(2007/02) February

hi mummies,

sorry intruding again!


I read that you are giving fresh milk to YR at 10mths.My PD who is very pro bf ask me to give either full cream milk and UHT milk when my bb turn one next mth.Is full cream milk the same as fresh milk?my PD said FM got too much tings added dun give FM.but when i told my close friends i giving fresh milk,some look at me with disbelief!!

I only see Nespray full cream milk on the shelves,quited limited,but a lot of variety for fresh milk.Any views?


fat babe arr..
u must be one confident lady arr..to handle such maid n "close one eye".. u not afraid she try to seduce ur hb meh?

after i read all abt the maids here, i think mine quite well behaved, dun like to mix ard..takes good care of QY.. onli issue is me, the mummy jealous n overly worried hahahaha..

i recall that ergo carrier, one of the merchants do rent it out. maybe u give it a try. with the babies getting heavier, i think we do need some help if u r out alone.., unless u r fine with the idea of stroller

the playyard is a good walking device :p except maybe YX will walk sideways like crab, as wat milkie mentioned before hahahahaa... but i think it is good enough for them to learn to stand and gain more leg strength and confidence in themselves lor. i put QY on the playyard, leave him there n let him stand and walk on his own.. refrain him from touching me..but near enough to hold him shld he lose his balance

ur silver fish is the dried version in the provison stalls right? not the wet version in fish stalls.. me still have not get any ikan bilis, house no dry blender.. but u grind the whole fish or remove the head n inerts?

ehh i bought brewer's yeast yesterday. what to do with it?
pvl n huskie arr
me oso having a lot of discharge recently.. guess might have menses soon.. haiz.. dunno when i gotta supplement him with FM
.. still think BM is best for babies leh .. wanna to do it at least until he is one year old leh?

*whispers* but QY definitely think otherwise, coz he is still cranky, crying n sleeping when drinking my EBM..

got rental for ergo carrier? do u have any website or anything?

i got two brandless carrier at home, but i find it not comfy leh. dunno is it i am not using it correctly or wat. that day saw u using the ergo carrier, looks very comfy
yesterday my silly boy keeps on laffing when he saw a white waggy dog, laff loud loud n continously for maybe abt 1 min?. the old man holding on the dog chain must be thinking "did i wear something wrong, how come this baby is laffing loudly, non-stop?"..

dunno whether he felt it funny that the thing in front of him is moving or issit because he finally know wat is "dog" and "wow-wow-wow". silly boy hahahaa

QY so cute !

i keep dog at home and when cherish sees her..cherish gets very excited and my dog will quickly run for her life. now that cherish knows how to crawl, she will keep crawling towards the dog
Yes, I bought the dried version, the most expensive variety (from Japan, apparently). Not so salty, and not so dirty. I don't remove the heads or anything. Too small mah. I wash, drain, dry fry til nearly all crispy, then bake in the oven to crisp everything evenly. Grind in dry grinder til powder. I do the same with ikan bilis, but I haven't let Ben try ikan bilis yet.

Brewer's yeast? Hmmmm, dunno leh. Never used before. Can make beer?

Choo, hello. I too never gave my older girl any FM at all. Graduated straight to Full Cream. My parents go to JB periodically and they buy the Fernleaf full cream milk from there. Nespray should be fine right? I also gave her fresh milk (full fat) when she turned around 1 YO. We use Meiji for fresh milk.

I'm planning to homeschool Sarah and Ben at least til they finish K2 level, and maybe beyond that. Currently looking through different approaches and curricula and planning.
Hi mommies
hadn't login for some days liao!!

u gg m'sia??
only u, ur boy & maid?

my boy's teething again..
his lower rite one's coming out
think the upper ones too cuz can c some whitish bum
sleepless nites on their way lo

today let my boy tried pork..
i added too much water in the slow cooker
(1st time using) so very soupy porridge :p

re: jarred baby food
do u find the fruits jars & those mixed with fruits are all very sour???
Stella..There is a someone renting out ergo carriers..i saw the website on the net.

I bought a cheaper hip carry (like yours PVL)..so far ok..but cant use longer than 2 hours..neck n shoulders will hurt.
my boy same as stella's
got four teeth liao & 3 more on the way..one of the 3 can see & feel lo
but he'd still a super lazy boy lo
who dun gum his food, juz swallow 1 *haiz*
all ILs especially MIL likes to make comparison
i oso buay tahan my MIL
when my boy born,
kept saying my boy dun hv my hb's "genes" cuz not as big as him when baby...???
more like my hb's brothers
now say juz like my hb when baby...???
can she make up her mind lo
when i juz give birth, she oso call up one fine day asking wat's my boy's blood group
weird rite?
me wanna get the bag organiser & cards holder from JShopper

still hvn't browse through the baby clothings yet
think of getting socks for him
PVL, smurfy,
Oh dear... no more fullness in breasts means ss dipping huh?
Sian... I already got very little milk - if dip some more, think I'll dry up soon!

