(2007/01) Jan

2ndbaby - i tot no one looking at my blog cos i very long never update liao...
can't believe u got eagle eyes leh!!! hahaha

initially tot should not be easy to notice dat sentence, apparently i'm wrong... haha!!
morning mummies

jen: congrats! (if i'm congratulating you for what i think i'm congratulating you for
wow.. a lot of you here are having/have had No.2 (or no. 3!) already...

think only a handful of us still solo baby. hehe.

i saw tt u also ordered the putomayo kids cd! quite nice hor..

you still around or popping soon? take care!
Wakakakakkakakakka... I look everywhere on Belle Belle's blog then can find the sentence!!!! Jen, when you promoting huh? heeheehee
sherl - dat's y i tot no one will notice dat sentence..
funny is how come no one tot 'maybe is a maid'??

zhuzhu - i can't remember scallop n e cheesecake how much but e cheesecake is buy at e airport...
u can try cheesecake sample to see u like it or not but e cheesecake will 'melt' in yr mouth leh...
zhuzhu - cheesecake if i remember correctly is 6 in 1 box , comes with dry ice packing.. u going?

when u going n where? cos i bought e cheesecake from Hokkaido airport so i'm not sure other airport ve or not. Narita airport, i din see

there is another we bought (sorry no pic) is e sponge cake with banana filling.. dat when chill is super too... *Sob* *Sob* missed e snacks there...
juz popped in n assume the good news of ur promotion to being momma of 2! congrats!

any of u mommies have neo garden member? hope u can share wif me for me to get the additional 5% discount. TIA!!!!!
zhuzhu - initially during briefing i did ask cos i saw on e info paper they gave us is 50% of adult tips.
but e lady there said no need cos belle too small to understand wat is doing on.

but when check in time, i asked e tour leader (from sin agency), she said need pay 50% of adult tip but i told her during briefing e lady said no need etc. then she said 'sui yi/ up to you.

but later during e trip, e tour leader, tour guide n e driver treated belle very well... e tour leader even bought her biscuits, icecream wafe, chocolate etc... also belle should not ve any meals but most time she is given a set too at no charges.

so in e end looking at e overall services, we gave more cos e tour guide made us enjoyed this trip from start to finish. He is very very attentive n extremely humorous!!!
Jen congrats!

Mummies, me long time no post le..hope u dun find me intruding...icy in the process of delivery..feel really excited for her

p.s let me know if u all getting anything for her..count me in
jen thks for sharing so much,my understanding so far is she need to pay too but didn't mention is 50percent..anyway i will be like u if they really provide good service i dun mind to pay too

yeah icy goin to pop soon,so happy for her..i do envy mummies preg w no.2/3 now n popping soon but i leave it to fate if accident i will accept it if not i will just stay put for the moment
ICy... received your sms!! so happy for you.

Congrat on your latest arrival, rest well n take care.

bluegrapes - thanks!

zhuzhu - they will brief u during e tour briefing.
