(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

with full bm, will clear slowly, not as drastic one. so in general the level will be high too. so listen to experts and see what they recommend. dun worry, it is quite normal.
astro. haha! tian already hit 220 in her 1st week., which was very high. but dr assured me that her brain was ok, not damaged. so i happie lor.

ok i ciao liao.
oh dear
came back and read mickey's post

aiya, if the CL really make your blood boil, just terminate her and send her packing lah. no point having a CL to get on your nerves oni.

so ayden just warded? you must be v sad now. but you must still take care also okie. sayang you.

you wanna bring anna for the JG weekday one week program? i'm thinking of that too.

i thot your hubby say cannot? and you still signing up? i'm keen. wait for hubby come back tonight first see what he says. hee hee..
Mummies... Thanks for consoling me...
I'm much better now. Just now waiting at hospital was really tough. Now that huby is around, I feel much better. I think he cannot go to work and have to stay at home with me!

QQ: Yes, I already want to let her go. But hubby is the soft type lah, kept asking me to tong4 for 1 mth! I was even comtemplating if we shd go without a cl sooner.. At most I order tingkat..

Angel: I think ayden will be hospitalised for that period of time too..
you've gone through so much before, you know ayden will be fine with this jaundice too. he will be alright okie. you know what i mean? so dun worry so much till you fall sick.
SQ, i will brainwash hb and see wad his reactions tonite. If he is so against with the holiday program then i will want to go for the weekly classes.
pasir ris gathering sound very tempting, but i cannot go

hubby was asking me whether i want it to be a romantic 2 person dinner or 3-of-us family day :p wow tough choice.

your CL sound a bit jia lak. dun worry, sure it will come down. my CL brought leia down to get some morning sunshine when she had mild Jaundice. she said it helps.
DAs, yah the most u order tingkat for meals...but can ur maid help to bathe Ayden? Not all maids noe how to bathe a newborn.
QQ: She def has enuf sleep. Cos ayden woke up only like once in the nite for bf. That's abt 3plus am. And she doesn't do anything else. even for bottle washing, she leaves them to my maid if she can. all the preparation for cooking and washing up after cooking, she leaves to my maid. she sat down to watch tv with us at 8 in the evening and didn't do anything else. then she retired to her room at abt 9pm and only come out of the room when ayden needs to feed..

During her stay here, I pity my maid so much cos it seems she has so much more work to do! :p
It's v. common for BB to hv Jaundice.
Ask CL to buy some Jin-Ying-Hua to let him bathe when he's back.
Then put 3-4pcs in a red packet & put under his pillow.
Tat's wat my mom do.
mickey: be strong and don't worry too much...my SIL child was also down with jaundice and was also hospitalised...now she's a bubbly gal...control ur emotions..i know it's easier said than done, good thing ur HB is supportive... mine would just leave me with MIL and go back to work cos the "company can't survive without him, or so he thinks... " ;-P
Go romantic 2 person dinner lah...

BB March,
Just read tat u went Isetan sales last thurs.. I was there as well.. But really peifu u leh.. Still can buy things from there.. It was so crowded.. In the end, i buy nothing.. hee...
bbmouse , worse case order tingkat but if not nice , u also hv to eat . for CL , u tell her , dun cook tis n that , she can accept ur suggestions rite ? for tingkat , u are alone coz no one to help u look after bb leh .

so if bb ayden returns fm hospital , u concentrate fully during the day on ur rest n meals .

at nite then let the CL look after him . at least ur load is shared by her .

so u shd DONG first ...
bbmouse: in all honesty. i think u can manage without another person to make u frustrated.. .. and ordered. tingkat.. that's what i planned to .. for ting in future.. and i want to send ellie to TMC to learn how to take care of newborns.. heard they have such courses for maids.. maybe u could consider this option..
From wat u describe, your CL really jia lat leh.. The basic things which they hv to do is at least wash bb's bottles, washes up dishes n even clean the kitchen after cooking.. I think u can consider terminating her service if she only add to your troubles n doesn't help much..

But dun worry so much abt Ayden.. Jaundice is very common among new borns.. Just hope tat he will recover soon..

i think because the other teachers may be new, that's why. Rose is definitely new. The other teacher also seemed to be a bit new but not very sure either. Cuz originally, my class not these 3 teachers. It is Teacher Ereen and teacher fairul I think but teacher fairul need to do music for all the other classes so they put in 2 other teacher in place of her?
mummies, sorry to disappoint all the good intentions here.. but i have asked for supplement for EV liao. i think she is starting to get hungry n i cannot keep up. today her feeds are on-demand, so it's very erratic. after 1st feed, they bring baby 2hrs later.. then after that they bring baby 1hr later! then i let her suckle for 30mins and straight after that she still cry! so i told them to supplement.