Where do you buy your silverfish from?
Hmm... you're an ex-teacher right? That's why can do homeschooling. For me, I just don't have the discipline... haha, if do homeschooling, probably end up taking Soph out most days!

Haha, it's not that QY don't like your EBM lah! I think he's probably too tired from all the playing that's why grouchy and tired while drinking.

Brewer's yeast can be added to any soups/stews... not much taste. High in Vit B I think. Can intro at 8 mths... see here:
i'm a bad mommy ;P wahaha

sorry ya
my replies rather slow & jumble up cuz
i replied according to how i read my emails..keke
I browsed thru Jshopper webbie... nothing much for me cos the baby clothes are all winter stuff.
Jap style also don't really suit me

WIll give it a pass this time!
Eh, today Soph was trying to stand up, but somehow fell face flat on the floor
Her front teeth cut her upper lips and a big piece of skin peeled off + a fair bit of blood. Now lips are swollen too.
Sigh, the pains of growing up! *heartache*
where u buy ur silver fish?
my gf told me can get from NTUC
but i nv c b4 le...

think the cheddar can't eat liao cuz taste weird too
but i fed him 1 whole cube b4 realising :p

i oso try to make him half asleep b4 put him on his cot
sometimes he'll sleep sometimes not especially if he's teething or cranky

nowadays i switch off the lights when i put him to sleep
sometimes i'll dim the lights 1st den switch off when he's fully asleep
so far he still can't sleep if i put him in the cot when he's fully awake lo
hope can achieve that!

hey my boy was made overseas too!
i took my boy for his pneumoccocal jab yesterday
& when my GP weigh him, he's 11kg!!!
now wonder i'd been getting more back aches, stiff necks & painful muscles!

wat's ur baby's wt now??

ur Grandma's turkey dinner oso OOS u still keen to order?
if still got discount??

ya uh now winter season so all clothings for winter...

*ouch* hope sophie's better now..
the other day my boy oso fell out of the bath tub & cut his lips..bled quite a bit too
then he was sucking his lips whole of that day!

i was actually collecting my BP too on that day .. keke
Huskie..Oh dear..poor sophie..
Must watch her now..cos I think she is trying to stand w/o support.

Yael has been standing w/o support for 2 weeks now..he usually falls on his butt..but had a few accidents where he almost fell but I caught him on time.
I think he quite thick skinned..his daddy flicked his mouth cos he bit my nipple..n he didnt cry..i thot my hb didnt do it hard enough..but he tried on me..n ouch!!!
gak, just drop the turkey dinner, proceed with the other orders.. thanks

huskie, oh pooooooor sophie!!! yeah it's awful when they have accidents like that. beth's had a lot of balakus already. she stands then her korkor sometimes nudges her and boom, flat on her back with a big balaku.
garfield and huskie, I have received my photobook this morning!!! I am very pleased with their service. U know wat,i submitted my order on 24/10, but until this monday i have not received, so i called. This guy, Mark helped me to check and inform me my file corrupted during transmission and they have emailed and informed me, but i never receive any email on the corruption from them! I told him this is very urgent as the book is meant to be a gift to my hubby as his bday is this saturday! So he asked me to send again and he will monitor from his side. Then that evening when i reached home he called my hp telling me the file corrupted again but strangely i never received any email notification. So Tuesday morning (yday) i send again but still fail... So he taught me step by step checking my computer system and thereafter i tried again. This time finally the order went thru. He emailed me confirm my order is ok this time and he will process it immediately and make sure i receive it today. And voila, I got it this morning!!! Quite happy wif the photobook and the colour is clear and bright, just that didn't expect the book to be that small and thin.
Hope hubby will like it.
Woah, your boy is another heavyweight!
Heee, my baby was also made overseas, in Vietnam

Haha, Yael does look quite thick-skinned and tough, that's why he can learn so fast!
Soph is a bit gu niang, but good thing is that she doesn't cry for long... even when her lips was bleeding, I think she only cried for about 30 seconds.

Thanks for the feedback on photobook. At least now I feel more at ease... and I thought I was going to waste my $260!
That reminds me I have to start working on my photobook again
morning mummies....

choo, my pd also told me to start with UHT milk cos it's pasteurized so supposedly the bacteria all killed in the process lah. but i've alrady given my baby UHT milk in her foods ever since a few mths ago and no problem with that. So i was thinking maybe i'll go UHT when she hits 10 mths then by 1 year, go to fresh milk.

