(2007/02) February

Better to soak lentils overnight, even though some cookbooks say lentils is the mildest of all beans, no need to soak.
Soaking will help get rid of the stuff that cause gassiness.
The next morning, rinse away the soaking water and put in enough fresh water to cover lentils and boil it.
The red lentils will change colour into a semi-opaque pale yellow colour.... boil for about 20mins or till soft (you can mash it with your tongue and roof of mouth), take out and puree.
if the boiling evaporates the water, can just add more water in.
Don't puree with the water else you'll get watery mush.
Once baby is accustomed to eating lumpier foods, you can just mash it with a fork

re: pnuemococcal
hey think my boy already got 2 shots & he'll be getting his 3rd shot soon next week..
how come some babies here only getting their 2nd shot??

can share please?

graceofgod, will let u know if i am ordering stuff from US. I bought quite a few phonics dvds from leapfrog. Heard that they are good but i have not tried them. Oh, i have some littletouch leappad books too.. let me try them all and let u know whether they are worth buying. Anyway, Timothy is only interested in eating and exploring drawers. He eats a lot (everyone says that) but when we weighed him this evening, he is only 8kg.
Hi grace,
yah... he was born with alot of hair... his side burn was so so long at birth... I've never shaved his hair before. I guess it's genetic. His cousin also alot of hair...

huskie... sounds good to hv a gym session cum birthday celebration!!.. hehe
Heee, OK, if I am free, I'll call up Gymboree and The Little Gym to see what kind of birthday packages they have

Missed your question on how many cranberry beans I gave SOph.... I gave her 6 for a start.
this week damn busy...its sooooo early...

got fainting spell last nite...dunno why..so sian...luckily i got AXE OIL..hahaha now i smell like typical auntie..


pnuemococcal can take when baby is before 6 months..then you take 3 shots in total...if baby take only after 6 mthss...only 2 shots...if take after 1 yr...1 shot only...so take later save more money..only thing is..baby is subjected to risk lor..i was going to let my boy take..end up before he took kena pneumonia..haiz..luckily he's ok liao...

your darling really alot of hair!!!! n hor...the food you prep very appetizing to the eyes le!!

coz renew permit..also at the same time need to buy insurance...so i headache la...
<font color="119911">venue: anchorage function room (opposite IKEA alexandra)
time: TBA..should be noon (est 1-5pm)
food: will split cost between mummies for buffet

thursdae 20th dec PUBLIC HOLIDAY
1)Rachel + josh
2)fat_babe + tyty
3) stella + cherish (hb TBA)
4) jelly + Yunxi
5)smurfy + QY (HB TBA)
6)pekochan + Yunzhi (hb TBA)
7) milkshake + YR + HB (TBA)
8) garfield07 + zz (HB TBA)
9) chocbabe + Ryan + HB
10) longan + Shaun + HB
11) Sunsweet + Smiley J (HB TBA)
12) nana + hb + ryan (TBA)
13) huskie + hb + Soph (TBA) </font>

must keep this going...in case mummies miss out!!
mummies!!! Good morning!!!
Today in laws coming back again. hee hee

Anywayz, yday went to paragon to buy clothes for self. DIDN'T get anything for YR!!! hahahahaha

After that went to GWC to meet a jap mummy and her toddler to have tea.

Very cham leh....today have to buy something for YR. Yday she fell head first from my bed cos she was on all 4s at the edge of my mattress when i jumped on it, then she lost her balance and fell onto the floor and hit her forehead. Cried and cried for a few mins......then i saw a big baluku on her forehead. But then later on when she went to bed, she didn't fuss leh....so should be ok lah. :p

So today have to buy things to appease my guilt.
Oh ya, I've given YR raisins too yday....not planned one.

cos my friend's daughter had some raisins in her snack box so YR kept wanting to try it...so let her try. Funny thing, she managed to gum the raisins too. so later I'll go buy her some raisins. hahahahaha

gak, ya i read strawberries considered the worst of the berries but anywayz, i go by gut feel sometimes....she seems ok lah..so i'm fine. hee hee yday very jialat hor...i gave her 4 new foods to try....1. strawberry 2. egg yolk 3. cranberry bean 4. raisin
OMG susu, u made YR fall again??? Must be real pain! Poor poor YR... Is the baluku smaller now?

chocbabe, u made the pie urself? Wow... amazing! And ya, Ryan has soooo much hair! So cute!

