(2007/02) February


yes betty crocker. thanks for ur comforting words.. i give credit to my hb for standing on my side, thats y i did not bring up the issue on sunday night. Or else sure volcano erupt. Suddenly after become mummy, lots of things got to "ren".


haha..ur fav topic. yah lor, why cant they dont understand every baby is different. my mil also say why cherish is not like my hb last time.. always smile at her. I almost rebut her cos i find her comments very invalid..comparing apples to orange.

ehh the inlaws we cannot change their attitude... most impt thing is that ur hb stand on ur side ;)..

it's those bb einstein boardbks. moving back to sengkang where my mum stays.. then the inlaws now oso moving to sengkang... everyone wants to stay near QY hahahah..

i oso like to co-sleep at times.. more for bonding..
..do it at times during weekends..
susu, yah, i think i should do that this weekend. Must ask my mil to monitor also.

stella, my hb sometimes also gets irritated by A. There was once he was carrying A while on the sofa, then my mischievious son went to remove his specs. Hb didnt expect this and was angry.he held A firmly and pushed him away from his specs. A was stunned ok!! He didnt cry but was just shocked. I was so MAD at hb for doing that. I took A away immediately and scolded hb. Hb felt really bad as it was his spontaneous reaction, not meant to harm A in anyway.As a punishment, I refused to let hb carry baby for half a day. hahaha..

btw, this morning i woke up and felt that my left breast was painful. Going to see a doctor later this afternoon, hopefully its not something serious.
cherry, quickly go see doc...u should be fine but just to make sure. quickly go ok....

Ya, sometimes u can't be too trusting with the help also...so play safe better.
Powdery cheddar? Maybe it just dried up. Hehehehe. If it tastes and smells OK, it should be OK lah.

I HAVE a PT helper mah. *sigh* some days, it's a bit tough. Like today. Ben doesn't want to take his morning nap. I've just left him to cry. He's been crying for nearly half an hour already. I'll only pick him up at 11+ (if he doesn't fall asleep again).

Curry Dahl (enough for Sarah & me and 3 frozen pratas)-
1/2 cup chana dahl, soaked for a few hours
Boil dahl in 1 cup of water with a pinch of salt and a pinch of turmeric powder for about 1 hour. Can add more water if it boils too dry. Make it as wet or dry as you wish.

Fry together in a little oil: 1 clove of crushed garlic, 1 clove of crushed shallot, 1 thin slice of ginger, crushed, 1 tsp of curry powder, 1/2 tsp of coriander powder ('ketumba' as Peranakans know it). Once it's fragrant, stir mixture into the dahl.

I don't use so much ginger cos Sarah cannot take too hot. I use fish curry powder.
Don't ask me where to get the ketumba cos my mum gets it from someone who makes it at home. But maybe you can find it in the local spice section of the supermarket, or Malay/Indian spice shops.

My washing machine is a Thomson. Really great, though very very slow. But the clothes are wonderfully clean at the end of the cycle. I think the Bosch might be quite similar.

OK time to rescue Ben.

dun be disheartened by yr pil comments... cherish was well ok in my house wat

if they dun play w bb then tat their business.

yup hb by yr side is good.

jelly, ya yesterday lighting n thunder was frightening!!! i was scared but zz no motion at all... guess he v tired.
was angry w my maid too... hb more angry. last nite we went out to my fren house and then go for dinner. then zz starts to be cranky cos hungry n wan to sleep liao. then i ask her to make milk. she told me the milk bottle water is no longer warm liao. reason is she put v hot water inside but didn't bring any thermos flask!!! so of cos the bottle turn cold after few hrs mah

last time rem she always wan to carry bb n we r left w the diaper pack w the flask inside to carry. nowadays it is the opp cos we can't be maids rgt?? then she complain heavy n slowly she starts to remove some items like the flask!!! so in the end, we didn't get to eat my fav stall n need to go home!!!!

haha..in fact cherish behaviour at ur place is exceptional..in other places,she will cry. these few days very cranky becos she got three teeth awaiting to come out.

wah, ur maid also one kind.. how heavy can a flask be? somemore it is an esstential
Thanks for recipe on channa dahl!!! I'll try it once I get hold of some of the split channa.
Hee, I know what is coriander powder... and most of the Indian spices. I used to hang out a lot in Little India and Mustafa. Cooked a fair bit of Indian food till my hubby thought he married an Indian woman and begged me to stop!

