(2007/01) Jan

HI Mommies

Please take note of the timing

Those interested in Zoophonics trial, pls put yr name down below, space limited cos only max is 9 bb..

location is upper thomson branch
timing: 1st or 2nd wk of July, Sat (13:00 to 14:30)
fee: $25 nett

1. Jenbibi, Isabelle
2. Booked
3. Kate, Kerryn
4. Yvonne, Rachel (KIV
5. Bluesky, Lucas

Hi Mommies

Please take note of the timing

Those interested in Zoophonics trial, pls put yr name down below, space limited cos only max is 9 bb..

location is upper thomson branch
timing: 1st or 2nd wk of July, Sat (13:00 to 14:30)
fee: $25 nett

1. Jenbibi, Isabelle
2. Booked
3. Kate, Kerryn
4. Yvonne, Rachel (KIV
5. Bluesky, Lucas
6. Kim (KC), kaelyn
Hi Mommies

Please take note of the timing

Those interested in Zoophonics trial, pls put yr name down below, space limited cos only max is 9 bb..

location is upper thomson branch
timing: 1st or 2nd wk of July, Sat (13:00 to 14:30)
fee: $25 nett

1. Jenbibi, Isabelle
2. Booked
3. Kate, Kerryn
4. Yvonne, Rachel (KIV
5. Bluesky, Lucas
6. Kim (KC), kaelyn
7. Serene (zenn), Estelle (cant make it on 5 Jul too)
Please take note of the timing

Those interested in Zoophonics trial, pls put yr name down below, space limited cos only max is 9 bb..

location is upper thomson branch
timing: 1st or 2nd wk of July, Sat (13:00 to 14:30)
fee: $25 nett

1. Jenbibi, Isabelle
2. Booked
3. Kate, Kerryn
4. Yvonne, Rachel (KIV
5. Bluesky, Lucas
6. Kim (KC), kaelyn
7. Serene (zenn), Estelle (cant make it on 5 Jul too)
8. Jayden, AletheaT (we cant make it on 5 July)
9. Shannen, AletheaT (we cant make it on 5 July)
jen, not possible to have the class in the morn? forgotten that estelle got class at 4pm, scare she will b cranky if no nap whole day. thanks!
Hi Iceblue

Glad to hear that Janson is cleared of all other illness.

As my son was hospitalised for low platelet count last mth, the inexperience in-house doctor came to prick his fingers for blood test in the morning.

The worst was that becoz they are so inexperience, the blood was no where in the tube but on her gloves and bed sheet! I was so angry that I gave her a verbal thrashing.

From that day onwards, I requested the nurse to do it instead. Although my son was already tramatised by that event, at least the nurse was swift.

You take care ya.
hi All,
Received sms from Icylemon earlier on Rachel's condition. Bad news. Hope tat u guys can call or sms her to give her moral support.

Sms 1 - Rachel's case not gd. Holes in heart still not close. They need to put a device into her heart. 1st case in s'pore. Tis will be major op. She will hv a 3rd op dwn the road. No gurantee onthe sucessful rate.

Sms 2 - Rachel had turned blue. She need to put 8 devices in. each device 3k. Need to order fr US. Op will start when devices r in s'pore.Need to order.

Sms 3 - Given 2 choices by kk. 1. To remove n stop the heart out of the body n mend the hole. 2. To put the devices into the hole. Doc recomend No. 2 coz risk lower than no.1. Coz she is young n underweight for her age. I can only pray hard to guan yin nw.My heart is so pain.
Hi Mummies,

My girl is currently attending Bilingual Playclub at Julia Gabriel. She is unable to attend his class next week as we are going away and I would like to look for a replacement to attend the class on his behalf. You can treat it as a trial class for your child if you are considering of enrolling him/her there. Details are below. Please PM or email me directly at [email protected]

Venue: Julia Gabriel at Forum
Bilingual Playclub (1 hr each of English and Chinese)
One child plus one accompanying adult
Age: 18 mths to 3 ½ years old
Time: 11.30 am – 1.30 pm
Date: 7 July (Monday)
Cost: $45 (I’m currently paying >$55 for each lesson)

You can give me in form of voucher too!

Icy - I'm so sad when I read yos's post. =(

I can't call or sms you as I'm overseas but I really will be praying for Rachel. She's a tough cookie and will be ok. You and John be strong too, your little girl and your baby need you both.
boon, same thing happened to janson, but janson went thru the blood test every alternate day...

almost every time the house doctor kana verbal thrashing from mine wifey...

so how your son platelet count now?
wat was his platelet count when you first discover??
is he stable now??
was your son on prednisolone??

icy, hope that you are coping well...
remember how you encouraged me???
be brave for rachel! she need your support now!
Hi Mummies & Daddies,

Happened to chanced upon ths thread? Will pray for the affected babies...

