(2007/01) Jan

hui cable tv too slow. we are watching online. hehehe...

melody, ever since she gave birth she has been very aunty liao leh.
What show with Yuen Yong Yi huh? She was so babelicious last time, Miss HK some more!!!! And her hubby is the yummilicious Julian Cheng!!! I really like him in that Shui2 Hu3 Wu2 Jian1 Dao4 with Wong Xi!!!

Leng Mong!!! Where do u find so much time to watch so many dramas??!!!! With your #2, I think u really no time liao.
woa....u all so IN! i still in cable tv age.. but i din subscribe, i only watched mediacorp tv channels... too outdated liao.

u very xing fu leh...your job like always can eat snake one... hahahaha....

Seeing so many of u posting bb pics remind me of how much our cuties have grown up...no longer the bb that sit, lying on bed, or crawling around the house...Now they all can walk, run & some can even talk...

Hereby posting Ryan's pics;
Jun 07

Jun 08
melody, thanks!!

LY 2nd picture ryan looks like ah girl. he is so cute! wat is his weight now? he looks like 3-4 yrs old.
All babies are soooo cuteeeeeeeeee. Can't stop browsing thru our thread to see the pix.

Maybe next we will have another round studio shoot again
Wakakakkaka can can better than nothing! lolx.

Btw, I wonder how much will it cost for a photographer to do studio shoot for all of us moms, dads and kids? Of course I think got to book him for many hours but wonder how much will it cost?
you mean the whole thread ah? *scratch head* I think sure headache. LOL.

If we just want to do 1 portrait and that's it maybe not so ex. If not most packages charge for extra heads.
Right now, Ryan weight should be around 16+kgs, i not too sure too...at this age, shouldnt be any drastic increase.
Many people who saw him will ask whether if he is a boy or gal? Thou he wear 3-4year clothes, but cos his height only 85cm, & the way he walk still very bouncy, so can tell he is around 2year.

Did u pay for the soft copy? The price looks abit expensive lol...Last year, I took ryan to JB for studio shoot when he is nearly 6 months, I paid around S$130 for a booklet type, inside consist of 24 pages, 5R size. But pics look like those wedding album, old fashion type. Also I din pay for the softcopy...so cannot upload here. But I like your photos thou is x cos is very modern..
Tat Yuen Yong Yi show - is it the insurance one?? Quite a nice show.

Leng Mong is Icy arh?! LOL..

No need to subscribe to cable tv. Now the in-thing is to watch online! LOL.. The website that Icy posted has many up-to-date HK drama hits!
Ryan is no longer chubby as last time liao(no more musucle cutting on hand & leg)...hahaha....hmmmm happy kid...ok lah...but throw tantram alot...
I believe all kids are the most lovable in their parents heart.
all the kids have grown fast and well! all so cute and handsome. the '07 n '08 pics really show how well you mummies have taken care of your babes!
btw, who is booked by whom oredi ah?

me now trying to cope wif 2 kiddos. esp one jealous zeh zeh. if any mummy has any precious advice for me, pls share.
Yah, she is really miracle woman.. Miu also has extreme faith in his wife hor.. If it happen to me, i will think that my partner really has an affair..

I just came back from Fidgets.. Had a great time there.. Bt i am totally worn out having to look after my gals. Have to go high and low with them.. I carried them on my lap and took the superslide.. They had a great fright.. Both cried after we slided down. They prob developed a phobia for slides after this incident..
Overall it is still a fun place for the tods.
serrich - fidgets fun right? But think at end of day we more tired man! I still think beta if the kids are bigger, find now still a little small. Alot things cant just leave them to explore, hv to trail after them. Tiring man!

zhu- fidgets is an indoor playground tt kids can run, play, climb, etc. Its at Turf City.
Yah, it's really fun.. S1 is older bt very timid. She dun dare to climb high and have pbms gg over some of the minor obstacles. S2 is so much more daring and adventurous. I let S2 slide down the spiral covered slide on her own.. Midway, i think she lost balance and tumbled down.. Her head landed first and she was looking up when she reached the end of the slide.. She was in shocked for some moment and cried loudly when she saw her daddy.. My hubby was so angry with me for letting her slide down on her own..
It's really an oversight on my part. Next time i must take the slide wf them.
i have questions to ask sherl & aqua.

1) if i were to latch on baby how long on each breast?

