(2007/01) Jan

Wakakkakkakkakakakkaka... Best is yet to be! LOL

Next week wanna go eat BKT bo? Wakakkakakakakaka. So shiok to have an instant BKT buddy now that we work so near each other. Wakakkakakkakakakakakkaka
*climbs out of mildy's hole*

Ya man! Heng you like to eat BKT cos I love BKT! That day I dun want BKT cos the past few days keep eating pig liver le. Or maybe we can go Ah Mei too. I may want to eat the briyani. *so hungry now* Hey that day the ice milk tea nice hor.

the twins are still sleeping in the same room as us - Jayden in his playpen by my hubby's side of the bed while Shannen sleeps on the tilam on my side of the bed. However, every morning when we wake up, Shannen is asleep snugly in between hubby and me. Very baffling! Really dunno how she manages to climb up our bed in her sleep stupor and what bewitching hr she actually hops up.... After the CL leaves, I intend to have #3 sleep with us i nthe same room too, cos I don't him to be with the maid. Intend to have him sleep on his BB bed in bet. hubby and me. But the challenge now is to prevent Shannen from moving up the bed from her tilam every night....Any advice?

yeah yeah!!!! I like the prata set... we need to go back to Ah Mei to eat again. Wakakakkakakakkakaka

*push Mildy back in hole and runs away*

our holes always here mah.... Wakakakkakakkakakka... *shall not say more because say more will sound very funny le* Wakakakkakakkakakkakka

You want? We help you dig also. Wakakakkakakakkakakkakakka

*throw Aqua a changkol and dig together... Mildy in charge of making the sign "ICY's HOLE" to stick in front of the hole* Wakakakkakakkakakkaka
wakakkakaak *holey stories*

Mildy, ok ok! I update you. I shld be getting it but need to get the contact.

Lengmong, you want to hide in any of the holes? kekekek
*mildy sit down n starts making icy's Hole SIGN* =X

dunno the prints on the bed nice or not. i think they dun have very nice prints one.
AMM going back to work next thurs.

mild, I think as long as comfortable most important.
sherl my hubby lazy to update n im IT idiot dunno how to do but i do create album in my friendster..

icy me view awhile at workplace so only manage to look at claire de,will view 1 by 1 shortly hehe

my gal sleep in her playpen sometime n sometime in our bed,i cant have mattress in the floor coz my dog will snatch fm her

sorry was offline.

have PM u the contact.

its same as those tilam material, thicker mattress type.. so far ok. not very hot. but i always on the fan for him while he sleeps.

I see that most of our babies sleep on mattress or in bed with adults. I don't dare to let my girl sleep inbetween me & hubby in our small queen size bed, scared that we will hurt her. As sometimes when we're very tired, total KO one.

Kaelyn, yes, I think the cot is far too small already for my girl even though considered to be one of bigger size one. So many blue blacks, not pretty and wait ppl think that she is been tortured.

One concern I have on sleeping on mattress is that worried that she will wake in the middle of night to have fun w/o our knowledge. Ha Ha!

my belle sleeping in her cot but hubby took 1 side of the cot off n 'join' it with ours so now she can roll over into ours at her 'convenient' cos there is a period she refused to sleep in e cot n insisted to sleep in between us :S

with e new arrangement, we told her is the same n i sleep with her on her pillow so she gets my meaning... :p
good morning babes!

<font color="ff0000">sherl</font> #2 will be sleeping in the playpen.

<font color="0000ff">aqua</font> tao yan!!
Gd Afternoon Mummies!

Jen - so good to have her sleep so near, right? But my bedroom too small, sob sob no place to put her cot beside our bed.

Hmmm...am thinking to buy the mattress to try out..
JJM - mattress n cot about same size lah...think cot is small leh

now better in e morn, she will lay there n play herself, if she bored then she will climb over her daddy n lay between us. not like last time, she just stand there n look at us or wakes us up.

also can 'train' her to get into in her own bed herself. :p
*peep out from hole*
Good Afternoon everyone!

wakak...very cute hor the things they say with their babyish voice. kekeke.. i enjoy talking to my girl every day.

this morning i was doing my make up then my girl put her pillow on her tummy and use her fingers to point and tell mi bb. wakakak.... i buey tahan her. my auntie also tell mi tat nowadays she keep pointing to her own tummy n tell them bb. cos now she start to have this little tummy le, think she eat too much. lolx....kids are really kids......
Jen - no lah, my girl slept in another room actually, as we knock down the wall to connect 2 bedroom together, but as joined at different angle, it does not have enough space to put cot nor mattress beside our bed. Considering mattress then will not get unnecessary blue blacks :)

agree that our kids sound so cute sometimes :) but never get the chance to capture it down...
ZhuZhu, yah, damned cute! The twins will point to my tummy and say 'Didi!' and they're always attempting to lift up my blouse to kiss my tummy.
And my girl sometimes lifts up her shirt to point to her own tummy and says, 'Mei Mei Didi' (we call Shannen 'Meimei' which we would need to stop liao cos she's gonna be a 'jiejie' soon
Hi mummies / mildy / zhuzhu / alethea / JJM

Can't agree more that our kids have very cute babyish voice - soo sweet and heartwarming hor!
My gal usually likes to do her longer "babytalk" to herself in the morning when both my husband and myself are still sleeping... she's usually the first one to wake up on our bed and she'll take a toy / book and bring to our bed... then overheard her talking to herself...ha!

Btw mummies, I recalled sometime back some of you mummies were talking about those travellers' cooking pans, right? Any recommended ones which are cheap and good to buy? Thanks!
GOod Morning!!!

2nd baby,
she know wat u mean we dunno wat u mean leh. wakakak... please enlighten us. wakkakaka... though i think i know wat u maen. wakakak...