My sil told me she gave her baby girl fresh milk ever since she was 9mths old and it's ok. I think depends on individual baby and how much they can tolerate. but if u want to play safe, then go for uht.

jello, i'm sure your hub will love anything u give him lor.....ur hub is a scorpion ah??? my bday is tomorrow...hee hee and today my parents comign back...
Happy deepavali holidays mummies....
huskie, my goodness! So heartpain for u. Is Sophie better now?

gak, i also nothing much to order from jshopper as they carry mainly winter clothing now.

Last nite i put YX crawling on her mattress on the floor. Then when she saw me enter into my room, she also wanted to follow, end up head on the floor. Luckily the mattress is not very thick, so minor fall. She cried a bit and stopped after drank some water.
huskieeeeee, poor sophie....she trying to stand without support is it????? poor little girl.

Charis, your Yael is really quick!!!
he can stand without support already...so good

My YR is now toying the idea of standing without support...but hor..she damn cannot make it. She will let go of whatever she is holding onto...then after a few secs, she will quickly grab hold of the thing she is holding...super kiasi baby.
Gak, ur boy is heavy too! My gal's estimated weight as at now is 10kg.

Have fun celebrating ur first bday wif YR and ur hubby!

Stella, how ha? I have not planned anything for this saturday! At first thot want to take leave this friday so that can finish cleaning our jb house by saturday. But now cannot liao, so maybe end up brushing and scrubbing the house this saturday.
xie xie ni men, huskie and jelly. Eh, btw...yday i asked my hub to test test YR by pretending to cry when she hits him....then guess what??? she just looked at him then she started laughing. Then I pretended to trip and faLL and then i pretended to 'cry' and then guess what???

Ah YR actually came to me and then looked at me for a long while and looked as if she was abt to cry and then she gave me a hug. Very sweet leh....Now it makes me feel like buying her new toys again. :p

i am a scorpion too!! my bdae is 11th..

aiyoh..YR so sweet. guess thats the reward of being a SAHM.


maybe dont clean the hse for a week loh..or go for a special dinner after that?
Kekeke the best birthday present is a brother or sister to YX kekekekeke :p

Ops, that must be real painful..
, I am oso sianz that the supply is dipping.. me havin a lot of discharge these few days

Happy birthday to u in advance. Yah YR is sooo sweet. She seems a real gentle n sweet girl
. hahahaa now i am starting to wonder did YR try her best in front of u to get more toys ;)

I wanted to collect my spree on that day oso.. but too last minute arr.. shld be the same one as u joined.. ur boy is another daddys boy right? Saw him turn n look at the daddy before allowing me to touch his hand ;)
happi birthday susu

jelly, glad tat yr photobk turns out well... me still haven't done mine!!!
dunno is in time for his 1st yr... me v lazy ley

gak, hope u can make him sleep by himeself 1 day soon ;)

wow his weight is 11 kg??? my fren's son turning to 2 yrs old is also 11 kg! he is abit skinny though.

abt mil, ya sometimes she say things can be funny. she keep comparing my zz to her elder son... funny rgt? he not the papa wat.

she will say "why no teeth" each time she see zz. my hb also cannot stand it. then she wil remark her elder son like grow teeth when he is 2 mths old, can talk when he is 6 mths old and then say neighbour bb also very fast developed.
Milkie..Happy birthday in advanced too!
Enjoy yr day with hb and baby!

Tmrw is public holiday?
What are yr plan ladies..
I thot of bringing Yael to the zoo..but sure very crowded..maybe jus go to the Botanical Gardens..or nearby park can lah!

Anyone interested to get leg n arm huggers for yr baby?
Cos mum's milk got discount..if buy 3 or more $18..original price is $20.
I actually bought one for Yael..cos my fren bought 2..I find it very useful n cute..so thot of buying more..so let me know if anyone wants to share the order.
zz also do something v heartwarming to me...

last nite i reach home he smile and luagh v happily and immed wan me to carry by spreading his hands.

then this morn also wan me n my hb. n he looks quite sad when we leave the house to work. feel like going home now to hug him! think he also miss his papa who keep working late. he cry when my hb left the rm to make milk for him this morn too. then later in the living rm when maid is carrying him, he also wan me to carry...
i was so happy.
i would love to call my mil a cradle snatcher except it is a wrong term to use. she loves snatching QY away from me the moment i enter her house.. n walk ard the house. i try catching QY's attention, he got excited, she turned another direction fast fast .. :/.. that silly boy blur blur let her carry here n there.. and finally get cranky and begs to be let loss.. i love it when he stretches his arms n beg me to carry him when still held in captive hahaha :p
i think our bbs are getting separation anxiety , cherish also like that.. keep glueing to me.

