(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs


PM u already, thks! let me the postage hor, trsf amt to u as well

Pink, AAA,

sometimes, i wanna go out n wind down, but i can't... sigh! at times, i feel that i will go crazy w the 2 boys.... well, my choice to hv e 2 of them, jus hv to bear w it for the time being

alamak, AAA why u all talk about this morbid thing when a new year has just STARTED.

i also thought of this before. what if jay leave first? actually it is a pity that we can still survive (is that a good thing? i bet not). but we are not so dependant on jay, oops... but jay knows lar.
what if i go first? then i wont go in peace la, cause jay is just like a kid to me sometimes. i think i will worry for my kids then.
so no conclusion de, he said i can go first, otherwise i will be v xin1 ku3. but i dunno if he will remarry and bring step mom to my kids woh. jialat.
then he also said, if he goes first, he will not be worried of the kids cause he knows i can handle everything. he oni worries that i will b xin1 ku3 and i wont remarry also. *better dun think*

Astro, when i created mmqq, i din even married yet woh? haha!!!
u wanna do partime? then bring two boys go out cheong show more next time?
mist, didi is so fair.. gorgor looks so grown up and looks dong3 shi4 too.
didi's haircut (i am into hair recently, haha) who do one ah?

pax, really, BINGO!
i was thinking this waraku, no discount for any cc de, oni VIP card.. who will wanna be their vip leh?? haha!!
so U!!!!! haha!

AAA, this anna also can pose so well. rae, tian also can. i wonder where they learn these from.
SQ, i applaud yr post at 4+am!!!! coz i share yr every sentiment!

and yes, as a SAHM i always qn myself, how much value do i add at home coz i am more like a maid than a mum(this is re-affirmed by RR when i told her wat i do at home everyday :p) i dun teach my kids anything at home unlike many hardworking SAHM out there.. the only thing i do for my kids are taking care of their 起居饮食 (see! like maid rite?) during my free time, i watch tv while they play wahahhahahahha! and seldom do i play with them. i am not a kid-oriented person in the first place and this doesnt change even aft becoming a mum.

however, i always comfort myself.. my presence at home is gd enuf for the kids! wahhahahahah! how ah-Q that is! perhaps i shd share this which i hv posted in my facebook before.

there was once anthea asked me why she doesnt nap in sch like her friends, why mummy comes to fetch her aft lunch everyday. i told her becoz her frens' mummies hv to work, so they cldnt fetch her frens home. then i asked her, if she wants mummy to work and she will stay in sch like her frens do? or she wants mummy to fetch her early and stay at home with me... she replied, she wants mummy to stay at home. i asked her why and she replied "becoz i love u.."

this is enuf
i feel so hungry and snacking away.

just read your post, so this makes me think tat maybe there is another alternative, work from home mum.. can balance woh.
star: haha! u put it so nicely.. morbid leh.. and it is like only the third day of new year! :p

AA: yalor. this yh is very !#!#$#$!.. too endearing.. but his sleep is.. #$@#$#%#... but still he doesn't fall asleep in the car! gosh..

btw.. i was thinking of what u said..as i continued with my multitasking of classes today :p.. i guess it strikes the fear more in me.. coz i keep getting into contact with teenagers who could have had more care.. i shuddered to think of Teng or YH as someone who sprout vulgarities as greetings.. i would be devestated.. i dunno about kids having memories before 3.. but for me personally.. i think from 4 is the impt age.. till (wo)manhood for the kids..

i was also thinking.. more and more i hear pple and educators in tiertary sector saying.. 'they (the students) would be responsible for their choice (not to study properly now)'.. and i agree.. but i am also worried.. cause it seems to me.. past the protective era of 4 years old till...12 years (?) we 'resign' ourselves to fate that the society will teach our kids their due lessons.. guess the overt protective streak is coming up again.. why must we leave it till then? but then again.. the counter would be.. 'coz anything u do now, they will never learn..'.. i once had a very long conversastion with miser on this.. and he is one of the counter.. i once asked... 'if teng is on the path to self destruction.. like commit a crime..would u stop him?'.. his answer was a... no! gosh.. coz 'he will learn in the end..'.. omg.. that's why i am toying to go part time when teng hits 6.. then i am still thinking of the milestones i wanna hit before i do that.. crazy.. maybe i am unsettled coz i never make new year resolutions?

the reason why i say this.. is because i am just like u.. my role these day is to supervise ellie taking care of the boys.. :S.. but when I SAH.. i lament.. i work i criticise myself for lacking.. gosh.. ....

