(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

maybe we were so readily available, so our kid wont miss us until they dun see us :p

the dou dou group at stirling road is not that far from aunt's place.
you know there's a church at commonwealth? has to cross the bridge to walk on to stirling road. so near yet so far...
i'm working, how to fetch them? sigh...maybe i can ask my FIL to help..

dunno leh... she's already used to not seeing us when we go work.. Tr said she's doing fine for a toddler 3rd day after breaking for 1 wk. jus need to get used to it.
hope Ayden gets discharged soon. Reyden's jaundice also went up to 300+ and he almost need a blood transfusion. It took 2-3 weeks to totally clear off.
And yes, bm will cause the SP level to stay but as long as it gets controlled, it's fine. No need to stop bfeeding.
haa..joanne sounds like an actress!! zui jia nv zu jue! so cute! must be heartbreaking to hear her cries!

seth had very high jaundice level oso. he was hosp for 2 nights! could oni be released when the level goes below 100 or something. then i had to go polyclinic for the test every alternate day. until the level drop to the approved level. i remember we were going in n out of polyclinic for more than a week! then at home every morning sun him. so poor thing. i cried so hard when he had to be hospitalised. but after dat come back got 2 nights of perfect rest! heh! :p oh..i remember s@l rented the phototherapy capsule fr the hosp for mischa. like dat do at home, can latch her n see bb all the time. mischa recovered very fast! and i agree ur cl shd go back n watch tv n koon! think ur maid can do the cooking and take care of ayden better. u spend more time w anna when maid handles didi lo..then maybe anna will like it better n dun fuss.

dun feel bad for supplementing la. last time seth oso..feed for 1 hr still cry m cry..finally nurse came n told me my son is starving! i oso boh bian..had to supplement till my milk established.
Mummies I woke up ler!
Hey one thing I learn is mummy's instincts are very very strong!
Good thing I went along with my instincts. So mummies, remember to trust your instincts when it comes to your babies!

Joelle: I'm calling to check if there's a bed available. I told the PD just now I want to use the sunbed and use at home. She told me unless Ayden's level drop to 200+, then can be discharged. Thanks...
hi everyone. back at home.. see ah bui teng running around.. 'shaking' his voice.. ha! cute!

Angel:i just taught teng the 'i love u ' action.. ha! he does it this way.. 'i'-pat his chest, 'love'--completely miss this step, just laugh stupidly(!), 'you' - clasp both hands together and thrust forward!.. hahaha.. darn cute :p

Michelle: yes. bf-ing can cause juandice but like what irin says.. shd continue.. coz it apparently 'does no damage'..

Pax: mis fiery little chili padi. is darn cute! hahaha. can mr kong xiao di be the male lead? coz when he fusses for me. he goes.. 'ah mer mer.. wo mer mer.. ma ma.. pa pa'.. and he does it in a pleading manner..:p somemoe how i derive so much statisfcation to hear him plead for us that way! whahahahahhaa.. *sadistic grin*

bbmouse: see that u are feeling much better. good thatu are checking up the avaliability of the sunbed.. less tiring than to travel to and fro to the hosiptal.. and certainly less traumatic to ayden.. good

hey u heard what everybody says.. axe ur CL.. i know it sounds a bit mean.. but seriously.. not so much energy to bear with someone who does not help.. and u said that ur maid is more than adequate to handle ayden.. hmm.. as for anna... wwell. she has to learn to share u with ayden

teng today onli slept less than an hour apparently.. all the teeth popping out.. haiz.. jialat..
and he can't kiss me tonight. coz i got the sniffles! haiz.. so sad! :S
bbmouse: ha! trust mother insincts? miser will laugh if i tell him that and tell him he should trust my 'instinct' more. coz.. i kan cheong spider when it comes to teng.. dun forget i 'insisted' that teng had reflux :p
autum: dun get u.. how come u see the bbs not being bf and u feel bad?
in any case. u decide.. and we ALL know guilt is, like what u say, crippling. .what starts out as a strong sensible decision.. gets 'swayed' and 'challenged' and eventually wavered becoz we compare to the 'ought to'.. ha.. but take a step back.. and see it from that angle, it is all transient!

ops.. getting too philosphical again!
anyway.. EJ was on FM.. and nothing bad has come to him right? no big deal lor

if can, do it, if try already , cannot.. let it be
bbmouse: i traced back the archives.. i think u replied wrongly.. it was bbmarch who asked if ur maid knows how to bathe NBs.. :p i onli suggested u to axe ur ur CL, ordered tingkats and if needed, send ur maid to TMC for the course.. ha.. i was a bit blurred when u replied me she knows how to bath NBs :p
SQ: trying out the kelp stock with red date and wolfberries.. really is very easy. later let u know if can pass taste factor :p

and this is interesting
Beans – Natural glutamates in kelp enhance flavors and tenderize high protein foods like beans. Add a 5" strip to bean cooking water, leave in at least 10 minutes. For a thick rich bean broth, leave kelp until beans are cooked. No need to add salt.