Now my current craze is Korean food, and it's lasted for 2 years already

Haha, your maid is a classic! Don't wanna carry heavy stuff then expect employer to carry?!
huskie, stella,

ya lor was so fed up. prob she expect us to dine at a restaurant so tat got hot water so my hb drove her back and then we ate at Ikea ourselves! cos we dun wan her to have habit tat we always eat at restuarant. if she had brought along, we could have eat elsewhere...

this is not the first time so h super piss off...

the other day she still attempt to put some bb stuff into my bag and I was carrying bb.

cos she say the diaper bag full liao... also dunno how she pack 1

got 1 time I felt she was rather rude. We went to a uncle printing co and of cos print co inside got those printing smell. then she put hand to block her nose pulicly and keep sayin very smelly... wau lau so high class!!!

i choose to ignore cos dun wanna scold her there but she keep repeating n repaeting... i hope the uncle didn't see her action!! so embarrassing.
change! change! change!

going to attend a village wedding lunch this coming sunday.. whahaa i intend to bring QY's everything there... bring one ice-box and put all his food stuffs there (i dun trust malaysia veges n fruits).. bring his steamer n blender there (i dun trust the village cookware) wahahhahaa. bring fridge to go to store all my EBM..bring my PIS to pump out..bring maid there to clean his golden buttocks n help me prepare his meals and feed him milk... whahaahha this QY comes with everythingggg. hahaha ...no puns intended hor, especially jas and mummy2be.. just that this trip is of very bad timing...sianz..gotta share QY with everyoneeee again.. and it is 20++ 30++ ppl..

serious notes.. for this sat n sunday.. can QY live on those boxed cereals instead of porridge? i cannot bring the slow cookerrrrrr there right?:p later hb say i trying to be funny :pPpp i think i oredi being funny bringing the blender n steamer there :pPpP.. BUT butttt i was even thinking of highchair earlier onz :D

ur maid very high class leh.. i think her life better than mine.. i gotta carry cherish and the diaper bag by myself if i bring her out alone..she still "hiam " flask heavy??


u staying overnite at msia? wow u seems like moving hse like that..keke..so many things to bring along.

if u ask me , i very chin chye and lazy..sure let cherish eat box cereals

u really like moving house! hehehe

I let zz try porridge only last sat... btw, any recipe for nice porridge?? he can't eat chicken and fish yet as his cough is real bad.
*whispers* i lead a very simple life.. just a changeover of clothes is enough for me.. but this QY must comeeeeeeee with everything... haiz... told u i am an obessed mummy.. a unhealthy mummy

why u never consider change arr? i like change! hhahaha
Cherry, catz and smurfy... Ya, when hubby not around i very tempted to move YX to my bed. But normally i still put her to her playpen. Just that last nite she didn't sleep well. Kept crying out loud when sleeping and have to be held tight tight and pat her back then she will calm down and felt back to sleep. That's why i put her beside me.

Thanks for all ur advices on the walker cum rider. Luckily i have not bot. But thot of getting something similar so YX can hold on and learn to walk. Maybe shd try the innovative walker of chocbabe ya? Haha...

Cherry, u suspect ur maid mixing something to A's food? That's terrible man... U got anyone monitor the maid when u not around?

Catz, poor Bath... She must be terrified!