pink and mist: ur younger kids are cute!

pink: each time i see enya.. i can't resist thinking my future girl wld be just like her! :p

AA: look at ur anna! gosh :p:p

do we see a 'Posies' club?
and the members now are:
YE (?)

soon they holding AGM to determine chairwoman of the club liao!
QQ:I thinking of part time.. coz i have this vision in my mind.. i seat all my kids around me .. then they do their work...and i tutor them! then i pushed and probed on their learning and thereby fire their love for learning.. on some days i wld bring them to the Library.. and we would do all the wonderfully educational stuff together.. NOTE: all these are imagination.. YET to happen!.. and it is my escape.. i have one fren who is actively plannign and teaching the kid at home.. flashcards.. writing.. whatever.. i darn jialat.. i THINK nia..

edde: sometimes i have images or recollections of my growing up as a latchkey kid.. and i wun want teng or yh to be like that.. but at times.. i do know without those experiences.. i wun be as tough (in a sense) as who i am now.. resilitent.. and tenacious.. (after i am done whining.. :p)...and i wondered if i shd teng and yh have some experience with that?

Teng .. dunno who teach him.. have been asking.. 'u love me?'..:S

Miser on the other hand.. grew up in a very secure family.. maybe that tells something of his confident and secure nature.. his mother was SAH.. though they were poor.. but they were knitted in as a family...i dun see that on the surface. coz they talk very trivial stuff.. but they are all responsible and chips in to help.. and want to go home to visit their father all the time... me and my sis.. erm.. quite a disappointement :p

I forgot why.. but miser once commented when i was frustrated over something.... '你会那么烦恼因为你总来没有‘家’ 的感觉'..then i promptly started tearing.. heh....
wah... astro, miser quite harsh on that comment hor?? :p

i grow up in a family like miser's. but u r rite too. i dun want my kids to be as dependent as me just becoz my mum stays at home and takes care of everything for me. that is why i choose to be a boh chap SAHM wahahhahahhahhah! balance of both how gd is that! wahhahahhahaha! *自我安慰*

but its true lah, i dun want to raise 温室里的小花 like myself.

QQ, if u can work from home, that wld be the best arrangement!

ok, my duty starts liao.. off to fetch the kids!
edde:harsh? .. then and there.. i didn't feel that way.. i was just .. stumped that he got me that.....easily? :p

so.. this '家' is so.. profound.
*pause.. what kind of conclusion is that?*..hahaha
SQ:how? u managed to go for LNT trial for yh liao? i have been thinking of putting yh on GUG instead.. u want? that boy could do with more building up of focus and speech.. his sense of adventure and gross motor dun need to 'enrich' liao!(with little gym..)

tian is happie to join the posie club. she loves to pose for photos.. no photo taking she can also pose at home.

jay said he wanna put ah will in gug when he turns 1 yo or 1.5 yo. same as tian. cause he said gug laid a good foundation for tian (as in classroom rules, peers, sharing, teachers, etc)

jay is also from a family similar to miser. his mum SAH and not working cause wannatake care of them. somemore, she worked from home(sewing, tuition, etc) and able to coach them. their family bonding is v v v v strong one.

my mum happie go lucky one, din really coach us cause she said her standard is only until pri 1, but actually she finished her o level.
so i think i am from a nice family, with lots of bread, but emotional wise i am not v close with all my siblings de because we did not grow up together. we have bonding, but not too close, with some distance away, but still got bonding there. security is there, but not as STRONg (i feel). something like, when my brother and sis were hospitalised before, i did not go back home cause i knew that i cannot do much. I will call la.
even this applies to my dad and mum. sigh! i bet that if mil fil hospitalised, jay will cheong back, or sil, bil all cheong back together.
my parent also jialat one, they dun tell us everything about their health, we do not bring them for health check, we only know when we see them taking medicines. I think i fail to be a good dotter.

i grew up with friends instead.
so i like my kids to have more friends.... logical?
my parents always say,

edde, i can work from home (but not this job), then i got to find a jb that i can work from home mah. haha!!!
Mist: Hey, u need to find some me-time for yourself.. It's essential for your own well-being. We all know how maddening it can be being with kids all day.. Got your email. Will ask hubby to send it out tom.

