(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

yup, I told them about people going to Heaven after death and it's a nice place. But I realised cannot make it sound too nice else they will take death lightly. What a dilemma, haha!

SQ: i like the pink bins too.. now waiting for the pink doors.. haha
The hole in the trofest is very small only lah. not much dust will go in. easy for rae to open too from the hole.
really her wadrobe is not big?? i tot quite big leh, how big is YE and YH's wardrobe??
for mei mei, i just bought a small toyogo 3 drawer plastic storage to put under the changing table.. hahah temp solution lah. i need to figure out where to put her clothes eventually.

AAA: i am not sure if u can fit the boards as sperator for the range with the bins, i just got the ones with the seperator in the middle, its deep and wide enuff and very good for storing books and i like that i has door to close and keep out dust.
No wonder the pine ones are more expensive than the white range but now they dun carry the pine ones, its alwasy OOS leh.

and yes billy range is terrible, dun get it, they will give way if u store too heavy stuff. we have stopped buying the billy range.
I oso got the book shelf n display cabinet fr ikea. Vomit blood cos the back support of the bk shelf is cardboard kind n it came off after we used it for 6mths nia. Think the alignment is lousy + the screwing part was done poorly by the delivery man.

I been bugging hb to go get new wardrobe n shelf cos I dun wanna wait till the whole thing collapsed then it's too late. But clueless to go whr n get better ones.

Any gd furniture shop to recommend??
AAA: really!!! not enuff wardrobe space?? hahah i tot all along i have a lot fo space. so actually it seems like rae dun have a lot of clothes lah hor.. hahah

BB: Ikea wardobe not good, i had a ikea wardrobe system for my build in wardrobe, dump the whole thing the yr rae was born and had someone custom made for me. but this trofast range is good, cos its solid pine wood.
star, your folding skills must b really good,cause tian's wardrobe is much bigger than rae's but still v full and messy!! terrible.

and ah will's toyogo drawers are bursting and we do not have too many clothes for him too. jialat.

and maybe we should go ikea together one day. and i also need to get good stuff.. but then my impression on ikea's things are low quality. how?

popular fair..
jay sending me there this friday.
see u all there! 10am.
Star, ok i pop by ikea during lunch n hv a look since near my wkpl. actually ikea is a nice pl to look ard for furnitures. But dunno y their quality so poor lor. The only pc still durable is my Poang Armchair which I got to sit n breastfeed.
i found a pic on my blog for rae's wardrobe trofast system. didn;t take a pic of her toys system though cos that is bigger.
This is all her wardrobe space.
RR: the wardrobe can covert.. u can have a hanger installed to hang dresses (which one of my unit has that, the rest is sheleves for her Ts and Shorts and pants and Pjs etc.
The shelves unit on the left is her book shelf, height just nice for her to get her books on her own.
oh ... can convert to hang dresses. That's why I was wondering how to fold all into the cabinets. You need to go back, take a pix with open doors and show us, haha!
alamak, and to think that u all have been teasing me esp QQ and jay that rae has ton of clothes.. so finally today i realised that her wardrobe size is actually very small!! hahahaha..

QQ< only this is good, des and i have tried enuff IKEA wood product to know most CMI leh, cos this solid wood, damn good and damn strong! i highly recommend, just this hor, the pine range. the rest u can forget it.
Hey I usually use hangers for the boys tees n they shared wif wif my hb. Haha. Only shorts n pj I fold them.all folded ones are inside the toyogo 5-tier storage.
Star, oh i think hor.. still have to go visit your house to confirm. haha!!

it is the clothes folding skills hor. our skills cmi de.

