(2007/01) Jan

Just went to feed my dog and pat her to sleep


I'm not puking but feel nauseous lor... heheh... So not in mood to think about food... heheh... I'm super interested in the Rustic Nirvana deal, seems good...

Mrs Wong, let us know the effect, yeah? Think I read somewhere that bb can only hear from 20 weeks onwards? I wanted to buy some nursery rhyme CDs the other day, freaked my hubby out... hahaha
Me now drinking soya bean milk my colleague bought from me... wah before I know it I've finished the entire bottle liao... heeheehee...

Hey, does anyone know if duphaston actually will cause nausea? Coz I seem to have become more nauseious after the jab and going on duphaston...
Sherl, me too. Going to get the mag soon hee

Yes duphaston will caused nausea but thats according to my gf. Didnt check wif gynae.
Dear Sherl,

ya.. duphaston will caused nausea.. i puke like mad when i am on duphaston pills...

recently i drop the dosage.. feel much better
*sigh* Hope I dun become merlion! Hang in there bb!

Zenn, actually I'm thinking of signing up the subscription for motherhood leh, seems like a good deal, got free gift somemore (haha I very cheapskate one)
No idea which is better. I bot young parent cos my sis used to purchase when preggie and according to the mag store, young parent more popular haha
Sherl, is it true? Duphaston will cause nausea? I taken the Duphaston iron pill pescribe by Dr. Chen. Just finish last week...think to buy outside leh..So you feel better when not taking it?

I din really got MS, just sometimes feel very bad when stomach feel hungry. So not sure whether the drug got any affect.
hmmm.. maybe i will go buy a copy of both to read and decide..

I din get young parents the other time cos i tot the articles are more for those already got bb..
hi zenn/janey,

I'm reading Motherhood... my colleague who used to subscribe to both told me that Motherhood has more relevant info for preggies than Young Parents, which is more for mummies....

Evelyn, I dunnoe leh, but my nausea has definitely stepped up a notch since I started on Duphaston leh... I'll ask my gynae next week...

I see... that y i only bot motherhood.. cos i see the article more relevant.. but dun mind tryin young parents.


My morning sickness got worse after taking Duphaston pills.. now reduce dosage le.. but still feeling sick.. and i read somewhere that one of the side effect of Duphaston is nauseous..
hi all,
just to check with u ladies if the john little sale at expo still on?
will is be veri crowded?
cos mine wifey currently juz 8weeks preg, dun wish to bring her to crowded places.

Mrs Wong,
can i noe the opening hour for the Rabbit Restaurant?
thinking of bringing mine wifey there as she like shark fin soup.

seem like u ladies having quite an easy time...

cos mine wifey getting MS everyday...
any advice to ease her suffering?

just yesterday nite, she wake up ard 11pm plus, then started to vomit throughout the nite, stay awake till this morning 6plus when i return from work..
see liao oso heart pain..
Mr Iceblue!!

the opening hours are 11am - 9pm. Try to go before 8pm if not alot of items will be sold out already.

They have large variety of items. Usually me and my hubby each will be full with 1 set each, but now, I can eat 3 sets on my own
heehee...I'm a greedy oink oink...
iceblue, the sale just started yesterday, should be going on for the rest of this week? If you want it's better to go on weekdays, not so crowded. The weekend crowd can be frightening.
Mrs Wong,
Mmmm... see if wifey interested in going dw ltr..
cos juz now 12 noon juz ate sushi, 4pm ate KFC..
i guess when she reached 3mths preg, i will oso b like 3mths preg..

hopefully it works!
cos i brought n prepare lots of stuff for her to drink...
too bad she not interested at all..
but funny, she liked to drink coke n ice milo...

Mmmm, if that the case, most likely going tmr..
cos tmr going for second appointment at TMC..
after that then mayb drop by to see if can grab any stuff for wifey..
just to check with all:
where can i get those stretch mark lotion?
mine wifey currently 2mths preg, does she have to start using it now?
Stretchmark lotion alot of places got sell. Depends on what you want lor. I'm using Organice Olive Oil for now, waiting for my organic jojoba oil to reach SG

They say start using before the tummy grows so that the skin will be prepared when the time comes to stretch!
hey iceblue,
can start using the stretch mark cream as early as u want..in fact dun start too late cos hear wont be effective if the stomach bulge out......think normaL moisturiser will do also....not necessary must use stretch mark cream....somemore i read that stretch mark is genetic....so doesnt mean u apply liao u wont get it.

i also like to drink coke now....but my hubby limit me lo...n i try to limit too....only drink once in a while n not finished the whole glass or can....cos got caffein

hormone pills will cause nausea....me also on it...somemroe 3 times per day...gona ask the gynae if can reduce the dosage next week......

hey gals,
me quite worry leh....cos still cant see bb heartbeat yet leh.....when most of u gals alread saw....me should be 6-7 weeks liao ba.....
Gals and gentlemen,

do any of you know where got sell the waterproof mattress cover?