skinny_babe, thanks for posting our Xmas gathering list again. So many TBA ha?

huskie, thanks for detail instruction on cooking lentils. Wld like to try too. Can we puree and freeze it?
jellyyyyyy, accident accident...not done on purpose..:p :p umm baluku still here but she seems as active as ever....whole morning just went on and on and on crawling and climbing away....

think she purposely trying to do me in. Today in laws coming, confirmed to see the baluku.....then guess who will be to blame??? But I smarter, I'm gonna buy my PIL and MIL's fave singapore foods later in the afternoon and then they won't blame me anymore. Then I'm gonna pin the blame on my Husband and say he didn't look after YR properly. wahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

chocbabeeeeee, u can bake shepherd's pie...u damn good. How did u do the crust????

jelly, regarding lentils hor, u can freeze it. But i don't just boil lentils on its own...nromally i mix it with potato, carrots, and other vege to cook the lentils together with then i puree and freeze.
You notti mummy... jumped on bed and made YR fall! Poor baby! Hee, but she's such a tough cookie - she'll be OK!

Yep, for lentils, can freeze... heee, cos my recipe book says so.
You can even defroze the cubes in some stock and make a thick lentil soup for both yourself and YX then makan together!

Forgot to tell you your shepherd's pie looks good!
Ryan can gum and swallow the minced beef with no problem?
i really like this pic of YX.. looks like potential CEO / boss in the making, giving instructions..

oPs, I got the maid to dump 1 tsp of split red lentils together with 1tbsp of brown rice into the slow cooker.. can?????

oUcH!!!! must be real painfullll.. yah i noticed Qy loves going to the edge of the bed oso .. this joker did not recognise wrong mummy yesterday, when the same lady walked past him :p
huskie, which recipe book u following?? I am still using annabel karmel and gina ford....but sometimes i will just anyhow concoct mixture depending on what i have remaining in the fridge...:p

oy oy oy....i was indirectly trying to teach YR don't stay so close to the edge of the bed if she doesnt' want to fall down mah..:p :p

actually quite cute cos after she calmed down from crying....i was pretending to 'cry' to my husband and tell him that she fell down...then she immediately cried again......Alamak...she no sense of humour man, cant tell i was joking meh...
I think if your baby got no wind/digestive problems, should be OK lah.
Soaking just makes it more digestable that's all.

Like what milkie says, can puree with other things then freeze. I like to puree with butternut squash cos it goes really well and it's very sweet and tasty for a soup.

Thanks for the singlet BP link
So cheap... maybe I'll get a few too!
Haha, YX does look like a CEO being interviewed on Channelnewsasia!
I bought this one by Gerrie Hawes cos I like the pictures and the older kids recipes inside.

Hee, I also like to concoct my own stuff... I'm now thinking maybe a scrambled egg tofu sprinkled with parsley willl be nice hor?
Can't wait to start Soph on eggs!

haha, cannot imitate baby's crying lah... I did that with Soph too, she was soooo pissed off and started bawling again!
Then another time I recorded her cries with my phone, after that when she calmed down, I let her listen, then she went into another fit of crying again... it's like she knows I'm trying to make fun of her
smurfy...I not painful.hahahahaha But YR ...hmm hard to say...she quite a tough baby....Come on lah...she fell from the changing table ie. mahjong table before....yday's fall should be nothing to her...but i heard a loud boom when she fell lah....quite poor thing....

SMurfyyyy, maybe QY didn't really think that lady was his mummy previously. Maybe he wanted to court her mah....then last time kanna rejected by her, so this time he ignores her...:p :p hee hee hee

i understand the guilty feeling cos zz also drop in front of my presence! n i worse i dun even know how he fall! cos i heard a big thump and then i saw him lying on the floor crying his head off. but the nxt half hr, he is tryin to crawl to the edge again lor... never scare 1 lor
milkie the GF expert,

Soph keeps waking up at 6am in the morning leh... is this OK?
But the good thing is that she now just sits in the cot and talks to her animals by herself... won't cry for attention.

BUT waking up this early means she takes a longer morning nap... like yesterday, her naps were:
730pm - turn in for the night

I tried waking her at 10am for the morning nap, but she slept through the bright sunlight and me "tickling" her...

it's not OK to wake up at 6am lah....only vampires get up at 6am. Why don't u just wake her up at 10am ...change her diapers or anything then try to keep her up till 1230pm then put her to bed and wake her up at 230pm??

eh, the egg tofu recipe sounds good !!!! Idea idea...next time i can try also....as in maybe this weekend..hahahahahaha I think now easier to feed the babies hor?? now that they can take more things...easier to give them foods....

am thinking of giving YR dried cranberries too since she can gum raisins....

orange cat, i think babies have goldfish memory..hahahhaaha zz only fell once ah throughout his 9 mths????

