(2007/01) Jan

yo, this little virus which corrupt jan file actually brought some life back here!! hahaha... at least we know if this thread's gone, we actually do MISS all mummies n daddies here.

i think i kinda miss jan thread leh... u know, zenn, i dreamt the other day tt u r pregnant! hahahaha!!!!if true, must really inform abt the good news soon.
hui, hahahhaha how come will dream of me preggy! may disappoint u as no plan for now :p how abt u? plannin for 2nd one?
haha... i also don't know why, dreamt tt its aleathea who leak out the secret tt u r preggie accidentally.. haha...funny hor? i hope to try for a girl.. see whether got luck or not.
BIG HALO to all!!!

hehe....lk like Jan tread is sl......ow......ly getting back to norm.

hui - wah yr dream is so cute....if really tio, can go buy 4-d liao Huat Ah!!

wan to check, how many babies registered n went for playgroups already? i know kimi, estelle n claire currently going for classes ... who else?
btw, i asked experts advise (in SMH) on these questions and got my answers... just to share these here:

Q1) How would I know whether he's ready for those 2 hour playgroups?
Ans: You could
• bring him in for a trial and observe for positive responses e.g. laughter, eagerness to touch the objects, seems comfortable and at ease
• observe if he is especially excited when he meets other children at social gatherings or responses positively to pictures of other children
• observe if he can be separated from the main caregiver for short periods of time and calms down when there are activities to engage him. E.g. leave him with another caregiver (grandparents) for 30-60mins. Observe his reaction to such arrangements.

Q2) Does he need to be toilet train and wean off breast milk first
before attending classes?

Ans: Not necessary. If he is not toilet trained, he can continue to be diapered. For milk feeds, centres will support by providing the feed, you just have to express the breast milk and bring along to the centre.

Q3) Is it a norm for kids to go for classes in order to learn much
faster? If not, what things can I as a mother, teach him so that he
won't miss out if he doesn't go for classes.

Ans: Home-based learning and centre-based learning both have their pros and cons. However, it is not true that your child will be deprived in learning if he does not go to school or vice versa. It all boils down to the type of experiences and interactions that the child goes through, whether in school or at home.

If you are a stay-at-home-mum, you could do many things with your child. Read to him as often as you can as that is the window to all future learning. You could engage your child frequently in conversations, take him for walks in the park, draw his attention to the surroundings to train his observation skills. You could also have little play sessions with him using child-safe paint, dance to music or just explore with containers of different sizes and shapes. To prevent overstimulation, space out the activities with gaps for rest and routine and have a good mix of quiet and noisy/active play.

regards by littleskoolhouse
good morning all.

hi <font color="ff0000">Yosimite</font>!!

<font color="aa00aa">hui</font> i have registered Rachel in 1/2 day childcare near my place. starting in sept. if her op is going to be in august. will delay until next year jan.
Hi hi!!!! I miss you all!

Hui, aiyah, how come u wld dream of me leaking out that secret to you? But good lah, means u got think of me, so I appeared in your dreams, haha!
So u trying now? If the next one is a girl, she will be as pretty as JK is handsome!

Re. playgroup, think I won't enrol my kids in those 2-hr types cos' with my #3 on the way (btw, still havent tawt of a name for him. Any suggestions, anyone?!), feel that I may want to sign them up for 1/2-day childcare in Sep, during my maternity leave. Most probably, it will be the YWCA childcare centre at my place. For both kids, it will be around $600 in total. There are other costlier childcare options in my area, but combined, both kids will set me back by S$1300, so YWCA is still the better option for now.
good afternoon!

hui, sometimes its hard to really tell if they r ready for school and do prepare to the kids sometimes to settle down

icy, still no news from KK?

anyone knows how's janson?
Hi All

Talking about childcare, am thinking of enrolling Matthan for full day in Jan09. A friend was telling me it seems abit early for him to go 1 full day, perhaps 1/2 is better.

But the centre I'm going to enroll him provides full day care only. His gor gor is in that childcare centre, so it will be more convenient for us to bring 2 kids to 1 place in the morning.