My hubby read that some pple's water bag will break in the middle of the night and he is worried about his precious mattress (well, we did spend alot of money on it and it is too heavy to carry out to sun it to dry)...

So he wants to find a water-proof cover for the mattress...I saw it at some pharmacies before, but they dun have our mattress size with is king size. If anyone of you see it or know where got, let me know ok? Gotta ease my paranoid hubby's mind that his mattress will be protected!!!
I am here to kaypo.. :D Anyone had progesterone injection before?? actually I am quite worried, becos I had m/c before.. and I keep having tummy cramps.
i m also having tummy cramps on n off but now gets abit better...it doesnt come so often liao.....i remember last week i keep having the cramps.....but gynae say should be fine as long as no spotting
I wanna ask sensitive question...but we got gentlemen in here...so I ask, you all can answer via email can?

I wanna ask....any of you still having 'activities' with your hubby? Cos my hubby want, Dr Woo gave the ok, but I'm still quite scared it will hurt the baby?

my email [email protected]
thank you, i wonder could it be becos of caffine.

Cos i had 2 x of cramps which last longer, 1 was becos I drunk coke the night before and yesterday I drunk some tea..

mrs wong,
perhaps u can check if there is some waterproof mattress protector.
Icy, the water-proof mattress protector is sold at pharmacies..but the pharmacy near me onli got single and queen, I need king size...so if any one got go pharmacy, help me take a look if they have king size so that I can go over and buy
Mrs Wong,
sorry if mine presence caused any inconvience.

anyway, ans ur qns, in fact what we get from Dr Eunice was that "activities" should be stop as BB was unstable due to that wifey still suffer from menses cramp at 5wks preg.
mrs wong,

u got mail

tea should be ok also ba...as long as its light. else u dun drink these 2 for the time being and monitor...if the cramp stop then u dun drink coke n tea
Mr iceblue,
think it depends on individual health. Actually it is quite nice of you to do research for your wife.. i had a hard time asking my hubby to read pregnancy book, in the end , he only wanna read 1 chapter - Pregnancy for DAD
Icy, i just tell my hubby if he dun read, he dunno wot to do and wot is going on, i wont waste time explaining to him...so he read
my hubby even more excited than me...i m always the one lying on the bed while he reads up in the internet....he knows the babycenter site inside out liao......so sometime i think i should also do something so when free i also read up something abt bb ....hehe
icy, cos i lazy to read mah.. so surf net easier...

Mrs Wong, which book your HB read? any title to recommend?
He now reading The Pregnancy Sourcebook. He finshed reading Pregnancy Week-by-week which is more organised and he uses this book to make notes while reading from the other book so that when the time comes, we will remember what we need to take note
ok thank!
can this book be found inside library?
got to be more thirfty...
wifey not working since CNY...
Hi everyone!

Mrs wong, since cant get king size perhaps you wanna buy a smaller one for the area u zzz oni?

I didnt check wif dr woo but both GP and Dr Adrian suggested no activities but also becos I had spotting. Anyway my hb dare not too hee
Zenn, if buy smaller, then can't fit, which means can feel the bunch up in between the bed...
plus if really got such cases where got large amount of liquid on the bed, then e non-protected part will be wet...

Plus hubby say after give birth, menses will be v heavy, so if got protection, I dunnid to worry too much if leak...and if baby pee on bed, it's ok, just change bedsheet...
actually i agree also...heehee...just now i ask the pharmacy if can order size for me, e gal so rude, dun wanna entertain me...hmpf!
Morning gals!

Mrs Wong,
That was the first thing my hubby asked my gynae, hahahahahhahaha. Dr said it's a myth that we cannot engage in 'activities'. But anyway I still tell hubby at least this week cannot since I had spotting this week. But can imagine if dr gives the all-clear signal next week then I jialat again... hahahahahhahaa. Guess it should be ok ba, but gotta be extra careful and gentle lo...

Actually think most of the libraries have very good parenting sections, esp the regional libraries. I've seen very good books such as What to Expect When You Are Expecting and Mayo Clinic Guide to HEalthy Pregnancy at Jurong Regional Library. However, you might want to just buy an overall very good book to keep by your bed for bedside reading throughout the pregnancy, and supplement with borrowing from the library (that's what I'm doing!). If you're interested, think most of us are reading What to Expect... It's being sold at major bookstores for about $20-$21... very reasonably priced, with a lot of information.

I'm also still having some cramps at 6 weeks, and I'm drinking 1 cup of tea per day (otherwise cannot function)... Dr says it's ok as long as you keep your caffeine intake to no more than 2 cups a day... But I'm trying to find decaffeinated tea lah, so if anyone sees, please tell me where to find it!

My dosage for now also three times a day lor... wah cannot take it... so far no actual vomiting yet but I have the feeling it's just the beginning.... If this week got no more spotting next week I'm going to ask if can stop or not. heeheeheee

Good morning all!
Was on MC yesterday...stomachache so went to see GP...prescribed some medicine for stomach gas and now feel much much better.