YR seems quite accident prone leh......always damn suay get in my way.....
smurfy and huskie,

Yaya... She looks like a BOY in this picture! My aunt took the pic and when i saw it, can't help laughing.

susu and huskie, so can freeze the lentils? Good, i shall try buy some to puree and freeze and ask my aunt to mix some to YX's porridge.

huskie, why u want to wake Sophie up? Her napping pattern seems alright to me. My non-Nazi theory is if baby wants to sleep just let it be...
I tried waking her at 10am leh, but she got so cranky that she cannot take her lunch properly at 11am even (by this age, tehir lnunch should be 11:30-1145am according to GF book right?).
Sigh, how huh?

Eh, someone mentioned kids become more accident prone when they're going thru growth spurts... haha, maybe YR going thru it? Scarely by next week she'd have grown another 10cm!

You try the egg tofu recipe then let me know OK? Remember the butter!

The above nap pattern is OK, BUT that means she'll take her afternoon milk feed at 315pm-330pm, which is too late, cos by 5pm, she won't wanna take a proper dinner.
If I push her dinner later, it means that she won't take a proper milk feed at 7pm (her bedtime), then she'll wake up half sleepy wanting to feed, but then won't feed alot, then end up waking in the middle of the night... seems to me like a domino effect!
huskie, she got cranky when u woke her up at 10am is cos she not taking enuff sleep at night!!!! SHE basically slept from 730 to 6am which is abt 10.5hrs.....then she was up for 3 hrs from 6am right up to 9am. of cos she cranky. But as u said lah, it has a domino effect which will end up with sophie not sleeping her full 12 hrs at night when she should be. that's why i say wake her up at 10am..and then occupy her with not too much stimulating things....so that hopefully by lunch time, she should be still ok and after lunch, all ready for her big nap in the afternoon.

huskie, actually u could be right...YR does seem taller now...but i may be wrong lah..hhahahahaha

alamak....i'll add BUTTER lah..no worries..my fridge may not have much things...but butter confirmed have. hee hee

Jello, YX looks like she is saying "hey i want some cheetos" in that pic..hee hee she looks like a little boss too. hee hee

Btw, the jap lady also wants to do the gina ford on her toddler...so i will lend her my book later..hahahahahahahahahhaahaaaaaa Poor little baby....:p :p
OK OK, today I'll try to occupy her... gotta go wake her up now! *heartpain*
heee, I also loaned by GF book to a friend whose 18mth toddler is waking up at 2am, 4am & 5am!

Eh, maybe can sprinkle the scrambled eggs with cheese too! Or grate the cheese and cook it with the scrambled eggs!
zz has been waking later these 2 days. last wed he didn't "wake" us up n we were late for work! haha

susu, yes zz didn't fall till he is 8 mths plus so u can feel my heart ache!!!!!
oh ya, nowadays YR can play hide and seek very well. I hide , she seeks. Previously i always hid in my bedroom...and she will seek me from the lounge room or kitchen. But now, i make it more challenging for her. I will hide anywhere in the house...ie. guest room, her room or even the bathrooms and keep myself hidden behind the bed, doors etc...she so far has been very good at finding me.

Do babies have a keen sense of smell?? that's why she seems to know where I am hiding ????? she seems to just breeze her way to where I am even though I'm totally out of her sight when i'm hiding.....

she also love to stand up and hug me now when i'm seated.....very endearing. It's a full on hug cos she will use both hands to put ard my neck and then she will rub her face against mine before crawling away to do her own thing.
My mistake, just checked back to my old emails. The singlet was S$4.10 per piece. The new BP is selling at S$4.50.

The other time i bought 6 pieces mix of size 1 and 2. The picture above is of size 2. Size 1 she still can wear as the material is stretchable.

Buy size 2 better, can wear longer.
I cooked the mince beef with onions and carrots first, then put into the blender to make it finer. He didn't seem to have problems swallowing it so far....

