(2007/01) Jan

Sherl...try going to Marketplace...Cold Storage see whether they have decaf tea or not. I know decaf coffee quite easy to find but tea a bit more difficult...if I am not wrong Camomile (think spelling is wrong) does not caffeine.


I've been looking around the Cold Storages but not much luck so far.... found that Twinings has Decaf English Tea from their Classic range, but Carrefour PS didn't have that in stock... coz I only like to drink teh-o... heeheehee...
Oh nooo! I almost finished eating my oats and realised it was full of little termites! There were so many of them!
What am I going to do!!! Is this going to hurt bb?
Sherl...how about isetan's supermarket at Scotts?

Pinoopy...ya monitor for a while if tummyache then see doc...if worried call your clinic to check with gynae.
Hi gals, I just called Dr. He said it is ok, nothing to worry. He said that it is just like those people who eat insects lor..
Good Morning Everyone!


I think should be ok ba... relax a bit.. but if not feeling well go see doc ok?
Hi Zenn, i think it is not very good in the long run. Notebook got high radiation, even more if it has wireless. I heard in China the pregnant women even wear special shield dress when they go to work..
Notebook on table also not good.. that's why when i go home, i seldom sit in front of pc again.. work no choice lor..trying to minimise exposure. My lecturer once said the worse is if men put hp in their pocket, because guess where the pockets are near to? =P They say science is not really firm on what stand to take because we don't really know the effects.. all these technology is quite new if you see when we started to have all these devices..

Yeah, I will go and stake out all the 'ang moh' markets.... thanks for the suggestion! Heeheehee...

hmm... radiation ah? I dunnoe about the effects leh... but better safe than sorry lo...
Gals, the list is very long! Plus not everyone needs everything and you don't need to buy everything before baby arrives.

Cos certain things will be given by hospital, certain things will be given to baby as presents. Just need to get 2 basic sets of clothes and blanket (recieving blanket). The other stuff like lotion, cream, etc etc will be given by hospital (part of the sample pack)...

Unless you are fussy like me and intend to use only organic products, dunnid to buy...

Stroller, pram, etc etc, don't buy until baby arrive...cos there might be pple who will give you as present (trust me, my nephew has 3 strollers as presents!)...and what you buy b4 the child arrive might not be what you actually need (when baby arrive already then you will realise you need alot of space to put this and that!)
Anyone thought of having a gift registry at one of the shops? Maybe that'll help...
Hopefully your close friends and relatives will also ask what you want first before buying....
gift registry is a very good idea lor.. but provided many frens or relatives want to make use of it.. sometimes its hard cos most older ppl will buy other stuff themselves rather than go shop n pay for the "gift".. in western countries, gift registry more popular ba..
Sherl, gift registry not common in Singapore.

I already drew up a list with the things (brand, model number and price) we need for the baby.

When time comes to annouce, I will pass the list to my parents. My relatives will naturally ask them what we need

For my friends, I will post on my blog.

I did the same for my wedding 2 months ago and we got 90% of the items on the list..plus we did not recieve any presents that we do not need
Mrs Wong..

wow.. tats a very good idea.. i normally tell ppl to give angpow best.... cos i need money most.. hehehee
Janey, some pple still prefer to give presents, something useful...so that time my mum ask me to create a list so that if any one ask, at least they know what we want...

so everything in my kitchen like oven, rice cooker, etc etc all given by my relatives
We did not spend much on electricals for the house also
So in a way, we saved alot of $ also

Now, we just do the same again...in a way, it is also like a shopping list for us...
Anyway, i got a sticky situation, need some advise...

My met my ex-bf (we still in contact) few days ago...and e moment he saw me, he knew I am pregnant...

So he asked me over MSN last nite if he can be godpa...I told him see how...

I dunno what to tell him...my hubby dun mind, but I think I will be abit uncomfy if he keeps coming over to visit his godchild next time?

