(2007/02) February

Hi starlite...i ate the korean spicy one also not bad...got in from NTUC.....

This time round...all craving seems not so healthy...myojo instance noodle, chocolate.
how huh....but i really really control myself even my favourite coffee, i only drink once a week & it;s only half a cup....so pathetic !!!
hi starlite

i thot so. Deep fried and super salty somemore. i think my appetite behaving like kids lor, enjoy fast food. oh no... i also dunno how, esp Long John Silvers. oh, i crave for their cole slaw. Dun ask me why cos LJS not famous for cole slaw... but i just crave for it lor...

i drink coke lite and 100plus. feel so shiok cos can then burp out the gas...

i dun quite like instant noodles now... dunno why... maybe my babes dun like them
Hi Chloe,
Gynae oso told me to drink 100plus if want to take soft drink. Cannot tahan oil either. Even my favourite curry chicken, I oso can't take. My hb love fastfood, I would join him too.. jiaklat, really got to restrict liao.

Hi JC,
I think i can only tahan till coming wkend for maggie mee. I just had it 2 days ago. ;p
JC, wow Korean one. I dont even dare to think abt it. I still have one packet in my cupboard. Its spicy mushroom flavour. So good if i can just cook and eat it!!!

That time i first preggy, i still continue to drink coffee leh. cos cant get to work without coffeee. so every morning i will take a small cup and feel guilty after that.

I also crave for a particular stall vegetarian bee hoon these days. Kept pestering my hubby to drive me there to eat. Think he cannot tahan me already cos keep eating that leh.
ya...i am abit scare of the amino. WIll go for NT scan. I will be in 9 wks on Wed. Still need to wait for 3 wks be see gyane. Wonder how is the little fellow doing inside ???? a little bit worry leh.... just talk to baby....asking how is he/she doing.

You know...my 2nd daughter already plan a date for baby to be delivered. She told me "mum let baby come out on 12 Feb'07" I said ok i will try. As they r aware tt i m going for c-section so can choose date......
haha gals, actually i thot i am the only one who is being naughty, eating fast food and gassy drinks. Feel so paisei to tell u all initially, now then i know i am not the only one!
Anyway, these are really junk food, must really try to limit intake lar.

barbara, i used to enjoy spicy food. Now, i cannot even take chilli sauce. Will get very uncomfortable cos when there's heart burn, my throat will feel acidic and HOT at the same time.
Hi Starlite,
I am also going for gynae checkup tomorrow morning. Hopefully my baby is at 2cm plus, if not I surely worry again. Strangely I also crave for instant noodles...thought about having it on fri and weekends but didnt eat cos its so high in salt content. But I think soon I will not be able to resist..

for those who want to hire CL, must really start calling now, its the time of the year where even when you want to pay more, there are few takers. Most said that they have family and need to cook and be with them. So what can I say right?

Chloe, I also take the hormone jab cos I dun knnow whether I am producing enough hormones and I dun want to take the chance of having spotting. So each trip to the gynae, I have to bear with the painful jab and after that, it will be swollen and itchy. When it heals, it will be time for the next jab. It is so xin ku, but no choice for the sake of bb, I must bear with it.

Before baby is borned, already have have another problem, cos hb doesnt want to hire maid but mil insists that we must have one as her current maid is only able to clean and cook. So I am stuck in the middle. Really envy some of you here who are so lucky that your hb dun mind having maid.
hi JC,
hey let us know the outcome for yr NT scan yah. i think u and i are very similar in terms of how old baby is. i oso have 3 weeks to go before seeing gynae.

i feel worried too when i dont feel nauseous but whn it comes back, i feel even worse. hahah!
chews, your mil is really nice to bring over lunch to you everyday.

Chloe, hahaha... your mom feels upset that you cant take her food or not? You working or SAHM to take care of the 3 kids?

Ah ger, how much is your gynae package? Think my gynae charge abt $700, cant rem the price.

