(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Star, new Zealand cannot. Also quake before. Dun go.

Astro, he likes it? And chef? Wah, hisntalent is buried le. U must let him do more cooking or baking. Actually not v surprised la, cause he loves to eat. He must b thinking if he is a chef, he will have tones of good food to enjoy. Haha

Astro, end mar...not so cold in SHA. true, perth needs to drive.

Star & astro, china is so competitive, hence, their selfish behavior...ladies, me 100% singaporean...not their spokeperson leh...ha ha
Astro: New Zealand's South land was hit, but the North island - ie Wellington and Auckland should be fine I think.. But I won't go also.. Cos the nation is mourning.
20-30 deg is the perfect weather for a holiday. Park your winter wear til next time. For Melb, don't have to self drive all the way. Rent a car for a day or 2 when you're there, to drive out to the Great Ocean Road. They have b&bs there too.
For Perth, yah, need to self-drive if you wanna go up to Albany or down to Margaret River. Remember to plan in a farmstay.

Star: Some PRCs are liddat. They only care about their own survival and convenience! :p

Astro: Teng wrote the sentence??! Wow!
Oh ya! I just remember ... I bumped into Enne this afternoon at a shopping mall. I saw her Leighton, though abit small frame but looking good. And he can talk quite well. So fast 2YO+ liao, happy for her that he's doing well now.
Oh Enne & Leighton - glad to hear they are doing fine.

Astro, how abt Korea? Taiwan is out since there Is warning they are the next to experience tsunami? Personally I feel Australia is gd to bring our kids there.
RR: yeay for Leighton and Enne! i wld never forget enne's tenacity!

CK: then cannot go australia indeed.. haiz..

QQ: yes. he likes.. and i think it runs in my family :p.. i also like tocook and is fascinated with cooking. just that now i out of touch. my family all either hawkers.. and one uncle was a chef.. ha.. but hmm these days he dun eat that much liao.. he can tell me ' not nice'.. :s i dunno if it is his nose hence he said that or what. haiz.. the other day i went dr ong.. and i am reconsidering surgery for teng. maybe not. but i also dunno.. sian..

CK: i know u 100$ singaporan.. more KS than selfish :p:p:p (joking ah :p)..

AA: miser not confident to drive in australia. he has a licence.. but we haven't buy a car..so that's why i think austrailia is indeed difficult..

ya. he wrote it BUT.. of course with help :p
teacher spell for him some of the words lah.. 'I want to be a chef when i grow up!' i think 'want', 'chef' 'grow'? ha...
i spoke with his K1 teachers.. teng has no issues with comprehension and articulation. in fact he is on par and slightly better than other boys borned in the later months of 2006.. but his writing hor.. aiyoh. chinese is horrible. english is ok.. haiz.
bbmarch: korea is one of the first countries i thought off. but i think it is near to Japan.. and is on the pacific ring of fire? so.. i think equally volatile :S

Er, I'm wearing a 'robe', how did you tell that I'm 'slim'? Haha, I'm not lar. So hard to keep the weight down cuz recently I've been snacking but the worse enemy for me is sweet drinks cuz everyday I down at least one ice milk tea, if not two or even three. :/
Hello mummies,

Think i m goin to miss this coming mummies outing. Missed 1st one cos we were out w chloe before hubby left for dubai, i m goin to The Line with my sisters 1st week april so dun think i wanna go again.. will join u girls yakking next time!

wanna ask u, your hair got drop? i m quite fed up w my hair cos both pregnancies i also drop alot of hair, lucky growing back la..then now the front bb hair is v stiff n keep standing on ends.. worse i heard fr boss that some1 in office commented that i m having #3 again

i m quite affected by it. Grrr. I hv v dry eyes so stopped wearing contacts few mths back, yet still my eyes will itch. I m seriously considering lazik!! but now so old liao maybe not worth to do now? sian i m still thinking la hvnt tell pete my thought yet ..

Mummies who did lazik before wats the price for both sides now.. i duno if i m suitable to go for it though i know we need to go thru some test to determine if we are suitable candidate??

If your workplace do send you overseas, they will usually give you some allowance to spend there, especially if the living expenses are higher there.
oh saw the news just now on the tsunami in japan.. real scary, reminds me of the one during 2004 , chloe even tell me, mummy the water is black, mummy wat is earth quake. *deh** i was stucked cos just told her earthquake is strong shaking of the ground, lamps fall, bldg fall n i shook her to let her know its much stronger than how mummy shake her. she still ask WHY WHY alamak.