The lactation consultant came. She said bb is latching correctly, sucking very well.. BUT i still having pain like crazy. she told me she has come across some mummies who are just super-sensitive to nipple pain.. i think i m one of those. It's truly ironic.. i can give birth without epidural but just cannot breastfeed. It's actually a different kind of pain. Maybe i just can't take this kind.

My plan now is to continue to BF every 3hrs or so.. but each time will supplement too (if she still cries). so far now, each time she will suckle for 20mins.. it's not like just 5-10mins leh.
hope that Ayden gets well soon. don't worry too much since he is in hospi now, he should be in good hands. hey, i think u should just let your CL go. I second what SQ says, no point keeping a CL to irritate yourself. actually this is the reason why i don't want a CL. cos to me, i feel no point if i need to have to put up with another person whom i have to pay so much for!

SQ, Michelle,
I have brand new cot bumpers! I never used them for EJ. I did take it out and tie it to the cot initially.. but after 1 day, i took them off cos it's so warm! And i dun let EJ sleep in aircon so i never use.. so EJ will just go knock here knock there lor.. but i dun care!

Dreamgal, QQ,
there is a Neurogain fishoil meant for kids. In the pharmacy in SG, if u tell them u want Neurogain, they will most likely show u the kids one.. unless u tell them specifically it's for Pregnant women.
Yup, me gg for Sam's full mth celebration.. Pai seh, now then reply 'cos i am reading all the archives now.. Hee.. Hope to meet up with u then..
Mummies.. I'm really ok for ayden to be hospitalised for treatment of jaundice. The initial reaction of grief is over. Now I know he's in good hands, def better hands than my CL.

Yes, my CL doesn't wash bb clothes, doesn't clean up the kitchen, doesn't wash up after cooking and doesn't even wash bb bottles etc.. She's very ho miah. Liddat can still ga-bra!

Astro: My maid knows how to bathe NBs. She has 2 young kids herself.. The only prob is anna doesn't like her to hand ayden. anna will cry and fuss when she carries ayden.. :p

Pink: My CL doesn't think ayden is jaundiced. I was the one who insisted she sunbathe ayden. So she has been sitting there on the sofa with him and she called that sunbathing!
Caicai: I think even my maid can cook for me! Every meal just take fish lor..

Autum: Hey, do what you deem fit with BF. Don't worry abt me, you rest well ok? Post EV's pic when ready..

Thanks to all mums for your concern... Sorry if I didn't reply your post directly..
Am very sleepy now, cos didn't take my nap today.. Going to rest, then wake up for dinner and go visit ayden with my bm now.. thanks again.. tata..
sorry to hear that ayden has jaudice but it is a common occurrence. but having said that 300 is on the high side. since he is in hospt now, means he shld be "suntan-ning".
so dun worry to much, he is in good hand.
i cant remb whose bb has 300+ and had to be warded for almost a week.

u mean bf can bring jaundice to the bb. guess K is a lucky one, she has less than 80.
dun cry, dun cry... ayden is hospitalised to go under the light huh? he shd be fine one, u can continue to bf him. My boy also hospitalised 2nd time due to jandice, sometimes due to bf, the jandice takes a while to "subside". Just refrain from eating ginger and sun him more often even after discharged.

actuall hor, my ah boy still hv yellow-ness even after his full mth leh, it just depends on how high is the jandice...
when Adeline's jaundice hit > 100, the nurse at kkh started to phototheraphy her...

you made the right choice, sometimes must listen to your heart. when u feels something is not right, do what you think u should do. oh yeah, the KK nurse (even the doctor) told me not to take too much ginger as this will prolong the jaundice

p/s: tell your CL to go home 'koonz'. everything no need to do... faint~!
aiyah, u not disappointing us. i have never truly had K latching on, her BM was all express out. in fact, after she is born, she was already on S26.
anyway, stay happy !
it's ok lah, if u find it too pain and stress, dun need to force yourself to go thr it. That's my pt of view lah. Most impt thing, is dun stress yourself after deliver and confinement. U need to take good care of yourself too. I've always give this advice to my frens, hahaha... impt to take care of ourselves too.
autum: most importantly is to feel stress free now.. don't worry abt latching... it's just an added "bonus" if you could do it... don't stress yourself... :)
how to sunbath sitting on the sofa...
maybe CL see you have a maid to help u do stuff so she act blur. why dun u ask her?
paisei..went to bake birthday cake for my maid. :p now giving 'outdated' answer.

