(2007/01) Jan

poor malcolm & matthan... hope they recover fast fast... u take care also!!

when u all going botanic gardens?? jio me leh... i also wanna go.. though my boy hor still cannot walk well... he walk abit here & there only..cham..

CONGRATS!! hope u get a mickey mouse...

CONGRATS on the arrival of ur princess...
Thanks all for your well wishes.

Matthan's HFMD is very serious. Yesterday midnite went to TMC as he has been crying for few hours non-stop. His throat is full of lumps and ulcers (no wonder he cried non-stop).
And there is no medication to ease the pain, only a drop to numb the area (but I guess it doesn't really work well for him).
His feet rashes are countless...

I cried with him. He has not been drinking water since last evening. If this continue, will hv to put him on drip.

As for malcolm, he is getting much better. He is able to eat a bit more since yesterday. Getting active again.
Icy, me working.... today got a few impt meetings, can't take leave.

I told mum that if by this afternoon he still doesn't take in any water, will have to send him to TMC liao.
The thot of the lumbs and uclers in his mouth really makes my heart weak. My heart also beat very fast when I think of that. Sigh, don kw how to describe the horrible sight of it.

Sounds really bad. Poor poor Matthan!!! How long does HFMD usually take to recover??
Take care ok...

Me on urgent leave today as Claire is not feeling well. She woke up 3 times last night crying because of tummy ache.

poor matt. all along he has been eating well. now becoz of HFMD he cant drink or eat. haiz..

hopefully he will drink. dun wish to see him on drip. so poor thing.

pls take good care of urself too.

if u need any help let us know.
janjanmum - no need to cham siong liao, boss said chances very slim.. advice ard aug would be a better timing.. so i think better also cos by then, i hope my gal will be on more 'solid' food compared to now n we got more time n can save up more for spending.

bluegrapes - think i will check back with you closer to e date.. thks!!

sugar - no need to borrow e travel cooker liao, maybe next time.. :p

bbmilk - matthan so poorthing, wat u describe sound horrible.. do take care..
Good Morning!

I guess charlene would have to squat with us. kekeke........scarely she too excited jump on the penguins then i siow.

actaully i think Nestle or something got those cereals for toddlers, and also they got packet porridge which sugar mentioned the other time. for us going to aussie, i think if we are staying in apartments ussually they will have cooker? n that time when i go japan i just give charlene whatever food that she can eat from the table leh. like rice with soup all that. i think its much easier now as they are much older. and by july charlene is already 18 months. ;)

yes you are right, japanese food are very clean and healthy. u go to their supermarket their snacks also very healthy one leh. no added preservatives all that. so that time i just let charlene have whatever i had lor. for me i think Japan and Australia are very good and friendly places for babies and toddlers. Air clean, place clean, food clean. wakakkak.............
i can feel your heartache when seeing both your boys going through HFMD. hope they get well soon. *hugz*

i feel like buying that too actaully. kekeke....
morning everyone!

bbmilk, pat pat must take good care of yourself as you need to take care of them. hope matt gets well soon.

icy/mildy, the toys very good. last time i bought and he loves to play with them. even in montessori school they used such toys.
icy - i saw dat yesterday, very tempted leh.. i going to buy her a kitchen set so i thihk these can be used for her 'cooking' as well but i thinking to go Toy&Us to see see look look 1st leh..
good morning...

icy & mild, i wanna buy too. is the bp still on?

bbmilk, pat pat. u got to take care.

lawpei, ok will let u know if i found one

jen, i bot fisherprice kitchen set for estelle. was having promo leh but not sure ended or not

mild & janjanmum, agreed tat japan n aust's food for cleaner n healthy but not bkk lor -_- nestle got packet porridge? must go n buy n try out

sherl, hope claire not serious?
zenn - me thinking to go toyrus n see see, think got more kitchen set design there (saw a few there e other time).. or can organise BP to get F&P (see whether can get cheap cheap or not but e model very limited)

icy - u go check if buy more got discount or not (we can combine mah).. hehee


there will be a baby fair @ ngee ann city this coming march.

6 march to 26 march.

want to go together?
my orders icy,

Nickname:- Milderina
Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Number:- will PM u
Design:- Pineapple, Fish, Mushroom, Corn, Cake
Quantity:- 1 each

Total: $44.50
Self collect

his name 97383349, Ming San.
Tell him its Gabriel's Cousin Friend. wkakakaka...

Claire is ok la I think. But she got runny nose (can hear lots of phlegm) and I dunnoe why she had tummy ache last night.
To see her tossing turning and screaming into the pillow was quite heartpain. Can imagine it's worse for bbmilk.

Actually today take UL more because I need to sleep, LOL. After taking care of her for 1 night I have no more strength to drag myself to work today!

Claire also has the same kitchen set as Estelle.
Birthday gift. Does it have any playfood huh? If not I'm thinking of getting the playfood as well. LOL. But seems like $8.90 not that cheap? Any mummies can comment on the pricing huh?
morning mummies..

i'm so sorry to hear about matthan.. hope that he gets better soon. can't imagine how tough it is to see matt like this... you must take care yah?
do keep us posted..

anyone knows about where to buy a travel cooker? cause i'm thinking of getting one too..

sherl, you know my condition la...cannot french most of the time. I wonder why after giving birth so many problems. Body like go haywire. During my pregnancy it never came out at all.