which means we adults can consume even lesser salt! great!
mummies, i think i am thinking too much and way way ahead..

i am assessing ellie's performance and in all honesty, i find her a good match to my family. and I valued her wealth of experience in taking care of her three kids and the fact taht she is very good with teng.
fast learner and her english is solid! and i pretty much can leave everything to her while i work..however, like all women, she has her swings.. bear with her.. she is ok :p

ehh. actually i am more thinking if i need to TTC for ting.. i have to do it fast! coz ellie's contract is onli 2 years.. and i am not sure if she is keen to renew her contract with us also.. hmmm.. and i dun think i can handle training a new maid, look after a boisterious toddler (teng) , a new born, establish bf-ing and work at the same time?! omg. can die.. haiz..

so.. must TTC by Jan.. then asked her if she is keen to stay .. then must make sure teng already sent to chidcare/playgroup.. then must send ellie to TMC course to refresh memory to take care of newborn.. then must take two/three weeks break for her to go back to visit her family and be a SAHM for that period. coz i know Ellie, she WILL DEFINITELY want to go back to see her kids.. coz she misses them a lot.. hmmm.. wah. sounds a bit over-whelming..

chey. dunno why i am thinking about all this.. haiz.. sot liao me
where you buy your kelp from?
the rail mall shop that joelle recommended?

you can still send seth to GUG mah. just come back on the day of class can liao.

i want to sign up for the JG BP. hee hee.. shall i start the list here?

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">JG Holiday Program 20% off for 4 babies and above</font></font>
1. SQ
SQ: titu gets it for me.. kekeke. she is such a good pal hor?! :p.. then we share share wor. coz apparently very big packet leh..

JG Holiday Program 20% off for 4 babies and above
1. SQ
2. Astro

aiyah.. sorry. i think i am gonig to ask questions which might be repeated..
so it is 2 full weeks of course?.. one week at each location.. i.e. first week at evans park.. then the 2nd week is east coask park?

wah. like that ellie is going to be very siong :p.. kekek. but 9 am to 11am sounds very good for teng.. but i am thinking of the taxi fare :S

SQ: wah. the Kelp stock is very aromatic leh!
SQ: calling titu is even more affectionate mah :p

JG Holiday Program 20% off for 4 babies and above
1. SQ
2. Astro
3. Tituteo

kekeke putting her name down first.. other mummies pls still add in ur name if u are keen. coz the two of us are actually not confirmed :p
i dunno actually
i oni want one week, if it's so damn good then i might add on another if there's vacancy.
and i oni want at forum leh. not the evans park wor. oh oh am i confusing you? actually i'm not sure how this works myself

haha.. ok i should buy my kelp soon.

where else can i get kelp besides rail mall?
SQ: but i thought the two places.. one is at evans park.. then the other is as EAST COAST park?!. wah liew.. how come SO confusing one.. ? eh..

kekeke. so let me convert everything for u.. kekeke. coz i just converted it for ellie. the measurement of the kelp stock..

Astro's Easy Peasy Kelp stock

1 litre of water
15 cm kelp strip, washed
Some red dates, pitted and washed (maybe abt 10?)
some wolfberries, washed (perhaps about 30?)
1. Boil water with red dates and wolfberries
2. Add in washed kelp strip, and SIMMER for 10 minutes.
3. Strain stock and leave to cool for use

PS: if u want the stock to be more aromatic, can switch off and leave it to rest for 5 more minutes. Slice Kelp thinly to add into cooking if needed.


That's it!
whahahah. how easy can it be?! :p

PS: the above 'cook' is not liable for any addiction to using kelp as stock base for bbs.

yelo mummies!!

wah yday i went watch F1 got $10 &amp; $60 view :p
very exciting &amp; LOUD!!

wahahha..teng's pic is so cute! should put up in some advert sure SELL!
jo also go CC liao??

u rest well..leave the rest to mr wong to worry abt :p hope EJ gets used to his new environment too..

chloe goin to cc this friday..pete will be with her while i take leave on monday. She is beginning to 'teh' alot these days die la..

u wanna TTC? :ppp WAH u sound like a good planner le..but seriously is a must la..good to plan before little one comes...

AMAZING RACE AXN channel now!
belle: wah.. so exciting to watch F1 live hor?
ha. i soo suaku.. i just asked miser.. (he commented i missed exciting F1 grand prix race yesterday). sotoday anymore? he said just 3 days. no mor eliao lah!.. then now i am thinking.. just three days.. for all the fuss? :p:p

hahaha. he looks like those 'out to tekan u hard hard' kid lor.. *shudders*

SQ: hahaha. i tasted it.. not bad. ok given that it does not have any salt.. but i think if u want it sweeter hor. can add onions, or carrots or celery.. ?? hahaha. anyhow add lah! :p
belle: start in jan. not now.. now to dec is lost weight.. haiz.. difficult.
i am a good planner.. PLAN only.. execute or not is another thing altogether :p

then miser said .. lose weight go jog with him every night in front of our house. got open area.. sure lose weight one.. ha..
nowadays my stock really anyhow add
i'm tired of cooking the same stock over and over again. running out of ideas. or is it stocks are just those few types and thus so boring?
u mummies so hardworking..i so zonked to even think of cooking during wkends..wkends for me is hse cleaning haiz..now i heard aunt say chloe only wanna eat a few spoons of food n run away...she seems to like 'tea breaks' instead of sitting properly to eat a whole meal la...then eat small 'meals' like biscuits, fruits (she loves bananas) milk, cereal lor...she not a fan of rice n porridge le...
if i were u , i dun bother lose weight now :p cos goin to BLOAT when ttc successful mah hahaha...

