(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

so hor..basically chloe eats snacks lor..as long as i think nutricious i just give la..plain crackers with cheese, bananas, apricots, peas (oh she loves those little green peas) she uses her fingers to pick up.

i only make sure she dun take too high sugar stuff + biscuits ..yday i gave her yakult for the 1st time, just let her have a sip..just now she had a sip of my green apple + celery drink :p

to think her mama will hold her breath whilst passing by the mutton store at the mkt!! dun think Chloe will expect any mutton stuff at home :p let alone cooked by her lazy mummy lol
Happy Birthday Mash!!
ya, i'm also trying to get YE to eat

YE doesn't like sweet drinks. she's like me, likes plain water oni. haha...

thks for the celery tips. haha... i never peel before

aiya, i'm quite worried about rotting away when i dun work lah. everyone has her own challenges
plain water is good!! if chloe dun drink water, next time i will tell her then u hv PIMPLY SKIN :p if she is vain enuf she will listen to me wahhaha...
sq/belle: teng also likes plain water.. he drinks tonnes of plain water. coz he perspires like no tomorrow! eeks!

SQ: u bring YE back EVERY day.. and cook all her meals AND feeed her for EVERY SINGLE meal.. think enough challenge liao :p
SQ: hahaha. i was about to say. i dun mind teng ask for water than milk.. i honestly think so. coz u must see his stomch after dinner.. add in milk.. i think.ehh. SCARY.. :p water.. can.. as long as he doesn't wake. i close TWO eyes..:p

btw, u know of the corelation thatyoung kids this age cannot differiente thirst from hunger? as in if thirsty drink water.. they will fill up.. and will reject milk..
yes. but i give her milk she dun drink leh. she will twirl the teat around in her mouth and the milk doesn't go down. but if i give her water, she will gulp down bottles and bottles of it

QQ has witnessed the amazing deed
how? she only drinks water leh. if it's milk, she will just gam2 in her teeth and i'm v scared she will ganna tooth decay!

or she will not wanna touch the bottle if she sees milk, and keep pestering for water. then she will go "water water water"
SQ: if milk in cup.. how?
sometime teng also like that leh. and i attribute it to him wanting to wean off bottle himself. or he in pain from teething.. and refused to suck liao. imagine sucking from bottle. also tiring leh. gulp from cup much faster :p..

coz teng will suck at most 80ml from bottle. then stop liao. then must offered him the rest in cup. then he will finish. if he is not too full/good mood/not teething..
SQ: there is this case study in GF. which i read before. this particular bb. drink a lot of water.. and refused all milk.. what GF does is to systematically cut down the amount of water.. then slowly the milk intake increase leh..u seen that case study?

there was once teng rejected milk. as in drink so little right? itried cutting his water leh! i know i sound very jialat. but even that.. he also dun want.. then he started popping his teeth.. aiyoh. now i know. he teething. he reject milk one.. teeth popped finished.. he will guai guai drink.. from cup..but he must have his milk bottle to play with.so that he can screw and unscrew... alamak. messy. and sticky. eeks.. that boy!
does your kid fuss and cry, refuse to wear clothes after bathing?
aiyo this leia always does that, we made her stand in front of the mirror and say shame shame but she still refuse!

and just now at TB plaza, she kept pulling me to walk around the mall, refused to go home. once she sees us bringing her near the glass door, cried. so we walked away from her, she lagi angry...:p

is this normal?

i dun think rina will extend another 2 years, her hubby didnt like her to come over to work in the first place. quite poor thing, he was in the navy but met accident, had leg and head injury, so he cant work in navy anymore, only help take care of his mum's shop and their dotter, very unhappy to let rina come over.
rina once said she will make another bb maybe after she goes back...
im hoping tat my mum retires and help me out while i send leia to childcare.
if im lucky enough to strike 4D, maybe rina can still help out for a year or less.
sQ: whahaha. ur YE hor.. :p:p darn attitude :p if i were u. i probably pull my hair out if she let the milk flow out on purpose. i think she does it on purpose one? to make u irritated? or to see ur reaction?! :p YE hor.. SMART! :p:p
*siams SQ*
Pink: u just reminded me.. teng these day. when we laid him down to change.. he will whine and whine and go 'ah mer mer mer mer.. mamama. papapa. po po po'. whahah. u name it. he does it. hmm.. maybe time to potty train liao? coz.. that day soemone said.. was it bunnie/mejo? once the kid start refusing to wear clothes.. can toilet train liao?? :p aiya i any how talk one :p

and i assuming ellie wants to continue.. i also not sure
.. hmmm. filipinos love kids hor. financial not strong. want so many kids?..hmmm..

