(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

sq: aiyoh. full liao ah? then i dun have to try to change liao! :S

my fren teacher hernie is very good.. and her class is 1130 on sundays!

aiyoh. all also cannot..

she said teacher earnie quite rough..

SQ: from the gug website :p yes. one of the teachers. i suspect is traiing one. coz my current teacher Lynn/lin not listed also. then another very kind old lady with teacher russell also not listed kind.. so one 'confirmed' the other in training kind lah..

i onli never listed out the chinese teachers..

aiya. i miss my old teachers.. they are sooo nice :S
you mean u kept going to the counter to ka jiao them? QQ too? wow yesterday was our first time. the last time at the counter was signing up.

btw beware of Leia, sometimes she goes around pushing or touching the kids, not sure whether she was trying to be friendly or wat.
SQ< no la. they help me most of the time. i oni sit here and check internet nia. by the time i go kampung, we will be busy visitiong those organic chickens and animals. so won't get to sit here and stuck here.
kampung ppl more bochap, they see children every now and then, tian is not as precious as in kl.
here, wah!! everyone waits for her to wake up like that.

carol. kampong tour? aiyo... stress stress. next time, few years later bah. haha!

astro, my gug class teacher not in the list. so i am also qualified to be their teachers, but i cannot conduct lessons like them. such a failure.
haha astro
you can always queue till someone drops out, or graduate to the next level mah
dreamgal, me on holiday in msia now.

the neoragain, its for pregnant ladies and post natal consumption la. not for babies woh..
moon no need to take.

u want mozzie patch? then me ok to buy.
i am now like a private smuggler like that.
QQ: ha.. can lah. u go. then all of us rush ur class liao :p

ur class teacher not in list?

pink: leia trying to say' hallo pal, how are u!'
haha QQ
talking about the organic chix. remember we used to joke that if we rear chix, they may be fatter than our kids?!

hey, you can conduct lessons like them or even better one lah. just a matter of training mah. and getting used to it. and most imptly, is this something you wanna do
oni teng and bel's organix chicken are not as fat as ours. SQ. haha!! yalor i remember.

hee. eventually i will be doing that, but not now. now $$ not enough, i scare not enough $$ for tian's education in future.
hmm.. seems like they never update the website.. haiz.

anyway.. SQ, see lah. got me all hyped up! dun tll me queue? wah liew.. *go back to ulu sat 930 slot, room 1*
every kid has own pattern. as long as other kids are alright with that pattern. this YE is a tyrant at home. but when she's outside, she machiam v sweet and deceive everybody
just put your name down to queue first lor.
hee hee... up to you lah
i also dun wanna mess up your schedule

YE's chix will be one of the fattest i'm sure!
QQ: huh? bel and teng rear chickens? *lost in the jokes*

hmmm think might need wor! his tummy hor.. buay tahan.. hmmm. i let u know the size to buy soon?
U machiam pasar malam or 7-11...hahaha..
Fishoil, Mozzie patch, Holy singlet &amp; now MP...
Hahahaha..u muz change yr car to van instead.
no lah
not everyday
my ILs still like to have her over, so i still send her there in the am for most days
unless MIL wants to go out, or I need to go out, else we're quite flexi on the arrangements
that's why i can sit here and surf net!

i'm a jialat SAHM. i either surf net, or pack house, or read. or i kept cooking stocks to freeze so that when she's with me, i can whip up a meal v fast! so many things to do!
if i rem correctly, mamypoko not THAT much cheaper in msia if there's a sale here leh. i mean, if you stock up during the Singapore sale, then it's comparable to msia
haha! wah i becmoe pasar malam?? let me focus a bit.
neurogain and mozzie patch. me ok.. definitely can buy cause i already got the price.
as for holey singlet and mp, next trip maybe can but this time hard cause i dunno about details. dun even know where to buy/ but i will take note.

yvonne, ntuc got mp discount now. my hb calculated before, not much difference if we buy from msia. cause in msia we dunno where is mp sales and only anyhow buy. if there is sales then i will take note. i go grocery shoppoing only on thursday night.

holey singlet. haha!! my kampung got leh, i think. haha!
carol, and i can be the driver auntie of that mini lorry, with two self sewn extendable sleeves to protect my arms from the sunlight. aiyo.. so poor thing.
astro, i just gave yoplait yogurt to ah bian on sunday leh...got recall meh?

