(2007/02) February

garfield, it did but very light which is strange right? this is the second cycle for nov.

smurfy, the whole catalogue??? i wish but my bil and sil will not be too happy...she is coming back end nov, then he will come back for christmas end dec, then will return again, so my window periods are end nov and dec.

huskie, great then I have a chance to meet u and sop
TLG's Jan term is so popular, there is a waiting list already I heard.

btw, i regretted shaving A bald when he was 4mths old. His hair is a mess now, some strands are hard and thick while the rest are soft and fine. He also has many bald spots. I will bring him for a haircut on sat too, is there a kids' hair salon at forum?

i think there is a kid hair salon at forum my nephew used to cut hair then then switch to suntec.

till now i only cut zz hair once during his 1 mth!
now his hair still like the same but the sides r like over his ear liao so prob will trim.
any bbs here shake head?? few days back zz learn how to shake head. he will shake head when he is already full and dun wan something. but yesterday and the day b4, i realise he also shake head alot sometimes... I told him to stop but he still shake and sometimes smile at me. is it a habit now? I scare his head giddy and how do i stop him??
Really? Waiting list for Jan term?
Hmm... I haven't signed up for Jan term yet... wondering if I should.
But the Birds class Sat & SUn timing for Jan term not so ideal for GF babies

Are you preggers?!

i am not sure too... cos this is my second cycle... i used to have reg menses so not sure now... i got the cramps though. so does giving birth make the menses cycle haywire?
I'm also not sure if giving birth makes the cycle haywire leh... cos I haven't got my period till now.
Maybe the 2-time mommies like Catz and PVL can advise.

How is zz's cough?
huskie, cough still the same

I bringing him see chinese doctor nxt wk and see how. he is not having fever or flu but this cough lar dun disappear....

i feel v sad when he starts coughin...

re: menses
mine came soon after the birthing menses end
eventhough i was TBF

at 1st it was irregular..
till baby was abt 5-6mths old then became regular again

re: cough & phlem
my auntie was telling me that it could be due to an allergy
if not treated, wld cuz phlem

maybe u can check with ur PD??
gak, i went to PD but each time he say it is ok... i m so worried cos he is coughing for 1 mth liao!! so sian when i so worried but PD so calm.

so got to see alternative lor. I never give him eat many things liao... I really hope it not allengy!

for menses, think i will monitor... not sure how ley... if it become so irregular v diff to gauge liao le... but i m having the cramps though. sian.
re: Fresh milk
my auntie was telling me that when she was living in States,
whenever the mommies there go out for a gathering,
u wld see the kiddos table full of milk glasses..

think our table wld be like that too,
when all the mommies here go out for a gathering
when our kiddos are more then 1yo??

i think i wld still give my boy FM & supplement with Fresh Milk at 1 yo

KS mom! scared he not enough Vits & Minerals & DHA & etc..heheehe
u bak from ur trip liao?
or still hvn't go yet?

let me noe if ur kiddo's ok with cereals for all his meals ya

cuz think of bringing mine for a holiday too..
after my auntie told me that,
everytime if he coughs more then once,
i wld be worried if it's allergy!

cough for 1 mth very long le
izit very persisstent type or occasional??

me oso hving mense cramps
think after a few mths will be regular again
mine was like that le
ur mense juz came??

he cough like prob every few hrs. if he starts coughing, he will keep coughing like itchy. so if never can tahan for few hrs. I ask PD he say it the normal cough caused by change in weather and it will go away soon. n he no guar it won't come back. so if i go there again, also waste my $ cos he will say the same thing and give same med...

think i will go to chinese 1 to see wat the doctor say. I wan him to cure fast fast... I feel v sad n useless like tat.

my menses haven't coem for this mth. it late if I cal last time my cycle. got cramps but other than tat, nothing.
its been a busy week for me.

Understand that some of the bb had attended classes at Baby jumper gym. Like to know how you find their classes.

Wanted to the trial however before i decided to spend some time to go thru the trial i'll like to know more of the class.. how helpful has if been for your child? do they do both physical and metal developement/ sitmulation ?

