(2007/01) Jan


i also find kimi looks more ang-mo now than baby... wakakakakaka....

this is the 2nd time i heard people saying jk got talking eyes. haha... last sunday tell him to say 'ah-yi' to my fren, he uses his eyes to gaze instead. haha..

Aug 07 :

Aug 08 :

aiyo our bbs have grown so much!!!!

Estelle so pretty!!!! She's still got her cheeky look!

er... Hart has a business thread... wait I go dig it up.

Hilary still got the same look, but more grown up.
The mouth confirm still the same! heeheehee. Think she look like you hor?

If you scroll up the Tomato Photography thread Hart shared some more shots from Claire's shoot.
I loved all the photos he took!
Thanks sherl & aqu! Aqu, ya desiree changed quite abit n prettier too!

Sherl, aiyo the photos so nice! how come nv share earlier kekekeke i like the b&w photos posted too!!! I saw some pix wif u, did you take family photos too the aug promo must be taken in aug leh!

Rach look more like you last time.... now look more like Mr Icy... heeheehee but she is one of those who change dramatically also!
<font color="ff0000">sherl</font> everyone said she looks like mr icy except her face shape.

wondering #2 looks like who.

<font color="0000ff">aqua</font> recently watch wat taiwanese drama?? got watch "篮球火"??
alot of ppl say she look half like me half like my hubby

she never change meh,i feel she change quite abit leh..at least eye bigger

haha sherl u so focus on her mouth..
Hi Everyone, long time never login.

AMM, Luke is handsome boy. Now already alot of gal friends.

All the bbs are so cute during bb time and now.

Nov 07

Aug 08

JK's face like become sharper? heehee. His eyes really very big and mi ren.

Not much change for Shayna? But she really look like your hubby while Denzyl looks like you. heeheehee
Aiyo... all the babies so cute~!! later i go home also must dig out photos liao!!

Zenn, i notice your gal also bitting her lower lips in the pic. my gal is doing that for 2-3 months already.. treating her lower lips like pacifier.. i cannot stop her from doing that leh.. haiz
janey, alyssa so big gal!! btw wats her height huh? she looks tall fm pix. ya estelle started to like to bite her lower lip recently. there were few days she keep doin so everyday. these few days like stop liao. hmmm...
icy, now her face sharper. last time more baby fats :) Rachel looks so much like daddy.

Hui, your boy eyes really very big leh. so nice.

Sherl, claire getting prettier and she is very photogenic. ya alot comment she is photocopy of my hubby. gor gor also looks like daddy but at least more like me :)

janey, alyssa is so big gal already. she is pretty gal.
hellooo gals...

all the babies photos lure me out liao...hahaha...
aiyoh aiyoh all soooo cute...
time flies hor... all our babies grown up liao...

i find alyssa looks like u leh!! mini version of u.. so sweet...

jingkai's eyes forever so "electrifying"... i like... hehe

rachel has very well defined jaw line leh... nice!!

estelle getting prettier &amp; prettier wor...

all the baby gals getting prettier... going to be da mei nu next time...

desiree has such sexy lips wor...

kimi sooooooo ham now!! really got ang mo look.... *drools ahh*

luke so ham also... aiyoh all the boys so ham... buay tahan... hahaha

here's my boy pic to share... ehh... got diff boh?? i know still very little hair... cham...hahaha..
aug 07

aug 08
<font color="ff0000">Janey</font> alyssa has very high forehead hor. look at her fringe very long leh.

<font color="aa00aa">nana</font> ryan's face not as rounded as when he was a baby hor.

<font color="0000ff">alethea</font> ur twins are cute! jayden boi ham ham. shannen mei mei, mei ren!!

<font color="119911">snow</font> bianca has beautiful eyes leh!!

<font color="0077aa">babymilk</font> matthan still look so cheeky!!

Alyssa is so sweet! Now hair grow out le look sooo girl!

Ryan is another one with super big eyes... heeheehee. Very round and cute!

The twins changed a lot! Esp Shannen. It must be a great joy to watch them grow up together.

