(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

i m feeling very sad now n crying.. can't help it. i dunno maybe subconsciously my mind is rejecting BF? then i start to think it's really something wrong with me.. it's hard to explain but i feel like i m dithering.. between trying to be rationale, logical, staying happy, staying positive n DREAD..

star: when it is my turn. pls invest 100% more effort to push me to continue bf.. coz i give up easily .. when i am depressed.. i throw in white towel very easily :p

Her son is at 1130am sun.. eh, no.. she will come and join me 930 sat next sem. if she can get a car :p.. i am ok wiht cow girl.. next year is cow huh? ok lor..:p
ya... confinenemt end tml...

mommies.. i veri sad... tml cl leaving...and just now cl came into my room to sit down and chat with mi... den bel suddenly wave byebye to cl... wah... i almost burst out in tear... she actually noe cl is leaving... i can see cl is veri sad... my room is dark, i nv switch on the lights, cos making bel to slp... den i can hear her tone veri low... machiam tearing type... so sad...

but on another side, i m veri happy... cos i can go out again... lol... i hope i can cope without her tml... hopefully i survive!
Autum: Bfring is tuff .. hang in there if u can, a lot of them is comforting u here, saying its ok if u really do give up, but i still wanna try and ask u to hang on ok instead of comforting u telling u its ok to give it. cos i know what u r going thru, i had wanted to give up many times too, many times exactly like u, i was lucky my GF convinved me to hang on which is why i am still bfing till today.
i dunno where else sells kelp leh. i get mine at the railmall store. alternate between kelp n wakame. i can't decide which one i like best. :p and hor, can just boil kelp w white button mushroom. very nice liao... makes a good soup too. i usually add minced meat/beef n tofu for a balanced dish.

try the kelp w mushroom... u sure like. maybe u can try ur smelly oyster mushroom! =p

paisei.. jus remember i forgot to answer ur qn. good u have convection oven! can start baking liao. i read dat convection n conventional oven is different. and cos it uses circulating air, the temperature control is different. all u have to do is to reduce the oven temperature of all recipes by 20 degrees C. trial and error la! u can start now! ;) i'm getting a convection for my new place! u go gain some experience... next time i qing3 jiao4 fr u! ;p
thanks. i know the mummies here are being very encouraging.. it's just me being "not here not there".. i mean, i feel i don't have the kind of determination that Yvonne has about BF.. but i also don't have the resolve to totally not BF. i think i m just making life hard for myself.

the previous LC didn't say all that la.. it's probably what i perceived only, becos i m too sensitve n upset at that time. i just felt that whatever she was saying was not helping.. because i obviously felt a lot of pain, but the way she said or what i perceived her to say/act, it seems like she was denying my pain/problem.
hey. is it all LC is like tt? tt ms wong bohboi also like tt... i sound so stupid when i ask her qns and if my position or bb latching correctly... she keep telling everything is perfectly fine... (so prob is with mi... i m not confident enough)... lol... don worry..u just latch if u can tahan... seriously hor, i think is the let down... cos mine also pain all the way... till my arm also super pain... i can feel the pulling of the veins... are u feeling like this too?
autum: Normal to cry..
.. that time.. miser was massaging my breast coz i got engorged.. and i was also crying.. coz i felt soo useless.. like how come just cannot get it right.. argh.. and the pain, like how u are putting it, just makes it 300% worse!.. then i stare at my cracked nipple.. wah liew.. feel like dying.. the whole world is just not nice to me, all of a sudden. then i htink of the losing battle with FM.. wah liew..

but can i suggest something?.. try? coz while we know it is very painful. and we are dreading it.. once the milk production stops.. we get the all familiar 'guilt' .. which is very de sian.
so the pain vs guilt. guilt is more crippling, i feel

but u are the best guage.. dun let this all break the bonding between u and EV.. like the way it breaks the bond of teng with me in the initial months.. that is even worse.. like now.. i cannot even remmber if i have ever enjoyed teng in his first three months.. haiz. that's my story for u

cheer up, smile?

u told me before.. even if dun feel like smiling. just try. and u will feel better.. so u gotta try wor
have u thot of sending Bel to a playgroup class? u can try those half-day program of 3hrs type.. from 9am to 12pm.. then at least u have a little bit of time to yourself and Sam? not sure if this will help.. but maybe u can consider.
astro - end of Oct. But I have this feeling that this little gal is going to come early than expected..so a little gan cheong! Hee...I even thought of inducing other time. But the mummies here told me the risk and I gave up the thought. Hearing what Autum says about very fast for the second one...I am really worried.

