking there?

Re: Kallang Leisure Park
Wha i am so impressed with the place, fully renovated.. like some upmarket mall man... nice nice.. been ages since i last went there, did not know the place underwent such drastic change. BUt good lah. think i wanna ask hubby to bring me back there again to gai gai.
can, why not? Reyden loves it too.

I don't know the brand. My friend's auntie got it for her kids from overseas. She didn't give me the box & no brand to be found on the set. I like the set too cos there are 2 sides. 1 side is the dry area for cutting, preparing & oven. The other side got basin, dish drying area & cupboard below.
oops, now that Michelle says then I realised I remembered wrongly. :p

ok, I'll go over secretly without Autum. haha!
yeah this afternoon chloe also wearing the t, hanor her's is size 1 le..just nice only..of cos size 2 Rae cant wear yet lor. Think the tees from MC le..so the quality is good.

your hubby supportive mah..stimes i feel hubby is bored la so dun wanan force him to go. just now he ask me WAT SORTA CLASS i replied why? must see wat class then u go?? *pissed me off* i afraid chloe notti again then like last outing i didnt enjoy ..actually hor bring her out alone i feel very chi li.
u can also suggest massage for your hubby? something relaxing? maybe you can try couple massage?

ask u..tho' i said my back is better, once in a while when i sit too long, still have a bit of aching feeling on my lower back. so at nite, i lie on the bed, used my knuckles and press on my back and i get this weird sensation - similar to the feeling when u accidentally knock your funnybone. sian man, i must cure it.

she said will refund on tue nite.yday i check no funds in yet..i will wait la..maybe she busy..

did u say the shoes is 14cm? ok la..i take measure chloe's feet 11cm hee so can wear for some time la hor..
pink: i think ur posture at work affects as well lah. I had this really sore spot last time when iw as working, does not get better or go away, no matter how manay time i go for massage, turned out its my posture at work, u know the way u sit and use ur mouse.. very bad leh. Must take care.
I understand how you feel cos my hubby's also like that. I wanted him to get involved with the kids' activities but he always seems so unappreciative. So sometimes I'll prefer to bring them out on my own with the helper than bring him along especially to playgroups. Cos he'll be rushing me to go off when the kids are enjoying themselves. Men ...

it's 14cm. Chloe's feet are 11cm? She has got small feet.
Should be able to last quite awhile.
do u mean to ask hubby to go massage to reduce stress huh? urmmm he quite thrifty one might not go le..the last massage we went together was during our trip to Cha'an bangkok..wah that one shiok.. 2 hrs!!

hey mummies been to a spa in BISHAN PARK?? i came across this in someone's blog..like very nice le..somemore so close to my place! Pink maybe i should ask hubby go try keke..but hor i think i rather enjoy the massage with my sisters..
Belle: i know about the spa in bishan park.. its operated by jazreel low. Its call amsara or isit aramsa spa isit?
Rae feet also about 11cm to 11.5cm.. actually the shoo shoo she wearing now is size M, just nice, the size.

i also not sure la..stimes i sian to ask, but frankly hubby oredi very supportive liao..he will bring bb here n there n able to cope on his own. Only recently he like this dun want that dun want..ask him to go for another PS he said: U GO WTIH BB..i said u ley? he replied I DUN WANT TO POSE..i replied: I GO without U I RATHER NOT GO..IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE FAMILY THING LE..he then replied U POSE WITH BB OK MA ...*ARRGH!!!**
i also hint hint my hubby to go...he said can fetch us there but asked whether he can roam around when i bring leia for class..but im thinking these are physical activities, sure has to carry leia, i dun want to hurt my back lor.

yes yes i like the big splash srea, there's sushi tei, KFC, white ooffee cafe...i just like the feeling there. parking was alright, i went at about 4plus today.

hey any nice restaurants at kallang leisure park? would like to have lunch there after the trial. anyone staying for kopi or lunch?

