(2007/02) February

i ate a very sinful food just now! i went to order california maki set without realising there will be fish roe on the maki until the food came! my col dun noe im preg so i no choice eat 5 pcs!!

i also haven start on any milk yet.. cause whenever see milk feel like going to faint.. haha.. baby don like milk... always use this thing to 'an wei' myself... my HB says.. if baby don like milk den come out how.. feed the baby milo is it... hehe.. haiz... also scared baby not enough vitamin.. but just cant drink leh... force myself to drink ended up in toilet again...
is ok lah.. not everyday eat mah... don feel guilty ok... i also always eat sinful food....
always crave for those food that preggy cannot eat.. when not preggy den don feel like eating... don know y...
ah ger,

ya .. the skirts at 30+ .. i saw some at 30 also ... today i'll not be going there leh .. i'll ask my hubby see the shop's name ..


your bb is soo good .. mine only moved a little .. and mine also smaller .. maybe need to start drinking the powdered milk liao ..
no worry if it is only once.. i always eat raw food when i was preggy with my 1st one...
but u may wan to bring it up to ur gynae during ur next visit... don worry at the moment k... how many weeks u in now?

same here for me ..
i use to luv milk soo much ..
this morning i drink one cup of marigold only ...
whole day i feel like puking liao ..

i think i'll stick with soya milk this week ..
i have been drinking soya milk for 1 month.. but remember to tell the auntie or uncle to put lesser sugar syrup if buying from stall...
i am 12 weeks now... don worry too much... u don eat it everyday.. u know japanese actually ate raw food througout their pregnancy... heh he.. so only once mah... should be ok one lah.... but remember to bring up to ur gynae if u still worry ok...
i'm drinking the less sugar marigold one ..
just today i saw the advert on a new one ..
daisy multigrain milk ..

wonder if it's nice ?

going to try it out this weekend ..
bitbit, I haven even got any tin of powdered milk.

JC, gd idea.... I'll make sure I get one tin today or tom.

pekochan, think it's ok cos Japanese also take sashimi when they preggy mah. As long as the food hygiene is gd, shd be ok.

ck, so happy that bb listens to me...
Gynae said my bb is on the big side cos according to my LMP, it shd be only 8wk plus but the size is 9wk liao.

most of my coll knows cos i was on mc for quite sometime. plus i have to make known to them so my boss can re-arrange some job scope.
Dear MTBs ..

true... think i should heed all your advice and start to slowly declare to my collegues slowly...

i am now abt 9 weeks.... can't wait for the 1st trimester to be over.... i am still trying to accept the fact that i am pregnant. So many things cannot do... completely no life... everday just feel so lazy and tired and juz want to sleep.... and also feeling stressed over all the commitments next time.....like giving birth... confinement lady... breastfeeding... becoming very aunty looking after givin birth... blah blah blah.. think already always feel so depressed...

glad to see and hear that you ladies here are all so excited and positive about the whole experience... must really tok to you all more... hopefully i can also be more positive...

pekochan, dun worry, my friend who is now 32 weeks pregnant has been having sashimi all these while. This is her third pregnancy. Her first two babies also turn out well. Just try not to eat raw food in future.

Actually sometimes its good to tell colleagues then they will be more understanding. Like today, I am tired and dun want to go and buy lunch, a colleague bought back for me. SO got advantage lah.

I told my hb that all the mummys here drink anmum or enfamama, that's why their babies very big and he went to buy a tin during lunch..hehe he wants baby to be big big too.

koh, your baby will be fair this time round! My aunt who has just given birth is naturally very tan and her hb also tan, but baby quite fair..so dun worry.

Also, I realised that when I am feeling scared about losing the baby, it helps to look at the u/s photos of baby, especially how it has grown every week. Its so cute!! No wonder every parent think that their babies are cute, I look at the scan photos also think my baby very cute..haha
Hi Natty,

Dun worry so much...now most important thing is to concentrate on ur preggy & go through this 1st trim 1st. Slowly do ur arrangment during ur 2nd trim.

Dun worry tt u will look aunty. These day preggy mum are very pretty. Did u see some on the street so trendy & some u can't even reconise if they r preggy from back view.

I am a mother of 2 & this is my 3rd one. I can tell u i dun look aunty ...after gave birth to my 2nd kid...i am back to normal shape with 6 mths....soooo dun worry & be happy & enjoy ur preggy & ur little bb inside u

thanx for the response on palmer,
do u think palmer cream would be more concentrated since smaller quantity ?
ya .. is good to apply on the breast, buttocks, thighs and tummy area ..

me too .. can't wait for 1st trimester to be over ..
then i won't get anymore jab ...

ya is a lot of commitment ..
but then again ... think of the happiness ..
bb is growing inside u ...
is soo amazing and beautiful ..
Cherryale.....so sweet of ur hubby to get the milk powder for u. It's always good to let the daddy particpiate in the pregnancy as well.

