(2007/01) Jan

doggie and mrs wong,

doggie, oh mine sometimes like urine too. when i wipe the paper so yellow. but sometimes its abit v v light brown/cream color...

Hi, I read somewhere that we can claim from our medisave.. Must make sure we keep our receipts lor..I already throw away my first one

I also have no mood to work.. Everything is now about the baby :p I have appointment this saturday to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Can't wait!
pinoopy, we can claim $450 fm the package we signed upon delivery. but i am not sure does it apply to all gynae?
Pinoopy, can only claim S$450, so just keep your subsequent reciepts or ask for a reprint.

Zenn, it applys to all gynaes. Just need to pass your reciept to the hospital when you deliver.
Zenn, I checked out those gynae tt package is S$550, you will realise can onli sign after 3rd month....which means first few month pay ala carte price, add up still more exp then Dr Woo..haha...
pinoopy, i told mine via sms cos was on 1 wk mc. his first reply was remember to go back on last sat meeting. 2 hrs later, he replied saying he forgotten to congrats me n ask me dun be too stress.

so we v bad, was joking not sure if his wife reminded me to congrats haha
Mrs wong, not true. Adrian one can sign up anytime. Lawrence allows patient to offset the previous visits fm the package.
Zenn, your boss v farnie...I also think is someone remind him to congratulate you...

For me, I dunno whether I should tell them on the first day of work on Monday or not...
My hubby was telling me to let them find out on their own or tell them after 1st trimester is over....
We have 7 months to go! 2 months for our tummy to bulge.. Anybody bought maternity clothes yet? I guess I am too impatient haha
Mrs wong, we all think so too dan my hb say we so xiao ren haha anyway i know my boss well lah. he is a workaholic person.
Zenn, when I called and ask, the nurse told me can only sign after 3rd month. And I checked their package, dun include alot of things, got alot of hidden costs. I asked my frens who went to them to show me their receipts, they sign package, but had to pay for alot of other things that are included in Dr Woo's package already...

I also wanted to do Dr Adrian, but after seeing my fren's bills, we decided not to...the package is quite cheap, but add up she paid more than 1k in total...plus her pregnancy was normal, no hormones jab or tablets or anything...

Lawrence Ang I not comfy with him lei...heard some weird stories...haha...
Pinoopy, I bought some shorts and pants that can wear for maternity one
Cos saw it cheap, and current clothes can't really fit already...

Waiting for my hubby to go KL on business end of this month then ask him to get in KL...cos end this month is almost going to be end of 1st tri already
BTW, my mum is damn sharp, she just came back from overseas and she already suspect I'm pregnant...dunno is cos she noticed my hubby surfing net on baby products at work or she just know it...

sigh...just now she ask me, I just tell her dunno, once confirm will let her know....
Doggiebebe, better dun say le..my hubby will float high up in the air de lor...wait I can't catch him ar...

But we planned for this la
So quite happy also
Hi Mrs Wong, I'm glad and relieved to hear that I'm not the only one not fitting into my pants :p My appetite increased actually and thought I put on too much weight because I eat too much. Now it is better, I eat normally again. I gained 1kg since pregnancy..
Doggie, I am married coming 2 yrs. we didnt want during our first yr.

Mrs wong, issit? I compared adrian wif woo one b4. Both cover the same. FYI both don't cover hormomes pills too. u mean adrian can oni sign after 3 mths?

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Hi all,

for discharge, i also have.. i ask my gynae, she say normal... so relieve lor..

I bot some maternity tops/bottoms/dress alr.. hahaa.. walk ard, see cheap then buy.. anyway i cant fit in most of my clothes anymore, so maybe got to start wearing them in a few weeks time??

Relax lor.. think 1/4 of my coy knows i am preg. cos recently there is an event where all staff are involve.. and i cant go.. so alr told my boss n HR, and a lot alr suspect that i am preg that why i got excused.. hehe

Mrs Wong,
you really steady wor.. hehe.. so fast.. we ttc for 6 mths then strike..
Zenn, actually I have the yellow discharge everyday since found pregnant, but it is not so obvious start from this week. Should be normal as long as not spotting or brown discharge.

