(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Morning, i am not working today. Rae first day of school so took leave to settle her. So sleepy now even though we went to bed at 10 pm last night.

I tink everyone busy sending their kids to school today?

morning.. seems like many mummies started working yesterday. HB and I starts work only today. wah yesterday's topic very heavy ...a lot of 感触.

AAA, did the malacca trip change you with handling the kids alone etc? Somehow i fill my life has changed. After my genting trip, seeing how my frens handle their children, i feel we have been very protective and spoiling our kids. Now i start to let go many things. Allow them to walk more instead of carry them.. stricter to them. So have been quite a 疯婆子lately. Yelling the kids and start to use "cane" (balloon stick). this somehow cause a little emptiness in me. I used to make one whole list of new year resolution but when hb asked me wat is mine new year resolution i am dumbfolded. Feel very shitty... sighhh... the only one that i can think of is to reduce my weight to 48kg. hahah..
Germaine: Hmm.. I don't spoil my kids ler.. Most times, they do whatever they want, within my limits. I think I found out hubby's way and my way of treating the kids are quite different. I'm very strict and no-nonsense.

Like on the first day Anna doesn't like the food at lunchtime and ate very little. Hubby kept trying to feed her. Then I got fed up. I asked her, do u want to eat some more? If not, let's go. So we left. True enough, way before dinner time, she was hungry, and I reminded her it's because she didn't finish her lunch. She asked for biscuits, I didn't want to give. Then at dinner time, she guai guai finished her dinner on her own. Without much prompting. :p

This is my way of treating the kids. Very different from my hubby's way..

I can be harsh to the point of being sarcarstic and atagonistic.. Which is something I want to change.. Like for eg hubby said when anna asked for biscuits that if I shd not rub it in that she's hungry because she didn't finish her lunch.
My want my children to learn there are consequences to their actions/non-actions. That they have the power to choose, but will be responsible for that choice.

So I'm the harsh one lor.. And if things are left to me alone, they will have very little fun I must admit.

So in a way, it's good hubby is around for them to climb all his head.. :p
AAA, sighhh... unfortunately hb and i were like ur hb. If i am at your case i will usu give in sighh... feel very lousy when comparing myself with other parents and my kids with other kids. sighh... lousy household. I am trying to be like you laterly. Was feeding Clyde last nite.. yes feeding. cos like i said previously he hardly eat anything so have to feed him. He was like me when i am a kid, can "kam" the food until very long. I called him many times to open his mouth and he simply ignore me. Got me mad and i wacked him with the balloon stick for ignoring me. Hb said i am strict but to me is simply rude. sighh...
We r alike!
N I m trying to change too!
Cos I hate it when my dad treated me the same way!
But my mum is e nice one, like ur Hb n mine
Tey jus move on
I harp n harp on e same thg til I also busy tahan myself
N I hate the way I behave too
I always feel that the kids 还小可以慢慢教 but now comparing with other kids they are bigger now and they are not 教. so feel very lousy and got hysterical. sighh..
My mum also commented the same
When I complain tt my Hb lets tem break al e rules, she said tt if nt for papa, my kids wont hv much o a childhood o/w

Oh oh
I try to be both soft n harsh at the same time. Haha. I will try soft first. If can't work, then harsh. I think all of us do that and it's like a spectrum from Soft to Harsh with us all somewhere in between.

AAA, like Anna case, I would also walk away from lunch if EJ refused to eat. But if later on he asked for biscuits, I will give but I will scold scold a bit. To point out that he shouldn't have walk away from lunch.

The thing about parenting is, all of us have different styles n different personalities. So let's not be overly harsh on ourselves too.

If u feel u need to change your parenting style, then just embrace the change. Don't feel lousy for what has been done. The road ahead is still long. So be positive!
SQ: Haha! I found a buddy!