My shepherd's pie no crust one lah... just the beef at the bottom layer and mashed potato at the top later, then sprinkled with some parmesan cheese on top, then bake it... then i portion into 4 boxes to freeze, so next time just heat it up in the microwave....

How's YR now? if i ever let ryan fall like that, think I'll be stoned to death by everyone at home man... hahaha
Hi Huskie!

Thanks for the info. Really appreciate it very much
I was thinking of doing what smurfy did with the lentils - put it in porridge and brown rice to boil. Cannot do it this way is it? It must be consumed like a staple on its own, maybe with some other vegs? Pls advise.
Yah, yah, maybe we should have a birthday bash for all our babies. That will be real fun!!!

Jazzy, thanks. Yup, do keep me informed yah? Similarly, my julian eats so much but still weighs so light... the only parts that are growing are his TWO FAT CHEEKS!

Milkshake, YR ok yah? No joke to fall from the bed man... She is so so sweet to express her love for you in little ways. My julian just started shaking other peoples' hands and he shows his love to us by knocking his head against ours. HAHAHA! but at least he will lean forward, dip his head and knock us. Actually, strange enough, we didnt particularly teach him all these, only bye bye and clap clap but he refuses to learn these two and surprised us with him 'shake hands' and 'love mama'. Our kids are learning things fast, real fast now...

Jelly, will log in again soon to find out more about the BP for singlets. I ah, very slow, always miss BPs... haiz...

gak, got your emails. Will get in touch with you. Thanks for organising the BP

zz also refuse to bye bye, but he can suka suka clap hands, gong xi, hi 5...

there was once i hold his hand while go gia gia with him (maid carry at tat time), he keep releasin my hand.... hahah then i insist to hold his hand.
it's either YR got good sense of smell or you have strong BO... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

btw, when u hide, do u call her to guide her to you?
YR is indeed a very sweet girl arr.. think is our body smell lar.. remmeber we breastfeed our babies.. thus they can recognise the smell??

my QY is a notti lil boy or easily distracted boy.. yes he can find me when i run to one of the rooms without him seeing... but when he crawled over and saw me... he will smile happily and crawl off again... -_-'

then the hugging part... he loves to come close to my face and pressed onto my face.. but oso pull my hair with both hands :/
morning mummies,

Thanks for all your lovely comments on Norelle.

GOG - Ya, I seldom log on to the forum. Nice 'meeting' you.

mummies, you all are so adventures with the food given to your babies. I did some purees but lately I've grown lazy in doing that. Plus, Norelle has started taking porridge and she likes it more than the purees. Maybe I should buck up and move my @$$ in doing some purees again.

Read about the lentils and I would like to try that on Norelle too. But maybe this weekend I try to cook some chicken+cheese+broccoli...

See how lah...
Poor YR. Hope her baluku will subside before your in laws are here.

And you know what....Norelle also fell from the bed this morning. And it happened so fast lor. Not even 2 secs..*sigh*...think this is the 4th time liao....
all of u very adventurous hor
when come to food!
i'd already let my boy try egg yolk..so far so gd
but dunno why his appetite seems to be dropping & he's only drinking 120ml or less
dunno wat's wrong now

4 new food in 1 day!

sometimes very leh chye to follow 3 days rule hor :p
me juz started him on parsnip, snow peas..parsley & yogurt still waiting in the fridge ;P hehe

my hubby juz told me that when he was a kid his
mom always scold him for not chewing his food b4 swallow..
think my boy got his trait which's a NO-NO!!

hope ur bb's bahluku will heal soon!
u got zambuk? think it's quite good..for bruises
use some concealer to cover the bahluku when ur IL come over??? :p

Thanks fat_babe!
lucky ur boy all ok liao!
very worry when they sick hor..
how old was ur boy when he got pneumonia?

wah so much hair!!!

look so grown up!
my boy got alot of hair when born but dropped till very little now

hope he didn't get his dad's genes for little hair..

smurfy smurfy!!!
which books u toking abt????
Brainy baby or Baby einstein?
me no member at Kinokuniya le...u got uh?
u noe roughly how much after discount?
wah liew..b4 discount already cheaper than BP, after discount lah gee cheap!
actually i got c Baby Einstein selling at Popular oso

me only when hubby around then i mobile with kiddo le..
when hubby not around i lazy to go out lo
cuz need to bring so many things le
can't travel light

ur QY so cute hor

will hug u!
think my boy got Zhi Lian Kuang..like his dad!
he's always looking at the mirror admiring himself & laughing *hiaz*
but at least will keep him entertained!
Jello, ya i also say it is times like that that stop me from throwing YR away. :p :p

chocbabe, oh ya shepherd's pie shouldn't have crust..it's chicken pie that has the crust...:p try it on ryan leh..see if he likes it. Btw, he looks like a toddler man..he looks so big in the photo.