I do not wish to just be playing on our own which i can set up my makeshift "Gym" at home haha
ic ic...sure it's the change of weather???
ya think u go get a 2nd opinion better
since ur PD dun think other wise :p

yup, everytime my boy fell sick i oso feel very hopeless lo
cuz can't help him except give medi le
which he hates & always a chore to give him

will struggle & cry majiam kana torture like that

when my mense 1st came oso sometimes early sometimes late..
u juz keep watch lo
wat if 2nd one on the way
ready for another "MP3"? think now "MP4"..


enjoy ur 1st trip oversea with kiddo ya!
eeeekkss. the hb n the maid is oso going.. futhermore it is to attend wedding lunch for hb's clan

busy busy..... QY cannot do the shake head thingie yet.. he onli knws how to give u a blur look.. :D

i have not got my period yet... but more discharge leh.. will a pregnancy n birth helps tune in our hormone arr? i used to have dreadful cramps last time... :'/

baby courses
kekkee i think i let QY enjoy his first year first... kekeke next yr then think of all these classes.gyms.courses.

he now starts to shake head till i so scare he get dizzy.... then if u tell him to stop, he continue and might sneak a smile if u see carefully... v noti boi. dunno who teach him? or he learn from me??
i now do the nod sign instead so tat he will stop his nonsense.

I also intend to try either gym or kindermusic nxt yr ... either in feb when his daddy is more free too or when he is 18 mth.

for now, I will guide him when I at home. try to spend some time with him.
i wanna go home play with my silly boy! sianz.. gotta share him out during the weekend again..

last nite me n hb went out to discuss abt the new flat.. then maid put bb to sleep in his cot.. she said QY cranky.. still dun wanna to sleep @ 11pm++ .. keep on looking ard.. keep on looking at our bed... (like waiting for us to come home, play with him).. whahhaa i hear oredi.. feel sooo "xin suan"
I also want to go home soon... my MIL called saying my gal keep calling mama which usually she calls papa.. just now over the phone i hear her calling out mama .. mama.. mama.. aiyoh.. time passes so slowly now.. how come??
Heh heh, maybe #2 is on the way!!! Cramps are a sign of pregnancy mah, remember?

Re: Shaking head
Ben has been shaking his head a lot for quite a while already. I think it's just a game with him. He doesn't shake his head to communicate much. These days, sometimes he will shake his head just before he wants to poo. He's been clapping a whole lot lately.

If your cycle hasn't started at all, that's normal. Mind started when Ben was 7 months old. Exactly the same as with Sarah. With Sarah, once it started, it was like old times. Regular as clockwork. This time, 2 cycles have come. Regular too. But everybody is different.
hey girls,

rgd period, I didn't get my period until 2 months after I weaned Timo off my breasts. This time, I had a bit of breakthrough bleeding in the first couple of months.. but nothing for the past 6 months. I've never had regular cycles so I'm OK with irregular menses lah.

Sigh.. thanks for all the sweet words.. when it comes to my in laws, I really get so cheesed off. Last weekend when we went over for dinner, FIL called up at 3pm to ask us to go over earlier. When my hb told him that Timo was still asleep, he hung up on us. Then later he called at 5pm and I answered.. basically he fired me :p Wah lau.. so I woke Timo up from his sound sleep and we hustled out the door in 5 mins flat. Then got there to realise that my BIL and SIL were there because they were too ill to take care of the baby by themselves.. hence now my whole family is sick thanks to my champion ILs. ARRGGGHHHHHH... and I have to cook these dingdongs Christmas dinner? I tell you they won't potluck and they won't give presents .. can die..

garfield, heee.. yah you sure you not preggers??
Must keep Rachel company mah.. teehee...

smurfy, hee.. observant hor? when u starting reno?
ur baby so clever!

can call u mama liao!!

ur IL really weird uh?
y ur FIL likes to hang up on ppl?
ever ask ur hb??
rather inconsiderate too as ur BIL & SIL are sick lo
kiddos fall sick very poor thing & heartache 1 lo

wah! timo can sleep so long?
lucky u!
wah ur hb clan??
think ur boy'll be very busy lo :p
he's ok with strangers?
mine's v friendly 1 *haiz*
let other ppl carry away oso ok lo..

re: yogurt
i bought those plain ones,
tried to give it to my boy this afternoon but very sour le
i tried it myself
i added some plums but still sour lo

how u babes give ur babies plain yogurt uh???
Hi Mummies!

Havent been posting but i am faithful in reading...

Bad news! Just came back from cardiologist and my julian's hole in the heart has not improved... In order to prevent any other complications, he needs a heart surgery to close up the hole...

My hb and I are at a loss when his advice reached our ears... We are supposed to choose between KKH or Gleneagles and are given these few days to make a decision... We are real sad but i guess we must look ahead and look forward to the day my boy would be running around without us worrying about his condition.

k, no mood to 'chat' today... hope all is well over there with you mummies, babies and families.
I'm so sorry to hear about Julian's condition. You are right about looking forward... stay strong!
Will keep you in my prayers.

