(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

AAA, i am just like u!!! my hb said its my occupational hazard coz i used to be a strict teacher :p but i dun find myself strict, more of impatient rather. i am not a patient person to start with.. and i hv already been very tolerant towards my kids.. sometimes i find myself like a xiao zha bor scolding the kids everytime i open my mouth.. wahhahah! rr and mich can vouch for that!

and u noe wat, my hb is like yrs too!!!! anthea loves to be fed by her dad coz she can refuse her meal and get away with it. my hb lagi best, he will scoop very little rice for anthea then tell me proudly anthea finished her meal >.<'''

CK 共勉之
i always find it very hard to be a FTWM, let alone one who works abroad and still hv to care for the child..

QQ, yr maid experience reminds me of charito!!!! u know anthea pronounces "balloon" as "bu-loon" coz thats how charito pronounced it >.<''' and also "bug" for "bag" and many more! i had a hard time correcting her!

rr, still hvg honeymoon at work? :p

mummies, today is my gals' first full day in CCC!!! the principal is very kind, she offered to let the gals stay in CC full day on the 2 days that anthea has enrichment classes.. its FOC and she offered without me asking! i am so grateful
and i did a whole morn + aft of housework until now then hv time to eat lunch *sweat* figuratively and literally!

He have arrange to ask his parents to cook our dinner... We will cancel tinkat...

He is happier den mi! I m ok to see him 24hr la... We actually miss the times going to work together... I used to follow him to work last time...
oh, i thot u must secretly use your iphone thus not responsive :p heh heh, maybe they purposely do something to "mess up" the signal for iPhones! :pP

Maybe Kent feels rejected by Reyes? Thus he has less patience with her?

I have yet to see your demon-figure! :p
yvonne,u win liao.
best arrangement ever.
and hope u can adjust to your work life better. actually someone is supervising u, if you dunno how to do, ask him to do it for u. then u can supervise him instead.

so i need to correct tian ah? isee.
wow! i have more things to correct tian then.
and i can imagine ur hb's yaya face after feeding anthea. haha!!
RR, i amsurprise that kent will get angry and impatient one woh. he doesn't look like one. haha!!
imagine he search the whole block for u and RR last time when u came to my house, how impatient can he be?
Wow Edde
U r so goot lat
If/when my kids go full day cc I wil probably catch up on the past yrs o lost zzz
Hsewk's definitely Nt on my mind

Sometimes I feel like whacking my Hb more than scolding the kids
They are the 大鬼头!
hahaha.. Hi-5! sometimes i ask myself, i don't want to work, is really because of the kids, or because I just want more time to sleep/playgames/online/laze/watchTV/craft :p

Housework is definitely NOT on the list. kekekeke..
ya, precisely. With his patience, I'm surprised that he sometimes will get quite harsh with Reyes.

that's what I guess too. He should be feeling upset that he got rejected by Reyes. :p

no more honeymoon. Today quite abit of work but more of clearing backlog. Good also lah, time passes faster.

My boss is such a joker. The HR asked me to inform him of my colour deficiency. So I told him and casually asked if it'll be a problem. He said "Yes, of cos!" Then he said cos he's colourblind too! No coloured stuffs for our dept. hahaha!

The ccc's P is so good. Then you can come here to meet me for lunch the next time they are in full day. haha!
your boss is really color-blind or he joking de?? If he really color-blind, then it would be such a coincidence! and he is so funny indeed. Haha!
autum, SQ, QQ, germaine, my demon-figure is still a dream!!!!!!!! i ate so much over the festive season that i am still as FAT as ever if not FATTER.... and now CNY coming.. >.<'''

hahhaa, actually i hv been eating snake!!!! i used to be very goot lat do housework everyday.. then slowly i gave myself excuses to do it 3-4 times a wk... then today i decided to do housework 2 times a wk when the gals are in CCC full day so that i can zoh boh for the rest of the wk wahahahhahhahahah! *cao geng* :p

QQ, i wld correct anthea when charito was not ard, so as not to make her paisay :p

RR, yr boss is very candid! gd to hv such boss
meet u for lunch?? i must go for driving refresher course first wahahhhhahah! if go jln kayu i ok, go amk/yck i ta boleh :p
At shanghai airport now waiting for flight in 45 mins time. The next fl will b e challenge cos it's abt 14 hrs!

Yvonne: congrats on getting a job! Gd luck!
haha QQ and SQ posted at the same time on edde's demon figure... hahah.. nvm you show us ur after xmas figure first then after cny figure then we will be the judge. hahah...
THanks mummies for the wishes. I really hope everything smooth...

