(2007/01) Jan

charlene loves sing and jump ard mei mei while mei mei sit there clap hands and cheer for her. kekek...

*shake my ka chng shake my ka chng*

Snow, for 2-3 yo.
January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 5 November (Thursday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: Chong Qing Steamboat (Suntec City)

1. icylemon
2. kate
3. Milderina (If i got the car i will b there)
4. faeriekim

re halloween party, there r few rows of private house. its up to u how long u wanna complete. if the kids not tired we can go more houses, otherwise can leave anytime too. u gals planning to feed ur kid at home or wanna go kfc for dinner b4 that? heee

for those kids in cc, do they feed themselves when back home?

mildy & kate, estelle also! everytime wanna to b carried n complain her legs tired! just the other day i brought her n went marketing. my hands r full n she still insisted to b carried. i was like boiling!!

icy, rachel so cute

aqu, is hers consider long? but cos i nv cut leh. bu she de to cut too hahaha
Good Morning!!!

yeah lor mi also envy estelle's long hair. that time charlene's was quite long but not so long la, but cut it short recently cos hor buey balance leh. n dunno y her front hair dun come out one.
actaully do you beat your kids often? sometimes i find that i cannot control myself and will just lose it and beat charlene. i try to control but then again she is on her peak terrible 2 now. i really dong buey tiaos.............just this morning when i reach my aunt she refuse to get down and keep whining and fussing and refuse to walk almost got mi fall i jit tao buey lun give her 3 tight slaps on her arms.
Mildy, ah des is the back hair grow slow but front faster. At the moment hardly beat Deszi.

zenn, ya very long. Ah des also till now only cut hair twice. Hair still so short. lolx.
zenn - sorry, bz now then can reply.
next yr belle then go for 2hrs of dou dou class.

mild - i will scream @ belle seldom beat her but she kena from her daddy a few times.. but never with cane just use hand to beat her.
mild - but belle can make me vomit blood.. just e other day, she played with my makeup in e closet.. told her, she very naughtly not like didi who never 'come in' n 'played' with my stuffs.. she replied me 'didi can't walk, how to come in n play?' *faint*
wakakakak.... wow she can tell u that ah? wakakka....so in future she will probably bring didi in to play with her too. wkakaka.. better keep your make up. lolx
i got a question... now most of you all got 2 kids... how you all share your love between the 2 kids? or defintely you will love 1 more than the other?
i also got use cane, but sometimes cant help thinking if i am doing the wrong thing.

hm....very good question. if u ask mi who i love more i really couldnt tell u. cos they are both very very very dear to me and i love them sososo much. maybe at this moment there is still no preference. charlene is notti at times but she can be so so sweet other time too. claudia is this cheerful little girl, who never fails to flash you her brightest smile. so ask mi who i love? i LOVE BOTH! kekekeekek....
mildy, think i no need to say much right? charlene n estelle can be good friends haha estelle gets scolding fm me almost EVERYDAY. these 2 wks slight better but before that she got beating fm me every few days. though she can be very sweet but she is really hard to take care - fussy eater, attn seeker n little thing also whine! perhaps that explains y i dare not have 2nd one (gd excuses) kekekekke but frankly tats one of the reason y i m considering 1/2 day cc. nowadays when i scold her during meal time, she will tell me 'i dont wan mama feed, i wanna papa feed' haiz...

jen, haha belle so cute! now they v gd in answering us back hor

mildy & aqu, estelle hair also not balance. back is longer than the side. i remember alethea asked me which saloon i brought her cos got layer hahahaha
Good Morning!

wakakak... yeah lor. this morning i was talking to her and ask her if she hear wat i am saying or not then she tell me "i'm talking to my doll." wow kaos, makes mi boil. i mean they are not everyday notti la, but sometimes start can b notti for a few days then few days good. i guess thats kids.
good morning..

for questions love which kid more.. sometimes whoever makes me angry, i'll love the other more. when jk throw tantrums, i love didi more. at times when zk makes my blood boil, i love gorgor more.

just talking abt today, didi woke me up at 6am, but took 2 hrs to just drink 65ml, makes my blood boil! but overall, like u said, they r still my precious. haha.

