(2007/01) Jan

Zenn, erm...sticky situation you have there...
they will know sooner or later, so I tink you tell them now will be better, but have to phrase it properly lor...

Let them know that you are pregnant, then let them know their chance will come soon, they must have faith lor...
But beware they might avoid you for some time if they are pantang...

Doggiebebe, I'm sure they will be happy, but in their heart, they will definitely ask "why can't I have one naturally too?"...humans are just hard to understand

Zenn, you can sort out the clothes le...sort according to when you can wear..so you will not forget about it when the time comes
mrs wong and doggie,

i m sure they will be happy for me but i guess its the bitter sweet feeling after that. one of them will know her result next wk.
y dun u wait till they know they results? since u got another mth then finish your first tri, so during this time u dun tell them first they will understand de.
Mrs Wong,

Wow so good.. no one pass clothes to me le!! huh huh.. hehehehe..

slowly buy n collect lor.. no need to buy a lot now also, jus in case got ppl pass u clothes? i go my mum place take her skirt/casual tops to wear cos she one size bigger than me... too bad her pants still too big/short for me.. hehe..

i think its up to you lor.. if u tell them after 3 mths dun think they will blame u also la.. cos normally ppl dun go annouce b4 3 mths rite? if very close frens, let them know now ok ma.. cos sooner or later they will know also..
Milderina, I got 3 baby doll dresses already..2 cotton ones, 1 velvet one...

tt day went out with hubby's frens, I wore that, they kept asking if I'm pregnant...my hubby just say dunno yet...heehee...
thanks gals. will think abt it again...

ya i m looking for baby doll dress. prefer those that can wear for work
Janey, I bought mine during a VS spree some time back
Cos tt time we already decided to have kids immediately, so hubby let me buy a few dresses first

In SG nice ones you can try Raffles MRT, there is a shop there tt sells maternity wear, not v exp and their designs can wear before, during and after pregnancy...
Mrs Wong,

Thanks babe.. got to go look look alr.. hehe now wear my normal top+skirt, can see spare tyre liao.. so got to wear loose top+skirt..
will go shop for babydoll dress this weekend.. haha
Acutally, i know somewhere got sell, but it is old stock, so they send it to salvation army as donation already....i tink i will go salvation army and take a look...
Oh ya, just to share...

for those who got craving for shark's fin or abalone, can go to Lucky Plaza L2. Rabbit Restaurant...

their shark's fin soup set starts from S$4.90, include noodles/rice, dessert and tea...

Abalone set starts at S$5.90...

cheap and nice..i alwasy ask my hubby to go and ta bao for me...their udon is v nice with the abalone sauce..yummy...
btw, anyone here hubby ride bike? My hubby's frens tonight going for spin...ask us to go along...my hubby quite hesitant about letting ride bike now...

I also quite scared cos long time nvr take his bike out for spin le...
I think tonight we drive to meet his frens ba...my hubby not sure his bike is ok also..so v long nvr ride le...
for me i dun like to drive now. cos previously the safety belt at my tummy there very uncomfortable, but now better le, cos my hubby go get those belt clips so it wont obstruct my tummy.
Wow... u all still drive?
I dun dare to drive now cos i always nauseous.. keep thinking if drive halfway wan to puke how? so not driving..

Mrs Wong,
Dun take bike for time being lor.. climb up n down.. not v good la.. drive there is better..
Milderina, I also feel the seat belt v uncomfy...
normally I'm the passenger onli..when my daddy overseas then i become the driver

We got the belt clip already, it helps
not so tight on the tummy...
Milderina, I got craving for teochew porridge...for the past week already! and I still want more teochew porridge! heehee...
Whenever my hb around I wont drive but if I ve to go appt dan no choice lor. Imagine some days ve to run few places and wif my heavy bag will die meh.

My col also commented his wife durin preggie has slower reaction when driving so I also kinda worried.
mrs wong,
the belt clip is a must must.

its normal, not everyone will have cravings. probably yours not started yet. mine also recently then start.
Zenn, it's true we have slower reaction...my hubby also dun let me drive...my dad going overseas next week, I can take his car, but my hubby tell me not to, if i wanna go anywhere, he will fetch me...

My normal reaction already quite slow...imagine now will be slower???
janey, me too. sometimes will feel like eating some food but not like die die must eat type. in fact most of the time thinking what to eat.
yalor.. most of the time i am confuse when come to eating, cos i dunno wat to eat and i dun even know wat i wan to eat... indecisive after preg..
so best is go back mum or MIL place eat.. no need to choose.. jus eat.. hehee..

I dun dare to drive.. cos now my reaction alr quite slow after preg, cant imagine driving...
Oh yah.. wat is that clip? where to get? i also feel uncomfortable w seat belt..

Mrs Wong,
ppl say got craving must go buy n eat le.. else bb next time will drool.. dunno how true is that..
the drool thingy i also heard before. as for belt clip hor u try this petrol kiosk should have le.

i just found out that its not good to eat too much peanuts.
Janey, my hubby believe in that, so now when I got craving he will go all out to buy...
hopefully I dun have craving for penang laksa or my save thai chicken rice...if not he msut fly there to buy!

I also find that my reaction has become slower leh, maybe that's partly why got accident that day...
So from now on I'm going to avoid driving....

For those who like Rabbit Restaurant, there's also a branch at Circular Road.. yumyum! Agree with Mrs Wong that the udon very nice! Heeheehee

I tried to shop for maternity wear the other day but couldn't bring myself to try on leh... Suddenly felt very scared... hahaha... Then also dunnoe what size to buy... scarlee I blow up like balloon? Or I actuall dun grow at all? Then how?
Circular road also have?? heehee...their opening hours same at the Lucky Plaza one? Sometimes I got crazing on Sunday...then sian...they not open on Sundays...

Sherl, go for designs that look ok if small or can wear when v big
Sherl, u ve accidently after u preggie? My hb quite scare I drive cos his col friend had miscarridge after a very minor accident

Milderina, y cannot eat peanut?

Mrs wong, u so cute. I am sure ur hb will find way to get for u too hee

at least you can still think of what to eat! I spend most of the time feeling hungry but the minute I think about food I'll feel like puking... Feel hungry but sub-zero appetite...
Mrs Wong & Zenn,

I also heard that cant eat peanuts.. my mum says too heaty and will cause acne.. so not good. other nuts are good tho'
My hubby still dun allow me to eat anything other than porridge
some more he say he will cook the porridge for me...just in case I vomit again...his porridge v delicious, but must wait till he come back, buy fish, cook....alamak...cannot tahan already...

some more now i got craving for teochew porridge, not fish porridge!!

peanuts are not good, even if not preggie la...esp roasted nuts...

Normally I will buy sunflower seeds and eat as snack
sherl, so do u puke? sometimes when i think of food i feel nuasea too. but still must eat mah. so far i oni eat normal 2 meals a day.
BTW, my hubby just bought this belt thingy that we can play songs to let baby hear...

it comes with a CD that is meant for baby to listen..then got microphone for you to speak to baby...

cos cannot use direct earphones, this belt thingy is suppose to lower the volume to comfy level for baby...dunno how true lei..later he bring home we try le then let u guys know...
Got someone rec'd a place in CHinatown, she say the therapist is trained by TMC for prenatal and postnatal massage...
forgot which thread le...