Edde: I love you! For 2 of your statements..
"my presence at home is gd enuf for the kids" and "that is why i choose to be a boh chap SAHM"

Is it better for them to have a mum whom is working and therefore not at home, or one who's not involved but is at home (and therefore have no excuse of not being involved)..
Hey, you're doing your part at home, maid or not, so you don't have to feel guilty.

Astro: You and I are quite alike in some aspects. My hubby tells me that if I don't want to get involved, then I should not worry abt the outcomes. If I were to ask him the same quesiton you asked your miser re the crime thing.. He will answer, "We can't think of so many things. Who's to predict the future? So let's not worry abt it now" And like your miser, hubby grew up in a very secure home. His mum is an amazing woman. She cares of the tiniest details of their lives! And I believe hubby is who he is today because of her inputs! I want anna and ariel to marry someone like him.. But I do not want ayden to have a wife like me. :p See my point?

QQ, Astro: Anna hates the camera (like papa).. This is one of the rare shots she was posing this way and that at the camera.. I also wonder where she learns this from?

QQ: I agree.. Don't think.. Sometimes our sharings here led us to see that others have the same thinking too.. That we are not alone, and that itself is enough..

I tell you.. Not long ago someone told me she wants to run away from home. Her kids are all in their 20s and 30s ler. She said no one appreciates her efforts at home. That her hubby is having an affair, that she knew of them but kept quiet. She also said even her children knew abt the affairs! I was shocked, and didn't know if I shd believe her or not. But why would she lie to me right? Her hubby is one good man ler.. Always helpful and generous with others, a successful businessman, etc etc..
Then when we came home, I told my hubby, who is shock too! And I asked if he would go find a little wife next time too.. Sigh!
Actually, there are so many things we have to be thankful for. That our family is together, our children are by our side, that our hubby loves us, that we are all healthy and strong.. Don't take these things for granted..

I feel like I'm just rambling random thoughts..

Sorry to those who think I'm talking nonsense.. :p
yesterday i went to my fren's house.
our conversation also made me think for a while.

we were just chatting about household repairs, can you believe it? just repairing taps, hose etc..

jay is a handy man, there was once (many times actually) our tap (or dunno wat,, etc) was broken he cheong to DIY shop and bring back the necessary part, and gaodim the repair within 1 hour. i take it as, OK LA, it is your job. my dad also can do that woh. no big deal.

from the conversation from our frens, their hb not doing these at home and my frens were so frustrated. they get plumber to fix that on the next day or next next day, so they all actually gave jay a bravo badge like that. i was quite surprise cause, what's so big deal? many men can do that also, some women can also do woh.

now i appreciate jay more, cause he is such a handy man and yet i take it for granted. *though a plumber can do a better job also*

and he does all these just because of LOVE.

oh yes.. i dont know if i should tell tian to look for a man like her papa, u get what I mean too??? i scare my dotter will feel v xin1 ku3 also. i started my miserable life after i get married, have kids etc... last time i used to have good life woh cause i have no kids nothing to worry about. haha!!
but maybe i will tell ah will to find a wife like his mama. ???? (this one i am not sure)
And she's not the only one who told me she stayed in the marriage for the kids. I hv a close friend who told me the same too.. Not that there is any third party.. But she said she can't stand his temper anymore, that she doesn't want to be the one giving in to him anymore, and worse, that the feeling is no longer there.. The guy is a good guy from a well-to-do family.. They've been married for less than 10 yrs ler..

And you know... On the surface.. If they had not opened up to share with me.. I can say absolutely NO ONE would suspect there's anything wrong with their marriage life, or with their husbands, or with their lives.. They look so happy on the surface..
AAA, i feel sorry for your frens cause they stayed on for the kids. their kids are so xing4 fu2. however, i believe they never regret of doing that.

go lab for 2 hours now. brb later.
QQ: Yah lor.. We need to talk to people more.. And then we'll see that such is life.. I remember that auntie told me this in chinese "you see me good, I see you good.", but at the end of the day, everyone of us is the same.. We all have problems and issues, and we deal with them.. Such is life..
Testing ...

I can surf net from office! :p
Had a long orientation since morning. :S Good thing is the people here are quite nice especially my boss (told by other PAs here). :D
QQ: Me too.. I was particularly sad for my close friend.. I told her to have an open talk with him on what's bothering her.. But the last I checked she hasn't done it yet.. They're really ok together as a family.. They go on holidays together, do everything together as a family.. They look quite like the ideal family..