Your ILs are so inconsiderate! Sick still wanna meet up? Oh dear, hope you and your kids are OK.

I hope my period don't come leh. Most of my friends say when period comes, their supply dip... die, if my supply dip, I'll have nothing left :p

The yoghurt you bought is the adult normal kind?
I also bought 1 tub today for myself. Am wondering if I can feed my baby that.
Hmm.. plums can be quite tart leh. Why don't you puree pear or apple and mix it in? May be sweeter.

Oh, I had this kind of cough before... basically not used to the cold air. But this kind of cough is very cham leh... cough until throat dry and cannot sleep.
I think good to go see a Chinese physician lah... remember to ask Chinese physician what can eat and what cannot for zz's body constitution.

Thanks for Pampers promo info

I just bought 2 packs today... very good deal!
Heee... have fund this weekends at the village!
so sorry to hear abt Julian
stay strong ya

my elder cousin oso got this prob when she was borned too
after the op, she's came out very strong & healthy
(in fact stronger & healthier than her other two siblings!

huskie babe
i bought the normal kind for adult (brand : Paul's)
gave him apple & pear for breakfast liao
so think change other kind of fruit to go with yogurt lo
i oso can't think of wat kind of fruit to go with Rolled Oats & HT cereals for breakfast le
besides apples, pears, peaches & bananas..
any suggestions??

it's really sour

even me a yogurt lover can't take the taste le
maybe i'm too used to all the flavours liao ;P
but i love Yummy Yogurt's Natural flavour lo
so was quite disappointed with this plain yogurt
but like the milky taste though.. keke

really can't wait for the day he can take honey

yogurt with honey's delicious & good for skin!
re: solid meals
erm seems like my boy's stomach's getting smaller le
cuz he's actually refusing breakfast & lunch
but he'll happily accept dinner lo
me really scratch head lo *scratch* *scratch*

dunno izit cuz too much milk feed liao??
7am FM 210ml (240ml - after add FM powder)
10am FM 180ml (210ml - after add FM powder)
NAP after milk feed
12pm LUNCH (plus minus depends on wat time he wakes up)
2pm-2.30pm FM 180ml (same as 10am feed)
7pm-7.30pm FM 210ml (same as 7am feed)
BEDTIME after milk feed

1am-2am FM 180ml-210ml
till 7am cycle repeats

each meal i'll give him abt 0.5-1cup cooked food but for Breakfast & Lunch, he'll only take a few spoons then will reject liao..
maybe the food i made not yummy?

or cause i intro meat to him liao so no meat he dun wanna eat??
cause Dinner got meat, he'll happily eat lo *haiz*
if i reduced his FM, he'll fuss when not enough to drink le
not full enough he oso can't sleep lo, will fuss
any suggestions??
Huskie and gak!

Thanks for the encouragement... me ah, thinking about it makes me tear...
but I need to be strong for Julian and I need to keep telling myself that...

MSN? my favourite...why not we mummies also chat via msn???
i noe how u feel

everytime i c newspaper got little kiddos' mishaps/misfortunes
it makes me very sad
& heartache..
i dun like it when my boy fall sick too,
cuz see him suffering, hope i can take his place lo, rite?

MSN's good & more discrete!
contribute my MSN: [email protected]
feel free to chat with me ya!!
enjoy ur little holiday ya

hv fun!
u bringing along ur ergo?
strap ur boy to u so nobody can snatch him away ya ;P

me gg keep my sleeping charming company liao..hehe

Have a GREAT weekend!

sweet dreamz
I also bought Pauls... it's my favourite brand cos it's not as sweet as the Marigold or Meiji brands.
Hmm... to mix into his yoghurt,I mainly use apples, pears, plums (normally mixed with another sweeter fruit), rockmelons (they're really sweet when in season), dragonfruit.

Just added you to my MSN

You have to put on a brave front for Julian. He mustn't feel that that he is different from other kids... my orthopaedic doc always tells me to treat Sophie just like normal... that she is no different from any other babies.
saw u on MSN liao!
i'm always on busy but can still chat lo..wahaha

aiyo me head big big lo *face red* *shy shy*
hehe...with make up on mah if not u'll see my panda eyes! haha

u looked great too!