I am glad both my family and hubby's family always make effort to bond wif YX even though they only get to see her once or twice every month. YX takes awhile to warm up when she go to a new place. But they will play wif her and warm up wif her first b4 carrying her as they dun want to make her cry.

garfield, ur maid really one kind. As wat stella mentioned, how heavy can a flask be? I know cause i always carry YX and diaper bag by myself.

smurfy, i think ppl will understand u bringing the blender and steamer lah. Not every household got these two things mah
For cereal, I guess it is alright anyway just for 2 days only. Weekend i go back jb or my parents' house i also gave YX rice cereal wif pureed food only. If at my PIL's house, will steal some porridge for YX.
replace fish/chicken proteins with tofu proteins.

COOk the porridge as as per normal.. but add in tofu last coz tofu will have waterrrr.. makes ur porridge more watery..
thanks smurfy... as for maid, i think though she is getting lazier but at least she dun ill treat my bb n tat the most impt thing lor. she rather careful w him so far and she can learn rather fast. I scare to emply maid tat dun understand simple instructions n keep repeating till vomit blood.

cherry, wat with yr maid???? sound serious?
Hello mummies,
Good afternoon. So tired today as yesterday went out the whole day. First went to a park in the morning, then breakfast dim sum with frens, then went to a warehouse sales, then back home, fed Norelle and this girl ahshe doesnt like to poo when we are outonce we got back to the house, she did her biz.but good also lahnot so messy. Then bathed her and off we went to my parents place. Then at nite went for dinner with PILs and family

Dont worry. No offence taken as I understand ur concern

Mummies, I want to ask..do all ur bbs teething / have teeth liao?? Norelle is 9+months but still boh gey lehso slow hor??
Haha, you're really bringing your kitchen to the village!
I think a day or two of boxed cereal shouldn't be a problem, but if you're already bringing your steamer there, you can steam porridge mah. I don't use slow cooker... always steam my baby's porridge. Takes about 1 hour, then you just put in your veges in the last 10mins.
Anyway, your maid going also, so she can jaga the steamer for the 1 hour

zz's cough still no good?
Soph's is better... no more cough, but some leftover phlegm which the chinese physician says the medicine will make her poop it out.
Yep, cough cannot eat chicken and fish, so I also feed her tofu... otherwise lentils is also a good protein.
To make her porridge tastier, I put in cranberry beans and onions

PVL, milkie,
I found out from my mum that the "skin" of the cranberry bean can be peeled off when raw. The inside is just a buttery looking bean, and it then melts into the porridge, so no need to mash etc. Downside is that we probably miss out on some of those fibre from the skin

his cough like seem better but at times still cough until no sound like tat n lots of phelgm... other than tat, he is fine. but for these 2 days, he has been vomiting out his phlegm so think it better than storing in his throat lor

mummy_zeen, mine also v slow - only 1 tooth... I wonder when is the other lower one??? does it come out together? i mean for the first two lower tooth???

i guess all bb differs.. both of ur bb are very advanced in motor skills. while my cherish is very slow in motor skills but faster in growing of teeth.

she got four , currently can see three other white spots
garfield, your maid really really cannot make it, bully you so much can pass things to put in your bag??? hey, its better to sack a poor performer than to live with it. Who knows the next maid will be very good?

my maid huh, dun know, just that I find it strange that A is suddenly sleeping so much since she came back. You know lah, dun know wat they teach her in the kampong, then she also stupid stupid wan, dun think she meant harm, just that she is quite naive and listens to what others say. So I must tell my MIL tonight that I suspect maid and need to monitor her.

jelly, u very cute, you are a strong mama ( i mean physically strong!!!) YX is so so solid yet u are carrying her plus the bag and u are so so thin...as for maid, no one to monitor her at home cos in the day only got 2 maids. So i will have to keep asking her how much A is sleeping and let her know that I am suspecting something.

smurfy, that's a lot of stuff you are bringing
Box cereals are good. in fact I prefer that to porridge cos they are fortified with iron, esp since QY is still on BM. How are you going to sterilise bottle and pump? Bring steriliser?
wow! cherish has 4 teeth already? and 3 more are on the way? So fast...Ya, I do believe that every bb is different just that I keep checking her gum for any signs...hahaha...too impatient liao.

