(2007/01) Jan

ekekke... he look old eh? actually a lot of ppl say he look young. he is 32 only this year.

last time hor i always like charlene to laze in bed so that i can sleep a bit more but then now that she goes to school n i have to go work early i cannot afford to wait for her already. and she only laze in bed on Monday to Friday, sat and sun she wakes up early. GGGGGGGRrrrrrrrrrr..............
jen - same lor.. so long no wake up late late liao. wkends also 6plus wake up liao. but 1 ting good is my girl sleep at 8plus...
wow so nice, my girl use to sleep at 8 plus till she turns 2 yrs old she start sleeping at only 10pm. mei mei last time sleep at 9pm then now play with jie jie till 10pm then sleep.

kate, which cc is kerryn in now? gd that she likes going sch ya. btw is she more independent after gg cc ie feed herself, etc?

re halloween night - wat time does ur kid usually eat dinner? i m thinking should we go earlier like 5+ dan feed them dinner after that?
kate, estelle still slp same room wif us. wanna train her to slp n her own but duno can or not leh. the moment she wakes up she wanna milk n nowadays will cry n wan me to lie down next to her
morning zenn.

Kerryn in Learning Vision near my place. Yes indeed she very independent now. teacher say she help to clean up the toys, help her arrange chairs n tables in school... juz like a monitress in class.

at hme, she will feed by herself... bath herself... help my keep clothes... fold clothes...keey toys... etc.

1 thing i duno why is she will eat everyting in school.. like meat, fish.. but at hme only wan rice n soup.
zenn.. i tink u shd lor. cozs it will really trained the kids to be independent. and also they got friends in school to play with them.
zenn, so we meet at 5.30pm?

I finally found a top for Deszi to go with the skirt.

What do they normally do at the gathering? Knock on people's doors and say Trick or Treats? kekeke

First time attending this type of gathering.
kate, beside self help skill, do the kids learn too? think i v greedy, wanna her to learn independent yet wanna to make sure she learn something fm sch :p

aqu, fine wif me. how abt the rest???? yes just go hse to hse n say trick or treats. almost all the times they will just give the kid sweets/choco kekekek
u wanna throw away ur cane? pls donate to me. i wan to have one to scare the kids....

i tink LV n u did a good job. wonderful to hear Kerryn so independent! mine oni does all these in school.. at home, it's like she nvr learnt anything in school, esp the cleaning up part.
oh! so Andy same age as me lah. He looks like 33 or 34 leh.

Rachel & Regine sleep in the same room with us. Rachel has her own bed while Regine sleeps in between us.

so this Saturday is Dezi & your 第一次 to Zenn lor. kekeke....

never tot of throwing it away leh.

btw last nite 煲电话粥 with Sugar. informing her tat i m on 2 weeks leave from 2nd week to 3rd week of nov. if she got outing for the kids, include me. kekeke... you too hor. jio me.
I muz say LV did a good job in developing the self help skill of the child.

They do alot of singing, dancing, cooking and also art n craft. i did ask the form teacher why she dun recognise A,B,C... she say they only start all these A,B,C in Nursery.

Toddlers class now is to let them learn to be independent.

Jen - i will be in the toilet with her. But she will wash herself... like use soap wash head, tummy, hand.. etc. and also rinse away. she will also request to put powder, cream n oil and wear the pants n clothes herself.
LV is good. compare to MMI. haiz.. dun know Y my coy de colleagues so many of them vote for MMI. remain LV will be nice.
wow, your kerryn so good!!! my aunt tell mi that every morning when charlene goes to her school she is a kwai bao bao, will do everything the teacher say and will b very sweet wave bye bye to her, but in the afternoon when the school door open for her to b release she is a terror!