He is still single and no gf...if got gf or if married, I wont feel so uncomfy...

how? what should I tell him? My bro tell me to tell him if he gets a wifey or gf then can be godpa...
erm... Mrs Wong, could you use Mr Wong as a 'dang jian pai' and say that Mr Wong is not really comfortable with it?
Alternatively, can tell your ex that your bb already has godparents??

How is your relationship with your ex actually?
Sherl, we are now good frens
We do meet up with our other frens for coffee and chit chat...

My hubby ok with me going out with him, even alone. But sometimes i just feel abit uncomfy lor...

My ex knows my hubby is ok with him being god pa...they are frens...so I can't use that excuse...and he knows we haven tell anyone, so how to have godparents le???

I know got a few pple interested to be godparents, but once I tell them, it's like annoucing to the whole world I'm pregnant...haha...so rather not tell them first...
Mrs wong, perhaps you don't comment until he asks again? Or give excuses like ur parent due to pantang dun wan the kid to ve godparent?
Zenn, my parents already got a list of god-grandparents hor...during my wedding they showed me the list and intro everyone to me...pengz lor...

anyway i told him we shall see first...then maybe next time he ask, i tell him see how first again :p
I had the Pregnancy Bible. Not too bad which covers everything.

janey & sherl,
oic.. phew.. so maybe some mild cramps are normal.

zenn & sherl,
Take good care of yourself since u all have spottings. Have lots of rest.

mrs wong,
heeheee just mentioned the grandparent are fussy abt this and wanted to have their arrangement?? :p Or find someone else .. hahaha.. say pantang, single person cannot be godparent. :p
Icy, thanks!

Mrs wong, yalor his eyes so sharp! Btw, u mentioned u wanna go BKK rite? Jetstar having promo. Dunno should book now or not.
Doggiebebe, he saw the tummy and the loose fitting clothes...can't pass his eyes...

He knows my style of clothes and once he saw the tummy and loose fitting clothes he know le...

Icy, good suggestion, I shall tell him can't have single god parent...heehee...

Zenn, I booked my tix some time ago
free tix, onli need to pay airport tax...bringing my parents for shopping trip
Mrs Wong,

I heard that not good for single or married ppl w/o kids to be godparent le... cos there is this saying that if u acknowledge a god-child b4 u have ur own child, u might not have children in future if u r fated to have only one kid... cos god-child is also ur children... i dunno how true is that.. but i did see a few examples.. alr have 2-3 god-children b4 havin own kids and end up.. no kids.. now i choose godparent for my kid very carefully, dun wan to "hai ren"...

Maybe u can just tell him pantang lor..
I booked september 15 - 18
Tt time they got promo for free tix, so I faster book le lor...

For 4 pax, airport tax is only S$248...Then hotel wise we will be staying at my relative's house...heehee...so can spend more money on SHOPPING!!!
Mrs Wong...

You gng on shopping spree in sept? ehehehe.. i wonder if i am fit enuff to go tour in sept le...
Sept I calculate will roughly be around 20 weeks for me...so should be ok...most of my frens also travel at around 20 weeks, all no prob
Mrs wong & janey,

Think sep should be fine rite but I also worry dunno if tummy gettin bigger troublesome or not. In fact I will be having a co trip to sydeny end sep. Dunno to go or not.

If bkk, thinking of going in aug.
Zenn, if gynae give ok, should not be problem lor...

my fren went BKK shopping when she was around 24 weeks...but she nvr eat street food la, onli eat restaurant food cos scared food poisoning...

Aug is off peak, but must faster book if not no seats!!
Mr wong, u gg by which airline. Actually aug is lunar 7th mth. I wonder would airline have promo or free tix again hee
Zenn, we going by Airasia...I took their planes b4, not bad, quite spacious...

Tt time i took from SG to BKK to 3 other small towns when I stayed there for 1 month to do charity work...

If you want Thai books, lemme know...I have alot of them...heehee...

Can't wait to see my cousins in BKK and start going "sawadi ka!"

Mrs wong, I took all 3 budget airlines b4. Fine wif it too.

Dun need thai book lah. Dunno how to read too. If you come across any promo do let me know hee
