(2007/01) Jan

sherl, ya I also tot it's fine cos I remembered I did that before too at one of the trial sessions in enrichment programmes... But realised its dangers when I happened to read an article in Mind Your Body about the dangers of pulling young children's hands, and this also includes sudden tugging of their hands when we hold their hands to cross the road, which is apparently a common cause of sprain among young children.

Oh dear... Guess I've been very lucky coz I've been doing that for at least 2 months! Coz sometimes tired of carrying Claire, and she enjoys it very much too.

Oh dear... Guess I've been very lucky coz I've been doing that for at least 2 months! Coz sometimes tired of carrying Claire, and she enjoys it very much too.

ya, my eyes 1 big 1 small. my hubby's resembles him even more. the lady who drew kept laughing while drawing jk, she said jk looks like a girl.
the caricature of JK seems quite accurate.. looks like him in the pics of him in the blog.

about breastfeeding, agree with sherl.think that the weaning part is dependent on different babies. for kienan,i'm still having difficulty weaning him off. dunno how i'm going to do it too..

jan mum/sherl:
thx for highlighting the danger of yanking our kids' hands. my husband sometimes just picks/swings kienan up by his hands.. quite dangerous actually, right?

I also didn't know it was dangerous until bbmilk shared her experience today. Like what Jammum say also, some classes actually teach you to do that! I remember we tried that with our babes at BJG trial class and the teacher told us it was all right.
yes.. their little hands are quite fragile though they do exert a lot of strength sometimes
btw, I remembered you're one of the few mummies staying within Holland V / Alexandra area.... are u sending kienan to any playgroups / childcare centres nearby? I hv visited quite a few centres and so far, only managed to shortlist one.. the choices of centres around our area seems more limited..
yeps! i'm one of those mummies who are staying in the west. i stay at holland ave.

yah, the choice of playgroups, etc. is quite limited over in this area...
i don't intend to send kienan to anything yet though. will prob wait till he's older..
yeah, you're right. must really make sure that we aren't too rough with our kiddos. esp. the daddy when it comes to playing with the sons..
think ur hubby should be quite gentle with claire rite? hehe
Hui - I think the picture looks like you 3 but then JK looks better in real and in photos cos his eyes are so big and electrifying! =) I also have one eye big and one eye small cos one has double eyelid and one doesn't, just like in your drawing!

bbmilk - don't blame yourself. now you realise quite a lot of us pull our kids' hands to make them stand up...I'm one guilty mum too. Now I know about this, thanks for sharing and we all learn together and make sure it doesn't happen.

ya I like to tie her hair up like that but she doesn't have alot to tie and it's only once in a very long while she guai guai let me do that to her. I'm glad I have a girl to doll up...hehehhe
today saw so many BB pic, i also feel itchy, also did before and after photo for kaelyn.

i went for details scan last friday confirm, Minnie to be born on 12Jan, so funi, just 1 day after kaelyn birthday, but 2 yrs apart.



Think kaelyn's 08 photo looks like you. heeheehee. She looks quite different, now so girlgirl already!

Congrats on your 2nd girl! Must be very exciting. You can join Mildy in getting more baby girl stuff now. Wakkakakakkakakkaa
lawpei - Trisha looks so ladylike and cute with ponytails. My girl's hair so thin and little, mmmm....waiting anxiously for her hair to grow thicker and longer. Ha Ha!

bbmilk - it's an accident, don't blame yourself anymore. My hb also guilty of this too. Me just gave my hb stern warning as he likes to swing our girl.
Good Morning!!!

On HL till thursday. Having frequent BH and currently on mild anti contraction pills. bb at 28 weeks is 919 gms. waiting for my glucose results today. please give mi good results...............................think bb 2 like a bit small.

congrats on minnie mousey. kekek.... buy buy buy....

Aiyo, take care ok... Don't worry about Claudia's size, 28 weeks still haven't start the final spurt yet. Think last time round quite a number of mums experience their babies growing huge at last minute.

Last time round Charlene big partly because of your GD. If not 2.8-3kg actually I think is ok one.

*pray pray Mildy's glucose test is ok*
kum sia darling...kekek... this 2 days got miss mi bo? email mi at [email protected] lor. wakakakakaka.....

wonder y my gynae cannot give mi 1 more day till friday then i whole week no need to work. kkekekek...
sherl, mildy,

cannot buy buy lah, HB already said ger huh, o gd can takeover kaelyn stuff, even B/day cake can also share because their B/Day is only a day difference.

I wonder whether the B/Day present can also share, may one get the blouse, another get the matching skirt, wakekekek!......
Hi Mommies

Who r interested in JG.

They have opening at their chiltern House East Coast (2 places left)
11.30 to 1.30 Sat Bilingual class

Saw their newsletter too late if not can try to form our own class if got interested mommies.
Jen, if you're attending, tell me more about it after that cos' that place is just opp where I stay. But won't be attending the Open House cos; now quite difficult for me to move about.
J&S - belle already attending the JG @ Evans RD, last wk saw e newsletter so thought can organise our own class (n transfer belle there for the next semester) but they just replied me dat e slot for East Coast only left 2 places.

interested in their school for Nurs or K1 but too far unless got school bus but thinking poor thing so young need to take school bus to school.
so much for using the 15% discount code before 3pm. the site is down!!! so aqu, u still wanna order? i'll be consolidating orders slowly now. lemme know if u still interested. thx!
wakakakkakak yes faerie! I still want that.
Thank you!

mildy, mai sian mai sian, lai let's go disturb sherl. Let sherl humour you. kekekek

Actually GD is kind of expected one. I remember when I expecting Des, my sugar level still within the normal range but on the high side. But for 1st pregnancy confirmed was over the normal range.
but hor yours above normal range but hor your gynae bo ask u poke fingers. my gynae like to ask mi to poke fingers n i hate it.
hiya mildy,
how abt some tcp to cheer u up? ;)

btw, if maid wash someting n it kinda tears apart, what r we supposed to do? give big scolding or deduct their salary?
my gynae very kia si one, she say fail by 1 also need to poke.

hai.. tomorrow got to pay $200 over dollars for the kit n strips. i think i will pass tcp.
fae, I think just tell her be more careful and not to do it again. If scold or deduct salary scali they not happy and luan luan lai how?

wakakkaka 'how about some TCP to cheer you up!' I like that!
the only way to make mi happy today is Mr Cai come find mi. lolx.....

console mi abit... ah cai... ni jin wan hui lai zhao wo ma?
Just sharing this...

I know for us Chinese, we like to cook red dates with longan and drink it during the whole confinement period. But longan is actually not suitable for use during confinement. I chanced upon this piece of info while searching for confinement recipes online. And after doing some googling, it seems that many websites talked about the same thing.

Summary: Longan contains substance that affects the contracting and recovery of the womb after delivery. It also affects the flow of lochia.







More google search on it.


nope, just poking fingers is enough to make mi go crazy....10 more weeks.......10 more weeks if i aim delivery at 38 weeks....