Starlite, I still take instant noodles if I hungry at nite leh but cant finish the whole pack. If you only take occassionally, still ok? Where to get the brand 100 Ramen? Never see it in NTUC leh.

Barbara, same here.... I prefer soupy food now too.

Try to take Sprite or Sarsi, think they have lesser caffeine compared to Coke, Pepsi.

JC, your gal so cute... why 12 Feb?
hi cherryale

u can try applying mopiko on ur injection sites. i do that and it has a icy sensation, so very effective to relief the itch. How long more do u need to take the jab? i am supposed to finish my jabs next week (week 12), but i got a feeling my doc might extend it cos i carrying multiples
my hb doesn't mind hving maid cos that means that he doesn't even need to do a sinlge housework loh...
chole, ur body must be feeling extra heavy as your are hvg triplets! it's really exciting hor. i got craving for 100 plus but dare not to drink cos i thot that is an isotonic drink. u hv triplets in your family?
hi giggler

well, my mom taking it very well cos my auntie told her beforehand that this will happen.
My auntie's DIL could not take the food she cooked when she's preggie. So i think my auntie has pre-empt my mom well in advance liao.
i am working, but now on no-pay leave. i will return to work after maternity leave. Dunno how, just have to cross the bridge when the time comes...

i used to like the dry Myojo Ramen100. But now dun crave for it anymore cos it is spicy.

Yesterday, i ate He Ji Bao! Took Fun Choy and one big bao... hmmm.... very delicious. Anyone likes dim sum?
hi pekochan

no, i am the only one with triplets.
i think 100plus is ok, my dr told me can drink. He also mentioned that H20 is the other alternative, but it is quite sweet.
Possible to see gynae in a wk time (ur 10wk) to chk up on ur bb? Me too always wondering how bb is doing. My next scan is next monday and intend to ask for 2wk one scan. Abit kiasu but tat can ease our mind mah.. I have one auntie with 3 daughters having the same birthdate. She really can count lor.. ovulate ard the same time, and c-sec the same day.

I still love spicy food, heard from pple tat eat too much chilli bb's face not beautiful.. izzit true? having triplets so much fun.

Giggler & Mummies,
Take 100plus better..

off from work liao.. cya tomolo.
just wonder anybody feeling cramp.

After lunch keep hving the cramp feeling come & go....so scare....hopefully it's ok...

Good to let ur doc know that u have cramps. Any spotting? i used to have cramps earlier too, i read from some websites that it was caused by the expansion of the uterus. Should be ok so long there is no bleeding involved. Nevertheless, do check with gynae.
Hi Chloe, actually my gynae said can stop jab at week 8 already cos I dun have spotting for this pregnancy but I insisted cos I am scared. I will do this until week 12, but now I dun know whether should continue till week 16 or not cos I am just very scared lah.very paranoid and cant think logically already.

Hi JC, my hb rather do the housework himself than getting maid. But of course, his standard not very high, still got hair and all after he vaccuum the floor. His family has maid all these while but he hated the presence of maid. He said at least last time in his parents home he can stay upstairs and the maid will be working downstairs but now our house is so small, we will keep seeing the maid walking around and he doesnt like it and its case closed for him. So I am stuck between the two of them.
Anyone taking duphaston hormo tablets? Just bot from gynae at S$30 one box of 20pcs(expiry 12/2009). I stopped taking and has 17 tablets left, can sell at S$17, self pick at CCK MRT station. Interested, please email me [email protected].
Mummies to-be, you might want to check this place out www.maternityexchange.com.sg

My hb & I don't want a maid either. We like to walk around our own home dressed in our most comfortable old holey clothes
. And also due to some very long story with my MIL, my hubby cannot have a maid anyway. I will probably get a part-time helper in to do the household chores once I get too tired to do them myself. I've managed alone with my girl these 2 years, but having #2 will be more challenging, I'm sure.
wah............ jin long leh............. after I left still hv so many postings. Ha ha ha..........

Nw it's my turn to reply u all once & for all. (pardon me for any typo errors arh.)