The other case.. I am more shocked than sad. Shocked becos we got to know the wife only through the man.. So we're not close, why is she telling me this? And their children are my age wor.. So it's not sadness anymore.. But shock! He is a really helpful man wor.. He will help even strangers in the street!
Astro: I have a different answer from your miser.. 你会那么烦恼因为你是nu人!

How to type nu with the fish eyes in pin yin? I can't call out the character.. :p

well, for didi xander, i manage to find a good lady, who cuts very well for babies.... she's very fast n my boy likes her to cut his hair... n cheap cheap, only $6.


Thks! yeah, i know i need some Me time. jus dun feel Fang4 xin4 to leave my 2 boys at hm w my hubby. Got a guilty feeling towards the boys....

maybe your fren's hubby is too helpful towards other pple n strangers, to the extent tt she dun feel any different fr the rest of them???

My hubby places his ball game above anything else. sometimes the boys are sick, he still goes to his game. Though we hv a pact before, that he could still go his game on the condition the boys n myself are well.... But dun seems to work out somehow... sigh! sian!
there're a lot of men who look like good husbands on the surface but they are also the ones who lead a double life. I heard so much of it. most say they will not leave the wife, maybe they do love the wife or maybe the wife has done so much, many maybes but a lot seek for other women to fulfill some other parts of their needs. maybe the WIFE became a MOTHER after they have kids, they are no longer like GIRLFRIENDS bcos most mums will divert their focus on their kids. maybe they've taken each other for granted as the years go by, maybe they have lost the connection.
Mist: I'm not so close to her, I'm not sure if that's how she feels. But claiming her husband has an affair has nothing to do with how he treats others wor..
If you remind your hubby again abt your pact, will he listen?

QQ: Alamak.. I think I know why the amt doesn't tally.. I'll email you..

thks... my younger one cute, but can be very notti at times....


our #2 going to turn 1 yr old soon wor....
those pixs were taken by photographer, package tt i signed up, for his gift to mark his 1 yr old ... hahaa

Reminded so many times... sometimes i really "ren" him loh, for the fact tt he does household chores, he gets himself involve w the boys eg. bathe them, change diaper, feed them at times.

i psycho myself to really "bear" w such situation.... i tell myself, i jus tong for that couple of hours, n everything will be fine when they go to sleep. But sometimes i really tired loh, only got a pair of hands wor, cannot cope w 2 of them at the same time. Maybe i'm not efficient... hmmm....
Pink: I've heard of distant cases.. Never thought it will be so "close" to me.. And never had the person (wife) confessed first-hand to me before.. These were the first 2..
Which tells me I should not take a happy marriage for granted..
Mist: It's tough to cope with the kids by yourself.. What time is your children's sleeping time? My kids sleep at 8pm, so even when hubby has games nite, he will put the children into their room and stayed a while with them first.. Before going off.. Can compromise with your hubby on days they are sick, that he goes later? Ask him to try let your children (or at least the sick one) go to bed first..
Ur didi looks so different fr e last time u posted his pics!
He can walk oredi? Looks like he is walking in the photo

I forgot al abt the trial
It's tis sat
Same timing s when YE is having class
I feel v bad for meimei cos we hvnt sent her to any class yet cos o timing n logistics issues
We r Always hovering ard YE's timings for classes

I do 1 2 send meimei for GUG too but can Nvr figure out when!
SQ, ah will and meimei can go gug next time. but their age is half a year diff, maybe differnt class le.

AAA, i replied. i also know why le. haha!!! next time better dun send to my hotmail. send to office email or yahoo. or same as bunnie & kaexin, always send to all 3 of my emails. so that i wont miss. haha!!

pink, yes. i also agree there are many guys like that de. my little kampung, conservative one, also got many stories. and that time the auntie was already 55 yo. her sons and daughters also dunno what to do. there are more than 1 auntie like that.

AAA, i also think i am taking my marriage for granted. should treasure more. i starts to enjoy my life now cause i look at ah will, i try to enjoy a bit. even at night i have to wake up a few times for him, i still can smile de. i am more tolerant to this didi than my ah tian tian. maybe i am older now and also i can throw him to maid also.

wow, your kids sleep so early??? mine sleeps at 10pm, if i'm lucky, the younger one sleeps at 9pm. Nowadays he very "hong sim", keep playing, crawling n walking, sleeps later liao.


yeah, i'm looking forward to that DAY.. hahaha, by then i will miss the days when they r younger!! hahaha

SQ, Star,

ay, look like me mah?? most pple said that the elder one looks like my hubby n younger one looks like me... haha

Ay, he can walk w support lah, not by himself... but my hubby is betting that he probably can walk independently by CNY.. hahaha... we shall see
Star: I'm flying Tom morning n we hv not packed! Still out running errands today.