Even though she has no teeth, but she can gum things pretty well. Like when we gave her a slice of apple, she can actually 'bite' off the apple.
mummy_zeen, YX also bo geh though she 8 months liao. Norelle can 'bite' off apple? Wow, her gum very powerful!

Cherry, ya, i very strong, got mussle liao after carrying her for so long. Haha...

Btw, will pass ur stuff to jazzcy tomorrow evening then u pick up from her ya...
wow mummy zeen... at least she can bite prob it meant her teeth is quite near the surface but i agree w the rest tat diff bb have diff timing lor so askin myself not to worry so much lar. but i was just wonderin if normally both lower teeth come out together? or is one by one 1? cos mine is the front lower teeth (his left side) the right side no whitish stuff.

jelly, can't imagine u have muscles!!? but u r real strong to carry bag and bb... XY must be v guai too n guai guai in yr arms...

see how lor - i got 1 more yr with her though it suppose to be 2 yrs la (stupid agency give wrong info so can only renew work permit nxt yr to another yr)

but 1 thing tat held me back is at least she can indep take care of bb and i know she wun bully my bb. she can be black face to adults but not bbs so at lease my bb not bully or being beaten by her. i guess all maids have some flaws lor - wat to do? no 1 can help take care of zz... n i also dun wan grandparents too pamper too.
jelly, mummyzeen, my girl is also part of the bo gei club leh..
But my son same thing so I'm not worried.. he had no teeth at his 1st birthday!

garfield, wah your maid is really one kind lei. But true lah, she's good to your kid.

smurfy.. waaaaah
peifu... I brought like 20 jars of food to PD leh. I try to give all organic jar food 'cos less fillers and rubbish inside. Quite OK lah.

my boy hor...lived on cereal and milk only for a few months in his life...wakkaka.coz there's was this period..maid too lazy to cook for him...n he only like his honey cereal...so..

doggy, cherry,

your boys sooo cute!!...incidentally me went out wif rachel to suntec on sunday too..wif the lil ones..got time post fotos...kakaka its always cute to see many babies photo..


better check it out wif doc...see wat doc say...could be muscle strain as well...if its near the armpit area..

good idea le...next time i spank tyler...also tell him same thing...see if his diaper thick enuff or not..wakakaka..see if he appreciate me more...


i understand your dilemma..oso got lotsa people ask me to change my maid..n its been on my mind since like 2 yrs ago,,,but the fact dat she's so familiar wif everything we do...n she's good wif the kids..we close one and a half eyes...sumtimes i come home can see her in super mini tights...machiam underwear like dat...dunno show which bangalah opposite my block..she's a pain dat i cannot do without at the moment..

i am sooo worried if maid abuse babies n kids..so find one dun abuse..juz "ren" lor..

last time i also keep telling hubby...maid muz haf done sum "gong tao" to make my kids take longer nap...dat one i really dunno la..haha..juz guessing..but the indon maids are really like dat..good wif kids one...initially my maid fed tyler honey water to make him sleep...then force pacifier into his mouth...but he still continue screaming le...but yah..when he's 4 months old..started taking longer naps liao...she also went to buy the indon baby oil for my kids...nvr ask me for money also...the oil smells quite calming...

your maid got kid of her own??


i finally went to embassy liao...collect on friday...i went to take photo first...but still drag till 12.45...end up still haf to make a trip to law firm...sooo troublesome!!
huskie, thankx for checking with your mum about the cranberry bean. But hor...i already pureed the entire bean together with the skin for YR. I think she can lah...i've fed her a cube of that stuff and she ok leh.

skinny babe, show pic of tyler!!! I want to see the little hunk. Quick.

ur maid also super haps lor...can wear so sexy at home ah?? :p :p she not shy in front of your hub meh????
skinny babe, walau...eh, scary leh the way u say the indon maids...BUT seriuosly i think just watch out what they give your babies lor...most of them really gong gong one..........
Morning mummies...

garfield, YX will quai quai in my arm when i carry her and walk! but when stop or sit down carry her, she will jump here and there and struggle in my arm. Yes yes, my arm really got muscle so no need to go gym liao. Haha...