SQ, we are bringing CO back. I told her grandma is sick, no one to take care of her in sgp. Hope she will not weep and cry to come back sgp. That will drive me n HB crazy. HB already warned me for the worst.

AAA, CO is close to grandma. But i cant leave her in sgp, cos no one to handle her.

Anyway, she will be back soon end Jan...
Ash, which airline did you take?

Congrats Yvonne. A few mummies starting new jobs.

Edde, CO asked me not to work, so to play with her. I preferred your answer of "i love you" more heart warming...ha ha
he don't look like he's joking about his colourblindness, haha!

I'm so near to Jln Kayu. Never mind, wait for the Greenwich thingy (opp the road that comes out from Jln Kayu) to be up then we can go there for lunch.

Kent says no good to be PA of a nice boss cos everyone will be asking me to do things for them and my boss probably won't say a thing. :S
Any mean bosses ter looking for PA also?
Ask me to go work

Which r tos days e gals in full day cc?
We arrange lunch then u hv no excuse Nt to come le
Nw e gals bigger le more Sing nang Liao hor


haha, my dad pronounced balloon as bay-lun. Worse!!! And no more of correcting will help since he's 70+ and stubborn.


She's being rude, I wasn't around but my colleague told me.
The older generation pronounce it tt way
U really Noe how to spell
So funny

Re: reply to ur colleague
Actually YE wil say tt too
She doesn't realize how rude it is till I told her
Hahhaha RR jln kayu on!!!

SQ the gals will be in full day on tue and thur.. They did well today tho they were too excited to nap hahaha I am so happy for them and myself :p

Mejo, the old folks also like to pronounce "ribbon" as "ley-bin", "martell" as "mar-tay", "office" as "orh-pik"!!!!!! So funny kekkekekkeke
CC and CP payments:
Received from Mejo, Pax, QQ, RR, Belle and SQ.

Mist: Hubby mailed out your item today.

Pax: Have you tried the items? Any feedback? I ordered this nail polish cos it was so cheap..
And I'm pleasantly at the shimmer and vividity of the color.. Can definitely hold its candle with OPI and won't lose out at all..

And the NYX round lipsticks are good too... Quite moisturizing and leaves no funny taste/smell on the lips on application..
Mejo, SQ: Anna will say also point out to whoever answered her "wrongly". But she will do it smilingly, in her own kid's manner.. I won't take offence and don't think anyone would..

I'm not particular that I speak singlish with them, the lors, lahs and leys etc.. They have naturally picked this up, but I really find it quite affectionate that they speak this way wor.. Should I correct them?
QQ: The nude on nude palette, it's smaller than expected.. But the colors are nice neutral colors and easy to apply and blend.. So small it's easy to carry around..
SQ: Once in a while when I'm desperate for a color change and have have not booked any appointment.. And I do only on the toes.. Cos I craft so much, makes no sense to paint my fingernails..
I recently went to buy the Kate eyeshadow from Watson too. After the talk here. hahah.. but I am also hopeless with eye shadow.

Then.. on Sat I had a new year's party.. I applied some old eyeshadow (from Bodyshop!).. the next day I woke up with swollen eyes. Initially I didn't associate with the eyeshadow, cos I thot it's my usual allergies.. but the more i think about it, the more i think it's the old eyeshadow. I think I kept it too long! Then after that, I went to Watson to buy the Kate eyeshadow.

But can't use yet.. cos today is already Tuesday and my eyes still itchy and slightly swollen
QQ: i help u answer the questions for your ipad. u still need a 3G network to go online with your ipad. So this mean, your ipad MUST have the 3G function (not just wireless). You will still need to subscribe to the mobile service. if your current mobile plan has data plan (for web surfing), then u can use the same plan u subscribed, u just need to go to your phone service provider (Singtel/starhub) and apply for one more sim card/microsim (i think u pay $5 or $12 for this 2nd sim. After that bring to those ah beng phone shop and get them to cut it for u to the microsim size that can fit the ipad.
understand? if not, can call me.
QQ: u can't use your mobile broadband device to go online cos they dun have a usb port for you to plug in the device. u still need a sim card. If not, u will have to rely on free wireless network outside.
SQ, remember anthea told me she doesnt want too? :p actually just now when i asked her she said she doesnt want to stay in sch to nap also.. but when i asked her abt her activities in the afternoon she was happily telling me abt it

the kids din nap this aft and they KO within 5 min just now! wahahahahaa
AAA: of cos its not a silly question. wifi is the wireless network, 3G is using your mobile network (mobile data plan). so if u have 3G, even w/o wifi, u can still surf and go online. more portable and mobile as this mean u can surf any where using your mobile data plan as long as u can get a phone/data connection. But if u only have wifi, u will need wireless network (some malls etc have or your home) then u can surf/. With 3G< have to becareful when u go overseas as if u on it, it will be charges as auto roaming plan and can cost a bomb! so usually when overseas, u will switch off the data roaming option on your iphone and ipad.