U know what ...last nite i ask my hb...do u know how many mth am i. He said ....ahh,....dun know not quite sure....i was so angry i told him i am in my 9 wks. pls bear in mind & i will ask you every wk....inturn he ask the younger daughter to remember....ahhhh...maybe it's already the 3rd one..so to him is not as excitied as the 1st one anymore !!!!!!
JC, my hb also cannot remmeber how many weeks I am although he goes with me for all the gynae visits every week. Think these are things that simply can't register in his mind. So, I told him by national day, it will be week 12, end of 1st trimester. But I am trying to involve him in this whole pregnancy process like asking him to research on baby products, talk to colleagues/friends who are father already about their experience. Hopefully he does it.

Actually sometimes I feel bad cos I can't go out with him on weekends and I know he likes me to go along. Like tonight, his friends gave him tickets to this event at Sentosa and he said he has been looking forward to this, but I dun feel like I am up to it since I feel crampy these two days..dun know whether I should go but I am scared that if I get too tired, the consequence will be very bad...
natty, the initial stage is like that. dun say completely no life, imagine you can shop for maternity clothings now and later you can shop for baby clothings and products, isn't it gonna be fun!! dun be stress lah,many pple stress over when they cannot conceive, now u r preg you should be thankful.
wah...juz half day, this thread is running fast.

Starlite, i acutally wanted kim ching noodles(Korea) oops suddenly don knw hw to spell. thn ended i took tong yi chicken noodles. my fav is tong yi bao yu mian.
bt at least i shd tell myslf nt touching it for 2-3wks later.

natty. be positive. my hb alway say mtb r carry a vry impt & greatest job nw.

hey ladies, i going to mothercare later to grab a tube of stretch mark cream. althought my mommy said she don nt ve any stretch mark bt better be safe i shd start applying nw. heard OG is having sale for today & weekends. see if i can grab some maternity wear there.

I started on anmum once I found out I am pregnant leh. Only stopped 2 weeks ago when the MS got really bad. By then was already 1/3 way through the tin. But baby still very small leh. Only 1.37cm at 7w5d. So don't think the milk powder has direct relationship to baby's size lor. But no harm trying, even if it doesn't help baby to grow bigger, I'm sure it's good for baby and you

Hey, who was the one that said BBQ Pork can help curb MS har? Are you referring to bakwa? Must try tonight.

I know how you feel... feeling depressed lately over all the pregnancy symptoms too. But must try to cheer yourself up ok? Keep reminding yourself to stay positive yah?

I like tong yi bao yu ji tang mian too
I like to separate the noodles and the soup. Then I'll add chilli sauce and sesame oil to the noodles and an egg to the soup. How do you eat it?

Do you find that you move slower nowadays? Hubby commented yesterday that I seem to move very slowly nowadays. Glared at him afterwards :D
tong yi bao yu......sounds good will go to NTUC & get it later.... I just had instant noodle last wk...think will wait for another 2 wks then eat again.

ok....knocking off now.....chat again on Monday
winnie, me too...yummy... i like it soup w egg. my favourite! sometime i will add veg or hotdog...sound greedy har...

gtg, mommies enjy yr wkends!
hello all....
this thread is really moving.....keke... one day nvr log in got lots to read thru liao...

today went for my gynae appt... NT scan... everything appears normal (thankfully)... 12.4 wks now baby is 6.2cm... i think we in the scan room quite long cos initially baby keep moving & waving so cant take the measurement properly... baby even hanging upside down! haha...

i also still having ms leh..... told the doc my ms is worse these 2 wks...she said shld be tapering off soon.... some pp up to 4 mths... i hope it wld go off soon....
wow.......... gals, so many posts after lunch. I was called up to do something then bz all the way until off wk.

Bitbit - yeah I heard abt Mamil Mamex - for mum, & yes it's frm Dumex. Hw does it taste like? I still dare nt try leh.

CK/ Giggler - ur bb still move. my last time was just kooning. Kaoz......... I din c it move though.... ha ha ha....

Nx wk I wanna wake bb up liao.

Pekochan - NO RAW FOOD!
Read this article. http://www.obfocus.com/nutrition/Seafood.htm

Stella - I hv to make known to some ppl also cos I hv to set up mtg rms @ times, which means to carry tables & etc. Although I still do nwadays bt nt so often. I dun carry ctn boxes like b4 already, our pantry auntie also help me in doing alot of F&B set up.

Actually so long as u can agar - u wun exert 2 much strength then ok. Then when u carry things frm the flr - make sure u bend dwn totally then carry up & nt just bend over. Will hurt ur back esp nwadays u will experience backache. If u hv backache - either get a pillow put behind on the chair or u sit upright then push all the way in. Tats wat I m doing nw.