Recently YX is so cranky when come to nap time and sleeping time. Wanted to be carried all the time. My aunt said she will fall asleep in her arm, then when aunt put her on mattress, she woke up immediately screaming. Then at nite i put her in playpen. she play wif her bear for awhile, then will cry wanted to be carried. I let her cry for awhile, then carry her to my bed and pretend to sleep and force her to lie down by holding my arm across her body. After awhile she will be quite down and slowly fall asleep. Only then i carry her back to her playpen. Dunno the way i handle this situation is correct. But just hope she can have enuf sleep. Normally the whole process last less than 45 minutes, so still quite ok.
mummies who are still TBF-g,
After weaning off the night feeds, do you still find that your breasts are hard and full in the mornings?
Cos for the last few days, my breasts didn't seem so hard and full in the mornings, so I'm wondering if it's cos my ss is decreasing?

No prob abt cranberry beans... I actually didn't check with my mum. But I brought Soph's lunch to her place, and she saw me mash the beans and eating the "skin" myself, then she told me that it can be removed... haha, she said I'm very unhygienic, eating Soph's cranberry bean "skin"... but hmm, Soph drinks my milk leh, so very unhygienic with me eating from her spoon meh?

Good that zz is puking out his phlegm... he's on the way to recovery!!!

i agree lor so tat y sometimes i just close one eye but i will say if i think the thing is serious lo

for my hb, he jsut show her face.

but she was good to my bb, often buy zz toys and other stuff when we r out shoppin.

then she also wear decently... y yr maid can dress like tat? i thot they conservative? my maid dun even dare to wear short skirt at all. short is the normal one at knee cap. but u say it true if they never ill treat our children v good liao.

ya i think have to go law firm too - i forgot. tat time my mum went with zz and zz was carried by the lawyer. v funny tat we still need to go thru this rgt? cost $100 plus rgt?
good morning mummies

recently cherish also acting funny.. keep wanting me to carry her and very sticky to my mum during day time.

for the past few mths..she is ok when i put her on the stroller and go gai gai. now when i put her in, she cry for me to carry leh. Initially i ignored her, but her cries get louder and louder. it has been going for past few days. Dunno is it got to do with her teething discomfort or going thr a phrase or wat.
CRANBEerry beans
skin must be removed?

my milk supply oso decreasing.. but still suffice for QY.. trying to store as much as i can now.. no more super hard breasts..

my CL oso used to warn me abt indonesian maids..

Qy dun likes those jarred food arr.. fussy tastebuds like the daddy. ohhh me bringing the ice-box filled with organic veges hahhaaha (no organic fruits though, hard to find)

yah lar, let him eat the boxed cereals instead of porridge.. dun wannaaaa bring slow cookkkkkeeerr there :p
No need to remove cranberry bean skins if your baby can eat it. For me, I'm lazy to puree lah... cos I dump into the porridge to cook together, rather than separately cook and puree then freeze. So when I just mash with fork, there are big pcs of skin which my baby cannot swallow, thicker than peas that kind of skin.

Heee, I also don't like jarred food. Brought some for my trip previously, and I thought the organic carrots tasted like ketchup! )
stella, could it be discomfort? prob teething?

jelly, does she only fuss when u all put her down on the cot or playpen? cos zz do this almost all the time but most of the times we ignore him. at the most, only give him some water or if he is abt to eat, feed him milk but we never take him out of the playpen. so in the end, he will normally end up sleepin. if he cry alot > 30 min, then we carry him lo...

i hope so lor.. stroller is my saviour leh. easy for me when i go marketing. I am thinking of using baby carrier, but my hb disagree, says i am spoiling her.
Last nite puree zucchini wif skin. It taste quite bitter wif skin lei. Hope my gal will like. Last time i pureed without the skin, and it taste refreshing and she likes.

