(2007/01) Jan


Can you mummies remember this?
afternoon!! didnt know our thread is active again. keep it up!!! ekekkeke

lawpei, sorrie didnt check the thread for so long. pat's sch hse is nice but very x. now really in dilmma of whether to put her 1/2 cc or kindy. Sherl recommended TELC, visited the sch today, quite like it too but not cheap too. trisha keeps falling sick? thats my biggest concern to cc.

hui, estelle can trace oni. cant write on her own. but she does prefer tracing than coloring. ur boy back to sch?

JJM, i given estelle pillow mths back but she hardly use it.

von, wow u still keep all the pix!! how time flies...
I was reading through the archive threads and suddenly feel a lot of gan3 chu4. I think we should try to keep our thread active again.

Still remember last time every morning we will come in here to report attendance.

I want chongqing. lolz. me and my chongqing.

talking to air kekeke

Let me hu huan the rest first...

*mildy, sherl, hui lai ah lai ah* wkakakakaka
si ah aqua...

I have been laughing infront of my PC ever since you posted the picture.

now you still add on a sentence *mildy, sherl, hui lai ah lai ah*

yes, me keen.

Re: Enfa
for those mommies wif kids on enfa stage 3, r we supposed to switch to enfa stage 4 when they turn 3 next jan?

Enfa Stage 3: 1 - 3 years old
Enfa Stage 4: 3 - 6 years old

i tried looking at website...not informative at all. tml i try calling hotline. but if anyone know offhand, please share ^.^

for those keen on halloween, it will be on 31 oct, starting around 6pm at the private house near the american sch at woodland. i m trying to find out the exact address. now thinking what to dress estelle up wif kekeke how abt u gals???
Good MOrning!!!

Pai say, i was not ard yesterday afternoon, yes. please keep the thread active. wakaka... so sad leh, last time such an active thread today deserted.

wow very interested but i got not enough hands to bring both girls out.

how u do it man?
morning all..

finally the thread is moving.

Zenn, woodlands have meh? why i stay woodlands i din knw have such event?

yaya its near the american sch. anyone know where? if i remember correctly, its opp or next to the sch. its at those private housing. quite happening one!

mildy, last yr i bot the pumpkin suit fm toysrus. went to paragon one on tue, its either too big or too small leh. will check out again. let me know if u see anything nice kekekeke
mildy, quite cool leh but i am abit confused over it. so its for the kids writtin?

btw, anyone selling ur bb cot mobile?
yes i think its for them to write n wrap away one, they say can write with any sort of writing material leh. so sat hor? even permanent markers.
Wa.. one day never come in, had hard time to catch up liao..

Zenn, is it near woodgrove ave or drive?? i know there got lots of private housing but dun really know the exact location.. saw it last year on ur blog n quite regret to miss out the fun since i stay so near the place.. I luv to join too, is it ok not to wear the costume, there is no nice costume for boy ler..

kate, i oso stay near there but dunno abt such event until i saw zenn's blog last year, n i hav told myself i wld like to bring my boy there this year.. lucky zenn remind again, else i totally forgot abt it again..
mi also bo. wakkakaka.. no time go c leh. hubby has been working and i scare tio tok by him. lolx

i been buying quite a number of stuff recently........ZZZzzzzzzzzzz
Jan Thread Mummies Lunch Gathering

Date: 29 October 2009
Time: 12pm
Venue: Town Area


Jan Thread Mummies Lunch Gathering

Date: 3 November 2009
Time: 12pm
Venue: Town Area

wow looks like quite a no interested on halloween night!!

cashewnut, is woodgrove where all the private house located. cos i recall it's opp a hdb carpark which i believed its blk 421A. Also, any idea if there is a kfc at Fuchun Community Centre?

Yes yes, you need not dress up to go