Yvonne - I am sure you will manage well with the two kids. You are a great mum...dun doubt your own ability ok. We know how "powerful" we are as mothers :p Haha...yeh...freedom...freedom...so got out extra car seat for Bel or not? Then the mums here can date you.

Mummies - How come Dylan is sleeping later and later huh? Do your kids sleep late too? Is it normal for them to sleep less now?
Autum: yes its the let down pain,..esp bad in the 1st week... can cry from the pain one. dun keep saying u dun have determination, i think u are thinking too much liao, u should stop thinking and just BF, dun think so much. dun give urself reason to quite (like sensitive nipple etc), i hope u r not offended by what i just say ok.

astro: i will give u more than 100%, but u must make sure u listen to me ok and not anyone else here, if anyone else say its ok to give up (including miser), u must shut them all out and listen to no one exp me.. like this, ur chance of surviving BFing should be quite big.
hey... i also got the same thinking... when i saw the crack on my nipple... when it is getting deeper as days goes by... i keep asking myself y i torture my body... let it crack and bleed... after tt infection? wah... forever nv ending prob come attact mi... now i m having rashes on my breast... like those rash u see on baby butt... i cannot apply or do anything to it... will go get some anti allergy med to eat... if not, i will just endure the itch... u are not the onli one have such negetive thinking... i think all bfing mothers go thru the same thing... even star can tell mi she almost give up... so i just keep telling myself i can do it... u can do it too! don be sad...
yvonne: that mrs wong bb.. to me.. S*c*s big time.. honestly. i am only putting in the * in order not to get sued!

everything she attributed to low confidence (might be true.. ) but as if everyone like her.. full of 'faked' high confidence..

Autum: u have a perfectly valid point. yes. the pain is with us.. they dun feel it.. so we perceive they are not helping.. maybe i can suggest to u to think .. as in be rational? which is the best for u? to stick thru it. (like the way u tahan without epidural.. cannot be nipples pain worst than without epidural.. though i understand different kind of pain.. one is recurring and annoying. the onther is one shot tahan finish)and eventually u know u did it..?

or the other side of the coin is.. to really be very siao1 sai3.. and say it is ok..both persepctives need a certain amount of self convincing..
u are the best to judge for urself which side u truly are

titu: oyxter mushrooms not smelly! :p
Autum - I realised that during confinement/after delivery...we seem to tear easily at the slighest thing. I remember I tear at almost little single thing! We are here for you...come in and chat to us. I am not a great mum in BF too..so cant comment much. But I am sure that you will manage in the days to come. Jia you!
i thot let-down pain is there when there is let-down and not when baby is suckling? ie.. even if baby is not suckling, there should be this let-down pain right? but i feel pain only when bb is sucking.. so i didn't think it's the same pain.

my pain is not the vein-pulling.. it's just at the aerola/nipple area. You are very good le.. can tahan so much.
haa.... so weird. seth is opposite! sometimes when i wan to leave him in jus diapers without wearing his pants first (cos hot, dowan him to wear long pants yet/ or gonna change diapers again so dowan to wear pants), he will eh eh eh n made mewear for him.. if i don't he will attempt to wear them himself.. usually by putting 2 legs into 1 hole kind. :S n in the mornings, sometimes when i wanna strip him to shower, he will cry n insists on wearing back! so he is definitely not ready for potty training?!

my way of preparing celery is to wash clean, use vegie peeler to peel the top curved sides (like peeling carrot) and then break into shorter pieces w hands. as i break, i will strip the bottom side 'fibres' by pulling away the almost broken part (something like stripping the sides of french beans). after dat then i dice the celery. confused? :p
star: ops! orh! jialat. 'no way back'.. hahahaha.. as i put it to Autum.. i am the former.. i am quite upset with myself for giving up.. or maybe u can say i childish. what others can do. i tell myself i must do..so .. hmmm.. will try. and tahan more..
miser never ask me give up.. he kept asking me to try.. but i got irritated with him.. and tell him to stop bothering me.. but i told him to come back and help me bf teng one.. kekeke :p

hmm. but hor.. i think autum is upset.. so let's be gentler with her?
i think all the mummies meant that way.. not encouraging her to give up. but trying to make her feel more comfortable?
i got the intention to sent bel to playgroup... but now alot of things need to do... full mth, apply house... den don noe wad... ai yo... veri busy... maybe after everything settle down, i go source for a sch for her...

ya lor! hey, but seriously she veri good lei... i feel la... thou she always pour cold water when i ask her qns...

i got 2 carseat... bel still using her current one... sam using bel's newborn use one... i need someone to date mi... wahahaha... but hor, i don have the confident to bring 2 out... whaha... quite a challenge lei!!!

