(2007/01) Jan


jen, belle v cute leh. how i wish estelle can eat half as much!

T&T : yest i called up the american sch to enquire but its not organise by then. was told it usually start late afternoon (b4 the sky dark). last yr i was there 6+ n already v crowded.

dinner : i m fine b4 that - meaning 515-530pm feed them? those stayin at woodland, beside kfc anything else to eat? i m fine wif kfc too.

Halloween right (31 Oct) - opp woodland 421A carpark
- zenn
- cashewnut
- Jenbibi
- faeriekim
- aquarius
- sugarbean

anyone else?

jen, yes need a container or bag to keep their sweets. i will just use back last yr pumpkin kekeke

kate, do u think kerryn can fit into estelle last yr pumpkin? if so i can bring for u.
Halloween right (31 Oct) - opp woodland 421A carpark
- zenn
- cashewnut
- Jenbibi
- faeriekim
- aquarius
- sugarbean

Will try to make it as I'm going somewhere else before that.

Zenn - but if we go T&T before dinner, scared the kids will refuse to eat dinner. I know mine would la. LOL.
zenn - you can lend kerryn the pumpkin? thks... i will go CWP and see later 1st. if cant find any, i will sms you then u bring ok?
gd morning! hope all had fun last night! so wasted that it rained, otherwise we can stay longer. btw i ve upload the photos in facebook...
good morning babes!!

the cane is with my mum. you need me to get 1 for you. 50 cents only. my mum's blk got a ma ma shop. they do sell.

i can see that you gals were having great fun!!

regarding huggies BP. ya is cheap. but i normally wait for NTUC to have promo. is abt $15.50 per pack.

recently i oso switched from huggies pull ups to dryers pull ups. drpers seems sofer. sugarbean recommended me huggies new pull ups pants. she said is better. only can get at Giant.


January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 5 November (Thursday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: Chong Qing Steamboat (Suntec City)

1. icylemon
2. kate
3. Milderina (If i got the car i will b there)
4. faeriekim
5. Zenn
6. Sugarbean
Good MOrning!!!

We were talking last week abt how to love 2 kids.

Wonder any of you listened to the class 95 FM this morning. There is this HSBC reward thingy whereby ppl come up to say abt their most rewarding experience. Got this guy saying that he wans to thank his mum for queueing up at ACS overnight thus gotten him his place in ACS which is a good school and tat is very impt. anyway, thats not the point, the mom got in as well and say that this man is a good son and also the son which she loved most out of the 2. how hurtful can this b if the younger son heard it. i think mother shouldnt say this kinda of things.........furthermore its on the national radio!!! the whole singapore will know tat his mother love him less.....

honestly, i love Rachel more than I love Regine. maybe becoz Rachel is not as healthy as Regine. Thus I take things for granted. I have told myself many times to change & not to have such thoughts & thinking. Coz is not being fair to Regine.
icy n mildy.. i asked this qns is because i knw in our hearts... we will definitely love 1 more than the other. juz tat we try not to show it too obvious and try to be fair lor.cozs in reality.. love cannot be measure n balance.

ya is true.

ever since you asked that qns. i have that in mind for almost a week.

is very obvious to me. coz whenever i buy things example clothes, bread or little things, only Rachel comes to my mind.
icy, actually I thought that I love Deszi more but when buying things, eg. bread or food, I will think of egan first then deszi but when buying clothes, I will think of deszi first. That means I love them both hee hee.
icy, kekekek that's me la. I think love can never be fair and square but we try our best to give the best to our kids. I may be strict to the older one or scold him more but that does not mean that I love him any lesser than his sister. One good example is when he goes out of my sight at a shopping centre etc I panic like a mad woman. I cannot do without either one of my kids. I love them both dearly.
icy - dun think u r unfair lah cos u think Rachel "not as healthy as Regine" so dat may have clouded yr "judgement".

i fully agreed with wat aqu said.. both my kids r very dear to me as well.
but i try not to be unfair... so when i buy toys or clothing, i will always buy 1 each for them but since Luis is still 'young' i will tell belle, because 'u dun want then i pass to didi' so she won't feels that "her" stuffs r no longer her's.
eg.i will buy her a bigger bloster so dat her current one Luis can use. told her "too small for u, so u got a bigger n newer one" then i will tell Luis "u got a used one cos u younger, new ones r too 'hard' for u, hand me downs r so much more comfortable" :p
dun think can use this excuse for too long cos later ve to buy gal n boys clothing n toys too... siong on e pocket..

SOmethings, i let Luis wear belle's clothing, mnius those will laces or flowers design, e rest eg, got mimine mouse or princess wording all he wearing, since @ home no one looking :p
aqu - sometimes belle dun want e bigger bolester n wanted e small one, told her so big Luis how to hug.. then she will tell Luis, 'ok, too big 4 u, u hug this (small one), i will take e bigger one 1st... then i will praised her "belle belle so good, no wonder is everybodies' no #1.. she so happy to be #1.. works everytime..hehehe
Abt loving which of your kids most, I think I still love both of them as much. Maybe its too early, but I really dun think I fancy 1 more then the other………truly……cross my heart. wakakak...as aqua says i love both of them dearly.

yes, i do your method too.
mummies, no one bringing kids this thur??

btw do u gals recall there was once a bp whereby we can incorporate the kid's name into the storybook? any idea still available? was reading to estelle one of those small board book whereby got daddy, mummy, family etc dan estelle asked 'why don't have estelle inside?' -lol
gd morning!

yosimite, hihi... hows ian at cc?

snow, sometimes estelle does that too. but this board book focus more on the word so she asked why dun ve estelle kekeke
Hi Mummies

Long time no see

Von, didn't know abt the lunch gathering until today. Think a bit hard to take leave.

Anyway, I have updated my blog
hello mummies!

like babymik.. long time no see!
this thread is so active again... *grin*

u bringing estelle to catch the Playtime thingy at Esplanade? if so, can let me know? i wanna bring kienan.
yes its active ad hoc once again. wakaka... so come in more often to make it really really active ok? kekeke...
bbmilk, hey wats the shoot for? Malcolm so handsome!!

charmaine, which day u looking at? its v closed to xmas so still thinking.

kate, r u bringing karryn tml?

Zenn, the shoot is for my company regional training video

Malcolm loves shooting, and keep pastering me to bring him for shoot.
Matt also appears in 1 of the shoot, but I have yet to post in the blog. He appearred for 2 to 3 secs only...hahaha.

Von, how was the lunch?
