(2007/02) February

And finally, susu's freezer!!!

Hi mummies,
I've been so busy, therefore MIA
Just sort of scanned through the posts. (Still busy- need to wash up breakfast things, mop floor, prepare dinner)
Long post to follow...

I bought the chana dahl from my market dry food provision shop. You can also get lentils and beans from NTUC dry food section, or oganics section. Mind you, some chana dahl doesn't soften as easily as others. Don't ask me which is which, I just try my luck . The provision shop one disintegrates more easily than the NTUC one. I just add it to the porridge together with the rice, either in the slow cooker or ordinary boil. Sometimes if I'm organised, I might soak the lentils for a few hours.

Cheese: Heh heh, this lazy mummy couldn't be bothered to express BM for Ben's cereal this morning, so I spread some Laughing Cow cheese wedge onto some wholemeal bread and he ate just over half a slice of bread, + some scraped apple + some Healthy Times Teddy Puffs. At other times, I might give him Kraft cheddar cheese (the one in the blue box).

BTW, the Teddy Puffs tastes exactly like original Cheerios. But both equally expensive!

I think Ben's 3rd pneumococcal is at 1 yr old.
Sarah went from full BM to fresh milk/full cream milk (Fernleaf 1+ bought from Malaysia) at 1 YO. Most of the 1+ milks sold here are made from skim milk.

What happened to you? Are you OK? Are you preggy again?

Why is YR getting knocked all the time? Aiyoh, naughty mummy! You should keep a record of all the balukus she's gotten. Poor girl!

NO NO! Ben hasn't eaten dragon fruit yet. It was Sarah who started early and had loose stools after that. So I haven't started Ben on it yet. But I'm going to start him to see how he takes it. Maybe his constitution is stronger and can handle all those little seeds.

Maybe your Sophie and my Ben are alike. Need less sleep. Ben now takes a total of about 13 hours a day only. At night, same as yours - about 10.5 hrs. Daytime average is 2.5-3 hrs. This is only by observation, because, like you, I figure that actually Ben might be sleeping even less than that because often when he wakes, he's really quiet, plays by himself in the cot, so I don't quite know exactly when he woke up. I only know he's awake if he cries, or talks loudly, or else I just go in at the scheduled time and find him playing in bed. He's just not tired enough to sleep so long. Nowadays, if he wakes at night and cries before 7 am, I just ignore him. He goes to sleep at about 8.30pm. My hb hardly has much time with him at all. When he comes home from work, Ben is just having his dinner. After his dinner, we're all busy getting our own dinner out. After our dinner, I will give him a shower and then his last milk feed whilst my hb washes up the dinner dishes. Then it's off to bed already. By the time Ben wakes up in the morning, my hb has gone to work.

Dahl is a lentil. My church friend from Sri Lanka puts dahl into the rice porridge for her baby. So I also tried. It's nice. I sometimes make slightly spicy dahl curry for Sarah & me to eat with pratas for lunch, so since I have the dahl, I may as well use it for Ben too.
smurfyyy, i think the frosted door thingy will work real fine for your room's bathroom. even if can see it's ok right?? cos only u and hubby in the room...:p :p kekekekekekekekekekkekee
PVL, i'm trying to make YR have an iron head mah..:p :p then next time she can go perform on the streets and break coconuts and durians with her head. hahahahahaa

Just YR's luck to have a blur and clumsy mummy lor..hahahaha what to do??

gak, :p my freezer is nicknamed "YR's cafe" now....all her foods are there.

gak, why is your nickname gak ah??? initials or what???
stellaaaaa, cherish's face so round one...hahahaha she quite plump leh..not as skinny as last time right????

and yes..she still looks like a baby..hahahahaha u trying to say our babies chao lao lah!!!!! U good...:p
gak, ur boy sadly still doesn't look very 'kuai' in the pic..hahahahahaha i suspect he is a tyrant lor...hahahaha he still has a notti glint in his eye
Cherish still sleeps in yao lan, as in, those sarong?
Won't she fall out?
Hee, she looks really happy in the pic!

You wanna test the cookies? Heee... it's an excuse for eating up YR's food!
Re. gak's question on breakfast after milk (wouldn't it be too much), this is also something I wanna ask you and PVL leh... cos Soph sometimes don't even drain both my breasts, wouldn't feeding her breakfast immed after milkfeed be too much food in a short time for her?