ai yo, eyes closing liao.. go rest, come back later... nite nite...
titu: nope. i am not confused.. coz i know what u are doing. some time i do that also :p

ur seth funny.. kekeke.. he got so many endearing patterns.. when he finished putting two legs in one hole.. does he, *piak* fall face down?! :p
tay: best of luck! must come in annouce asap when u pop!

yvonne: ya. but i dun like her.. too high and mightly. i spent so much to have one -to -one consultation with her.. she ask her 'disciples' to come and tend to me.. what the XXXX?
hahah.. i feel the same way abt wong bb too! hahaha.. altho i didn't exactly have direct contact with her (cos i didn't go to TMC), but i attended abt 20mins of her antenatal class n immediately i could feel she is too "high-handed".. like everything she says must be god-truth n everything else u may feel is wrong! I don't like the way she talks down to people like she is the only person in the world who knows how to take care of a baby.. yes, she has a lot of knowledge.. but i don't like the way she transmits the knowledge. So i walked out of her class! :p

Tay, Astro,
actually to me, childbirth pain is more bearable than BF-pain! seriously.. cos maybe i m lucky that my childbirth pain is not very bad.. i m not joking.. i think i can live thru another childbirth without epi, but i dread BF more! maybe i m weird!
autum: its a combination of let down pain as well as ur nipple not getting use to the constant abrasion, thus the pain. ur nipples's skin not toughen yet, thats why the pain. have u been reading up online, read more, arm with more info so that u know what kind of pain u are dealing with. This is initial Bfing pain, esp bad in the 1st two week.s actually i also very recently get crack nipples, cos rae bite me, so damn painful and my wound was gapping open, the wound like the size of a cooked japanese rice grain. but me diff cos rae big girl liao, so i can smack her to stop her but the wound took a long time to heal.

astro: ya i know autum is upset thats why i dun want her to be rash and make a sudden decision now or even consider stopping. no one seems to be stopping her on her decision to stop Bfing, maybe thats why i sound a bit mor harsh cos i am telling her not to stop.
Astro: actually i also dun like wong BB.. hehehe.. i intro u to my LC next time, doris fok.. wha i like her a lot, i highly recommend.. i remembver at the 1st session, she was with me for more than 2 hrs cos the 1st hr all i did was cry and cry in front of her, telling her my pain and my guilt for wanting to stop bfing. wha i was a wreck then holding on to rae and tears dripping all over rae cos i was crying non stop. and it did not help that my mum was at the background telling me cannot cry, and that woman in confinement will go blind if we cry too much, duh!

autum: i know why u say child bearing pain mroe bearable cos its over liao, won;t go thru again, its a one thing thingy so when u recover from it, u think its ok. the reason u not ok with Bfing is becos u have not "recovered" from it yet, cos u r still going thru the painful process and its unbearable, so the fastest way to get rid of this pain is too stop, human nature lah.
hi autum you are in..

dun feel depressed k, listen to the experienced mummies here..decide wat is best for you. Dun stress. Ganbatee!!

if pain apply the nipple cream constantly?

lazy chloe + lazy teng...urm who is goin to push the other one fwd :p
autum/astro: i wanna know i did my best to convince autum not to stop bfing lah.

i hope i am not irritating the rest of the mummies here with my advice for autum okie.
autum: now i am convinced. we two got attitude :p whahahahaha.. that first and onli encounter with her. i tell myself. no more!
i can;t comment. coz i went thru with epi.. more numb than pain.. ha!

star:u smack rae? :p wah. ihaven't smack teng per say. i flicked at his cheeks and he flipped big time. actually i am curious to know.. big bbs very hard to shift around to bf leh! that time teng is soo light. i also like want to die. shifting him around :p

and i understand what u mean.. i think autum also understand.. u are a good eg of perserverign.. and we all know where u are comin from
i jus wan to tell u that not bfg won't make u a bad mommy. getting stress over bfg is not gg to help u. i also dun wan to see u go into post natal depression. if u wan to give up, it's for ur well being, so that u can be a better mommy for E Vy. if u r stressed, depressed, u'll be missing a lot with E Vy. u dun have CL, so it's ur decision now, k? dun be too stressed abt bfg.
star: i need pple who can tahan and be supportive.. our madame wong bb can be better lor.. duh. okok .doris fok for me next huh ?

u went with ur mum? wah liew.. i went with my mum.. and the confinement lady. and teng was outside crying even louder! i lagi stressed

then one of her disciples came in and tell me my mum cannot handle teng. too kan cheong. wah liew.. felt like dying then.. haiz..

belle: dun worry too much for the little couple.. they can manage by themselves one! :p
pax: we all will be stressed over Bfing one lah.. whether we can Bf or if we choose to stop, its all one big stress for us, not too mentioned, taking care of a new bb, worrying that they are not drinking enuff etc etc. but i also agree with u lah, no good getting post natal depression over this but we must also remmber that we might also get post natal from guilt of stopping. see no way is good way.