RE: mil

haha..how come today we are on catz "fav topic" ?
i dont mind anyone snatching to carry cherish, but must see circumstances..i am very annoyed when i am trying to calm cherish down and she wants to carry her away. Or when i finally calm her down, then she want to carry her and play.

Tried telling her cherish needs time to warm up but seems like she cant catch wat i trying to say
baby's room
a) Anyone got pictures of their babys room that can be sent to me or attached here? I dun wanna just 4 plain walls for QYs future room leh. Me tot of those decals or those gigantic wall posters (e.g the winner the pooh giant poster that was sent out by vpost advertisements recently) but I afraid to spent $300 plus on the poster then a few years later gotta change coz too childish for him then. :/

my bb room is very plain..basically it is just a place to dump all her toys , tricycle , playpen and clothes.

all i do is to paste some wordings on the furniture.heehee me lazy mum.

hb and i plan to leave it plain and let her DIY her own room when she gets bigger.
Milk milk, u are trying to find excuse to shop again ha? But hor, i were u my heart will melt too if YX did the same to me as YR to u.

Stella stella, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U TOO!!! Enjoy and have fun celebrating!

smurfy, heihei, actually i dun mind to have a 2nd one now but hor when i look at YX, i think it will be unfair to her if having a sister or brother now as my time for her will be halved!!!

Sorry ha... No pic of kid's room to share as poor YX does not have a room of her own. But then i like the idea of having nice and cute wall papers if next time we can spare a room for her! $300 last for a few years i think a good investment of money.

u seen his rm liao rgt? at first we got the intention to place ABC mats all over his room rgt to doorstep b4 he was born! now he upgraded to living rm become nursery :p

now the rm full of things so dun think will put wallpaper. guess wait till he is older then let him decide. who knows later he needs to share w his younger sibling nxt time? :p

the windows are decorated with winnie the pooh stickers though
anyway juz wanted to share sumthing..... i always wonder...if ever one day a lizard fall on me...will i throw my kids away...then hor....SO INCCIDENTALLY....i carried tyler to see my mum last nite...he was facing out...then a small lizard drop rite on my chest!!!.between me n tyler...i screamed n nearly dropped him...but manage to pull him by the shirt n leg...his head was like 10cm away from ground onlystupid lizard!!!!!!!!!! flew from my chest to the ground.......anyway hubby killed it...for molesting his wife n scaring his son....then tyler very scared....kept whining like a puppy like dat....he nvr whine unless he's sick...usually juz baby shout...luckily after a while...he seem alrite...
fat babe

it happened to me once.. that time cherish is still a very small bb- abt 1 mth old

i was walking towards the lift and one big lizard dropped on my head and made all the way down from shoulder to body then to the ground. i cant do anything cos i was carrying my gal with two hands..that time cherish was wrapped in receving balnket somemore.

i just stood there frozen cos i cant do anything...yucks

HAPPY BIRTHDAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!....waaakakaka..another yr prettier...


HAPPY BIRTHDAE TOO!!! hope more babies to come!!

i think best time is about when baby reached 1 plus...then you make another one...so they are about 2-3 yrs apart..at least...wakakka...


didn't know babies can be on full cream milk also le...!! wooo...last time only when i go out..forget to bring milk powder..then i will buy magnolia fresh milk to feed her...tot i was such a terrible mum..wakkaka...means its actually good la?!?!

maybe shall try dat wif tyler...wonder why no one says that FM is all marketing gimmicks....so expensive...but dunno whether got "value add" or not??..wakkaka

^5!!...i am damn damn damn scared of lizards one lor...if there's one in my house...i sure get my maid to kill it...before i walk around...cannot imagine it dropped on my chest....

think your more scary..coz its quite big...ewww...sending shivers down me liao...

but if its cockroach...then i can crush wif tissue paper...though its dirty..but i not so scared!!
Fat babe

i intend to switch over to full cream milk after cherish turns one..but my hb disagree, he is firm believer of FM


i think maybe wait till 18 months to make your hb happy lor..kekeke...your hubby believes in the DHA, AA n SA the FM haf rite??...kekke...i going to start my son on follow-on milk stage 3 probably soon..

he all of sudden refuse to eat cereal..only wan to eat rice...n sometimes porridge...babies are so...weird at times...
