(2007/01) Jan


I was going to post the same link. Wakakakakkakakkakakak... I thought it looks a bit creepy actually. LOL. Remind me of those san chun jin lian...

mild, aqu & sherl, i bot cordyceps fm pharmacy - think $110! super x
i giving estelle 4x a wk (mon, wed, fri & sun). just started oni so duno how good

Actually I do wanna get the trunki for her, LOL. But hor I think infants not entitled to luggage? Then her toy eat into my luggage entitlement how. LOL.
Good morning!

wakakak....cute hor? imagine she pulling it to check it. wakkakak....

no i dun sterilise already.

buy more buy more... wakakak...

But this one last time JL sale only 49.90... wonder if they'll have sale again on it? Heeheehee.... But last time when hubby saw the thing he already tell me waste money. Coz somemore in addition to carrying Claire gotta carry this bag also. Wakakakakakakkakakakaka
Hi hi, so which is better? Sambucol or Lifestream Cordyceps? Both are powder form to be mixed into milk? Both are to build up body's immunity or for more sepecific purpose? WHere can I get them? So far, I'm only giving my kids Cod Liver Oil, and no other supplements.

As for the pao4 sheng1, how do you all boil it? DOuble-boil? 1-2 hours? Or just boil in water as per normal like soup?

Hui, no leh, doesn't have to start with 'J' but the name should sound similar to Jayden and Shannen. Tough manz, just coming up with names!
Aqua, where do I get the Cordycep powder? Lifestream? $90+ per bottle, can last for how long? Twice a week to be mixed into milk?

Was thinking of Brannen, Caelan or Coen but the first 2 sound a little feminine, according to feedback....So back to my thinking cap
nan de see u here. ur message so short n sweet. hahaha...

Ethan? matthan.. ivan..burton..benton,Carlton, clayton, clifton, clinton, Cullen, Damon, Egan, elton, Duncan, gordon, hayden, holden, jordan, Lauren,preston,owen,nathan,stephen,simon,raymond, vernon... hahahahaha.... all from naming book. hahahaha...
Egan? kekekeke hahahhaha My son's name. lolx.

I like Brannen. kekeke

Ya mixed into milk...can put 3 times each week too. Can get from the supplier...the thread I think I posted 2 or 3 days ago.
Wow..! so exciting! Seeing mummies looking for names while some oradi gave names liao... wink wink mildy..keke!

Share what I know abt Lifestream Cordyceps since I heard so many differing things that I called them up to clarify when I was researching abt which cordycep to feed last time.

Kimi has been on tis for abt 2-3 months. Previously, he had been on EYS Bao Ying Dan but that I felt was beta for bb under 12mths. So when I finished all my stocks for that, I switched to this. Besides this, he also has Cod Liver Oil which I switched most recently to Nordic Naturals (http://www.nordicnaturals.com/en/Products/Product_Details/98/?ProdID=1451).

I've also heard of Sambucol but I personally prefer TCM and cordycep's healing and strengthening properties aft seeing its efficacy.

1) Why I choose Lifestream over other Wild Cordyceps?
Guess there are 2 schools of thoughts for tis.. some will say that the wild cordycep is beta and more efficacious. However, I beg to differ cos Lifestream's cordycep is grown in a controlled environment that is guaranteed to be free from toxins and harmful pesticides. Almost organic like that. This to me is very impt cos with China's reputation ... we never know where these cordyceps are grown or have been exposed to toxin, lead, etc cos they are 'wild'. If am feeding this to Kimi long term, I wanna be sure that it is safe.

2) Which to get Stroma Gold or the one with Green Tea extract and in capsules?
If feeding child, I really suggest Stroma Gold cos it is in powder form and v easy to jus add to any food or beverage. Also tis is not bitter and relatively tasteless altho when u eat the powder directly, it taste like the Maggi Chix powder. But added to food, it covers quite well.

I was abit caution and bgt the capsules one (30caps, 1mth qty) as wanted to try n see if Kimi will eat cos what if I spend 100+ and he don want. I opened up the caps n mix w water. I tell you, it is so TERRIBLE to eat as it is so v v bitter!!! Tk god Kimi took it all! So, stick with Stroma Gold, the kids should not notice.

3) How to feed?
1/2 tsp 3-4 times a week. Or you can use the Mac's stirrer spoon. You can add it to yogurt, milk, porridge or dissolve in some warm water in tablespoon and feed. Basically anything but NOT boiled meaning you can add to soup after scooping it into bowl but not add to the pot to be boiled.

The above qty/frequency to be taken is for general well-being n boosting of immunity. And for a healthy child with no CURRENT serious sickness, etc. If cordycep is to be used to treat a current sickness then the dosage will be different.

4) Can bb still take tis when sick?
Yes, can continue but space the intake of cordycep and western med 2 hours apart. Cordycep may raise the bb's body temp slightly but do not be alarmed, nothing to worry abt.

5) Is cordycep heaty?
No, alot of misconception here. Cordycep has been used to treat bad, heaty phelgmy cough & phelgm (dark green kind) so how can it be heaty? Cordycep is an age old treatment for lung probs/immunity. Anything to do with lungs cannot be overly heaty or cold..it must be balanced Yin & Yang. Don know if you guys know what I mean?

6) Must I stop or alternate tis so that the efficacy will be good?
No, can continue. TCM is a slow process of mending so u will see results if you perservere.