SQ: got leh.. hmm iszit that book ah? tomorrow i check it out for u ..now i grading
actually she's quite a fast learner, and genuinely didnt know what are the dos and don'ts which were quite ridiculous,but somehow she didnt repeat the mistake. so im ok. when i see her completed many tasks, will ask her to take a rest etc.

i told her to teach leia's flashcards and she did. today leia picked out apple, balloon, zebra , stars, cars, butterflies from the pile. im very happy. and she told me she knows which one is gal, which one is boy. daddy was sooo happy too
pink: welcoem to the T2! :p
hahaha. but at least leia wants to walk leh. pudgy teng just insists miser carries him!! and miser buay tahan him liao.. moment he fusses miser to carry.. miser stuffs teng into the pram.. (if we brin gout that day).. and says 'u dun want to walk, no carry, sit in ur pram'.. then teng will go all quiet.. and look very very solemn and sad. whahahahahha!! buay tahan. i find it SOO funny.. teng dun do it to me.. coz he knows i lazy to carry him . he does it to miser and my mum more.. :p
teng accepts it when miser dun want to carry ah?
he's sad but he's good boy, he obeys daddy wo.

leia cannot, she will pull papa to the door front, take out his slippers let him wear, make him help her wear slippers and insist to go out. this papa always give in...

well at least i know she is normal, not living in her own world :p
pink: ha. ya. forced him sit in pram. he bo bian. i think he kinda of figured it out.. that it is better to sit in pram.. and be wheeled around.. then to struggle to continue walking and not get carried! the boy not good boy. he is a lazy fellow!

if my mum puts him in the stroller. he will FUSS and whine. then my mum bo bian.. give in and carry him again..this lazy fellow knows how to bully too! jialat!

but leia also knows how to fear daddy. so daddy is the best one to take her into hands if she goes too far :p so ask mr Tan to be disciplinarian.. :p
in fact. this teng.. when my mum brings him down void deck walk walk. he refuses to walk one!
then us. bring him out. he will happily walk all the way to take the taxi..

then there are some old grannies. who my mum is aquiantented with. then they tell her. how come teng can happily walk with papa and mama. but with her fuss all the time to be carried? whahahhaha!! my mum buay tahan.. whahahahaha.. i tell her 'too bad!'..whahahaha :p
Mickey: read about ayden, hey pls cont to BF ok, dun stop or supplement, not required ok, ur BM is not the main culprit here ok., will clear soon, sun him, early morning sun is the best cos won;t burn.
One way to test if bb is jaundice is to use ur finer to press on tummy, when release, if u see yellow, means jaundice. dun consume so much ginger ok.

Autum: i dun think u have super sensitive nipples lah. this initial pain is very very common, its actually let down pain, its excruciatingly painful that first few seconds, after that ok liao, i was in agony and pain in the initial period too. hang in there, it will get better.

pax: alamak, i also xin1 suan1 when i hear how jo cried for mama at the gates, i very soft hearted one, if rae behaves like this, i will pull her out of cc. i dun want her to think that mama abandon her lah.. maybe this was how she felt, she cannot understand why mama "abaondon" her for a few hrs every day. poor jo..must sayang more. aio i think i am the drama queen here..like ur jo leh.. heheh

happy bday mash
chloe also same la..i guess normal ba...when i say CHANGE DIAPER chloe will run away!!

after bath norm i let her take watever in the toiletries basket to play..most times the night diaper change b4 sleep, i distract her with milk works for me le..

chloe stimes refuse to work, she will shake her head n say BAO BAO ;P lazy girl haiz.
astro: wha planning ur bb plans liao ah.. so its cow girl for u ah? my preference is still for sun 9;30am lah.. cos sat can rest in. and sat no ERP lahh. transport cheaper.
now auntie lor..my sis maid help for abt 1 mth..then aunt says uncle is recovering well..so i sent her back to aunt cos of the distance we need to bring her to & fro daily...
star: next year is cow girl? .. hmm . ok lah. it's ok. i will be lone ranger for sat,. 930.. :p.. then next sem go and be with my colleague. she sending her son to GUG now :p

ya. i think the let down is very de painful also. worst than nipple pain!

ehh can i be gross? miser just farted! and i told him. it is as stinko as teng's poo!!

star: u will shuot at pple one ah? i thought u CONTRoLLEd one :p kekeke

belle: hahaha. yalor.. so lazy teng can date lazy chloe? :p
it's not let-down pain. it's pain all the way, not just the first few seconds.. despite the lactation consultant says baby is latching well n sucking well.. it was the same with EJ.. but with EJ, i felt a lot more worse becos i felt as if the LC is "scolding" me.. she wasn't but i felt it that way.. like as if she is trying to say "What is your problem? Your baby is latching well n everything is correct?!".. I just have this sense of "something wrong" with me..

This time round, i guess it's partly because of what i been thru with EJ, partly because this LC told me abt super-sensitive nipples.. so i guess i don't feel so bad..

Anyway, i having a sense of dread.. next feed coming.
autum: dun think that way. then ur whole body will tense up.. will make matter worse..

eh. ur previous LC is horrible leh.. as if we all not unsure enough.. duh..

(kekeke next time if i have ting. must remind miser to bring my laptop to hospital.. kekeke)

hey. when are u discharged ah?

Autum: normal to feel a sense of dread when all u feel is extreme pain.. if u can, hang in there, it will get better as time goes by, but u must be patient and tahan the pain lah.. tahan at least the first 2 to 3 weeks till ur nipples toughen up cos now ur nipples not use to it. and moreover, now EV is sucking damn hard thats why u feel so much pain lah. hang in there as long as u can ok. i will cont to ask u not to give up ok.

astro: what time slot is ur colleage's son attending in GUG now? u switching out of ur sat class to join them? and u dun like cow ger?
