(2007/01) Jan

i no time go man........yesterday i go fetch my hubby then chiong there in the morning de. only got 1 fairy one for claudia but claudia have charlene dun have so in the end i also bo buy/
at the most juz buy them both a pair of wings each? i saw lots of wings at cold storage.

i din buy for enbi, end up juz borrow fm my cuz. can wear to another party late tis mth. keke..

so.... did u get trunki?
i need it, but i need the money too. wakkaak... claudia's 1st birthday bash not cheap man. lolx

i am currently using recargo monza. i think its great. dun get those only the bottom part one. cos hor when they fidget ard hor the seat will move leh.
wow@! sounds like a big bash!! got theme or not? if have, pls make it some princess theme so tat i no need to get costume. muahahha...

car seat:
yes i have a hand me down oni bottom part n it's so cheapo n worn out tat the foam inside is falling apart n dropping onto my car original seats... recargo monza? nvr hear b4... i go google.
opps, ist Recaro, not Recargo. Recaro is make sports car seat one. awkakkakak... sat bo? lolx

and yes, the party is princess theme, acatully nothing much la, just that the things all like so expensive. buffet and decor already 1k liaos.... very shag.
tat time the taka bb fair selling at $298 only. n its not my money. if its my money then buy $29.80 can liaos. lolx
wow snow... long time no see.

u can take over my place n keep mildy entertained. i goin out soon.
mildy.. wah! look so cushy.... warm or not ah?
my gals r water dripping machines. was tinking of gettin those graco ones tat cost abt $99....

yar snow, i oso noticed juz now. but nvr say. mauhaha
Lunch changed to 5 November

Date: 5 November (Thursday)

1. icylemon
2. kate
3. Milderina (If i got the car i will b there)
4. faeriekim
no leh. claudia's carseat from safetyfirst also this kinda of velvety material. n i still cover blankie for her everytime. wakakak... cos car got air con ma. my girls also water dripping machines. lolx

then back can go down as they lie down de, and if i not wrong can sit until 8 yrs old. actually i also can seat, cos the back head drop can go up when they are taller.
my post counts where got wat, c icylemon one then sat sat bo chio hor. *wolf whistle*

mi only advanced member, she is senior liaos. lolx
the halloween sounds fun hor, even i am tempted, but no costume, i will give it a last burst of fire this wed n go suntec find. if bo then no choice le.
mildy.. sound fun.. but i dun tink i will enjoy... reason is....

my girl will not want to walk one.. sure ask me carry her all the way...

mildy said we are 老大姐 wor... we are so 老 meh?? compare to sugarbean we are younger mah hor...

sugar!! sugar!! where are you my dear....
*wave icy*

kate, your girl same as mine
don't want walk want carry urgh!!!!!!!

mildy i hide behind u can lol, the siao mei mei lol.
same same la, charlene know how to walk she dun wan to walk herself, claudia still dunno how to walk wan to go down and walk.......*faint*
mildy, lao your ka chng la! in terms of age you lao-er than me. wakakakaka

Anyone knows where can buy spag top in either pink, white or purple?