Yes, I still eat maggie mee bt restricting myself to take only when I really dunno wat to eat. Hb doesn't allow me to eat leh...

me too! when the nausea went off, I start to hv wild imagination. bt then tis wk it cmes back again. Argh.............

me me me! Tim sum lover! Bn eyeing on tat. One day when I hv better appetite I wanna pull hb go Harbour City eat tim sum buffet liao. Cos their tim sum very generous one leh - their har kow got veyr big prawns inside one. Then all very piping hot also.

Then gals, I recv an email abt Teahouse ala carte buffet dinner, valid Mon - Thurs only. Print out the attachment then get to enjoy birds' nests.

My gynae's antenatal pkg is $500 nt incl of Vits then of cos also nt the detail scan lor. Just plainly on visits.

bt again the med is so cheap, so again it's ok lah to excl them. Bt my ex-coll her gynae is attached to TMC, her pkg $550 incl Vits leh bt nt the special pills lah if need to.

Me recently had LS feeling bt then when I rush to toilet, then just fart only then only alittle. Sorry to b so gross bt then I dunno hw to decribe leh. U gals got tis feeling?

Also, when ur folic acid finish, do you buy frm the pharmacy or still take frm ur gynae (for those whose Vits r nt incl)? Cos I heard buy frm pharmacy is very cheap one, if we do so then we can save more $$.

I've got no one to help. Besides if I pass to my mum, everyday we hv to rush over to c the bb. Besides, hb says he wants to c bb everyday. He even tot of bringing to & fro which is very tiring leh. Tats y he sugg getting a car. Bt I told him, even if get a car, sometimes if he's 2 tired, he will nt even go over. So I sugg getting a maid is more practical & sensible.

Gals, I also wanna ask abt the NT scan. Did u gals ask to do it or ur gynae sugg u to do it? Bcos I rem my gynae said I dun hv to do it cos of my age.
chloe, cherryale,

For the itch from the jab, do u scratch? I have the itch for several days and i scratch it quite alot. Now i notice there's a red patch so sure whether is it ok?

I wanted to apply some anti-itch cream but scared dont know whether can do that or not.

Chloe, your gynae said can apply mopiko?
Barb, I also love spicy food. I think bb face pimply is just hearsay lah.

My sis had so much spicy food when she was preggy bt my niece came out still the same.

My gf also - her bb' skin so smooth & fair leh........

I guess so long as u drink lotsa of water to remov the heatiness it shld b fine.
Starlite - u r still replying? I was abt to shut off liao...........

Me nw waiting for dinner. We ordered pizza to eat. Cos 2day is Mon mah.........
Bt I told hb nt to b 2 greedy by ordering 2 much if nt if I can't finish, he has to b the rubbish bin again.
Hi Starlite & all MTB,
Yes, I went gynae today.. My bb is 3.6cm for like 10 weeks 2 days pregnancy. The heartbeat and everything seemed normal, but she can see some bloods spottings on my womb. I also go for blood test.

She offered me with NT scan, I am 27.. I dunno if it is with my scanning is wrong (she started at the screen for at least 1 min, looking at different angle, without telling me anything.. okie I am getting paranoid) or it becos of my on and off spottings. I still waiting for discussion with my hubby as he is have training in New York and will not come back until next monday. And he will then fly to bangkok at the evening. Gynae say becos of my spottings, I can't join my hubby. I feel so sad, cos I need the emotional support from him, already miss him for 1 mth and seemed like I have to stay here alone for another 2-3 more weeks. I know it is worth it if bb is coming to be well again.

BTW ladies, other than NT scan for down's syndrome, what is the other possible things that NT scan can deduct?

I already start wearing maternity bottoms becos i already become too fat. LOL.. spring maternalty and 9mois have some very nice bottom.

welcome ah ger!! :D

I am not a mummy yet, but I am jobless, living with mil.. everyday is just eat, sleep and surf web for me, I go out occasionally but mil dun like me to go out too often.
hi icy,

glad to know that bb is growing well...

did gynae say anything further regarding the spotting or blood spots on your womb?