Germaine: It's not easy to be like SQ and I. If it is not in your character, you'll feel very lousy. Even if it's in my character, I still feel bad. Esp when compared to how mu hybby treats them. He's so freaking patient! Pardon my french. But I told him if he's unable to feed them at every meal (why is he feeding anna?!?!), bathe them everyday, (He didn't just bathe them, he let them soak in the bath tub for eons and eons! And I kept hearing from outside the bathroom that he told them "last, last" and ayden protesting, and ite went on and on, had I not step in, I think they could have spent the whole time in the bath tub!

then, he has to let go and let them learn to be independent; or the maids will get impatient with them too.

Hey, I think it's important to have a balance, at least between you and hubby. Again, not wasy to play the bad guy if it's not in you.. Esp since you do not spend as much time with them as SQ and I (cos we're at home mah). Tell your hubby your difficulties and ask for some encouragement. Afterall, you have their best interests at heart..

SQ: I got to go now. Come back and comment on your post..
sorry for interuption, mommies! helping a friend to post this:
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enjoy motherhood!
i am also trying to psycho myself that they are still kids, however i still run out of control at times. when this happen, i just walk away and let the papa handle the rest. jay is more patient than me, but his patience can run v thin too sometimes, then i step in. we take turns.

jay dotes on tian, but i think that he is v biased for ah will. last night i let ah will sleep by himself, and ah will made so much noise, i just put him on bed, talking to him, ask him to sleep by himself, or dun sleep is fine too. papa came in and said: I CARRY.
i just kept quiet and walked away (sian3), after 5 min, papa walked out from room, with full of pride. ah will was sleeping liao.
what is this?
last time i trained tian up to sleep without any assistance, he was still praising me that i did a good job? this time, ah will is really spoilt in this aspect.

SQ, i lagi worse, jay said i have no standard, and my mood changes on and off. so i can be nice at one min but harsh another min. kids wont be able to accept my style because it is not within expectation de.

giolyn, i dun mind being your kids though.
That's what one of my friend said too! When I told her I m both the Good Cop n Bad Cop, she said this is not good as I will end up confusing my children!? I dunno what to say to that n until now I also dunno if I should be totally good cop or totally bad cop.
i have a problem now.
my maid v kaykiang... this one i cannot help it but then i am thinking of putting a dictionary at living room now.

tian: auntie, how to spell dinosaur?
auntie: D_I_N_A_S_O__U_R
tian: ok... @#%#$%$% , putting magnetic alphabets on fridge
mama walked in: wrong..
it is d-i-n-o-s-a-u-r
tian: NO mummy, it is DINASOUR?
mama: wrong
auntie: is it? ok wrong...
tian: ok... auntie u spelled wrongly.

2 mins later,
tian: auntie how to spell tambourine?
auntie: T_A_M_B_O_R_I_N
mama talking to daddy - WRONG AGAIN LE. jialat.
tian: auntie, mummy said wrong again. not T_A_M_B_O_R_I_N.
mama went kitchen and put the word back
is my tambourine correct? i think so.

but i think my maid will teach tian many wrong spelling. is this going to b a concern? i never ask her to teach tian in the first place.
autum, same la. i am good and bad also. so tian has no clue when i have good mood and when i have bad mood. i am not consistent woh. haha!

but this one is good for maid. cause they will never know if we are satisfied with them. u know, something like flying kite, pull a bit release a bit. haha!
Monitor your maid's spelling. If u think she really not good at that, then tell her nicely not to teach Tian. Just say when Tian ask her, tell Tian to ask mama. Buy a dictionary is also a good idea!
*quick post*
autum/QQ: but confusing the kid will only happen if the very same act is inconsisently followed up by the same person wor.. like.. one day tian/EJ jumps on the sofa.. QQ/Autum yells at them.. the other day the kids jump.. the mother jump with them.. then for the same act. it is inconsisent imo..
i think what u ladies are saying is that you are flexible.. and not always strict and a no no person for ALL things.. but for the same thing, you are consisently the 'good' person.. or the 'bad' person?.. then no confusion liao.. right?