ya lor u got good memory le.. with my sis cos uncle not well after OP..so went back to aunt cos he is ok liao..we decided to put her to cc for good la..prompted us to decide when aunt told us she might not be able to take care then..i guess sooner or later hv to start lor..might as well start now.
SQ: there really isn't much variety leh for stocks.. all along. teng has been having one form of stock! ops :p.. even the chicken one. i find it TOO oily. so he has been having celery-leeks-carrots-onion stock. for a super long time.. till now :p
u see lah. actually stock dun need too fanciful one. coz onli use to cook the dishes mah. if everything from the base all so complicated.. really very tiringto cook liao..

i even find shredding the celerly, carrots, peeling onions etc troublesome.. so u know now who is the lazier mum? :p:p

belle: anyhow cook onli ah. not like gourmet seth and his sot sot Master Cook mama.. sooo innovative.. buay tahan her. make my bp go higher onli :p:p

SQ: he says onli.. coz he knows if i spurge on Amore.. it is going to cost more than jogging in front of the house :p
ya lor. those few types. i usu do veg or chicken oni. that's why getting bored. i dun do fish cos chao4 chao3, no mutton cos smelly.
then we dun eat beef. so no variety liao

you dun cook during weekends then chloe eat what?
belle: mutton as stock? alamak.. sure or not? *think kambing soup*..ehh dun think teng will like! :p

cannot lah. i over weight liao. wait all the health harzards will all come during preg.. then can die!
you joining Amore?
i used to be their member too
nice leh, there's one branch in woodlands

what do you mean shred celery? i just cut into chunks, boil and throw!
SQ: ya.. i used to be a member. then not bad.. washealthy.. then lost discipline. kekeke. ya. i went to the woodlands branch. thinking if should go there with my sis.. since she wants to tone up and look pretty pretty for her ROM in dec

alamaak. i meant peel celery :p
celery must peel?
oops. i just chop into chunks and that's it leh.
how about we go exercise together?
you need to go office every day to work? got off days or days when you can go gym during day time?
SQ: tempt u further with the kelp base hor.. the kelp will expand on cooking. then become very very big.. then can portion some for YE.. slice finely. add into her food. good iron for her..

then the rest. can stir fry with some cabbage. and oyster suace for own consumption. i THINK onli. actual taste i let u know tomorrow.. coz kekeke. that is what ellie is going to cook tomorrow..

so u see.. kelp is wonderful .. one strip of kelp so many use!
SQ: must peel to get rid of the tough.. ehh. peel? .. coz then the tough skin will go off and the stock more fragant. and less bitter..
carrot got peel or not? :p

yes. need go office everyday leh. haiz.. sad life leh me..
u nice leh. u got good Ils.. really can be tai tai!!! *envy*

no lei.. no planning to change nick. why u ask me that? :p:p time to change ah? :p
oh shit astro
i never peel! not even the carrot! aiyo, i dunno how to peel leh... the celery. oops

me getting fat oni. not tai tai lah
i'm a guilty SAHM. most days i'm not home, or my kid is not with me

your nick sudd reminds me of Dolly the sheep. and i feel sad. that's why i asked
Chloe eat bread, banana &amp; watever i eat lor..norm i eat out la. very bad right
so ashamed of myself

hee just joking la..i hate mutton yucks!
thanks. later i go and see

now i'm collecting all the idiot-proof recipes
hee hee

at least chloe is so much more chubby than YE! what can i say?!
SQ: whahahahaha! u are funny!! Dolly the sheep?? whahahaha nice one.. hmm let me see.. should i change it to that?! :p

alamak. must peel.. coz the skin can be dirty.. unless organic lah.. but of course.. some 'back to basics' cook will say can just throw everything.. like jamie oliver? :p
use the veg peel.. cut chucks of celery. then invert it.. so that the curved side/skin face up.. and roughly peel, can liao
careful fingers hor :p

this is the kind of tai tai life i want leh. go anywhere i want. without having teng ot bother me! and i not paiseh to admit one..:p
chubby? aiya all that JUNK! i desperately tryin to stuff her whenever she AGREES to open her mouth le..

at bintan, the moment she points she wants cheese i fed her :p n i hv to take every chance cos once she shake her head NO...she wont even wanna open her mouth! stimes she eats but wants to run ard..then run back for me to feed her i just relent la..cos better than she dun eat.