When will u get the result of the NT scan.

Tomorrow is my turn. I should around the same time as yours. I hope everything will turn out fine.
All the best, I am going to have the NT scan in 2 weeks time. Discuss with hb and since doc advised, we will go for it. I hope everything will be fine.

Gynae din say why there is bleeding, i hope it is just those rare cases where everything will be fine.
Just realised a lot of people do NT scans. I must think +ve everytime. 9mois is located at paragon top floor, website: www.9mois.com.sg. in terms of pricing, spring maternality is cheaper..I buy more of bottom cos the tops are simply too big for me. I think normally baby doll tops looks better for me now since the ball is not that big yet,. I will explore more in suntec on friday.
Ah ger,
I'm getting constipated already. Last night I drank prune juice. Hope that works. My first pregnancy was also like that. Eat so much fruits and vege, still have problems. Every day, I had to eat about 10 prunes to go regularly.

I've been buying my folic acid from the Unity pharmacy. $2.50 for 100 tabs only. I told my gynae that I had, so he didn't prescribe any for me.

Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine. You're still young. I'm >10 years older than you. Think positive. Your gynae was probably a little concerned about the blood. I'm not a medical professional, but at this stage, the NT scan probably can only detect major anomalies in structure.(I think only, ah
) You can ask your gynae for more details I suppose. Our babies are not fully developed yet, so many things can't be seen properly. Even the DS detection is only a 'guess'. They measure some gap in the neck and look at the nose bone and then use statistics to calculate risk. Not conslusive. The 20+ wk detailed scan, they will look at the stomach, bladder, heart, and gender. That one can detect more things, I feel.
good morning ladies

pvl, wow, you can cook lunch AND dinner?! I'm so impressed. Everyday after work, I just lie down on the sofa and try to gather the energy to go and have my shower. After drying my hair, I will go to zzzzz (before 9pm)... wah lau, no energy to play with my son *feel so guilty*

icy, don't worry yah?

Is anyone going for the OSCAR at TMC? I'm due to go for it on 7th Aug but now having second thoughts 'cos got blood test lah. I'm so weak and anaemic as it is (already lost 2kg) that I'm scared I will faint :p
Seems like most gynae recommend NT scan. I thought this is a test only for mum to choose if they do not want to take amino. Looks like it's quite a compulsory test for most mum .....

Hi Icy....guess u must be missing ur hb very much...dun worry so much better stay here in Sing to "yang tai" so that baby is ok....probably too much flying is not too good at this stage. Log on more to chat so you won't feel lonely & bored....

Ah Ger.....me love spicy food & hate chicken rice & the chiily now. I had it the other day, the left over taste in my mouth stayed there throughtout the night.....suckss.......

BTW...u gals go visit gyane every 2 wks or 3 wks? Aiyo ...i still hv to wait ...getting impatience already lah.....
Hi JC,
Cramps is not fun.. better chk with gynae, I regretted for not doing so for last preg. I intend to see gynae every 2 wk after my next mon scan. Yar, NT scan bery common liao.. I had it for my first child when i was 28.

Hi Icy,
Dun think too much now... it is good tat u can rest at home, I intend to get mc from gynae after wk12 to 'yang tai'.. still dunno can take how long.

Hi pvl,
Me too.. constipated seriously.. my mil suggested me take fresh milk in the morning. Though dun really like, i tried for 1 morning.. it works! Then i stop drinking.. constipate again. sigh..
morning to all!

Oh priviledged - since we can buy like tat then I shall do tat also, so tat I can save more $$.

Me all along also hv constipation - & best of all, can clear ony during wkends - so funny. ha ha ha....... so I dun care. I also eat alot of fruits bt still.......... U take prunes - the dunno wat brand one - Sunraisia is it? Bt tat one abit sweet leh - can eat so much meh?

Priviledged - they call u pvl in short arh? cos i type ur name so long........... always must c got type salar or nt. ha ha ha.... nx time I also follow.