charlene only wear pull up when we go outside, she is using mamy poko. we are mamy poko supporter. lolx

charlene sleeps with me and claudia sleep in her cot, we are thinking of getting a double deck bed for them so tat next year they can sleep by themselves, i wan to chase them out of my room le. but i wonder if they will really sleep by themselves as claudia still wakes up for milk. keeping my fingers cross.
MP ex leh. i let Rachel use Huggies Pull Upz. Now I need to downgrade her to Drypers Dry Pantz. Any comments mummies??
January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 5 November (Thursday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: Chong Qing Steamboat (Suntec City)

1. icylemon
2. kate
3. Milderina (If i got the car i will b there)
4. faeriekim
5. Zenn
6. Sugarbean
kate, wow karryn really v independent leh! gd choice for u! btw which LV is she in now?

fae, think its common. i heard alot sayin that the kids will feed themselves or do this do that in sch but back home they still demand parents to do so.

icy, estelle using dryer durin nap, huggies pull up when out n nepia for night.

jen, so belle dun ve a fixed time to eat dinner or she dun eat dinner kekekeke
chey, tot u say u dun wanna use the cane leow? misunderstood, tot u wanna throw away....

yar, no worries, u onz, we sure onz... u ask tona to cheo. most of the time she got more activities. haha.. i juz tag along.

re: diapers
i downgrade fm MP to huggies (used to be like mildy!) cos BP mainly focus on lower priced huggies. and i find it reasonable la. nvr tried drypers or other brands. goon oso not bad, but ex, juz like MP. anw, eb is now toilet trained, i juz buy MP for her at nite. cos more absorbent.

wish e kids wld juz carry on their 'kwainess' at home oso leh...

re: halloween
ok, let's have dinner tog 1st bef going trick or treat.

btw, anyone bringing hb along to t or t?
fae, we r thinking of havin dinner after T&T. meet ard 530pm n finish by ard 7pm? cannot expect them to walk too long kekekeke

btw got BP for huggies? if so must tell me leh.

agreed that tona always got alot of ideas, i always tag along too kekekeke nov will b slight more free before i get bz again in dec. hopefully can join u all more often
morning all!

Kerryn already toilet train. so at school during nap time, she will be wearing Huggies pull up pants.

At hme during sleep, will wear first choice diaper from cold storage. more cheaper... hahah :p

zenn - she is at Learning Vision @ Vista Point. tinking of chging her school next year. reason behind is I'm shifting and also the school fees pretty ex. but all her friends in school very close to her. so i cant bear to separate them lor...
fae, forgotten to reply that my hb not joinin us tml.

kate, how much is the sch fee? where r u shifting to? ya i also hope to find a sch which she can last till kindergarden. otherwise once they got friends, like so sad to change
june - my hubby coming along cos if 2 kids can't manage alone.

zenn - belle eats n eats.. so anytime to her is meal time.
her meal time is 5.30 to 6pm but after if she sees us eat, she will want to eat too.. if u dun let her, her usually reply will be "then how i grow tall tall??" (include her hand action too).. she very drama wan
zenn - duno leh. still looking around and deciding.

the school fees is $900 plus but after subsides, i still need to pay $600 plus per mth for full day lor. if got #2... then i lagi siong.

tomolo T&T who is going? i wan to go but i havent go n look for costume for kerryn..
kate - come lah, belle also no costume, just e fork n horn.. e most i get her to pass kerryn either e fork or e horn, can share share..
congrats! i also have been guessing....coz u asked questionss on love for 2 kids.. its a good news, why keep it... when's your edd? next question: girl or boy? hahaha..
so cat really outta bag or? ;)

today u gonna get ur costumes? hehe...

i tink i oso ask hb to go along then... let him sweat a bit.

dinner b4 or after t&t? tot wld b more scary after dinner... haha.. plus eat full full then walk better for digestion n no need to face cranky hungry kids.
kate - no cat then quickly make a cat so the sentence can be true..
tiger is also a cat (next yr horoscope)

tmr dinner - i'll join tmr dinner, so is b4 or after T&T?
do belle need a container for T&T?