Natty - I used to think like u esp mine was an unplanned one. Imagine I go partying - drink & dance all day then shop like nobody's biz & etc. Suddenly just hv to stop. Bt tell urself, in rtn u get something else which nt everybody can get which is JOY frm the children. U c some ppl tried so much to get a bb bt failed.

After u deliver already u still can go out mah........ 9mths will pass very quickly. U c, b4 u know it, Aug is coming. I m also seeing everything frm a diff view & more +vely.

I m also like u - I think alot. I need planning & I always like to plan b4 I will proceed. Bt ever since I got preggie, I told myself - nv ever to plan anymore cos it can nv work. Ha ha ha.... Chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi. I will even think of $$ - ware to get $$ to support an extra mouth & many others. U think & plan too much will only add on to ur stress. Instead of stressing, then y nt just look 4ward to the arrival of ur bb leh?

Cherryale - men can nv rem bt I told him every Fri I will end 1 wk & every end of the mth = completed 1 full mth.

Winnie - nt slow, I still can walk veyr fast if I want, all along I m a fast walker. Bt nwadays is - lazy - to even drag my feet up to go work. Oh - whoever if *touchwood* scanned tat bb is low - u cannot walk 2 fast leh....... if nt will cramp.
Nana - u opted for NT scan? tats gd! Thank goodness everything is fine.

12.4w is 6.2cm..... Hmm I wonder hw big is mine. Nx Sat night when I cme back I will update. Ha ha ha
o... saturday no one is working ar?
i got to work leh... so tired...

ur baby big leh... mine only 5.5cm... tiny baby... oh ya.. are u gaining weight?
my weight had been droping from 4 weeks preggy 43.8kg to now 12 weeks at 39.2kg... is it ok?
koh u r so small size one arh????

Dun worry - my coll initially b4 she was preggie - she was like 58, then during 1st tri she lost wt until 53 - 54kg. then 2nd tri will slowly build back everything.

Did ur gynae say anything?
woah, u had done ur NT scan. SO u can know the result immediately? I am glad that my hb will be able to stay in SIngapore for the NT scan. Mine will be in a week time.
ah ger,
my gynae never says anything leh.. but guess should be ok loh.. by the way wat is nt scan? is it compulsory to do at week 12? i remember my first one i never do scan like this...
NT scan is for down syndrome, may be offer to preggies in week 11-14. Think becos my pregnancy a bit complicated with all the spottings so I had to do it.
koh, Ah ger,
NT scan is the Nuchal Translucency scan. It measures the gap in the neck and the nose bone. Done at 11-14 wks. It is not compulsory although some Drs try to insist on it, and maybe some packages include it. I'm not doing it. I'm so old already. The results measure risk only and I'm not planning to do further tests to confirm anything. There are false negatives and false positives too. So my hb & I decided that we would just trust God with the baby. Hb is a worrier, so he would be more worried if we did the test. Better not do. Just be prepared for whatever outcome.
NT scan arh - chk for Dwn Syndrome lor. I also dunno much leh cos my gynae say I no need to do bt will ask him again nx Sat.

me nt very young lah - 28 liao.
hi priviledged,
thanx for ur info... hmm.. i think i will also not do the test cause like wat u says.. we will leave everything to the GOD... finacially wise.. i will not take the test too as this is my unplanned baby so hoping to save cost as much as i could....
hi koh
i gained 1+ kg.... nowadays got ms ... appetite also not that good ...
think is ok to lose some wt during the 1st trimester... no need worry... u wld most likely gain back in ur 2nd trimester when the ms goes off & ur appetite improves...
the nt scan is not compulsory lar... optional... anyway, we just opt for the scan & since risk is low... we nvr go for the blood test...
but yesterday also went for some routine blood test to check full blood count etc... hope everything is fine....

hi icy,
yup...the results can be known immediately rite after the scan.... u wld get to see baby longer when doing the scan... cos it takes some time to get the measurements... & also depending if ur baby cooperative or not..

ah ger & koh,
mine is unplanned too.... initially thought maybe one yr later then plan to have... cos i just got married last dec... but well... strike liao... so we just accept it as a blessing...

ah ger,
u 1 yr younger than me... i wld be turning 29 this dec....keke...
hi girls, i had a scare on Thurs morning - spotting. Before that, I had stomache so went toilet to pass motion, it's then i saw some blood on panty so quickly shower & called gynae. Managed to contact the clinic nurse while in cab.

Gynae did a check & said there's a polyp near the entrance of the vaginal area. If not preggie, it will be removed. She took a swab for analysis & did a scan on bb. Lucky, bb is find & no bleeding in there. Recd a call from the nurse saying the polyp is a fungal bacteria so gynae will treat it on next appt.

Hi nana, am gg for the NT test too - Aug 10 jus to b safe....

Have a gd weekend, gals.....
hi gals

Has any moms used changing table before to bathe and change ur babes? i thinking of getting one cos i thought it will be useful and i dun have to bend to wash up my babies. Any advise?