SQ: ur post so touching n inspiring to b sahm. But I scared I'll b too bored n frustrated by the kids nonsense. Next time then think again

AAA: no time to go over ur place last few days. Will collect when I'm back. Tks!

Photography is really damn ex, juz spent 1k on lens! Hope can take nice pics during my trip
SQ: do like what bunnie does, each one take one kid for class, Mr Choo can stay with YE at kinder while u bring YH to GUG (same time slot).. heheh but damn siong leh.
ash, enjoy your trip. do login and chat chat when u free, your timing might not b the same but we still can catch up here.

star, no le. i think let #2 go class with papa, #1 go another class or go shopping with mummy is the best.
bunnie's arrangement oni for short term.
QQ; cos for SQ's case, mei mei needs mama, so logical choice is for mei mei to go with Ma Ma and YE with PaPa lah.
Yeah i know bunnie's is short term but its an option.

Ash: have a safe flight and enjoy your trip.
QQ: yah, this auntie is 50 plus ler. But she is still attractive wor.. Very good complexion, above average figure etc. And she holds a sugnificant % of shares in his hubby s company! Aiyooh... Actually she s the target of many young gigolos I'm sure..
She devoted herself to her husband, and to her children. She sounded a little depressed, and I thot she could be going thru menopause.. Her children are v close to her luckily.
Ah will is #2 ler and some more got boy already, that s why you're more relaxed ler..

Mist: My kids are trained up to sleep early. This way I get to spend some time with hubby everyday.

Ash: Ok. Have a good trip. Thot you ve flown off cos din see u around last few days.
I hvnt do the transfer yet, couldn't find my gadget yesterday. Will email you after I do so later.
Meimei is gg to LNt tis sat am
Actually I wld prefer kinder or GUG
But kinder doesn't hv gd time slot
Then GUG means I hv to make separate trip
Can ONI b on weekdays else by e time I send YE to one place n go to e next for meimei, YE's class finish le n we stil hvnt started!

But I figured meimei gg to LNt is btr than her gg NTUC!
So since tey hv same time slot we wil trial

Bunnie's arrangement is short term?
Then Wat is her long term plan?

We ONI gg trial tis sat
Actually i m int in GUG for meimei
I wonder abt e quality of teachers Nw though

Njoy ur holidays!
RR: No prob..

SQ: I guess I'll adopt my hubby's attitude.. He always tells me that I should not worry too much about how others judge my actions/non actions, as long as 对得起自己的良心. He doesn't do things expecting something in return.. How profound!
And this is his attitude to both little and big things alike.. Like how he wants to have a good relationship with his children, to visiting his parents at least 2 times a week, running errands for them, to how he treats his friends, to money matters and I guess to how he treats me in the marriage relationship too..
He really doesn't expect anything in return, even of me! And that's how he remains such a carefree and happy person.. Cos he doesn't need nor care about the approval of others.. I need to be more like him..
I am doing a mini album for my wedding pics.. To be in time for my 5th year anniversary this year!
It brings back such fond memories looking through the CD of pictures.. Hmm..
Anna have been asking me how come there are no Anna, Ayden and Ariel in the pics wor.. Haha!!
SQ: WHen I ask him what if our children turn out bad. And he'll always say we can't predict what lies ahead.. We can guide them now and do our best.. But don't expect anything..
I always feel I'm the 小人 when I criticise this or that..
Wah.. wat a topic u gals talking abt.. i'll keep out of it bcos... nvr mind.

star, QQ
i jus applied for 2nd year of member w Waraku. M & Jo love Waraku. we go to the Central branch so often that the waitresses recog us and will play w Jo. they had CC discount last 3 mths (i think ended 31 dec). POSB/DBS. membership is quite worth. pay $50 get $100 vouchers (5x $20), but each time can only use 1x $20 voucher. that's ok w us, bcos we go so often.

u got my trf?

Wah, doing up Yr wedding album? Hw nice! Sometimes I play back my wedding video, brings back good mentors n reminds me y I marry my hubby. The only way to make myself feel bal...

Tks mommies! Now trying to get some sleep n wake up early tom morning. Will try to log in if there's free wifi, if not then see u all in 3 wks time!