I think frosted glass door quite nice leh, but what kind of door? The swing type i.e. full panel glass, or the bifold type? I find bifold ones quite practical esp. for small toilets... saves space. For glass doors, I heard Besglas is the best, you can check with your ID.
HUSKIE, by right hor....when the baby's last meal is 630pm the previous day, by 7am, the baby should be going mad with hunger and ready to drink the milk and eat their breakfast mah...see??? hee hee

Have u tried to feed soph after b-feeding her? maybe she will take some solids, u don be surprised lor...

it's like us mah..we also drink milk and still can take breakfast right????? right?

huskie, really really i have to taste the cookies mah.....:p :p if it's crappy, then i give it to her...if it's yummy, then she can wait till she 's much older than try it..hahahahahahaha

no lah.. wat i meant is cherish is not on par with her peers. yes she is round ..head round face also round.

she is still gaining baby fats at this age while most are losing it.


she is ok in her sarong leh cos she will scream for us to bring her out once she is awake.

she seldom smile ..she is one gloomy baby. this is one of those rare picture
cherish so chubby!!

can open a baby cafe liao uh? ;)
gak's my initial lah..keke

wahahaa..that's y act kuai lo ;P
he's screaming behind me now!


that's y u can see he got baluku oso..hahaa
got it this morn when he try to kah poh wat's on the floor from the bed!

he likes to do this, poking his mouth out like that

any of ur babies too??
Your boy looks "pretty"

You like channa too? It's chickpeas/garbanzo beans yeah? I just bought a pack the other day.. gonna cook it soon.

Yeah, I wish SOph would sleep more, but she doesn't seem to like to sleep!
Yep, I tried giving her breakfast.... so far she's taking about 3 teaspoons of oats (measured when dry), so it's only about 1.5tbp when cooked.
But good enough for a start I guess?

Woaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaa you baby food stealer!!!!!Hee, but YR still veyr good sized considering you steal her food so much!
Hee, don't say she is gloomy lah... she's probably very engrossed thinking about how everything and the world ticks

Forgot to tell you, your freezer looks like it can ambush someone!
Eh, is it a Bosch? It looks like mine!
stella, cherish look so happy in the photo! And ya, she still looks like baby... Good wat... Her face so round! YX is slowly losing her baby fat on her face...

gak, ur boy boy is "pretty" and here i have a "handsome" gal. Ppl still thot she is a boy boy!!! *faint*
gak, will be happy to have a baby boy for #2 but maybe 2 years later, not now.
So ur #2 most likely a gal gal? hehe...

why sorry? This thread is to share our motherhood and babies wat... Always nice to see our bbs photos here.
hehee...cuz now i'm addicted lo~
wanna upload so many pics but must control!
if not lata this thread become slow moving cuz of too many pics!

hope that my next one wld be a gal gal too

but not so soon, think 3-4yrs lata..
Hahahaha, so cute! Piggy look. My hb likes to make that kind of mouth too, when he's thinking about something. Ben doesn't do that. But he likes to suck on his upper lip.

A freezer full of purees!!!! You don't cook meals at all? Or is this your second fridge?
I think YR will be a breakdancer when she grows up!

I feed Ben the solids after the milk feed. No problem leh. But usually there's a time lag of about half an hour before the solids because I bath him in the morning, and then have to prep the food. Maybe Sophie just has a small tummy.

chana dahl is split chickpeas.

My HDB door is sort of blue frosted 'glass' leh. Not really glass, some sort of PVC. Bifold. Can see the light inside, and some shadows, but not much.

What a nice photo of Cherish!
okie... looks like I'll stock up all the fruits and freeze it...

how about the yoghurt? is it those normal tub from the supermarket? any special type or flavour you all give?
both my toilets hv doors like frosted glass..
my room's glass & common's plastic type

if u're not bathing rite infront of the door, at a close range
doubt anyone can c wat u doing inside

no worries! frosted door looks nice!

your boy so cute with that pouting mouth....

