(2007/01) Jan

babymilk, we got xin you ling xi.

i oso came in to post for u too.




I think the nearest Qi Ji from our place is at Shaw Tower, or TB also got 1. They actually do catering at a very cheap rate!
I like their popiah because can just take in hand and eat, and the fillings dun drop out. Tidiest popiah tried so far, and taste good also. Wakkakakakakkakakakkaka

Oh, and I support bbmilk... Qi Ji's popiah skin is good de lor!
Icy...2 virgos think of each other at the same time

I told malcolm it is my birthday. He repiled:
I want cute cute cake .... and you must buy present fro me okie!

My b'day = his b'day
babymilk, kekeke... ya lor.

mal so cute!! tonite where are you going to have ur celebration??

a store ah... can be found at those shopping centers or not?? mee siam!! laksa!! yum! yum!

Children so cute hor. To them as long as got birthday it's their birthday.

Nearest Qi Ji in the west is at Tiong Bahru Plaza. They also have an outlet at Marina Sq, you know near Xin Wang HK cafe, where Hans used to be? They are quite well known for their mee rebus, laksa, mee siam I think.
JJM - are you still in Stockholm for work? If you are and have time, should check out this department store, H&amp;M. They have pretty nice affordable clothes for toddlers.
lawpei - no, I'm back in Sin already. I did checked out H&amp;M just before departing back to Sin, but never noticed that they have children clothing till too late, need to catch the plane back. Oh, wasted! Pretty reasonable price, I agree...bought a sweater and a long jacket for myself. *Guilty*
Wah Piangz.....knock knock Aqua's head. (pai seh ...face red)

That was taken last year at Sizzles. Time flies so fast, 1 yr already.
*ouch* wkakakakka ya last year...time really crawls...so fast one year le. I was looking at Deszi and Egan's baby photos with hubby yesterday. I really miss all the baby time.

*throws stones at sherl*
morning babes!!

<font color="aa00aa">thank you faeriekim, mildy, lawpei &amp; JJM.</font>

<font color="ff0000">bluegrapes</font> congrats!!

wah!! alot of jan thread 07 mummies started baby plan #2 liao leh.

<font color="0077aa">aqua</font> #3 coming??
time flies hor...

we all got to know each other in 2006. now already 2008. all mummies liao...

from strangers become friends.
sherl #2 is already killing me. dare not think of # 3. i see my rashes see le so heart pain.

think we brainwash sugar to have #2 1st.
wakakaka maybe yes, maybe no. wakakakakka

but I am happy now with 2 cos attention given fairly. I dunno if I am able to cope alone if I have 3 kids and hubby is travelling. Wait another 2 years then decide.
ya.. waited for bluegrapes to announce nia.

on the list...

1. alethea
2. icylemon
3. milderina
4. firstbaby
5. doggiebaby
6. KC
7. bluegrapes

who is next??

sherl? aqua? babymilk? janey? msn_queen? SUGARBEAN!!!!

Is tomorrow yr actual birthday?you also a virgo!

wishing you a Happy Birthday and have a smooth delivery!
how come? u afraid when she's not ard, u would b very busy? or u also going to follow her footsteps, afraid company will complain?
haha hui me dun wan follow her footstep la,she is mc queen since 1st day she come..i scare she keep mc during her pregnancy then we will be v short handed n cant take leave or mc,hopefully she wont

Hi mummies,

I've just read this book "Raising Babies: Should under 3s go to nursery?", authored by Steve Biddulph, a psychologist.

Anyone has read this before? If so, let me know your views on it - thanks!