AA/SQ/Germaine: i got one incident to share..
yesterday evening. teng was shouting at my mother and ordering her to go downstairs coffeeshop to watch her taiwan show so that he can watch his cd at home. what insolence!
BUT the funny thing is.. my mother.. kept shouting at him.. telling him to stop crying and hush up. while at the same time tell me to switch on the cd rom for him and she would go downstair?????? gosh..

i told her 'u sit down watch ur show'.. then i carried the screaming boy into the room.. locked the room up and i reasoned with him.. with many deliberate pauses and firm stares in his eyes till he cannot take it.. stopped crying.. apologised.. i made him agree to stop crying and apologise to my mther.. so 5 minutes later.. the boy went out.. sat on the sofa and watch the tw show with his grandma.. his grandma just looked at me, stumped..

my pt.. i was getting a headache hearing her scream and shout at teng to keep quiet.. yet want to give in to him..

the same thing can be settled with more deliberation and insistence. i am happy to note that i did not spank him liao.. maybe start of fabulous 4? .. ha. too early to conclude.. but i dun think YE/YH/the three As or clyde or gwen are kids deprived of childhood.. firm guidance brings them the temperment which will bestow them with better and finer things to come when they grow up...先苦后甜

QQ: ur tambourine is correct.. ha. so cute. ur maid.. teach tian how to spell..
autum, ya i think i will put dictionary.. make tian check also (so chim??) haha!!
this maid can play with them v well. sometimes when we go out tian wanna stay at home. she said cause auntie not going.i dunno if she wanna supervise her or play with her.

Astro, ur mum v funny leh? she really wanna go down and watch? how come teng knows she can go down and watch? so funny la.
and i think i am inconsistent! haha!
but not that serious until jumping on sofa with her.

i am also waitng for fabulous 4!
astro, e.g.,
some days, i will force her to sleep (nap). she might or might not nap in the end.
but on some days, we go out, so i told her dun need to nap le, we are going out.

one thing not v good about me, i will tell her if she nap well, will bring her out later. anyway, the outcome is always go out de, regardless of her napping or not. so i am so incosnsitent, and hoping that she nap well. sigh!
i must change this. jay said if he is my son, he will get confused.
QQ: yalor.. i tink my mum.. gosh.. i dunno how to explain :S. teng was tryig his luck. it nvr happen before.. bt he was testing.. he shouted 'you go down coffeeshow and watch!' in chinese.. v v v rude!! gosh..

SQ: i wld remind them v firmly that they misbehaved when they asked for food aft that.. just v firmly. .. no scarcasm..
like yesterday.. teng screamed.. dun want brush teeth! and i had class.. gosh.. i got so mad at him that i dun wnt to talk to him .. he kept screaming in the cab.. wanting my attention.. but still i ignored.. i alighted first.. he wants to say bye bye to me. i still ignored.. freaking pissed!.. miser said teng kept crying coz i ignored him.. then evening i went pick him up when he is all happyand jolly in the cc.. i sat him down and reminded him of the incident in the morning.. he was still happy and kept saying 'no.. i was a good boy'.. then eventually he stopped denying and started bursting into tears aplogising.. the cc teacher asked me what happened?!.. i told her. it's ok. dun worry. i am punishing teng.. teacher stunned.. but he is such a good boy! (hahaha like real)...
but i like the fact that he cldn't deny it anymore and would burst in tears to apologise.. i thought not bad. teng can be reasoned with liao!
haha... QQ
mai la I dun want to help you take care of ur children *this is wat grandparents do rite*

Had a good laugh at your maid spelling incident. Generally i feel their spelling is pretty lousy. My helper dunno how to spell "bathe" and many other things.
QQ i llthink its good to be a bit unpredictable so our kids wont step over our head. Haha cos they really know wat to expect. I think i am a bit unpfedictable too n i always threaten rae which is not good. Tat day my fren ask me why i always speak to rae in such a gentle voice n manner, my response to her is tat she is generally a well behave child n if the child is ok really no need to raise your voice at them all the time. I think my fren screams at her kid all the time. No good leh cos after a while they just learn to shut off n block off.
mummies, today is already 十二月初一. one more month to cny liao. so fast!!! goodness...I have not even take down my christmas tree.
RE: Good cop, bad cop

Discipline without affection is bad and so is affection without discipline. I think one can be both the good cop and the bad cop. But I'm not saying be inconsistent. What is wrong will always be wrong but don't have to scream at the poor kid all the time or smother him or her with love like being soft and gentle when the kid did something wrong, i.e. whack someone else's head with a toy.