QQ: first u need to check and make sure your ipad is the 3G + wireless model. Cos without 3G option, u can surf the web outside your wireless network.

AAA: this is not diff to understand, once u know the diff, u will get it./
AAA: of cos its not a silly question. wifi is the wireless network, 3G is using your mobile network (mobile data plan). so if u have 3G, even w/o wifi, u can still surf and go online. more portable and mobile as this mean u can surf any where using your mobile data plan as long as u can get a phone/data connection. But if u only have wifi, u will need wireless network (some malls etc have or your home) then u can surf/. With 3G< have to becareful when u go overseas as if u on it, it will be charges as auto roaming plan and can cost a bomb! so usually when overseas, u will switch off the data roaming option on your iphone and ipad.

QQ: first u need to check and make sure your ipad is the 3G + wireless model. Cos without 3G option, u can't surf the web outside your wireless network.

AAA: this is not diff to understand, once u know the diff, u will get it./
QQ: also to add, if your current mobile plan do not have a data plan ( the mobile broadband device does not equate to dataplan), then u will not be able to use your current mobile plan for your ipad. Its not expensive, the data plan i mean. e.g. for singtel, u only pay an additional $10 to add 2GB of data plan to your current mobile plan. And 2GB is a lot u most prob won't use up. If u need more, can switch your mobile plan to those that includes data plan (12 GB)
Star: I understand now.. I asked this question a while ago.. Hubby explained and explained.. And at that time I thought I understood.. But now I really understand ler.. Hmm..

Wifi has a shorter range coverage, so if we're too far away from the source, we can't use it anymore..

3G is wide range coverage. As long as there is mobile phone connection (and most if not all providers use satelite now I believe), it can be used. 3G coverage is an "asset", which companies have to buy to take ownership, and then charge the subscribers a fee for usage.. This is why when we go overseas, the coverage belongs to any provider, therefore we have to pay extra if we want to use it.
SQ, they are in different classes but do hv some common activities like outdoor play, water play and meal times.. today the tr let the gals nap tog too.. then anthea told me she kept talking and din nap. i asked her who she was talking to, she said "meimei".. then i noe why andrea din nap too >.<'''
Then my next question is this..

What's the diff between 3G and the future higher Gs?? Where is the improvement?

Ah!! I remember my confusion.. The telephone land lines, what system is that on? What makes it unable to support internet purposes? And fibre optic cables will increase the speed of wifi, but not 3G isit?
Edde, SQ: Ayden starts his first lesson at Anna's school tom.. I wonder how things will be.. And til now, I'm not sure if the school requires the parents to be around for the first few days of school. :p
AAA: wha u are starting a discussion on this.. hahah interesting, i also dun know that much.
all i know is that telephone land lines cannot send data unlike the wires/optic lines. consider the older generation of technology?

Actually even when u subscribe for to use your data plan overseas in sg, u still run the risk of being charged auto roaming charges cos our devices are so intelligent now, if there are in the zone where it can't detect your prior subscribed overseas data provider, it will auto switch u to another provider and with this switch u incur auto roaming charges.. scary leh. so when overseas, i stick to wifi cos no auto roaming charges. if not sure get heart attack when i see the bills. can run up to thousands/.!
Star: Yah.. I switch it off when I'm overseas too..
I have another question.. The blackberry.. It works the same as the iphone? I mean.. When one surfs the web on the blackberry overseas, does this mean auto roaming charges are incurred? I don't remember my bills being particularly high when I was working leh.
Telephone land lines can send data.. Fax machine is example. Then in the old days, we use dial-up connection to internet, that is using telephone land lines. Even until now, there are still people using dial-up, but little bah.

Fibre optic cables is a new and better technology for the land-lines. Much better so next generation will be using this. 3G is yet another type of technology that is from the Telco.. well, i also not very expert.. just know like that :p
fabulous!! fantastic explanation, i understand every single word from u. but this jay really made me confused, i think he doesn't know much and yet he tot he knows a lot woh. haha!!

so win liao la. i kept questioning why so stupid cannot do this and cannot do that. if i want to do it this way, i bet that there are other ppl who has the same thinking as me.
aiyo, i asked him many things, he also said CANNOT one.
now i have a much clearer picture, that is going to be my next gadget, to start off this 2011 year.