I also hoping for a girl in prob 3 yrs time. I'll just do all the opposite like eating all the acidic food etc. When I was trying for a boy - Ryan, I avoided coffee for a year and time my cycle very accurately man... hahaha
he likes to do that when he's playing & when he doesn't wanna do wat we want him to do!
it's quite hard to take a pic with him facing the camera lo cuz he'll stop doing it when he sees the camera!
clever boy huh!
dun wanna leave evidence! wahahaa..

hmmm..eat acidic stuff will hv a gal???
i heard if u wanna a boy must eat more meat,
if want gal must eat more veggies
think milk + breakfast my boy can't le
cuz even 1 & a half hr lata after his milk i give him breakfast,
he oso dun really wanna eat le..

he still wakes up abt twice a nite for his milk exclude the 1 at 10pm..
gak, u still sleep w yr boy on the same bed? think u got to train him to sleep by himself as more n more he will grow bigger and then no more space for you n yr hb liao!

for wakin up2 x in the nite, maybe u try dun feed him milk first and see how? sometimes it can be habit tat they wake up n drink. When u feed him, is he v drowsy n still wan to sleep or so hungry tat he finish his milk v fast?

if no 1 then most prob he doesn't need the feed, if he still fuss alot, prob give him water or pacifier n pat him to sleep, dun carry him.

if no 2, it means he doesn't have enough in the day time, so try to increase his milk feed in the day.
gak, i don't quite believe that eat meat get boy and eat vege get girl type of theory. I don't eat fruits or vege at all before i was pregnant and yet i still got a girl. I am more of a meat eater lor....:p

PVL, hahaha no lah..that's my one and only fridge. But i don't cook ever since i got pregnant and now cooking more for the baby. that's why i say u are super woman....can handle 2 kids, cook, do a little housework and still be sane. I cannot leh...now i already feel a bit overloaded....

huskie, i think it's good to start Soph on breakfast no matter how little she takes. It's a good habit to form mah right??
anywayz, just continue with the breakfast....anywayz, by the time the kids reach 1 year, they are supposed to take 2 to 3 milk only....so better to prep them up for more solids now.

hmmm my fridge is by samsung leh..we got it from my hub's cousin who was working there last time. :p

gak, i like his piggy look...very cute...he picked it up from u or your hub??? hee hee
most tiem he's drowsy when feeding le..
but i dunno izit he juz want some comfort or wat cuz i latch him direct during the nite *lazy*

if i dun feed him, he'll fuss le..make lots of noise with eyes closed

maybe i'll try the water or pacifier..i hvn't gave him pacifier b4

during the day, i made 150ml FM each time
sometimes he dun finish at all!
i'm thinking to increase the 7pm feed to 180ml or 210ml...
cuz last nite he finished 180ml

wahaahaa...i dunno who he learnt it from le! :p
nowadays he oso know to do the goldfish mouth lo
still hvn't got the chance to take a pic of it..
Hi gak,
actually meat is classified under acidic foods, so that theory of boy must eat meat not so true...

here is a website of alkaline and acidic foods.

actually how it works is, an acidic environment favour the female sperm thus they survive longer to reach the egg. vice-versa for male sperm. So, our food intake will affect the pH value of our body. Of course i think the husbands must play their part too... haha... actually this info is all over the internet, so can do your research in these 3 yrs.. haha


me in between le...maybe veggie more
so now i must eat more meat to hv a gal!

eating more meat means putting on wt rite??
gak, u committed a mistake! hahaha

u r treatin yr b** as the HUMAN pacifier for yr bb... it is the easy way out initially cos he will stop fussing but slowly u will lose yr sleep cos each time he wake up, he wan to be pacified only by u then he can sleep. dun u agree?

so prob u got to prepare yrself for more sleepless nites for these few days by ignoring his fuss initially. u will rather do this fast and then once he is trained to sleep by himself, u will enjoy yr sleep!

first ignore his fuss, if still fuss, pat him first. or u may try water (pacifier only if u think necc cos zz also dun like tat) or sing songs softly... do anything besides offering yr b* and see if he calm down.

if he manage to calm down after a while, leave him alone and see if he can sleep. normally they can go back to sleep b4 the half hr is up but u got to hear them fussing which can be irritating.

if the fussing turns into persistent crying, then prob u need to carry him for a while and pacify him telling him u haven't abandon him. u can always try the nxt nite.
wahhaaaha...yup i'm the human pacifier now keke :p
use to be Nie Ma (milk cow)

must sacrifies my sleep 1st to enjoy better sleep in the future uh!


i used to be like tat too cos v fan to hear him fussing n crying. but i realise now the fussing is getting shorter and now when we put him in playpen, most of the times he dun cry like last time. then he will really sleep within the half hr or lesser n we have our life back!

we didn't even need to go and check on him while we watch tv. then i able to sleep the whole nite.
