(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

kaexin, i need one that can fit rae and the new baby at one go cos my combi max weight limit is 15kg and this rae always wants to sit in it. so in the end i went to see if there was a stroller that can take hwe weight and yet, ok for new bb.

i got the maclaren techno XT at $320, ok lor price? a bit sim tia to buy another stroller cos i currently have 2 at home.
Think we make reservations for 2 tables 1st? I don't know if able to get so many tables cos they only allocate 39% each day for the disc.
1. QQ
2. RR
3. CK
4. Autum
5. Ash
6. Nana
7. Starfruit
8. SQ
9. Mich
10. Astro
11. Joelle
12. AAA
13. Pax
14. Juni
15. Diane
16. Moogen
CK, 6.8kg, its the heaviest stroller thus far.. cos my other 2, my combi 4kg only and my maclaren daytripper is 4.5kg. i hope i wont curse and swear at the weight!! but it does look sturdy enuff and rae can sleep comfortably in it!!
Star, huh, u buying the new stroller for rae? i also gave away my XT..

actually, i kept my bb's stuff till last year, but i think i no hope to get preggie...so i gave out most of my stuff...*sad*
Ck dun stress just keep trying u wont know one lah. N also ok u gave all away cos can always buy new ones hahaha.
Ya i know dun make sense to buy any more stroller now but i just take it tat its one of the few nrw things i buy for the new bb lor. Btw do u still need to go back for check up or review for urself?
Star, i went to see gynae 2 weeks ago...confirmed not producing eggs, and my body had shown signs of menopause since last july, where i got tightening feelings on my fingers.

now, on medication...gynae suspects due to my aggressive "chemo" cycle that i had...anyway, i see open liao.
CK,don be down. I'm sure God will reward you in another way. Cheer up. Look at all these mothers here, they're with you to encourage and support you. Isn't this a blessing?
Mummies, I get the shivers when I think about the power plant exploded in Japan. I'm worried about the people who live around there if they were infected, they might not even know and this will last for generations. Hopefully not like in Russia decades ago.I'm really sad, somehow. Why do we need nuclear power just becos we want lots of lights and energy in order to create a modern city. We forget about lives that can be involved. It breaks my heart!
CK : in marine parade got a famous TCM i know of.. i give u the address the next time we meet.. go give it a try.. will need to follow up for a period of time to see results also..
CK: Don't feel sad.. You have CO.. Some people can't even have any.. And you know, when I see the attention you're giving to CO, sometimes I'm so envious. Cos I'm unable to do the same for all 3 of my babies.. So, there is some giving up to do when there are more children.. Cheer up!

Juni: I share the same thoughts. These people's lives will be affected, one way or another, although experts say it's not a repeat of Chernobly. I'm so thankful in Singapore we don't have any natural disasters. We should really do our part to help those who suffered in this such tragedies..
Ladies I baked cookies today. My maiden use of my new oven. Happie!

Now I want to find other recipes for using oven to cook. Want to make full use of my oven. If anyone got any easy oven recipes pls share.

Kekeke. Sorry ah, to sound so excited oven a simple oven. :p
CK: You do lah, you just don't notice it.. Like for eg, you bot her 3 birthday cakes..

Can pm me your bank acc? Or wait a min, does Ash have to transfer to you?

Ash: You need to transfer to CK? If you do, can you just nett off me and pay all to her instead? Hahaa..
RR: teng's fever is under control.. can stretch up to 8 hours then give panadol.. anyway. we see how he tomorrow.. else miss school for a day. that chap will be delirious to know that. anyway tomorrow i also take off.. lazy to bring him to LV :p

pax/kelly: thanks for the response on bufen/panadol
eventually i didn't give the bufen after the panadol coz the fever subsided to a lower temp..:p

QQ: ya. miser checked. cancellation no penalty due to the quakes..

anyway. there goes Japan..

anyone has any recommendations for kids and adults? preferably cool places.. and clean..almost like japan standard.. the flight can't be too long.. and no cross time zone.. coz no time to condition the boys back to sg timing.. i can't manage my own jetlag (and semester starting in following week. 'no time' to recover) and theirs as well man..:S and i also can't imagine staying in SG while my helper goes home for that week..:S

ladies. u all have any other recommendations for seafood buffets? want to go to a good one tomorrow with miser...(apart from the line..:p)
Astro, dun go japan le, can go other places like Australia? Not sure about the weather though.
Good that teng,s fever is better, ah wil also developed slight fever Friday night, after the jabs. Luckily today ok Liao,

Star, u serious ah, bought another stroller? I refuse to buy la. Haha... If meimei use it v often, also wroth it . Must use then,

Ck, no worries de. Stay happy can Liao.
CK: You haven't answered me if Ash has to pay you. If not, I'll do the transfer now..

Astro: How's the weather in Perth or Melbourn now? Farmstay is ideal for children Teng's age..
astro : glad tat Teng's fever is under control.. hope he gets well soon..

as for ur holiday, hongkong is a good place.. but i think u went not too long ago right? wat abt perth or melbourne?
QQ: yes and des made so much noise.. hahah i seriously think this new stroller can fully maximize lah.. haha self comfortating now. hey i text u, u saw my msg?
ya.. thanks all for the concern. in fact i brought him to ToTT today too :p
ha.. coz he has a viral infection going on.. though under control.. figured out dun spread to pple and hence went alone

he was so excited at baking cookies.. (QQ, i told u so :p).. and just yesterday.. when i went to LV for a meet the teacher session.. i saw some of teng's work.. on one piece.. he wrote 'I want to be a chef when i grow up!'.. opsy :p

ladies: seemed like the overwhelming suggestion is australia.. and guess what? i suggested to miser the same thing!.. but he has this thing against austrilia.. and i dunno why!. then he said.. must drive in australia.. sian leh.. is that true?

AA: i am also finding out the weather now.. seems like 20 - 30 ish.. omg.. i just spent a bomb getting them some winter wear for japan.. now can park aside liao :S. haiz

nana: yes. been there 2 times already. once with miser, the other with teng.. and i can't believe miser is suggesting me to go back again for the third time! no offence to anyone who likes hong kong.. i can't figure out what to do there for a week.. not when the third time there :S
star: i like taiwan. but figured that might gena those earthe quakes also.. given that taiwan also v earth quake prone..

CK/Star: i was just considering shanghai.. just for the cool temperature :S. and not wasting my winter wear :S
but nothing much in shanghai for kids.. right?
CK i tello u har, i so buey tahan the mainland chinese, thats why i think i will die in china.
Today one PRC couple pissed me off at Taka again. I feel that they are such rude ppl or maybe they are oblivious, this man with 2 big shopping bags, was "fighting" with me to go to drop the lucky draw coupon, his gf, stuck at the booth and refused to move even when she was blocking everyone's way!! i tot usually when someone sees a preggy, they will auto let me go first, and comeone, its just to drop the coupon and not as if to exchange anything!!! super buey tahan them!!

That day on the train too, these 2 PRC girls, with smart office wear fight with me to stand near the door!!!

star: with no offence to any PRCs.. i also think i am racist against my own race.. for the same reasons as u have stated! :p

Star: NZ just genna.. no?