SQ/carol, i am so sian now cos hb dun approve the JG holiday program for ah bian. He say its a daily session and it will be shiong for me as i hv to take 1 week leave.

carol, Asher is not attending class now rgt? So wad do u guys do on wkends? U read to him and let him watch educational DVDs? I find these can be v bored dats y im so keen to sign ah bian up for classes eversince we stopped kinder. I dun wanna delay til my tummy gets bigger and i b too tired to move ard. HB just dun seems to u/std this. haiz....
Yalor..machiam last time those van which sells veggie or tidbits hahaha..

Maybe u can consider BP on durians :p
Leong, Liu-Lian!
Mummies.. Ayden is down with jaundice and hospitalised!
Sigh! I was damn angry with this CL, kept telling me ayden is fine, all bbies are a bit yellow blah blah blah.. I discovered he's yellow quite early on, but she kept convincing me he's ok. And good thing I bring forward the PD visit to today, else we won't even know his reading is 330! normal range is 90-180! *faintz*. Then when we go out, she didn't even prepare any drinks for me to bring along. Didn't bring along a proper baby blanket etc.. Very jia lat..
I was so mad I want to cry just now..

QQ: Just smsed you!
6 bottles pls.. Terima Kasik!
Fish oil so good? Like that ha, think I keep both for myself liao heehee
Wanted to ask you abt MP then saw your message to angel ;P

Can I join Pasir Ris Park gathering? What time?
GUG: Seems very good leh.. I wanna attend leh.. But not sure if we shd enrol anna into another weekend programe. If weekdays, then I don't mind trying for 1 term first..
bbmouse: 330 is very high!
hmm.. this CL.. hmm.. cannot make it?!
not vigilent enough! we are talking about new born here leh.. aiyoh..
QQ/angle: hahaha!!!

bbmarch: A is attending schicida every sun. but i feel still not enuf la. tt's why i wan to buy finger paint &amp; do some painting session. ... and i hvnt even use the crayola crayons! haha!
bbmouse. noted... got your sms liao.
huh so ayden is fine? last time tian also jaundice, hit 280, i think. it peaked around 2-3 qweeks, i think. hope he is fine. sun him a bit, indirect sunlight?

angel.,... no la. i cannot bring back durian. stress. haha!

linda, anything sms me better.
At least, u hv ILs to take over.. U can rest for the morning. But u still machiam leading a taitai lifestyle leh...

At least u pack house n read mah.. Sometimes, i am just too lazy to read..
bbjie: no. i was looking thru the list. and i dun find yoplait yogurt for bbs.. so i thought i kan cheong a bit and ask if people know or not..

and for me.. i told miser i go not strength to play with teng.. hencei am paying for a stimulating environment for him. since he already so 'ben ben'.. must expose him more!
and good thing.. he just paid for the last instalment of fees.. hahahah
bbmouse., i have a feeling that u will stop this CL very soon, less than 1 month. hm. looks like not every CL is good. or she doesn't have enough sleep isit? how come like tat?
dun cry le, not good for your eyes.
Re: JG Holidays Programme
If we can gather 4kids to sign up together then can enjoy less 20% on course fee.

How, anyone keen??
Oh dear... When can Ayden be discharged?

Haha.. QQ to BP on durians? Really got to cater a big lorry liao lor... LOL!
astro. but i was assured that tian was ok last time. her peak was 280, but then still ok cause i still continue bf. it is ok to continue.
i din listen to other ppl cause many ppl ask me to give FM and stop for a while. unless really terrible then can stop for a few feeds, and give FM but my PD told me ok one. carry on.
i was in hospital for 1 week leh, tian was not allowed to go home due to jaundice. that's y i dun like TMC nurse mah. they give me stupid advices.
my microwave oven is those convection kind, can bake, grill etc... but hor, i dun know how to use.... cos the receipe timing and temp always not accurate one leh, dun seems suitable for my microwave convection oven leh...

Hang on there..... apply the nipple cream!!! dun give up so fast leh, u hv all the bf experts here to encourage u....
Ya..crying during confinement is no gd.
Nvr mind, hospital have 'sunrays' to help.
1-2days it will clear it. Leave to the experts &amp; u can rest at home.
You can pump milk &amp; then bring over.
Carol: He has enuf I think. Actually I dunno if he has enuf leh, how to tell?
I bf him just now when warding him. Then hubby and I will go to deliver more ebm to him in the evening. doc said if the level comes off to abt 200+...

Yvonne: Thanks for calling.. Let me ask my hubby.. He's just gone out to get some groceries.. WIll let you know after I discuss with him..