Near japan but why cannot go if near Japan? I'm going Seoul next month. Hmm, they don't lie on a fault line so i think even if earthquake, max is richter scale 5.5. Cleanliness on par with Japan and cool. Cheaper than Japan, got lots of shopping places, some 24 hours.
Bian roughly noes wad is an earthquake as I read books abt natural disasters to him sometime back. He saw fr the news and keep asking me whether his Godma's pl in japan is flooded n destroyed. Went to buy a volcano kit but can't find time to show him yet. Think he sure gets v excited seeing the Eruption effect.
Astro.. Agreed wif mejo.i would oso choose Korea over Jap. Cost is lower..must go jeju!! Their honeymoon island..food n cleanliness wise on par wif Jap. Can oso bring the boys to lotte world theme park.
mejo: did some quick search about ur posts.. yeap.. seemed like korea is more stable.. then was all chirpy and told miser.. then he said 'nuclear leak.... how?'
wah liew :p
think the price now is about $2K. I did in 2008 was $2.2K if I remember correctly. You can go for evaluation 1st then decide bah.

Your colleague commented you having #3 cos of your hair or your glasses? So funny ...
Bb rae also has a volcano pack she lovez it but i hate the smell of vinegar n bicarb. But yes the erruption reaction is very amazing for our kids.

I have also been taking this opp to teach rae abt earth quark n natural disaster. She is starting to understand the hoe devastating earth quak can be.
Mejo with regards to the radiation report by the jap government, i dun really believe them leh cos i think they need to tell u its contained so as not to cause major panic to the mass.
star: that's exactly what miser said too.. i saw some of the images.. haiz.. birthday this year is quite uneasy.. oh well.. anyway..

mejo: korea.. u going the week from 1st april to 8?
I think my hair drop is there, bu maybe still quite ok. Use e hairdop shampoo wo. Good. U tried your shampoo yet? It helps.
I did my LASIK few years back, around 3k at snec.


I think hor, this few mths better don travel la... China, Korea and Russia are radiation affected zone, den Taiwan is quake zone... Indonesia is tsunami zone... I know Liao! Go Malaysia la! Lol! U can go getaway at genting.. Cooling ! Not veri dirty too... Can bring Teng to themepark.
It's Monday!

No mood to work...feel like staying at hm and slp slp slp.And it's sch holidays...Im planning to bring the kids out.
yvonne, i thinka astro may not be keen on malaysia leh.

Astro, consider Korea lah, should be fine lah.

Wha i was lying in bed last night cos felt extreme pressure on my lower body, i dunno isit cos i exert too much and walk too much over the weekend. gave me a scare cos i tot it was early contractions!!!

Blurbelle, the hair drop should be temporary lah, dun worry. anyway maybe u dun wear the bab doll type of clothes, then u colleague will not mistake that u r "preggy" lah.. heheh
count me in for the next gathering also.

1. QQ
2. RR
3. CK
4. Autum
5. Ash
6. Nana
7. Starfruit
8. SQ
9. Mich
10. Astro
11. Joelle
12. AAA
13. Pax
14. Juni
15. Diane
16. Moogen
17. Germaine
Astro: Not necessary to drive in melbourn. You can take the tram everywhere.. Then join a day tour to the great ocean road and the Phillip island to see the penguins.. Go to Victoria market.. Walk along south park all the way to the casino.. Catch a play etc etc.. I love melbourn...
Astro, i agree with AAA ya know, not necessary to drive in aust, u can also join lots of local day tours and they pick u up at your hotel.
I have not been to melbourn, and i have heard a lot about that plc, must find an opp to go there.
Good morning! Am still on the train to work. Couldn't sleep.. woke up every hour with headache or rather migraine .. n tummy ache.. omg! My migraine attacking me again..
astro: i heard tasmania n cairns are v nice too.

SQ/star: the 2nd stroller i bot is a bon bebe. can fully recline but i cant rem'ber max weight it can hold. i got the green one which looks similar to SQ's esprit
astro, oh i din think that miser is not that confident in driving there. so dun drive bah.
jay loves driving so i think if we go somewhere next time, i must make him drive.

if you want to go genting, also can! but the winter clothings are still too kuazhang for genting's coolness.

Giolyn.. actually i feel that the list might have problem. maximum 8 per booking. RR can make 2 bookings under different names.
then hor, since the group this round is also huge, and i guess probably will have a few or some drop out cases eventually. put down name first and when it is near, there are two scenarios, 1. all can attend, then you (or whoever name after 16) join part 2 ok (v low chance de)? OR... there are ppl not going then the list just continue to move up.
i am not sure how the penalty works though.. i yak with u at msn later la.
Sorry, it's $20 per person, not 20%.

Online Reservations Terms and Conditions

An administration fee of $20 per person is applicable for no shows and cancellations within 24 hours of event date. This clause is also applicable for reservations with a turn up lower than the number of persons indicated in the reservation.
sorry, can i ask for pampers New born diapers, what is the name of it.. has it been renamed to active baby?

RR: set a cut off deadline for all of us, so we know if penalty is imposed. u can contact us seperately on it so its easier, keep this thread clean of it.

SQ, can. Genting trip ok.

RR, oh.. i can sms u if needed de, i mean talking to giolyn la. hahah!!!! sorriee...
so penalty is $20. more straightforward.. easier then.