I haven told my boss and my dept colleague...hee.. my hubby say wait until 3rd month. I consider to tell them after visit my gynae on week 10. Wonder how my boss will react, he is the person don't want to have any child in future. Then always advise me dun need to get pregnant so young woh... Sometimes he's like those naggy style person lah.

These few days already try to choose those loosen skirt or pants to wear... already feel my tummy bigger and bigger
its normal to have more discharge when we are pregnant so dun worry. as long as u do not itch its fine.

btw, is it true that green apples and kiwi is good for preggies?

you so fast buy maternity liaos eh? I kept pondering to buy or not to buy but until now still haven buy. lolx.
Janey, we started out prep 3 months b4 wedding lei...we started on folic acid (for me) and zinc (for hubby) supplements...plus we started to go jogging, and keep fit together...we also went for pre-marital tests to make sure everything ok...I had some probs, so my hubby wanted to try immediately so that should we take years, at least we will have kid

Plus my hubby prayed v hard..he is non-christian, first time i see him pray so hard...plus now he has a habit of reading bible to baby every night before sleeping

maybe i a bit kiasu lor.. cos i see got offer + i think soon i will got to wear them soon... my normal clothes dun fit anymore.. i din buy a lot also la.. jus 2tops, 1dress, 1pants, 1 3/4pants (which i am wearing alr cos very comfy)..
no la not kiasu, i truly understand how u feel. i cant fit into all my bottoms too, really wanted to get but scare too early, so now still try to fit into my skirts n dresses as long as i can.
Evelyn & milderina, oh ok. at least more fang xin

Milderina, according to my hb col, green apple and kiwi is good!
Mrs Wong,

i see, good to prepare for bb.. when we first started tryin for bb, i also took folic acid n stuff, after 3 mths, i kind of "lost interest" and lazy to take them anymore... but once my menses skip a day, i start eating folic acid again..
your hb so good.. i ask my hb to read to bb last night, he say.. eh.. still too early le.. haizz..
Janey, it is a good habit la...even if baby can't hear or understand yet, it is quality time spent with me also ma...heehee...

Doggiebebe, he first time be daddy ma...plus I always make him watch those Discovery Channel documentaries on pregnancy and birth, he now read up on pregnancy and all those music and things to play to baby...

Then we watched the whole series of Child of Our Time and he is v convinced that what the bb experience in the womb will have effect on them for lifetime, so he wants to ensure we give the best lor...

maybe u can start "collecting" maternity clothes bit by bit.. cos i really scare when i out grow my clothes.. i will have nothing to wear to work.. hahahahahaha... too Gan jiong.. but u know, sometimes when u really need them, u cannot find a suitable one.. so i buy first lor..
Janey and mrs wong, i asked my hb to sayang bb but he says so early the bb know meh. can faint haha

think i still ve 2 kiwi. must remember to take
Zenn, I tell my hubby you wont know if baby know...cos scientists how to test if baby knows??? so he will just sayang lor...heehee...he will kiss baby before he put olive oil for me...
janey, i also think so leh. impossible i suddenly buy dozens of clothes when my current clothes really cant wear.
Janey, just borrow this book called Pregnancy for Dads. Very informative and great for daddies to read cos it is more for guys' point of view

And got a few 'tips' for daddies to make mummy happy also...heehee...
gals, like to hear ur opinion. i ve 2 good friends doing IVF and IUI now so I dare not break the news that I am preggie now cos worried they might be sensitive. I am sure they will feel happy for me but might get upset too. do you think should let them know later? one suspected when she know i get tired easily.
Milderina, just buy normal clothes that are loose fitting and 1 size bigger than your normal size...

then these clothes can still be worn after delivery for another month or so, until you go back to pre-pregnancy weight

Once you annouce pregnancy, sure got alot of pple will pass their maternity wear to you...I'm not gonna buy alot yet..if cheap then buy...cos my couz has a large collection of maternity wear...and all v stylo (she work in fashion industry)...plus she recently 'close shop' already...so she promised to pass eveyrthing to me if I get preggy...heehee...