belle: ya i paid for her visit, she is with NUH, she preactise on her own as well, i got her to pay me home visit. she is also contactable via email, i was checking on rae's progress with her on email over a periof of 3 mths cos she slow weight gain and doris suspected that my ss not enuff for her lah.
ha! i like the sound of it...hmm little couple...xiao liang kou ...

watching chloe zzz now..she is sound asleep & sucking her tutu (she calls pu pu)
i don't think anyone here will feel irritated with your good intentions (to advice me not to stop).. so don't have to feel bad ok. I know u mean well.

thanks. i will try.. guess as humans, we all try to take easy way out.. or maybe it's just me! :p

well.. I definitely felt better the last time after i stopped BF with EJ. I really felt that I was free! I didn't feel any sense of achievement at all even when i was BF-ing.. i didn't feel that "wow" that I m doing all my best for my baby.. i just felt dread all the time.. and now.. this dread is creeping upon me. But anyway, I won't totally stop now.. I will still try to latch and then pump probably.. but for how long.. i also dunno yet.
bfing mummies
do u press ur nipples n areola into a slit n stuff into the bb's mouth when feeding? i was taught that way n bb's mouth is supposed to cover the whole thing to minimise pain?
autum: before u know it.. the next feed is over. and u have tried.. dun tink so much. might be the best kind of advice for pple like us?

belle: ha.. actually . those are the words in chinese!!
teng is 'sun taning' lah :p

star/pax: i got to agree. both ways can lead to post natel depression.. haiz. so sian sometimes for beign woman!
ya bb's mouth supp to cover the whole of the areola to be considered correctly latched on

but i didnt know that is supp to minimise pain.
joelle: ya i was taught to roll ur nipples slightly before each feed, but i dun press them, i will press my breast instead and stuff it all into rae's mouth machiam like chokking her with my big brest all the time.. hahah
haa..bingo! how come u know ah? dat day he succeeded in putting 2 legs into 2 holes liao.. then whole trying to pull 'up' when seated, he toppled on his side n almost fell of my bed!! i grabbed hold of his arm in time! haa... but i was laughing so hard after dat while he cried in fear for a few seconds! haaa
i'm jus trg to tell Autum that it's ok to stop if she really wan to and it's not gg to make her a bad mommy. i bf both my kids, i know how it is like.

as long as u feel u can do it and not feel stressed abt it, try to go as long as u can.
*gasp* whahah. let me try to lighten the mood now. and say stupid thing...

star: the way u descibred.. stuffing bbs with big breasts.. i think alot of men would LOVE to be breast-fed bbs! :p
whahahahah.. have i made u gals smile slightly? or u all just went..'eee.. that astro hor!'..?
kekekekeke :p
joelle: hahah.. cute leh seth.. big boy liao, wanna pull on pants himeself hor.

autum: ya best not to think so much, just cont as long as u can .
yeah after bf for 4 mths & due to the big lump n constant blocked ducts, i gave up. After that i was like WOAH...i no longer feel so tensed up esp at work & when i go shpg ctrs!! for me the pain is not the let down..it's the engorgement Grrr..
it has nvr been easy to be a woman...

latch correctly then no pain lor. that's what they mean by minimise pain.
astro: hahaha.. ya u def put a smile on my face.. the men must be envying all the bbs hor.. hahaha. i think must be ur bb planning, making u post this kind of messages.
star: hmmmm.. ehh. i am supposed to be SICK.. cannot play play .. else miser also sick.. then everyone sick.. and breed bacteria and virus onli.. no ting! ha!

re JP holiday prog

wanted so much to try during june but din coz hb said ex.. now wanna try also cant liao coz its during nov when i may pop anytime

anyway, some info i gathered from my previous research..
1. the price indicated is for 1 wk lesson.. so u can choose to attend wk 1 OR wk 2..
2. the 4 tods who sign up NEED NOT attend the same lesson/week as long as they sign up tog..
3. its a daily prog for 1 whole wk ie working mum has to take leave.

pink, today i brought anthea by myself to NTUC aft my i fetch her rite aft my tuition. while Q-ing at the cashier, i let her down to walk and she dares to walk out of my sight!! in the end i quickly left the Q and grabbed her back in my arms with her cryinga and struggling free... Leia is def normal coz anthea is also like dat

tay, anthea sleeps later and later and wakes up at 7-730am every morn zun zun!!! i realised she sleeps later ever since she learnt to walk..

been getting so uncomfy with my big tummy these few days.. frequent BH too..