think answered liao... the jg program starts 17nov..think 2 weeks prog nia. 2 diff activities. i believe they do 4 days of lessons teaching the different insect/animals, then final day of excursion to see them for real. sounds like a whole term of lessons squeezed into 1 week.. dats y so ex bah...

i think playclub quite interesting leh.. but i will prefer the once a week one ba. dowan to stress him out so young.. but again...still thinking oni... =\

petting farm i think is where u get to pet the little animals. heh. i oso sua ku..jus presume nia. :p

aiyo..hearing all the talk on gug... i wish i can send seth there to join in the fun... but hor need to go kl every month abit mafan to disrupt lessons leh. =/
Thanks mummies!

I just made a trip to the nursery room to kaypoh n i was quite surprised to discover something! there were 6 babies there (including EV) and all the other 5 babies are on formula milk! EV is the only one being breastfed!!! of course there would be other babies not in the nursery room (ie with mummies being BF maybe).. but based on what i see of the 6 babies, i m just so surprised! so i think there are actually many babies who are not BF? and i kept thinking i m being very bad etc..

I think guilt is such a crippling thing. Or maybe we are all too educated so we read/think/learn too much, so we stress ourselves more?

I ask the nurse there why so many babies on formula.. she just gave general explanation.. say some mummies could be c-section, some are just too tired.. some got wound pains etc.. oh well..
At least you follow your own instinct and it's not too late although the reading is high. More tiring to travel to and fro betw hopsital. Try to get more rest also.
Some CL are like that, my CL with my lst confinement i also don't like. Very lazy, watch afternoon and evening tv with me. Cannot stand her but need someone to help me.
Mmm, Anna start to get jealous of didi. It takes time bah.

Me too and supplement with fm. Nevermind, slowly see how. If really painful also difficult to go on. I really peifu mummies who can bf all the way as it's not easy. Just try your best, not to worry.

We took away Dylan's cot bumper long time ago liao. Think it's 8 mths bah. They will used to the knocking.
I so goon-do...still put cot bumper for Kai.
Then these few nites he sleep until his head sweaty...Quite hot with the fan not blowing direct.
Think i gonna remove it tonite.

Some mummies choose not to BF for the 1st day cos need to rest.
Dun worry, mummy is still the GREATEST. With or without BF

all the bbies in kkh's nursery room are on FM... only u told the nurse u wanna latch on then they will push the bb to your ward.. dont worry abt the latching. for me, both As did not even latched on :p

dont worry be happy, do wat you feel you are comfortable with...
I took off the cot bumper long time ago as like what you said, fan not blowing direct. Hot if didn't on aircon. Infact, we already convert the bed to toddlers bed last mth. Quite ok as the toddler bed is against the wall, beside my bed.
Jo was exactly like that. 3rd / 4th day, latch almost non-stop! wah. damn stress. plus got sore cracking nipples. end up i pump and give for almost 2 wks. dun be stressed. good idea to latch her on 3hrly then supplement lah, if u feel u cannot keep up with her demand.

hang in there. we know wat u r gg thru. we know how u feel. u can do it.
pls axe ur CL. u dun need her to stress u out.
i got a dramaqueen Joanne! i spoke to her Tr jus now.

this afternoon my mom sent her to school. she cried when Tr Ann pulled her away. she din fin her milk, asked for her pacy and went to sleep. this was despite taking a 30+min nap in the morning. i think she must be so sad that she went to sleep hugging her milk btl. so poor thing. she din cry when she woke up. had cake and barley for tea. she did cry but would stop if nobody bothers her and will join in the activities. if Tr go sayang her, she cry even louder!!?? she'll go to the gate and scream for ma ma! aiyo, to think this girl dun even call me when she sees me, always go papa! 5pm, it was TV time, and kids start gg home. everytime the door open, kids go out, she cry. once the door close, she stop. aiyo, i heard her when i was talking to Tr who was sitting beside her! so cute!
haha.. so cute the way Jo is being the dramaqueen! now i m wondering how is EJ doing in the new CC. today his first day. i feel so sad that i can't be there to see or be with him for at least a while..
