(2007/01) Jan


Yeah my hubby going to the IT show to buy lo. He ask me to confirm which camera I want to get first.

Good morning Mommies, my boy is born in Jan07 and I am SAHM. Cn I join in for the chat? My boy still wakes up in the nite ard 4plus for milk. Hw cn i kick him off this habit? Previously, I feed him w water. But recently, he wake up and didnt get bk to sleep unless we feed him w milk. any suggestion?

ok ok botanic gardens. kekekekekeke.. but other countries call botanical gardens izzit? I always have the idea that it's called botanic gardens leh.

Free trial for which class? Dunnoe leh. Not sure if Claire can stand the 1 1/2hours yet, so not thinking of bringing her to trial for this kind of playgroup class so soon.
caitlyn - I'm keen on JG (Julia Gabriel right?) trial too but for our bb's age group, the classes only offered on wkdays. Unless those joining r SAHMs..

or they can set 1 class on wkend for us?
morn all,

aiyo, these few days ah, my whole body aching. Aqua, u r right, think i really the punggol exercise station users liao...

sherl - americans use botanical while british use botanic...

caitlyn - ANYTHING FREE, I want!!

leomom - welcome to jan thread!

where is my lengmong?
jen - i also not too sure abt e details at e moment.. i just noe they having some promotion frm my thread.. so thot i'd check in with sherl as i was mentioning to her i keen on JG..

sugar - wahahaha.. like me.. i go check details.. get back to u gals..
welcome leo_mom!

If you search thru I think we were having a conversation about this topic just last week or something as some of our babies are still not sleeping thru as well.

Think you gotta determine the reason for your boy waking up during the night - is it because he is hungry, or does he just want comfort, or want to know someone is near, or does he just wake up out of habit?
sugar - icy, today think on leave (Rachel checkup is it?, i remember is ard this wk)
also got a favor to ask u... can lend me something from yr house..
mildy & Sugar - can check with u 2, when u bring e bb to japan, they got their own passport or they sharing with u? how long is the process for the passport n also can buy e tour package 1st with bb pasport?
morn amm!

jen - oh is it?? sigh, i can never remember anything these days! Mummies, think Gingko biloba will help or not ah? Wat u need from my hse? My hse got things to offer meh? Golden Retriever hair? Got alot! If only can melt to gold, i'll be rich! Stil on pc, so lazy to go n mop the floor! aiyo!

leomom - care to share w us more abt u & ur boy? Any blog to share?
jen - i made an individual passport for kimi in case he may want to travel alone with papa. I applied online.. cant remember how long, (need gingko right?) think a few weeks but apparently apply online faster

Mine is not package tour so i cant say anything. Beta ask ur travel group. But should be like 10 or 20% of cost cos the airticket is only bassinet so u don pay full fare
sherl/sugar - called JG liao.. they dun have weekday class for play nest (bb aged 6 - 18 mth) but can email in to request.. i prob will.. but just to bitch.. e lady on e fone so bitchy! tok to her like tokking to wall! faints.. n tok to me like i'm an idiot or sth! angreeee.. but if class is free.. i REN.. haha..

sherl - it is 1.5 hr

I think Sg no longer do children sharing passport with mom, everyone must get individual passport. Process for passport if you do it online is very fast, think can collect within 7 or 14 working days. Suggest you do online because if not you gotta go down to queue twice, once for application and once for collection. If do online only need to queue for collection.

I was told service at JG is non-existent. But then can't say we get very much service at Kinder either. kekekekke... Which JG did you call? Heard comments before that JG at forum looks at the colour of your skin. If want more pleasant experience, go Evans Road.
Jen - Sherl's right. Gotta do individual passport now.

Sam - I'm due end June. Thks so much
Appreciate it.

Sherl - the forum JG is very yaya papaya.. indeed nicer if got different skin.. er... must ask Sugarbabe to front it then.. *scram*
good morning!

cat, i m keen in JG! but i ve enquired b4 n was told that for 18mths n below the trial or class has to be on weekdays. wkend class oni for 18mths n aboved.

jen, if i m not wrong now all bb will ve their own pasport

sugar, hahaha thanks for the correction :p
Hi Sugarbean, no pblm.

I am a SAHM now. Quit last year cos wanted to take a break from work. At the same time, alot of preparation work for my new hse. I have moved in end of last year, wanted to stay nearer to my mom. Now planning to get a job aft a long break.