you set sounds comprehensive! cant wait for mine
pink: sure got nice restaurant at Kallang Leisure park, the place very newly renovated leh.
I saw this poster that says all sushi at 99cents per plate.. cheap right!!! Hey, can ask ur hubby to go tomorrow and he can wait for u girls at starbucks!
oh really..i didnt know le..tot jazreel own a bridal salon..she also owns a spa huh? wow..i didnt know bishan pk got spa keke.
the shoes irin has is size L..so maybe chloe can wait awhile more to wear lor.
wah.. dun want to frend me liao
sob.. sob....
but u say u got high expectation mah ! kekeke
sekali u dun like my mummy's cooking then my mummy will be sad :p

aiyah, u can go over one, especially if u gg to RP! Lunch at my plc

pete got eat his med still boh ??
Pink: my kitchen set has a oven on the top rack, left side is sink and fridge, middle is cooker + washing machine below and right is ironing board. Rae loves to yank open the washing machine and oven.. i think she dunno the fridge can open, cos its shut very tight and i dun want to show her..hehe
nite nana.

belle: ya infact the bintan one is by her as well.. she went into spa biz for a no. of yrs liao. her hubby indo right? i think some rich biz man.
my hubby's also supportive when it comes to bringing them out with us but not to big scale gatherings or playgroups. He's just the not so sociable type. Now that they are older, I will prefer not to bring my helper along but ended up he's not keen in the activites as well.
There was once last week that I got so angry with him & brought the 2 of them to gymboree on my own for a children meetup!!
wow nana
click too many times can injure finger..hmm..u must be fast typist, im super slow...:p

yeh i have very bad posture, i hunch and seldom sit straight.

maybe your hubby prefer not to feel obligated to do the things u asked him? u had a family shot already so maybe he doesnt find it necessary to take again? i find tat he's already not bad, can handle Chloe alone, very impressive.
haha.. joking la. hey, don't have to purposely invite me for lunch okie. later i feel paiseh.

I want to eat sushi! heh, think tomorrow i can go n eat there.
i will just pretend to go on my own tomorrow..see if he last min will change mind or not :p when i told him class starts at 11am, he was like HAR? SO EARLY HUH? he wanna sleep late n wake late la..dats why. so tom only autum's hubby cfm go keke..autum u see...how luck u are :p

aiyo maybe in ads liao i still duno keke..how SK i can get .

re: kallang leisure
hmm they renovated the place cos of the upcoming stadium isit? i rem that part very ulu one..now is the area very messy? mrt not up etc etc..sick of singapore malls + orchard rd liao..go everywhere the shops same same..
ya, I think the FP one has more things but since mine is free so no complains. hehe!

By the way, are we going to do pressie exchange for the birthday bash? It's supposed to be a birthday party for them mah so should have pressie for them, right?
got got..everyday i ask him EAT OREDI? i even cut his pill for him using my pill cutter..i afraid he lazy so cut for him.

wah! u can handle r+r alone..u should see how busy i get when i bring chloe out alone lor..i also cant tahan her weight on my waist..then hv to carry this carry that

duno wats on his mind la..stimes i choose not to probe. he dun want, i dun force as long as i still think its reasonable he dun join me etc..with me i think he not so bad, but stimes when MIL nags wah..i tell u he will snap back at her ley..if he treat me the same i will defend liao..i think once he ever said sthing n i rebutted..WEI WHY U TALK TO ME LIKE U TALK TO YOU MUM?!! he immed shut up :p
irin, blurbelle
sometimes i feel that its their men's ego that stop them from joining us in such gatherings.

round around..okie time for perspiring!
aiyo rae so cute..im imagining how she meddle with the kitchen stuff.

today leia also did something funny, she was pushing the kid's chair as if she's pushing her walker...so i just let her be.
and there is a hole at the bottom of the chair back, she kept peeping into the hole and i will look into the whole from the other side, so when she saw my face thru the hole, she started laughing so many times.

wat is chiropractor?
friday i went to CU, same plc that i saw Pete had lunch the other day. thot i can see him there too !

chiro is ang moh speciliast for my bones ??
I put them in a double stroller & push them around Vivo till I get to Gymboree lor. Now that they don't drink milk outside liao, I don't have to lug big bags out also so I can still handle them by myself on days that they are good.

hello mummies...

I am interested to attend those free trial class. Any recommendation? Is it have to organise a group or I can go myself?