These are some of the common queries I can think of and those that I had when I was researching for cordycep last time. If you have any other qn, can post here and I try to help.

Maybe cos I suffer from respiratory prob so am very particular abt taking good care of our bb's lungs. It is very scary when you can't breathe and you never know how impt it is to protect n nourish tis organ. Once damaged has been done, respiratory illness will recur at the slightest provocation. So, let's take care of our darlings' lungs!
Hahahaha! Thanks Hui, Aqua and Sherl!
Hui, that was a long string of names! I like Brannen too. Still have some time, am still considering....

Sugarbeanie! Long time no see u here! Thanks for the info! I am SOLD! Will check out the thread Aqua posted and see if there's any spree or BP on the Lifestream Cordyceps!
*wink wink Sugar*

wow so many nice boys names. any nice girl's name that starts with C incase i have 2nd thoughts?
alethea - Hihi!! ya, by time i come in all go home liao leh.. BP close le.

Mildy - I wrote list for you liao!! So funny, I thought jus pass u in case u need... keke!! we telepathy leh! I like Collete (Collette).. rather u use Claudine than Claudia so same ending sound w Charlene.. Or Charmaine so the front sounds similar to Charlene..

Another I like is Camelia..it's a very beautiful flower, apt for a sweet girl!

Or Cayla, Cayleen, Cayleigh, Clarissa, Cheyenne, Cheyanne, Colleen, Collene, Charlotte.
*BISH* Aqua... wakakkakakakakkakakka... but of course Claire is a very very nice name, people with good taste sure choose. *look smug.. wakakakakakakkaka*

C names - wakakkakakka I've actually done a bit of thinking on this. I like Chloe, Corinne, Charmaine, Chermaine, Cherie... Charlotte alsovery nice!!! Mild, I think you need to have number 3 and so on la... too many nice 'C' names le... Wakakakakkakaakakkakakakka
Talking about Lifestream Cordyceps , I have 1 in my fridge.
Aqua, this is the one I bought from Annie thru you....See, still in fridge till you gals talk about this.

The boys are always sick, and always on English medication. Thus no chance to give them, by the time I remember, it is another round of English medication again.

Now Matthan is having cough and wheezing, on anti-biotic and neabualizer. He vomitted on his brother mattress last night.
Good Morning!!!

wakakaka..... i actually thinking of naming her Camelia at first. I like Cheyenne too. I thought of Charmaine but like too common in a way or another. hm.... maybe will ask my dear again if he prefers Claudia or Camilia.

Claudia nice hor? wakakk.....

dun name chloe le, i think almost the whole world named chloe this few years leh. i like c so many Chloe's babies...u think cos Claire also starts with C right? wakakakak.......

oh dear I hope Matthan is fine. i think hor english medication not good to eat too much wor. u got bring them for flu jabs?
Sherl/Zenn - I jus ordered Lifestream cordyceps from BP at $90. Previiously bought from Unity Pharmacy at $119 so pretty big price diff.

Zenn - I didn't give Ashley cordyceps and Sambucol at the same time. I alternate between the 2. Er... no exact reason lah
Hb just says alternate, maybe scared too "bu".. kekeke. Didn't give cordyceps to Matt cos when I check with teh sales person at the pharmacy the last time, she suggested wait till 2 then give so just started Matt on Sambucol only. NOt sure which is better though but guess both also ok lah since both are supplement.

Jen - I got my Sambucol from BP, paid abt $30 for 2 bottles. Previously got from Vitakids here at $30 for 1 bottle.
hi ladies,
me new to forum....
c tat u ladies r busy wif ur cordyceps discussion. me was juz looking at ur toothpaste talk, n tot u guys r juz so lucky to b even discussing abt it, coz my little 18mths doesn't like me to brush for him n he wans to do it himself. n of coz most of the time he is juz biting the toothbrush!.... wat can i do? i tried demostrating brushing so tat my hd can help but it is to no avail. sigh. the wan to do everything 18mths.
hellos mummies
haven't been posting in here in a long time! glad to see that the thread is coming back to life?

> hi shang
nice to meet you. welcome to the thread.

my boy isn't keen with me brushing his teeth too..but what i do is just give him his toothbrush and let him put it in his mouth. he tends to chew it here and there.. but the point here is to just let him get accustomed to having a toothbrush in his mouth.
slowly lah.
got to let him enjoy brushing his teeth.. if not, he'll grow up hating it!
Halo Mummies, always a peeker in this thread :p
The last post here was keke cant remember liao.
HAppy to see it's regains life!

Hi shang / charmaine,
Same problem... tried to let her stood on the stool in the bathrm but the mirror was too high up. Today, I took out my makeup mirror let her see her reflectn & demonstrate hw to brush my teeth. She shows a little interest
keeping my fingers crossed
Morning mommies
Guess I'm the 1st one today cos Baby Luke got up at 5am for his feed and I can't get back to sleep

Mildy - I like Claudine and Cheyenne. Don't like Camilia cos the Camilia I know .. er... not very nice kekeke

good morning...

AMM, how are coping with luke? fully bf? it seems like yesterday when we were sms-ing & encouraging each other to fully bf mat & estelle. now you are having luke. really cant imagine how time flies

mildy, i think Charmaine & charlene very shun leh. Charmaine, charlene, charmaine, charlene hahahahhaha -lookin ard for charmaine, think she must b v proud of her name :p

charmine, lyne & shang, estelle also likes to hold the brush herself & most of the time she will end up bitin than brushing