How's everybody? Thread is rather quiet recently.
Hi hi BBMilk! How's work? Still travelling frequently?

For a start, I will let the twins try out 1/2-day childcare. If they get on happily, then maybe I will let them progress to full-day childcare. Meanwhile, I'm just concentrating on getting them vacinnated with the last round of jabs before starting them on CC in Sep. Jayden still has his MMR and booster jabs yet to be taken, while Shannen's got MMR, booster and chickenpox vaccinations due.
Yes Yes.... Just came back from Philippines and Thailand. Next month trip is the one that I'm looking forward to - Europe (Budapest).

I believe this will be the most wonderful trip of all - no meetings, no presentations, no market visits. It is for a new product TVC shoot.

Is it a must to take Booster jab? Matt missed this.
yes, its neccessary for the booster jab. mai pray pray....

i intend to let charlene go those 3 hours play group as of jan 2009.
hey gals,

looks like u all had already started searching or already enrolled them in either playgroups of childcare.... hmmm.... is it because u all have 2 kids (or coming) huh? Jan our kids will be abt 2 years old hor... think its more of me cannot get use to the idea of leaving JK somewhere. haha..

dunno why lah...these days got weird dreams... maybe hubby too busy with work n i spent too much time alone (with JK of coz), then my mind runs berserk!

For me, I would like to let him to learn something. U know I am SAHM also, but I found that I cannot teach him much. I only accompany him watch DVD, read some book for him (sometimes only) or play with him. haha.. most of the time he accompany me watch TV... That's no good :p

So we want him more socialise with other kids. Hope it will help him in speak n how to communicate with others.
hi mummies

i also intend to enrol alex in 2hrs playgrp in Jan 09 - mainly for exposure and having new play mates

What i like about the place is for every child, they take temp and check for any symptons of hfmd - which initially was my main concern
hi hui
My hubby also work late and we have to 'double-up' - siong hor???
Any plans to go back to work??
Or planning for No 2??

Hi karen
Where do you stay? I am at Yew Tee (Choa Chu Kang area)
Me also SAHM - any chance to meet up?
When will your child be ready for toilet train?
How to go about doing it?

I am totally clueless!
(can i skip the potty stage and go straight to toilet trained??)
hi karen,
i think i also do that too. mainly watching tv with JK, either he watch drama serials or i watch kids' dvds. hahahaha.

poo power,
JK also not toilet trained yet. we always procastinate things, haven't got him a potty yet! Din prevent #2 from happening, but becoz still bfing and got PCOS problem, so i just let nature takes its own course. hahaha.. N also difficult to get myself tuned back to return to workforce...maybe later later later.....or forever if can.... wakakakakaka...
Hi pple

busy at work. never come in..

Icy: i tracked back archives and briefly found out Rachel needs an operation? Take care.. i know it is draining.. things will get better

Iceblue: ur bb has recovered? sorry i am quite lost with the Jan thread.. i hope everyone is all well in ur familiy now

take care everyone!
poo power,

I stay at hougang. Like Hui, be SAHM since preg till now.

I had potty train my boy since he was 11 month. Think it is very early for him so he keep pee any where n quite freq. But very great thing is he is almost dry at nite after 2 month(only 1-2 time per week will be wet at nite if the nite is raining day). Nowaday he can hold his pee up tp 1-1.5hr. If he want to poo, he will point his stomach and close to me. Of cos, till now still have 'accident' happend. Just be patient n keep remind him when he forget. I did borrow 2 books from library, but I found 1 of the book quite useful n good which is very small square book.
How do I potty train him:
1) b4 and after sleep/ nap esp when he wake up from nap/sleep, the very 1st thing u need to do is bring him to potty.
2) b4 and after every meal
3) let him wipe his own pee when he wet the floor
4) Don't scold him when he pee or poo at his pants

Must let him get use to sit at potty. if u try after few mins no pee or poo. dun push him, let him go . after a while then try later.