Have not seen you around for a long time. HOw are you? Bianca is soooooo pretty! She's got really mi ren eyes!!!!

Matt looks so big boy in his 18mth old pic. I think he is a photocopy of you leh. heeheehee

Is it? I always thought gorgor looks like you leh, heehee. But both your kids very cheerful hor? Always smiling, very good!
Good Morning!!!

aiyo hilary lips really is very seductive leh. i like.....*smuack smuack smuack*

estelle looked quite the same as baby time hor. still as chubby and huggable.

rachel look so big girl now hor? know how to pose with the thing on the hand somemore. kekek....

aiyo your girl look quite different from baby time hor? baby time more boy now very girly and very very pretty.

i love alyssa hair. so much....and that photo is darn cute ok?!?!?!

boy boy little hair never mind one. he looked fierce in both photos hor. wat r u doing to him? or becos he got very big round eyes thats y.

jayden changed more then mei mei hor? i c jayden's bb photo n current one like more different. mei mei one still not so much different. but jayden is ham de, and shannen is mei de lor. kekeke....

wow........its super long since i saw bianca pictures especially your blog went down lor. bianco is really pretty n girly now. so sweet!!!

u have got a pair of handsome boys, think next time u will have girls knocking at your doors. lolx
yeahhhh my co. just announce we got 6 days child care leave w.e.f fm 17 aug..actually tis yr my leave is 0 after i take for my japan trip nw suddenly got extra 6 days..im so happy
Hihi, I see all the cute BB pics, I wanna melt!

Snow, your girl looks really lovely, just like her Momsy!

BBMilk, yah, Mildy's right. Your boys are gonna grow up to become heartbreakers!

Nana, Ryna's eyes are huge! He looks more like your hubby?

Hui, JK's eyes are still as mesmerizing as ever. Think girls will swoon over him next time, not that they aren't aldy doing so.

Icy, Rachel's a very happy girl and growing well. I think like Shannen, she's learnt to smile much more now.

Janey, u've got a mini-me!!! Pretty eyes!

MyMelody, I think Mei Mei and Gor Gor look alike. Shayna's curls are lovely and she's very smiley, just like Gor GoR!

Sherl, Claire is very cute and sweet. I like her BB pic, feel like chomping on her Michelin tyres!

Aiyoh, we really must capture their pics at every milestone. They really grow up so fast! To me, they will always be babies. I don't know when I can ever let go and not treat them like kids....Maybe when they're 50? If I'm still around by then. Hahaha!!!
my gal now approx 85cm.. nowadays always bit n suck on her lower lips to find comfort... headache.

Ryan's eyes still very big n round hor.. so cute~

wah.. your twins really jun nan &amp; mei nu.. like parents.. ehehehe

so long din see u and Bianca. she is so pretty!

i think matt now look like gor gor liao.. so cute~

my gal's forehead a bit kok tao de.. she still dun have much hair leh.. your Rachel really look like your ah-lao in her recent pic.. hehe
where is Charlene de recent pic?? hehehe

i think the 6 days CC leave will be pro-rated.. my boss will go attend the seminar for more details next week i think.
Answering icy's question...lately watching those fighting show...dunno what xue shan fei hu? The basketball one nice bo?

Ok busy now...later then come in post comments on photos. lolx.
Janey, my girl also a bit kok tow. Nvm lah, raining no need umbrella! Hahahah!

Alyssa is tall leh! Shannen's only abt. 83-84cm. But still taller than Gor Gor. Sigh! Whenever we go out, pple think he's the didi, until he exhibits his bossy self!

Wow, Alyssa is really tall leh! Think my Claire short for their age... she around 76cm nia.
Sigh.. hoping she can pass 80cm so that when we go theme park in Dec she can take more rides. LOL
Sherl, where will u be going in Dec? Sounds fun! I really hope to go on a holiday with the kids soon. 80cm can take the rides already ah? What kind? Those on the ground, right? Not those up in the air, yar?

cos hor that photo i posted was store in my office PC before my blog was blocked by my company. wakkak... so nOw i got no recent pic in my office PC, must go home then can post. kekekek...