hahaha ya i think i would be nagged to death by my parents but let's just say i'm lucky cos i don't stay with any of our parents.....so they won't know unless we tell them or if they happen to see the baluku ...:p :p

grace of god, yes yes yes i agree our kids learning very fast now....not as blur as last time. thAt's why more fun to be with them now ....SEE...am sure u won ever regret having half income now.

chocbabe...think it has to be the 1st option (YR good sense of smell). Cos if it's the 2nd option (ie. I have BO), my husband won't even marry me. hahahahaha

smurfy...ya i think could be that the babies are so used to us b-feeding them and our individual smells. Now i don't regret b-feeding previously hahahahahaha if it makes them so close to us.

AND i think finally YR does know what is mama. Just now the part time help i had asked her where is her mama and YR turned back to look at me. then she asked again and she did the same thing....Finally, she knows she has a mother.....
huskie babe
HT shampoo & bath both OOS due to the fire & evacuation in California..
me now neg with the supplier to still give us the discount when stock's in 22Nov
u keen to wait?
if not email me ur bank a/c for refund ya

the Grandma's Turkey Dinner also OOS,
u keen to wait?
stock will come 22Nov..me neg with supplier to still give discount when it's in
if not, email me ur bank a/c for refund ya
smurfyyyy, QY very sweet too leh...
u happy right even though he pulls your hair while hugging u?? Hee hee

I heard of some horrible babies who bite their mums arms or shoulders until got blood come out type...quite scary....

i think at this stage babies learn by watching what we do, so if the environment we are in is nice loving and all, i think the baby will follow suit.
gak, he ehee hee regarding the 4 day rule hor...i think i abolished that rule eons ago...I'm very impatient plus thank goodness YR is not very allergic to food. :p So it makes my life easier.

I'm only more wary when it comes to more 'dangerous' foods then i will try it for a few days and see how it goes......

I'll probably let her taste fresh milk before she hits 1 year....Just got the ok from my sil...so will maybe let her try in another 2 weeks time.
susu, YR is such a forgiving baby despite u evil mummy!!! Hiak hiak...

I am not an adventure person, so YX is eating boring stuff still. U all talking abt letting babies eat cheese. I am still try to figure out how to mix the cheese into her meal as my aunty currently only give her 1 solid per day
and being traditional type, she hardly use cheese in cooking, not to say prepare cheesy stuff for YX.
jello, i know how to intro cheese to YX...

on weekends when u are handling YX 24/7, just give shredded cheddar to YX ....if u scared the pieces too big...just give smallsmall pieces to her to let her try it. won't choke one lah....don't worry.

I think YR no choice..hahahhaaa if she doesn't wanna 'forgive'me then who gives her food?? :p :p my hub has never fedher before to date lor.hahahahahahahaa :p

eh, but now u know why they say babies are the most innocent and pure....they really don't bear grudges lor....that's why they are so sweet.
Oh yeah, HT is manufactured in Poway... right where the fire is!
Yep, I'm keen to wait... you keep the money and let me know when stock is in. If I'm the only one ordering this and it's too leychey for you to continue the order, then refund also can.

I'm not sure abt lentils cooking with porridge leh. I think smurfy tried today... maybe she can let us know how it goes?
Today I'm using milkie's method of cooking her cranberry beans to cook my lentils - dump in slow cooker. Hope it'll turn out well.

If you wanna make pie but lazy to make the crust, you can buy frozen pastry. Think there are puff and filo pastry... filo is light and goes well with cheese
Soph just woke up... after only 40mins of noon nap... I've hardly touched my lunch yet! *sigh*
Tried to pat her back to sleep but she wanted to climb all over me, so I left her in the room... now she is talking to her animals!
Die lah, afternoon sure cranky leh.

me was refering to baby einstein bks n those by eric carle that i got frm a bp.

u must be soooOOo pleased when YR turned to look at u.. ;) yah they learn very fast now.. that time the in-laws taught him how to cough out , a few days later i was coughing in front of him, and that notti lil boy iminiate me! dunno to scold or to laff..

the singlet bp.. very limited sizes..