That's the method i used. Initally he pee every 10 mins. Now, more or rest i can catch the timing when he need to pee.
poo power, estelle will sit n poo at toilet but she still cant really tell us. sometimes will say after poo.

karen, thanks for sharing! will try ur method. when they are awake, how often do we ve to put them in potty?
HI Mommies

finally the thread is back.

most of you going for 1 day or 1/2 day childcare, me due to schedule 'constraint' can't so going to enroll belle on wkend class after our trip next wk.
hi all morning.

lil Rachel's op still not cfm. have been calling KKH thrice a week to push them. they still cant give me a reply.

getting very pek chek. i do hope tat the op is before i deliver.

think iceblue is busying. coz ever since lil Janson been sick last mth. his work has been affected. he got to do extra duties. he mentioned to me tat time when i visited lil Janson at KKH.
something to share.

lil Rachel has wean off her pacifier le. she did tat herself. i was the one who keep buying her new ones whenever she broke them. now totally she dun need at all. she is simply not interested. hehehe....
zenn - if not wrong is 1 mth cos suppose to give belle booster jab but she got e flu so doc advice to delay till after e trip, so after e trip is MMR, 1 mth later is booster jab

To me, i let my son wear pants in the day time, at the initial stage i will put him at potty every 15-30mins (that time he is very young). Now, I will put him at potty about 45min to 1.5hrs. If raining day he will be pee about 30mins interval.

I keep remind myself don't scold him (sometimes I still lose control and scold him, I am so bad
)when he wet the floor or poo at pants. I believe that our kids will slowly learn n become better.
Icy - thanks for remembering my birthday! Rachel is such a good girl, weaned off herself. i am trying to stop Sofia from sucking her thumb but tough luck! Somemore now got teeth, suck until part of the thumb growing hard skin already.
icy, haha so i m right that rachel is no longer interested in pacifier! estelle also just wean off fm pacifier too! glad that it was not a painful experience

jen, ok. haiz meaning i ve to wait till after trip to give her chicken pox jab.

karen, estelle is still using cloth nappy in the day. do u ve the problem of her urine all over when u 1st started lettin him wear pants?
Hi Morning All

Icy, how is lil baby in there?

Zenn, didn't managed to reply yr sms that day as Matthan was having diarrhea and Malcolm vomitted into his basket of toys also on the floor. Thus got to do alot fo washing and cleaning.
Talking about potty training, etc.
I would like to share my expreience with my first boy.

We sent him to school when he was about 26mths old. Am very worried about the peeing and pooing. Thus been trying to get him toilet trianed b4 he attend school.

However, the more I tried to talk to him and show him the potty, the more he will resists and ran away.
Hubby and me am very worried, and we told ourselves he is just not ready to do it.

1 fine day, he asked us to take out his diaper and said that he wants to pee in the toilet. No mroe diaper from that day onwards.

Of cos, he will pee anywhere and w/o informing u.
until now he also not informing us whether he want to pee. just bcos we can catch his timing when he want to pee.

I start train my boy bcos my sister 2 kids were trained since baby. So her kids can w/o diapers b4 1yrs old and 2 yr old. For me, I don't want stress myself, so I trained him quite late.

If u feel that ur child not ready and u dun want stress urself, just wait for a while and see how. To me, I am very stingy, would like to save more $ on pampers.
karen SG,
for my girl she will only say when she wans to poo since she is 10 to 11 months. but pee hor i dunno when then she will tell mi. lolxxxxxxxx

but then i taking it ez la. i believed she will tell mi when she is ready.
my boy sometimes will tell me he want to poo. normally need to get the signal from his face expression.... ya... me too... when time ripe, they know how to do .... but to me, i just let him had a habit to go to potty to pee...b4 &amp; after nap/ sleep, b4 &amp; after meal/ milk, and b4 and back from outside.
bbmilk, oh dear! r u boys better now? haha so when they r ready, they will do it.

mild, finally u appear! wow charlene will gd hor! estelle will tell depending on mood hahahhaha

karen, my client also toilet train her gal when v young n now she gg to put her 2mths nb on potty too!

cos hor my girl dun like dirty one. she very particular. a bit of dirty on her fingers also cannot, needless to say her bum. lolx

if sometimes we outside hor i will ask her to poo in her diapers, but she will wan mi to change it or she will keep pointing to her diapers non stop.........