Just my two cents.
And speaking of rude kids, YT told my colleague that she is "asking my mom" when my colleague answered a question that she directed to me when I was walking out of the room (cuz YT's back facing to me, she can't see that I've walked out of the room.) She is so arrogant! But when I relate that incidence to my ex-colleagues, my ex-boss said I speak like that!?!?! What in the?!?! So actually I'm rude and arrogant. Haiz, time for self reflection.
SQ: We are alike. I think we need to ask other SAHMs if they're the same as us, cos we face the kids 24/7, our temper will generally be shorter? Haha.. Am I being self-defensive?

QQ: Buy a dictionary bhah.. Tian is asking to spell quite difficult words wor.. Does she rememebr the spelling of these words later?
Anna spellls apple, love, anna, ayden, ariel, etc etc.. SImple words only..

Astro: Yo!! Your mum is the extreme.. Even my MIL will not do that ler, she will perhaps bribe them with some biscuits, or milo or something, but she will definitely not agree to the request to switch the channel in the children's favour against what my FIL is watching - the TW show.
Anna can be reasoned with de.. It's just this trip to Malacca, I dunno what got into her.. :p I think she's bored, like me. :p And boredom drives people to irrational behavior..

Mejo: I think the same "rebuttal" can be deemed both rude or not, depending of how it is said ie the 语气. So YT may just be stating that she is asking you politely to your colleague, or she could do it otherwise.. Then in this case, I don't think she's being rude..
Germaine: My maids are very hard working.. They took down the tree while I was in Malacca. Haha.. So this year, they put up and took down the tree before I said anything. Haha..
Hello mummies...

me busy with dr. appointments...mum's ops. date scheduled.

Edde, your post is very heart warming...

SQ, my sis recently quit her job to be SAHM. My dad kept asking me why. I told him, cos kids nowadays very smart, unlike us, who is gong gong. I told him, i will join the club soon. ha ha...to prepare him.

My mum's situation also made me realised dont take things for granted...
Hi everyone!

Good news ! I found a job... Starting after cny... Bad news is, I already set my mind tt I don wan to work, den nick called to give mi this good news.. Lol! Anyway nvm... I will just go work... My job scope will be his boss PA.. And must learn QS... He was explaining to mi how to calculate all the formular when he is also not sure... Anyway I totally forgotten all my maths formular! Shit I will disgrace myself infront of the boss when he teach mi... :s

Good thing, nick will be sending mi to work n back home, free lunch on him everyday if he is in office... Hahahah!

Update on my kids,
Bel now veri notti... I don Noe how to handle her.. She is acting like mi already... So makes mi boil! I can't blame her... Haix... She is Daddy's baby... I think she don love mi already... Sam on another hand, keep saying she is mummy's baby... She love mi... Everthing will think of mi... So, stick to mi 24/7! Haix.. Don Noe should feel happy or sad..

Maybe now I m not balance yet... After I go out to work, I miss them more, I will have higher tolerance? I hope !

I m happy this new yr... I don Noe y... But I know I m not so negative like last mth...
Astro, i went to see PD today...she supported the surgery for CO. Told her about the empty nose...she said no concerns. She told me CO will grow better and improve in her speech after the ops. i told her but she is already 90th percentile. Actually i see no wrong in her speech at this moment...CO is not very expressive...but normal conversation she is ok.
How is ur mum Nw?
When's e op?