MSN faster, SMH still needs to type password & email..so troublesome!
then this new Vista will oso prompt wanna save password a not..
i tot so too

that all the flavoured yogurt too sweet lo

hmmm..so portion of fruits more than yogurt?
rockmelons's in season now rite??

hehe..saw u lo

wanna chat with both of u babes but suddenly all disappear!
think cuz i said i wanna go dreamland holiday liao uh?

re: wat if son is gay...
actually hor...i also haf quite abit of gay frens...so everytime ne & hub will discuss..wat if our sonny is gay...my tots are...if he's filial and contributes to society, healthy, kind n a good person...i dun mind actually...kekeke..

tyler also cough for very long liao..since sept..i gave him cough syrup...doesn't seem to work le...now like getting phegmy again..hopefully not down wif pnuemonia again...horror!!...coz the weather...really chilling for kids la...n my maid very farnee one..the aircon quite warm..make the room v stuffy..

very sorry to hear about julian's condition..when does he haf to do the op?? pls take care..

i add you on MSN le...got anymore mummies on msn not??.. mine is [email protected] but i usually log in nites n weekends..keke office cannot use..
Hi Gak!

Yah la, you said you were going zzzz.... liao lor...
Anyway, hope you had a good night.


Thanks. In a few weeks time. PD trying to get a date for us. We will probably go to KKH to get it done.
Btw, are you the one selling all the clothes in 'Want to Sell'? They are nice so why sell? Wanted to get some from you but no time to post yesterday
Dont know what I am busy with man...
hi mummies,
i went to robinsons yesterday, they were having 20% sale. Bought the safety gate to prevent A from crawling into mil's kitchen and lots of baby stuff. Then also bought clothes for myself and went to cut hair. It felt so good not to worry about work, and just indulge. Hb was also with me so we spent pretty good couple time together.

garfield,my gynae said if in the past regular, then should still be regular. So maybe u wait and see, second cycle should come if u are not preggie. But it will be fun too right to be pregnant? I kind of missed being pregnant, so nice

gym, i m v ks. My friends have told me that they realised that babies who went for such classes are really very advanced in their development. One of the 10 months old can run already...RUN you know, bet my A cant even walk at 10mths. Butthat baby started early at 4mths. Anyway, we can just look at Yael, he is also so advanced in his motor skills development. But for classes like shichida I will wait till baby is older mayber around 18 months to 2yrs old.

yoghurt, i also gave adult yoghurt plain flavour. I add the yoghurt to his oat cereal and put in fruits like pear, apples or kiwi.

GOG, so sorry to hear about J. But like gak said, Julian will turn out stronger after the op. I think KKH is a good place to have the op. Julian is in good hands and our GOD will protect and bless him. Let us know the date ok and we will pray for him..hug hug, dun think too much ok? Just let the positive thots fill your mind.

FM, I will give until A doesnt want to drink. I am a firm believer of the goodness of FM
GOG, I'm so sad to hear about Julian's operation. I can understand your state of despondency right now.. will be praying for little Julian. I too, agree that KKH will be the best place to have the op.

cherry, waaaaah big shopping eh? My boy is sick, cannot do anything.. my big boy is also sick.. lagi cham.

fat_babe, wah lau eh, you got a lot of new clothing for sale! Nice stuff.. too bad I already stocked up on 2 yo stuff for Bethany

gak babe, I think you can cut down on baby's 10am milk feed so that he can take a bigger lunch.. you try and see?

yup..KKH would be good choice la..at least its specialise n suppose to be cost efficient. nvr really hear about babies doing op in gleneagles le..

ohh...hahaha yup i am the one selling..really overbought la...tyler haf grossly enuff clothes to not repeat wat he wear for a month...dats even worse than his sis...so i haf to "bear wif the pain" n let go of some..wakkaka..

keke...cherry another FM supporter ar?? becoz of the AA, DHA, SA??..

i also dunno le...last time think one generation older than us drink condense milk one le...ekkeke..they call "ang zi gu ni" dunno why still can be so healthy...

hehhe thinking of peeking at pampers sales...30% sounds too good man...ahhaha..

fat babe,
Tyler previously had pneumonia? I thought it was bronchitis?

SMH no need to always sign in with email leh... just username and password one time mah?
Eh, for hubby and my yoghurt/fruit puree, it's 1 metal tablespoon of yoghurt with 3 tablespoon apple/pear puree today... tasted nice

I agree with fat babe that KKH is a good choice... I think they've got the most comprehensive neonatal/paediatric facilities in SG.

I also miss being pregnant!
