(2007/01) Jan

Morning Icy

Hope you gals n your bbs had a good time at My Gym. I'm bringing Matt to the Woodlands branch for trial this Sat. He's been trying to walk a lot these 2 days and he gets very hao lian when we clapped and cheered him..kekeke.. somehow that motivates him to walk more.


good! matt can walk le. ya! most babies are like tat. get very hao liao when we clap & cheer them.

the my gym trial i dun really like it. i will prefer kindermusik. but of all trials tat we had attended i still prefer GUG.
I know that kids are supposed to respond better to higher pitched voices but frankly I hate it when people talk to Claire in too exaggerated tones like the mygym class. I alternated between wanting to slap the teachers (though I know it's not their fault) and feeling extremely sorry for them (because at times they themselves looked so sheepish). Ask me to go into this kind of forced extreme cheerfulness environment for too long I will kill myself. Anyone else felt the same way? LOL.
morning mummies!!...

speech delay i think by 18 months can tell...
but yes...as long as they can mumble a few words..its fine....my boy very slow...cannot even mumble properly..and he dun like to tok..

but commonly there are kids dat only start tokking at 2yo & above and still manage to tok smoothly after dat...
fat babe,

rachel mumble alot. she is very talkertive. but i scared she dun know how to talk. mumble & talk different mah. i juz feel scare.
you tried tokkking to her??..

if she can imitate wat you say..like mum mum, bye bye, pa pa...should be fine...

i was afraid of speech problem for tyler is becoz even when he luff..its no sound one...quite scary...like watching silent movie..

Is true mah. Really reminded me of the BJG teacher. LOL. My hubby still makes fun of me for that.

I think Claire enjoyed the physical activities but not so much the class. I know she likes the ball pit. LOL.

Speech delay: I share roughly same insights as fat_babe. Think there are lots of kids who only start talking after 2 and still chatter your ears off. My colleague's girl didn't really talk much until she went past 2 years old, and now my colleague has trouble trying to get her to stop talking. Think in our thread one of the mummies - was it babymilk? - once shared that she didn't talk until like 3 years old or something until everyone thought she was dumb (ya ba). I realise that a lot of things is not that our children are slow, but it's a matter of whether they want to do it or not.
fat babe/sherl,

i did teach rachel some simple words. she will not repeat after me. but when she like it she will said it out. like if she saw a bird, she will juz shout bird. or if she see flower, she really speak out flower.

we stayed at level 8. so i will teach her. to press 8 or speak out the no. 8 in english or chinese. nowdays, when in the lift she will speak out loud in chinese "ba".

Then she is doing fine! Claire cannot or would not repeat after me. Until now she can only say mum-mum, mama, papa, and she doesn't really say them with meaning. I just continue talking to her as per normal so that she'll pick up gradually.

I think Rachel is doing very well already.
Don't worry so much, she will be fine. In fact I find her to be very alert when you talk to her.

i oso think rachel is fine la..at least she understands and mimmick...hmm..if you worry abt her diction in speech...tok to her left ear?? be clear wif your speech...dun think it will be much of her problem..


yah i realise sometimes they will say things dat they like dada..mama...even when they are juz doing normal activities...walking ard the house..kekeke...but yah...they dun mean it...
icy - dun worry too much lah... like my mum's bbsit boy.. coming 3yrs old still speaks in 1 word syllable..
like today, waiting for hubby to drive down, i was pointing to e top of a tree n said 'leaves' n belle can tell me 'tree' instead.. :S
good morning...

mummies i just bot a mattress wif bumper! find it pretty good cos estelle always knocked herself on the wall or fall below my bed while sleepin :p

sherl, i been wanting to bring estelle to Botanical Gardens since when we 1st started kindermusik! its been 5 mths n we ve yet to do so hehehehe

icy, sugar, mild, sherl, aqu, the kids must ve enjoyed it! must organise such outing again!

wat is there in botanical gradens ar??...juz wondering coz my best fren oso keep bringing daughter there...
fat_babe, actually i nv been to botanical garden for ages! heee but i heard it changed alot & i feel its good to bring kids to da zhi run :p in fact just mentioned to sugar last sun

AMM, i paid $98 for the mattress wif 1 set of bedsheet. i bought fm the supplier but some kiddy palace do sell. i didnt compare the price

fat babe/sherl

ok. i will monitor rachel.


ya i saw such bed before. i remember oso not cheap de wor.

where did u get it??
Zenn - yep, retail. Cos now thinking of changing mattress for ash and actually matt still in cot.. will check w hb whether wanna get this.

Icy - Don't really know Janey.. paisei lah
I thought if any of regular moms here can lend, would be good
Zenn - i got dat at my mum's place.. put belle will crawl in n out (like her play area).. i think is foam, which i feel e mattress not so good for sleep.. hot right?
Icy - Actually no special method.. just ask her to use cup. initially to entice her, I gave her straw to use and usually kids like those colourful straw.. then slowly I ask her to drink direct from cup. Now she will either drink direct from cup or drink from straw.
Icy - Oh, I remember.. you know at a certain stage, the kids wanna act like adults so I told her she can start drinking from cup like a big gal.. for a start, i bought her those very small cup so it's easier for her to hold.
wakakakakakakakakkakaka... yeah, esp when they start going to school they will be very 'on' about being big girls/boys.

hmmm... wonder when can i train rachel using cup. u still sterlise matthew's btls??

interesting! they want to act like adults.



cute hor... kids are really cute.
Icy - I stopped sterilising when he's 10mths cos I passed the steriliser to my SIL who gave birth then. Actually we have let Matt drink from cups b4 but it's not everyday affair.. but for our bb's age, we'd need to hold the cup for them cos their hands are not steady yet. Actually no hurry to start them on cups if they can't hold by themselves
jen, i just got the bed today but my gf's boy been sleepin for mths. she told me it's not hot actually.

AMM & icy, actually estelle prefers to drink from cup but like wat AMM said, we still need to hold for them at this stage. also sometimes she will choke when drink too fast. i tried givin her straw but she still can't suck fm it
Good evening mummies!!

Icy - u ah! 'Sok' my 'yau' some more come inside forum and announce! Sunday then you know! Icy, Aqua tt day only k k wrapped up but put the half ball out leh.. until i cant concentrate to feed Charlene & Kimi! Piang!

Sherl - u oso notti!

Aqua - can show me next time?? I promised to be discreet??!! Keke! But I don mind see the front too!

Sorry, I know tis sounds anal but I cant tahan but need to correct you girls that it is Botanic Gardens and not Botanical Gardens. Sorry hor, cos a part of my heart stil with the gardens!
The Children's Gardens (latest attraction) is lovely.

I wld oso recommend the Band Stand area (which is off Ginger Gardens) as it is lovely for pix! In fact the new Tanglin area is nice too. Actually all nice lah! Keke!
wakakkaka notti sugar! Remember punggol exercise station? lolx. ok ok next time show you...then I must learn from Mildy, shake the dice. lolx.