Hee...this is my boy's blog w the fat fat ma ma...http://www.darrenfam.blogspot.com/ I am not good at doing it, enjoy!
zenn - when i called, e lady says i can email in a request for a pte trial class if we got sufficient bb.. 1 full class is 14 babies.. as for e FOC part, i still cannot cfm
really long time no post online!! How's everyonee.... after CNY, every mummy starting to plan for 2nd/3rd kids already???

never heard from u for long... how have you been? Going to due in End June... very soon leh.... so gd...

saw your message in darrius blog... haha, bo time to put in new entry... actually reason is lazy to load & post pic... sigh... I must gambatte soon.
Btw, saw ur post on bow-legged?? How come I dun notice that on Claire?? U mentioned the way she sit... how does she sit? Darrius like to sit with his leg bend backward (like kneel down)... I rem last time I like to sit that way too.... follow me??? Hhaha...

How's kimi boy?? Saw ur blog... he's sooo cheery leh.... oways see him laughing & smiling...

How isabelle? Is she running already??? Darrius still prefer to crawl ard... or walk kneeling down.... ask him to walk, he will stand up & sit down again! Sigh.... shake head!

Btw, for mummies bringing your bb to KM,will you continue again after this round??? And those that who went to GUG trial last time... can i ask what did you do there?
Hb has been haunting me to arrange for weeekend class for darrius but I duno which to go....
cat, double standard leh! when i called last mth the lady allows to form our own trial class but gotta during wkday. let us know after you email.
charlene has her own passport. nowadays no more sharing already. i apply online and its ready 3 working days later. but better to do early for time where there are holidays as they might take a little while longer.

U dun pay full price for babies under 2. its ard 20% of the air fare i think
MSN Q - Me fine. Now 22 weeks already. yep, v fast and #3 will be out
Then you all will hear my complaints abt engorgement, sleepless nights..kekeke
i think sherl and i will b joining the next semester as well. aqua also joining right? kekeek..........

mummies in kinder,
u realised that nowadays class getting very big? sometimes there is like 12 babies. actaully its 10 or 12 babies in a class huh?
msn & sherl, huh sit leg bend backward (like japanese) will ve bow legged? estelle always sit like this leh

estelle is joining GUG this sun - the class includes phonic, art & craft, story telling & music
U all joining again? If joing again... jio me in.. i think we juz wanna darrius to go join a class where he can interact. GUG, i think might be suitable when he get older, 18mth at least... to appreciate the activities more??
Actually the class size, like not quite fix leh... maybe due to makeup lesson then is bigger...

So did u see the link (video) ydae?
yeah most prob joining again cos charlene really enjoys it leh. others i guess also have to wait that she is more mobile ba.

i still no chance to c video leh. very gian to know whats in it.
actually i dun think sitting like that will ahve bow legged ba....
I duno... juz wondering how do claire sit often?
But when i am young, i sit like tat too...

Btw, the GUG class is not trial that u are going right? How much har?
Oh another question....

It's income tax filing soon.... do we start to have tax rebate for 1st bb already huh? Or i heard my fren said only 2nd bb then can have???
i think hor got 1st baby can already. i remember last year when i was doing it i saw a column like tat n i enter but hor i cannot file la, cos its 2006 filing and charlene is 2007 baby. wakakakak.........
mommies - thks for the info, i still in e 'stone age' for thinking of joining our passport together :S

sugar - thinking to borrow yr travel cooker cos i thinking to go japan but now seems impossible liao.
bugging my boss to let me travel on e 3rd wk of march if not is super busy till mid of march 09.. faint!!!
3rd wk of march cos i can't possibility fly of this wkend n hubby going outstation on e 2nd wk.. i'm a desperate lady seeking to go japan leh.. *SOb**SOb*

msn-q - belle can't run leh but i'm going to buy e harness & shoes (looking at pigeon - dun think they ve those model anymore or combi wan) soon (hope to get it cheap at e bb fair if they selling)..

any mommy i missed out in answering yr Qs??
i will check back after lunch.. :p
I gotta go pump. Talk to you all later.

Regarding Kinder, Mildy, it's up to max of 12 babies. Think our class is maxed out this sem. Even if got makeup babies should not have more than 12 per class. Coz remember, makeup is subject to availability, so only if we have babies not turning up on that day then they can squeeze makeup babies in up to max of 12 babies. If not we bang table. kekekekekkeke

If you want to join us for nexct round of Kinder, you gotta call and put your name down, and then keep calling them until they say they give you a place. Trhat's how Sugar and Mildy got their places back. kekekekekkekee
afternoon mummies!

wow... haven't been in here a few days, and there's so much info flying around!

you're going to be due in June? wow!! that's fast! i still rem you telling me that you were preggie.. hahaha...
the gender confirmed already? sorry ah, i a bit slow in getting info... pai seh.. got a name yet?

you still pumping!
i'm trying to cut out pumping in the office altogether... only latch on at home. trying to condition the breasts to not need me to pump when i'm in the office.. but go home that time must immediately let kienan latch on!

hi leo_mum:

yah! really long time no see you on this thread...!