BB, popular fair... BOOKS... we v into books now.
QQ: popular fair - tot we meeting at 11am? or isit 10am?

i dun trust ikea material too so i only buy small items. but recently we bot a kids arm chair for A to sit n watch tv. been on the lookout since last yr n finally saw it last wk
Star, u give me stress.. i must tell my maid that u wanna see, better fold nice nice and take picture... ok?

tian has 1/3 build in wardrobe, plus one 3 deck of chest drawers..
QQ: this is not a lot leh, i think comparable to rae's current one right? and yes pls take a pic and show me.
aiyo, my folding skills also CMI lah, sometimes i ust chuck inside.
RR share a wardrobe that is built in. You know like those normal wardrobes, full length to the ceiling type. But then that's with their towels, bedsheets &amp; etc ... so very hard to gauge.
RR: hahah then rae's is small cos her towel/swim wear/hankies and stuff and some of my bb pouch is in one of the few shelevs. One top shelf i used to store her toiletires. so actually her full wardrobe is only 2 unit (top and bottom), quite little hor.
this wardrobe is veri small right? i think not enough to put la... now u got another baby coming... is time to consider a build in wardrobe le...
but with the amount of clothes you bought for her and all those we seen her wearing ... I still don't know how you squeeze into those cabinets, haha!
I must be so boring! I never thought of getting child-furniture when I bought my bookcase on Saturday. I just thought get the most ordinary n simple bookcase from ikea. Haha.

Ladies, I agree that ikea Billy is not good. But for then again, good is subjective. I had a Billy bookcase and managed to use for 7yrs. Fitted with double glass doors. But that was cos I seldom open/touch. If u need heavy duty usage, I think Billy will fall apart soon.

This time round I got a white, open shelves. Simple n sturdy. Smalda bookcase for $89.

Yeah, in general ikea stuff not good quality. But ok la. Cos I think for kids, I want sturdy but don't need too durable (expensive) so that few yrs time if I want to throw, not so sim Tia. Ikea certain things can buy.

Hey, I want to go Genting too! Until now, EJ still remembers and will sometimes tell me he wants to go Genting.
hahahah, RR, its just an illusion lah.. hahahah so actually she dun have a lot of clothes and i really dun buy so many afterall ..hahah :p

ok now i really really want to see a pic of your girls wardrobe, pls go home and snap a pic and show me ok.

actually i also wanna see K's wardrobe, wait for kaexin to come in and share, i have a feeling K has big wardrobe too.
Germaine, u sure? Dun believe...take pics like QQ n show us

Bian n didi has alot + I loved to get them clothes whenever I go shopping.can say I'm quite wasteful...many pcs wear afew times then nvr wear le.and worse is didi's head v big can't fit into some of the tees.
Mums.. I m at totts.. It s surprisingly crowded.. I think cos of holiday.. Ayden kept getting into fights with the ang moh boys.. :p

And there is a mummy gathering here wor..
heh ... seth has the same wardrobe system as rae... but it's bursting!! :S

starfruit: the tall trofast for storage, did u have to tie back to the wall? i'm thinkin of getting it for toy bins too... but mafan if need to tie...
don't have to tie. My friend stacks 2 of the toy bins Trofast on top of one another and it won't fall.

I think K has a whole built in wardrobe to herself! :p

I need to do some clearing up before I can take pixs and show. Jian bu de ren. haha!!
star: yes yes, tt's my stroller. but my green looks lighter than this. shld be abt this price cos i rem'ber we paid 200 plus. A love it and can sleep for 2 hrs at chinatown mkt w this w my inlaws
star: got it liao. ya. i was wondering which one u are talking abuot.. i have seen it.. and i am keen toget it.. BUT the prob is i have a KPO yh who walks around the house all day long.. else it is really neat to show teng all his books!

it is light to carry back?
hey! shall we go ikea after popular fair? :p

RR: u got discount for trofest?
joelle, no leh, didn;t tie up its quite steady and stable on its own. seth also has 6 units?
for my tall toy bin, we also didn;t tie as well. The wood is quite heavy so quite sturdy lah.
astro, forgot to mentioned to the rest, the pic was taken before i installed the doors for her books canbinet, now her two book shelevs have the same door as her wardrobe side by side. i buey tahan if no doors, cos will get damn dusty.
not easy to carry back, maybe still ok if u buy just 1 system, suggest u get the whole system and arrange for delivery.

seth has 2 units only... wardrobe+drawers. but his toy bins r all stacked together... hard to reach the bottom ones. that's y i need to get the system to store them for easier access. but thinking abit dangerous cos my place has skirting, meaning the thing will not be flush to the wall.. so will definitely tilt if pushed. hmm...