Btw wat happen to this BB Rachel's heart?
Hug hug to immediate families

Stay strong & fight!!!

i so shocked to read yos post.. I'll be praying very hard for little rachel too. she's my half daughter too. i can feel the heartpain already. pls be strong! n anything i can be of help, pls let me know.
afternoon all

iceblue, sorry for the delay.

Funds Transfer to Other DBS/POSB A/C
29 Jun 2008 03:37 PM Singapore

To Account POSB Savings
023-36755-6 iceblue
Amount S$1,010.00
Transaction Reference 1775378706

Your transaction is completed.
Hi Iceblue

Thanks, my son's platelet count is nml now. The follow up this week was 345k. When he first discovered it, he was covered with brusies and red spots, called petechia and platelet count was 10k only. My DS was not on any oral medication, but was administrated IVIG when he was hospitalised and was well after 2 doses.

How is Janson now?
boon, that's good and glad to hear that...

for baby janson, when he first discovered of low platelet, it was only 5k...
then given almost 2 week of high dose (20mg) prednisolone, then managed to bring up to 300k...
when at home, we still giving him tablet prednisolone, then slowly cut the dose of it... from 20mg to 15mg to 10mg...
but after 2 weeks, platelet dropped to 6k again...

then now on super high dose (40mg), as got to protect his lung and maintain his platelet...
managed to maintain it, last check was 160k...
thou it was below ideal count, but for him consider as good liao...

but, when giving him high dose, he become a bit rounder, and tend to eat ALOT!
furthermore, his liver abit enlargement oso...

baby janson have been on prednisolone for almost 2 months liao...

today bringing him back for review, also going remove the stitches, hopefully evverything goes well...
icy, received the transfer! many thank!

applied leave for today, but still woke up at 5.45am, went to Guan Yin temple to pray for Baby Janson, as he going for his medical review today...
Also will be removing his stitches...
Hopefully things goes well...

thanks for your contribution!
the amount have been a great help to us especially at this point of time...
really grateful to ALL of you!

Yosimite, icy,
thank for the troubles going thru this contribution collection....
Many thank!
Iceblue..160K is considered good! At least it is within the range.
When my DS's platelet count increased, it just keeps gg up. And most importantly Janson is eating well.

Btw the other time when my DS was hospitalised, my colleague taught me to use 9 joss sticks to pray to Ti gong. When praying, say your name, your address, your son's details, name, age etc and your concerns. The next day my son was discharged liaoz. Maybe you can try it as well.

Do let us know the result of the review ya.
HI mommies

seems like no one interested in JG, so i will cancel on organising the trial, as for the Zoophonics, will keep you all update once i get info on it.
jen, let me know if you organising JG. as for zoophonic, issit possible to ve it in the morn? thanks for arranging!
boon, tat good, baby janson one like roller coaster, suddenly just go down one...

he eating very well, cos of prednisolone...
he now getting rounder, and his liver also became fatter, ie. liver enlargement...

i tried praying liao... when janson was in hospital, i every morning went to guan yi temple pray for his well being...

today review didnt say much...
got to wait till next monday for x-ray and blood test...
zenn - JG also never get back to me on the trial or form a class, think they dun ve enough teachers to open a class (furthermore, they ve more students on e waiting list then they needed)..

but i still would like to go on their trial class (think need to take leave cos they only ve wkday trial class)..
going to call them later today to check on e trial class date n timing.. i msn u so if u keen, can sign e same timing too.
Hi Jen,
I am also interested in the JG trial.
i don't mind taking weekday off for the trial.
count me in, too.

me can't MSN in office, pm me or left me a msg here okay?

Good Morning All.

Juz came back from days of leave. Ian had done his operation on last Thurs already & had went for his followup consultation yesterday. Went on smoothly & recovering well. Phew.

icy - Hope tat things r turning well for u. Will be praying for Rachel.

iceblue - gd to noe Janson is recovering well. No prob on the collection exercise.
Iceblue, can understand how you feel. Every follow up is like gg for a trial. My hubby and I often have nightmares the night before. I will keep praying for Janson's well being.
Been a long long time didn't log in so just drop by to say hello to everyone...