garfield, she will fuss whenever we put her down, unless there are things to let her play and occupy her. I also gave her water first when she fuss in her playpen. sometime it works but last nite it didn't work. She continue to cry and cry. Even when i picked her up from playpen, she continued to cry and struggle in my arm and looking at the door direction as if wanting to go out. Then i put her on my bed sitting and face me, then she kept quiet and smiled. Haiz...
hahaha sounds like zz last time ah... do u close the door? I do and also close all the curtains and dim the lights. then i will talk softly and tell him tat he is going to sleep.

think first time he sure struggle to get out 1. n he will be angry if he can't have his way. but I ren lor... also got the tendency to just carry him. but there is one time where he also cry n cry n cry, then we pick him up n he push us away as if angry tat we carry him too late. anyway, the nxt nite we continue our ritual again. till he understood this is the sleepin routine.

yesterday brought zz to my ofc and I was so happy tat he didn't wan my collegues to carry him - didn't spread his hands. so now at least i know he recognise us n wan us to carry... but he smile though
milkie, garfield,

my hb..ahahha super turn off by my maid..2 yrs ago CNY..she slipped..then got one big big bruise around her hip bone there...then she pull down half the pants to show me n hb the bruise...then my HB..immediately.."choy!!...first day of CNY..see no evil see no evil..." so hilarious...coz i think my maid trying to get some pity...

then got one time...she shittin in the toilet...my hb went home..screaming for her..but she nvr answer...so hb went kitchen find her..alamak..saw her doing big biz..then ask her why nvr close door..she say scared tyra cry..cannot hear...

the things they do...really very farnee...but one thing i am sure off...she dun like my hb coz my hb always "bully" her...he will be the one doing all the lecturing..got a few times lecture until she cry..

her bangalah BF...we know off...oredi warn her.. becoz our neighbours support very good...so she also dun dare to do much...we also often go back spot check..

alot of people say me n hubby siao oredi...let maid so free n easy...but in our position..wif totally zero parent support...n irregular hours..we dun haf much of a choice lor..
fat babe:

i am so shock.. ur maid so daring!!! din close door when shitting knowing that ur hb is back home. and dare to pull down her pants to show the bruise????????


u opp of me..how i wish cherish can open her arms big big and ask other people to carry.
stella, i happy tat at least he dun let any other ple/ stranger to carry lor. only among ourselves. so tat means he dun anyhow follow stranger too mah.

but I also gladly happy tat my other family members take over carrying

wow fat_babe, yr maid also v daring... yes u need to monitor her.
Hi mummies!
Re: Cranberry bean
Huskie, yeah, I realised that AfTER I steamed the bean. I think the skin gives it a bitter taste. Next time, I'll peel off the skin before cooking
Yesterday, I made some silverfish (ngerng her) powder for Ben's porridge. Used to do this for Sarah too. Easier than using the fish whole inside the porridge since this way, I don't have to remove the fish when feeding him. He also gets to eat the fish this way, and get the calcium.

Initially, my breasts were always very uncomfy, full and leaking by 5.30am. But recently, they have been better. Sometimes still feel full, but most of the time, OK. And also recently, I've started to get my menses, so the supply decreases. Ben also feeds less during the day nowadays, so supply dropping.

Today, Ben is much better with his nap. Me happier
. Can do more homeschooling with Sarah.
garfield, stella,

yah...she also like to "suan" us back at times one...but well..she v street smart la...this one not gonggong one...

only thing...when comes to carry things...she also quite wonder woman...can carry tyra 16kg, plus stroller 5kg and the diaper bag!!...she relatively small...about 148cm...45kg...

you intend to do homeschooling for sarah till how old?? silver fish is actually the undried ikan billis issit or not huh??

ya lor my maid used to can carry many things too when under my mum. then now under me, dunno i too relax until she become lazy. she rather strong too. she got muscles though she skinny.