Haha that bathing n feeding inciden ur Hb did is EXACTLY like my Hb
And our reactions r IDENTICAL!
I can't believe we said n did exactly the same thg!!
Hbs saying 'last last' n it Nt happening
Plus the feeding
Plus us stepping in to really make it the last
N asking tem whether tey will b ter to feed all the time!!

The resemblance is scary!
Yvonne: Congrats!!
Good start to a new year..
It's good to start after the CNY.. So you have time to prepare, and you can enjoy the upcoming festivities (again.. :p)..
Re Belle, she could be bored.. Give her things to do.. Challenge her mind.. Or just keep her busy..

CK: When's the op? Is she prepared?

Yvonne, SQ: Hmm.. So my theory is correct.. That SAHMs have shorter temper.. Sighz.. Can we call this occupational hazard?
SQ, AAA, next friday...i am flying back tomorrow to settle CO there...and fly back next week...

Well, we are trying to give her support.

I think daddy got more patience when handling their princesses...
CK: Is CO close to your mum? Any plans to bring her back so she can give moral support to grandma? Hey, wish your mum a successful operation and speedy recovery.

Hubbys are more patient in my case.. He's just as patient with Ayden, if not more so.. Cos I told him, I can't handle Ayden's T2 nonsense, and I ask him to show him more attention and love to make up for it.. Ayden is v v v attached to my hubby. Now that his T2 is gonna be over soon, I'm trying to "win" him over again..
Wish me luck..
CK, u back! your schedule sounds pack. hope everything can be settled before cny comes.
oh, i find daddy v patient with princess, and jay is even more patient with ah will. out of limit liao.

Astro, your mum, really hor. self contradict de. haha!!! anyway, we can't change her pattern, as long as happie and teng listens to u can le.

Star, i appreciate maid's effort. tian asked her cause tian wasplaying in kitchen, maid was washing dishes, they were chatting.
AAA, no la, tian oni ask for fun, she cannot spell many words. she knows how to recognise her name and ah will's. she was just playing for fun nia. and she will not remember those spelling de. *though i hope she can remember, but nothing happens*
maybe she knows barney? haha!!
anyway i am buying dictionary v soon. i will ask maid to refer also.

Yvonne, CONGRATS! but u need to prepare to face nick 24 hours! haha!!!!
QQ: Hey, they can remember! But so far she has not showed indication she can remember long words lah.. Else, she can. I think she does it the similar way she recognises chinese characters.. She doesn't know how to write any chinese character, but she does recognise all the words taught in school.. Quite amazing their memory.. So you better have a dictionary and make sure your maid spells correctly.. Else, Tian will recognise the "wrong" spelling..
that's great! At least Nick can "look after you."

wish your mum speedy recovery after the op. You take care too.

not true daddies more patient with princesses. I find that Kent has lower tolerance for Reyes' nonsense. Many times I had to hold him back from being too harsh to her. Perhaps partly cos she's not as close to him so sometimes she don't listen to him.
the irony part is he's the more patient one between the 2 of us. Those who know the 2 of us will know this. :p
I also don't understand why he don't have much patience with Reyes. Maybe he's upset that she don't want him or rude to him at times? My guessing ...

CK, jia you!

Yvonne, good news! So how will u settle your dinner after u start work? U will try to cook?
AAA, jialat liao. maybe tian's spelling is all wrong. cause i din know if they do the spelling exercise when i am nto around.
i go ask tian tonight, i must teach her to spell properly, maybe get her a child dictionary as well?
then how about chinese? another dictionary? faint!

those mama with ipads can u pls let me know how ipad can go online?
cause i dunno how jay explaied to me, i cannot understand. his has problem in conveying message and describing things specific to my request.

say, if i have one ipad, and wireless router at home, can go online, no problem. (this one i know)

next, if i bring ipad out, how to go online (IF I DUN WANT TO SUBSCRIBE the service).
- can I use my phone's broadband (or modem?)
- or, if I have mobile broadband device, can I use my mobile device to go online with ipad?
jay said cannot... why?