Iceblue sorry for the late concern,pls take good care of urself,ur wife n janson...

Icy pls be strong which i know u r always...we will pray for rachel,everything will be ok.
hi mummies,
seems the thread is getting very very quiet. hope all mummies, daddies n babies are doing well.

happy for u tt ian's op went well smoothly.

seems janson's health is slowly getting back to his normal state, keep it up!

dun keep things bottled up gal, look on the bright side, take care of both rachel n her sibling!

wow! estelle's becoming a star, since birth she got so many pix featured in magazines/newspapers!! sooner, u become a xing-ma le!

how r u? know your 2nd bb's gender already?
Hi hui, ytd went for check up and most likely the gender is a girl. Quite a number of Jan mummies 2nd bb is also a girl. Hee..
Gd Morning All

hui - thks for the concern. Finally over. Phew. Was worried for the past mths.

Icy - As per our sms, don't let yr thought go wrongly. It's nt yr fault for all there happening. All the mummies & daddies here r always available to support u whenever we could. Our ears r always open for u.

Zenn - wah sei....xing-ma...hehehe.....must be proud moment for u. Keep in up!

2nd BB - Congrats on yr new member to yr family.
Hi Hui, am always busy with work, thus no time to write in forum. Now in Thailand for biz trip, next week to Philippines, end July to Australia and Aug to India. Lots of presentations to prepare...am quite drained recently.

COngrats to 2nd BB

Estelle the super star - Hi5 to you.
Icy - sms or call me whenever you want to talk.
Yos, boon & iceblue - Good to hear that yr bb are doing fine now.

Where are Aqua, Mildy, Sugarbeanie, MSN queen, Nana, Cham, AMM, Sherl, etc....
Would love to hear from you. Drop by my blog and share your updates .

Take Care all mummies and daddies.
Afternoon all,

iceblue, sorry didn't get to read this quick enough nor receive the sms. glad to hear that baby janson is getting well.

icy, jia you icy! we'll all pray for rachel. take care of yourself ok, don't tire yourself too much at this period of time.

sugarbean, your blog is amazing! kimi looks so cute, i'm sure he'll be thrilled to see this blog when he gets older.
your job so tough, always travelling.... tot u want to change jobs? yalor, nowadays jan mummies dunno where gone to, i also read the blogs to see the babies' updates.
AMM gave birth liao, now confinement...
mildy- maybe u can find her in nov09 thread. haha!
sherl-her blog says she has heavy workload wor...
aqua- yoohoo? also never see her in sprees nowadays....

u graduate le ma? u also long time never update your girl's blog, how is she?
also never see u ard here...maybe becoz the mummies not updating too is it?
saw ur blog u had chicken pox n recovering...must be tough getting sick overseas n gotta take care of little trisha... u take good care, hope ur spots din leave any scars.
hi hui, bbmilk...kekeke I am still spreeing but more privately. wkakakakak likewise for mildy and sherl...the spree queens. lolx.

Me busy lately...changing job soon...many things to do. Sherl is also busy with her work. kekeke mildy now cannot surf SMH during work hours thus you hardly see her here.

hi, I'm ard, reading most of the times since no one ard to chat anyway.

ya, chicken pox already gone, now all drying up and I finally went out today after so long!! So happy. Think Trisha is also happy to be out. =) she hasn't come out in spots yet so don't know if she will get it or not.
without u n mildy n sherl ard in this thread, really very very quiet... hahaha..

i know what u mean, me too. like talking to a clear wall when i come in.. hope mummies will come in n chat more..
i also kanna chicken pox ard 25 years old, but luckily din leave any scars. after the test, think trisha's immune system quite good lor... bravo!
hui, nope not graduated yet
i stopped updating the blog long ago cause blogger kept giving me errors with pictures i've uploaded. =) how's jing kai!

Trisha kenna chicken pox today liao...hahah, her immune system is not that good afterall.

but ok lah, I rather she gets it now cos I can fully take care of her rather than when she starts schooling or when I'm back to work in Singapore, then quite ma fan lor.
Hello lawpei,

oh, Trisha kenna chicken pox. Have to continuously apply lotion for her or distract her with other activities so that she will not feel itchy and scratch herself. I guess you will be very busy keeping watch. But at her age, recovery should be fast.
is it? haven't read the blog abt trisha's latest update yet. in tt case u can save $ on the chicken pox vacine liao. haha... heard the younger they get, the spots lesser. wonder if its true... do update us on your blog on how to take care of them if got chicken pox, can share some tips.
