(2007/01) Jan

Zenn, I got english-thai phrase books also...
Used them when I was learning thai...quite useful...if need can pass to u, no prob...

My hubby thinking of staying hotel at least 1 night (cos he want the massage...haha...)...

zenn & mrs wong,
woah coming to bangkok. :D Actually I find maternality clothes here cheap.. i am leaving bangkok by august, perhaps I will buy then. It is a pity that I dunno bb gender then, else the bb clothes here also nice.
Icy, I know maternity clothes cheap. The baby clothes in Robinsons are also v good buys, branded stuff but cheap!

I intend to purchase alot of things there
By the time I go, should be able to know bb's gender already
If not can buy neutral colours first
gals, i hv question about breastfeeding. We can easily bf our bb during confinement but when we go back to work, then how to bf our bb anymore?
doggiebebe, if you want to continue total bf then you got to express lor... My company has a mums' room for mums to do that...
You can check out if your company provides something like that.

think u can express the milk in bottle during working hrs then bring home lor.. think got a few threads talking abt how they do it..
Doggiebebe, my frens BF when they are at home, then at work/school they express the milk out and store in the fridge

They say save alot of $ on formula, plus their kids dun fall sick easily
doggiebebe, that time after I go back to work also express bm in office...we have small pantry area to do that...now I changed dept like no such rooms but should be able to find one small meeting room to do it.
Aquarius, my frens pump in toilet cos school got no nursing rooms or any room we can hide in...

My fren's son already 1 yr old and she is still breast feeding him...even his solid food they mix BM inside
Mrs Wong, ya I see some so poor thing...toilet is of course not the best place but if really no choice then got to do the motherly duties in toilet.
Doggiebebe, SG here got sell those mini fridge that can bring around..can put 6 canned drinks inside...

My fren bought it and brought it to school to put in our lab so that she can keep her milk there...then end of the day she will bring home

I think now also got sell those chiller bags where they operate by battery to keep the milk cold?
doggiebebe, if not maybe you can start expressing during your ML, and store the EBM in the freezer at home? Thereafer just express at home?
Doggiebebe, my fren express every 3 hours..she got alot of milk...so much until when her son was hospitalised in KKH, she could donate some of her milk to other sick babies...
hi all,
just found out that my due date is on 7 Jan.. Really fast, in around 6 mth's time... Wasn't planned and in fact i was thinking of having one 2 years later.. At first when i saw the scan, with baby's heartbeat.. It was quite amazing... Beating so fast at such a small size haha only 1.73cm (8weeks) when i first went for check up.
Same here... For past mth i have been feeling hungry, and burp lots of acid gas out.. Always has that tasteless feeling but surprising i can still eat and swallow food as normal.. Just that have to eat a lot of biscuits when hungry..
Great to see that there are so many Jan mothers here. hahaa
doggiebebe, ML is maternity leave...
Not sure how long we need to spend pumping though... perhaps the second time mummies can enlighten us? heehee

Congrats Akoyo!
Doggiebebe, it is quite normal for lumps to appear during pregnancy. Just ask your doc about it e next time u go...dun worry too much
yes, I am over at Bangkok, my hb working on job rotation in asia. Basically MBK and shopping centres have all these, even the individual store do have, during sales, it can be very very cheap.

mrs wong,
when are u coming to bangkok?? we should know the bb gender by 5th mth??

I guess I am the lucky one, we are on my first rotations, so have 1 yr 9 mths to go.. I can at least take care of my bb for 1 year.

hi akoyo, welcome.
Sherl it depends whether you have a lot of BM...for me initially about 30 mins! then reduced to 15-20 mins...this includes washing and sterilizing the equipments etc.
Zenn, 16 week is not accurate
Cos it is the normal ultrasound at doc's office, not the detailed one at hospital...the detailed one is more accurate

it's spring in sept
I know my first child's gender at 17 weeks...and it's correct...usually boy will know earlier...my friend know her bb's gender at 14 weeks...also boy.
Aquarius, my fren one the doc told her boy at 16 weeks, but during detailed scan, it is gal
My couz also experienced same thing...
I think also depends how experienced the gynae is...for mine she is very very sure...I still ask her whether certain or not cos I want to buy bb clothes and she told me confirm boy. kekeke
I think have to see individual health, u have to see ur gynae for advise, but end winter shouldnt be so bad
humm, i realised i have been eating a lot.. other than usual 3 meals, ate biscuits or kueh else will feel extremely gassy and hungry.. humm, my hubbie will prefer a boy, but i prefer a girl.. but again, we cannot control the gender anyway.. can only tell in 12 weeks' time ? =)
Akoyo, WE cannot control the gender..it was hubby's sperm that decided the gender...heehee...(trying the push the blame to them if they dun get what they want)...

Anyway, try not to eat kueh cos not nutritious...try taking dried fruits or fruit juices...
anyway, kueh v hard to digest, might have indigestion problem if eat too much...
yo gals
knowing bb gender at week 14-16 quite early leh...tot normally 5th month then can see?

i dun think i gona bf when i go back work cos me working in a lab....if i doing some hands on chemical/micro tests, then i wont bf liao.....dun want my milk to stain with all the chemicals/solvent n then feed to my bb....hehe...so think most prob i stop after 3-4 mths....see how la.....

r u having MS ? u 6 or 7 weeks ah? think urs roughly the same as mine right? me abt 6 weeks.....
cant help but still worry abt bb cos cant see heartbeat yet....haiz
Janice, you cannot request for paperwork for some time instead of lab work?

Then now pregnant how? Still doing lab work?

I already requested that I do not take the kids for lab sessions cos of the chemicals, will only take them for cookery...

Mrs Wong,
normally my job doesnt require me to do lab work...most of the time i do paperwork. but if theres lack of manpower, then i will help out. i have already told my superior n now she never ask me to help out in the lab anymore.

but walking ard in the lab in inevitable.....think walking ard should still be ok ...cos i have many preggie colleagues also walk ard n some even do labwork...n all give birth to healthy bb.