2) if latch on for the 1-2 mths only izzit easier to wean them off from the nipples? coz i intend to only bottle feed EBM after confinement.
Icy, I started with 15-20mins on each side. Then after that I realise deszi drinks quite fast. Within 10 mins finish already. Newborn time maybe a bit longer...I remembered EG latch on for like 30 mins on each side. Imagine one feed takes 1 hour!!! Wakakakaka

15-20mins is good enough.
1-2 months latch on should not be too difficult to wean off.
Icy, good try. That is a wonderful feeling. And breast milk is the best too.

Matthan dislocated his elbow on Sunday. My fault by pulling him too hard. Rushed him to hospital to get it fixed back. Now have to be very careful and not let it occur again.
Bad Mummy
feel so guilty
Sigh... I already said lor, Bad Mummy.

He refused to stand up, thus I held his 2 hands and tried to pull him up. At that moment, he uses all his strength to sit down, and with my pull.........it snapped.
Oh gosh, the thought of it makes me tear again.

He is fine now. Praying hard that it will not happen again. Now I don't even dare to pull him at all, and also quite worried of the way he play. It is the same as us adult, if we sprained our ankle once, chances of injuiry will be higher next time.
afternoon mummies

oh dear.. so sorry to hear about that. glad to hear that he is fine now. actually, there are times when i pull kienan up from the sitting down position using his hands. i know that we shouldn't do that.. but i do so. guess the impact is cause matthan used all his strength to sit down. don't be too hard on yourself. just be more careful in future.. *pat pat*
hearing your story is a lesson for me. i've got to make sure i don't do that to kienan.
BBMilk, don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes when my kids become too rebellious (don't listen to instructions despite my soft then hard approach, and purposely defy me), it gets me so mad, that I will be a little more rough with them.
Talking about this, doctor told me that this happen to alot of children under the age of 5.

This is a lesson to learn, I didn't know by pulling the hand can results in this.
hi mummies,

oh no. glad the incident over. i also tend to pull jk by his hand when he throw tantrum on the floor. think i'd to b extra careful now....really a lesson learnt.

preparing for motherhood for #2.... heehee.. u'll find latch on easy when bb knows how to. good luck n have fun!

fidgets got trial lesson or not? how much? maybe i should search the website later on. heehee..

agree tt trisha looks the same 1 yr ago. u tie her hair up so cute! i like this type, makes them very kiddy.

had a caricature done last sunday. to share... for those who saw us before, looks like us or not? wakakaka....


1) Depends on baby and latch. Babies who latch very well generally don't drink so long, so the latch is very important. If latch is not correct baby end up suckling for very long. Sometimes during the first month I latched Claire on for more than 1 hour!!! *faint* Also some babies latch longer because they fall asleep, then you gotta prod them to wake up. But just remember to alternate breast to balance supply.

2) I'm not sure about the weaning off part. I'm inclined to think it's dependent on babies also. Claire was fully latched till 3 months, didn't have any trouble weaning her to partial bottle feed.
kekeke sherl! Remember ah des reject bottle feed for couple of months? *faint*

I think deszi is a better 'latch-er' compared to her gor gor. wakakakak

BBmilk, hope your boy is better now.
Dearest mummies,
It's been such a long time I've not come into our thread liao... Soo busy recently in shopping for childcare centres and taking on and off leaves.

Browsed through the photos of all the cute little ones, they've grown REAL fast! so cute ;)

Icy dear,
You'll enjoy the wonderful latching-on experience with bb
You may wan to try introducing partial bottle feed after six weeks of total latch-on, if you plan to return back to work after takin 3 mths ML? Some babies may not be able to get used to bottle feed after latching on for few months.. Cannot introduce bottle feed too early as well too..

Try not to feel too bad abt it, it's not deliberate lo... I understand, cos my gal also does that sometimes to "repel" against my gestures to carry her, and their actions can be very fast and quite dangerous too.

Gosh, glad Matthan is ok now!!! That's very scary. Actually I also pull Claire by the hands. And I play with her like that on the escalator also, like I will hold on to her wrists and "swing" her onto the step, and "swing" her off also. Thought it's safe coz one of the classes we been to actually taught us to do exercise with baby like this? (think it's BJG if not wrong.) Guess cannot do that. Too scary.

Don't blame yourself ok... I think it can happen to anyone.

I only saw you and JK b4. I think ur pic resembles u more, compared to JK. maybe it's easier to capture adults' expression in a caricature.... ha. Pic of u seems to depict the expression of your eyes... ha. But that's based on my one-time of seeing you only once lo.... ;)


Cute picture!!!

I think Fidgets is jsut an indoor playground, like gogo-bambini. You pay an entrance fee to go in to use the facilities. Not sure if there is any lesson being conducted there.