Icy - I think I dun hv to do the NT scan, bt I will ask my gynae nx wk when I m there again just to b sure. Cos I really rem him mentioning my age blah blah blah then no need to do. Just do detail scan by then can liao.

Think +ve then bb also will grow happily in ur stomach mah.

JC - I still like spicy food as usual - bt again due to bad indigestion, I try nt to eat so regularly. 2nite gng bac to mum's plc for dinner, bt dunno y suddenly dun feel like eating spicy food. Hmm.......... tat day was it I read frm here or ware somebody ate prawn noodles? Then I realised ard my area - dun hv many ppl selling tat & I m craving just for the soup. My mum makes gd prawn noodles bt then cos of my niece she can only cook nice food once in a purple moon.

Yes - I visit my gynae 3 wks once. Dun b kan cheong, days pass veyr quickly, soon u will c ur bb again.
My gynae appts are 4 wks apart. My gynae told me the NT scan is not compulsory. I can choose not to take it. It costs extra at KKH. I can choose not to take any of the tests if I don't want to. My hb and I have still not decided whether to take the test or not.

I'll try the fresh milk thing. I've been taking Anmum recently, cos the fresh milk I reserve for my daughter. Milk here is very expensive to go drinking cups of it. And I get fat even with the low fat milk! Last time in the States, I used to drink 2 cups of fresh milk daily. Still constipated. And got fat even with 2% milk. hahahaha.
Anmum - they say pao guni will put on weight easily one leh.

SO far I dare nt pluck up the courage to drink yet - dunno y, I m scared of the powder taste. *puke*
Hi Starlite,
I am back from my gynae visit. I see him once a week now till week12 partly cos I feel better when I see that baby is fine. After week 12, will see him once every 3 weeks. My gynae said he will only do the blood test for me at week15, not sure if the blood test is similar to NT scan??

Catz,what is the OSCAR?
JC, cramps could be expansion of your uterus. I visiting gynae every 3weeks for now.

Ah ger, can get the folic acid from Unity Pharm, very cheap.

PVL, your constipation sounds so bad... got to eat so many prunes a day?

Catz, what's OSCAR test for?
priviledged & barbaraong,
yah, trying hard to miss +ve. I think I just miss my hubby too much. :p. living with mil, give me kind of more stress. everyone like fil who in msia also gan jiong.. aiyo.. very jialat.

what is OSCAR for? Dunno if I am going.. I already take 2 tube of blood for the HIV test.. must start refilling my blood already.

ah ger,
i think maybe u dun need bah. :D
Hi Giggler
Yeah I will get it frm Unity - so much cheaper.

Icy - yeah I guess so. Anyway I will ask my gynae again under wat circumstances then will need NT scan.
I dunno wor........... I nv ask. ha ha ha....... I m like very boh chap leh....... just dun feel like touching on anything.
Icy, Ah Ger, Giggler,
OSCAR is a scan to determine any possibilities of down's syndrome. This is a test which has >90% (forget the number) chances of detecting early symptoms, comparing with the traditional blood test. The test will cost around S$130-150 with GST (I forget the exact cost I paid for my wife liao).

Hi all,

I just read from Babycentre the following:

These tests are to test for Down Syndrome. There are ultrasound tests, blood tests and a combination of two. These are all screening tests meaning measuring risk only and not diagnostic.

First trimester (wk 11 - 14)
1) NT Scan - measuring the fluid under the skin at the back of baby's neck
2) Blood test - measures hCG and PAPP-A

The two tests together will have a detection rate of as high as 90 per cent.

If high risk, then can consider doing either CVS or amniocentesis.

Second trimester - Week 15 and 20
1) Blood test - measures hCG, AFP, uE3 and Inhibin A

Or can combine first and second tri screening by having an integrated test - NT scan + blood test for PAPP-A in first tri and a further blood test for hCG, AFP, uE3 and inhibin A in the second.

I think OSCAR test is an integrated test right? but results can be known faster?? Catz, need your help to explain. Thanks!