for your kids' hair:
i still cut jk's hair for him, but its getting more n more difficult to make him cut hair, how u mums do it?
hahah... i wont leh, they make mi angry i think i still love them. wakakak...i dunno leh, for mi i find it very difficult to love 1 more though hor i have been asking myself also if i love 1 of them more. but no, i am quite firm i love both of them as much. ekkeke..
morning! almost noon leow...
wow mildy, charlene can say tat she's tokking to doll? fantastic. but she looks SOOOO guai....
btw, i piak piak enbi. but am trying to cut down. cos am trying to use words of encouragement more. VERY DIFF. otherwise, she use my method of 'violence' on mei mei.

how to split e love? some ppl say having more than 1 kid will compromise wat u can give to many kids instead of juz 1. do u mommies wif 2 kids or more agree?

i love both of mine juz e same. i juz lov them in diff ways.

estelle will whine oso? seldom or nvr see her do tat when we go out tog. mine is aiyo.... always bullying her mei mei!!! i bth. other than tat, she's very insistent, n doesn't do 'my bidding' esp in front of strangers. like dun tok, dun greet etc... sian.
kate - when belle makes me angry, i will try her, mummy dun like u @ e moment but will love her still :p

u will always love yr 1st born more but will dote on yr last.. if more than 2 then e 2nd will always ve a 'little' less, talking from experience :p.. they even got a name for it, called e 'middle child syndrome"

alot of ppl told me tat using cane is the wrong thing to do to hit our kids at this young age.

if they do wrong tell them nicely. punish them by using a gentle way.

but to me tat does not help.

anyway i m going to throw away my cane soon. coz Regine no longer scare of the cane anymore. she still purposely lift her hand out to let me hit her palm. then she will said: "na na na"
i only use cane once on kerryn. normally will use hand to beat her. but lately i will not beat her liao... cozs i knw she is just playful. her character.

wat i do when im really angry with her is i simply ignore her. she call me, i pretend i din hear it and this works will for me. hahah..
kekek.... seems like every mummy has their ways to tui fu their kids. yeah, i think 1 method does not work for all the kids as everyone is different.

first time i hear charlene guai. ppl always tell mi my charlene everytime black face like owe her money like tat. wakakak....cos charlene pattern really like her daddy, not like mummy so friendly. lolx

and yes. charlene hit mei mei a lot, i always say poor mei mei also tio bully, then i tell charlene beware, when mei mei grow up sure hoot u like siow. wakakakakakak.... i know tats not how we should tell our kids but sometimes... who bothers? lolx
I started using cane 2 weeks ago on Rachel & Regine.

Before that I m always using my bare hands.

As for Regine, from 6 mths old she has been letting me hitting her the most times. She is very extremely notti.
Good Morning!

actaully hor i bu she de beat claudia de. cos i keep feeling she is stilll a baby. maybe cos she is #2? ekekekke....

does your pre-schooler like to laze in bed in the morning n refuse to get up? I have such a hard time waking charlene up every morning....
mildy.. kerryn wont laze on the bed de.. is me who always laze there. hahaha.. she will wake up with me saying "kerryn wake up".

she likes to go to school. even on sat n sun.. she will wake up early and ask me if today got school. when i say no.. she will ask me to wake up...
Mildy, Deszi will laze in bed too but more like for naps. Yesterday I took a super funny video of the kids and daddy dancing. Very funny. See if tonight i can post in FB.

my Regine is super duper notti. difficult to tell you until you see her action.

yes i have the same problem too. but nowdays i used tricks on Rachel. will try to wake her up at 6.30am everyday. coz 6.30am disney channel will be showing BARNEY. she will jump up & scream & run to the living room.
January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 5 November (Thursday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: Chong Qing Steamboat (Suntec City)

1. icylemon
2. kate
3. Milderina (If i got the car i will b there)
4. faeriekim
5. Zenn
6. Sugarbean
yeah lor i thought kids their age wont leh. every morning like need to struggle with her to make her wake up, somemore cannot like force her wake up must gently wake her up or she cry big time! i can b tickling her all over or kissing her all over and she still sleep soundly there. she really so tired meh? we lights off every night at 10pm........

charlene hor wont b bother, wakaka... she prefers to sleep. sometimes i wonder is it becos of genes. lolx

wakakkaka.... i think her daddy la. wakakka... if her daddy sees this he will say "ya la ya la, all the bad things is she follow me, good one is she follow u." lol
