(2007/01) Jan

i dun know leh. i juz saw the thread this morning.

*vomit* you dun look like princess. charlene & claudia yes!!

Hi Zenn,
Thanks for the link... So the Bear and Chicken will be back next year March!

Hi Mildy.... *wake up*!!!

Do you have any reviews or feedback about steam ovens?? I'm considering of gettin one for my new house next year.. Want to avoid it becoming a white elephant coz kitchens in new houses are soooo terribly small in a shoe-box size
I supposed so, as steam ovens use water for the steaming function to be released.

Yes, steam ovens are good and healthy option to use as they help retain most nutrients in the food n they prevent drying up of fish/meat since moisture is always being injected in....

Eh, but hor, I am wondering what is the diff between a steam oven and a stove-top pressure cooker....?
jen, i m keen on the show but next mar so far away. duno how to plan. m considering 2 apr (PH) but i know some cant right?

wat dates r u gals lookin at?
*blink blink* what play what play??
pls keep me in the loop....

ahhh... i cant join in the xmas gathering...cos wont be in spore then... boo hoo hoo..

so late liao...i gotta go zzzz soon *panda eyes*
*logging off*
Zenn - din see the dates clearly, just realise is so far away still..

there is 1 dat is in dec, u interested?
Farmer, Fox, Bird and the Cookie Plus other stories with Tick, Tack, Tock
$15each or Package of 4 tickets: $50


i'm interested in either Monday or Tuesday.

icy - mildy only say say, so never attend wan cos her flight always takes off ard those timing :p
(sorry mildy, hard to resist not taking a dig @ u).. hahaha
i wan to go chicken and bear la. wakaka... no the jungle book.

my one first class flight, wanna join mi? wkakak..
hui - thks. more or less rching the point liao. anyway, that day went lunch, some of the mummies already know liao... cant hide from them. they are juz so sensitive.
good morning.

kate actually i din know one.

it was sugarbean who noticed you.

anyway, i m happy for you. is really god's gift.

everything ok for you? how many weeks now? i m so excited to know their genders.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000"><blink>~*~ January Thread Christmas Party ~*~</blink></font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Date : 27 December 2009
Time : Either afternoon or evening
Venue : Simei Green
Time : 1pm to 5pm

<font color="aa00aa">Confirmed Attendees</font>

1. icylemon + hubby + Rachel + Regine
2. Zenn + hubby + Estelle
3. Mildy + Hubby + Charlene + Claudia
4. Faeriekim + Hubby + En Bi + SY
5. Sugarbean + Kimi
6. Lawpei + hubby + Trisha
7. Babymilk + hubby + Malcolm + Matthan

Total Pax:

13 Adults

11 Kiddos
Sorry, didn't know abt the sudden changed of dates till today and already have other christmas party to attend as initially booked 19th for our thread. hai... too bad...

~*~ January Thread Christmas Party ~*~

Date : 27 December 2009
Time : Either afternoon or evening
Venue : Simei Green
Time : 1pm to 5pm

Confirmed Attendees

1. icylemon + hubby + Rachel + Regine
2. Zenn + hubby + Estelle
3. Faeriekim + Hubby + En Bi + SY
4. Sugarbean + Kimi
5. Lawpei + hubby + Trisha
6. Babymilk + hubby + Malcolm + Matthan

Total Pax:

14 Adults

9 Kiddos
wow hui... u really super leh.. knw is 双喜临门? haha.

icy - im ok. trying to cope with my MS. seems like getting from bad to worse. rching 12 wks soon. they are now 4.5cm... according to my gynae, they are ok in size. but mine are identical...
gong xi gong xi..... i wan to have twins too leh. wakaka... any remedies? wakakakaka....but i think if i really have twins i will hide 1 corner n cry first. wakkaak...
kate.. congra.. so happy for u.. i luv identical twins very much, cos it will be very cute seeing 2 same cute bbs running &amp; playing around.. i also wish for identical twins since my 1st one until i close shop now, my wish is not granted.. by the way.. my husb is twins, tts y i hope so much for it but my gynea told me is the genes from mother not father..

Icy.. wanted to go teh gathering very much but Simei is too far for me.. no transport..

do you know any place near north side that good for parents &amp; kids for gathering?? my fren wanted to organise a gathering for kids but we have no idea where to go where parents can have good chit chat while kiddos can be occupied too.. Any good recommendation??
wakakak....eh, its mi looking after them leh also not him. i cry more. maybe he also cry a little bit la, hm.. ok we hug together n cry. lolx
cashewnut - maybe u can try Sembawang Shopping Centre. There is a Splash there and play ground. the kids can play there while mummies &amp; daddies can sit in the resturant beside it and chat.

thks for all the wishes! no need to cry lah... got will provide a path for us to get through no matter how tough...
Thanks kate.. we have considered there too &amp; may be bottle neck tree park..

Mildy.. if guarantee identical twins, i will laugh.. whahhaha.. even boys again.. wait.. 4 boys.. hmmmmm.. my husb will be the one who cry thot he dunnid to take care of them too.. hehee.. he just wish to hav gal
cashewnut - yeah! bottle tree at yishun there not bad also. got Long Kang fish... prawning... can the swan duno wat.... i tink kids will love it there.
kate - congrat to u, identical, so good.

cashewnut - last wkend, i saw a couple with 5 kids.. all boys, e last 2 r identical twin n e age grap think e most r 1.5 years apart. e identical twin e most coming to a 1yr..
very siong leh
cashewnut - e gathering place also needed to take into account e kids age.
yishun bottle tree, if kids too 'young' maybe a 'dangerpus' place due to e 'lake' especially if e parents r occupied with chatting.

there is a news on a little boy drowning at yishun bottle tree lake, his parent went there 4 dinner n din realise he is missing till too late

congrats to you! Do twins run in your family? So envious!


Some of the mummies here are bringing their kids to a Ronald Macdonald party at Yishun on 13 Dec 09, 2-4pm. There's going to be activities and a happy meal for the kid. I bought a ticket for Claire but realised later that I already promised another group of friends to meet up on that day. Is anyone interested in going? The ticket is $12...
<font color="ff0000"><blink><font size="+1">
~*~ January Thread Christmas Party ~*~
<font color="aa00aa">
Date : 26 December 2009, Saturday
Venue : Simei Green (Function Room)
Time : 1pm to 5pm
Lunch : Suggest Potluck

<font color="0000ff">
Confirmed Attendees

1. icylemon + hubby + Rachel + Regine - Either Roast Turkey or Roast Turkey Breast
2. Zenn + hubby + Estelle
3. Mildy + Hubby + Charlene + Claudia
4. Faeriekim + Hubby + En Bi + SY
5. Sugarbean + Kimi - <font color="ff0000">Sugar, I miss your potato salad</font>

Total Pax:

9 Adults

8 Kiddos
potluck i very hard leh. the most i can buy old chang kee nias. cos my hubby will b working so no need to put his name in.
mildy, you can call for delivery. Send directly to the function room.

I cannot confirm yet cos I have a family party that week but I dunno the day.
morning mummies &amp; daddies,

ok. if the confirmed list of ppl is good, we will cater buffet.

so mummies &amp; daddies pls reg soon.

Jen.. thanks for teh advise.. think have to gather at somebody's house..

as for more childrens.. I can take physical stress but can't take mental stress.. everytime bbs fall sick, i really worry like hell.. so got to stop production now..
