(2007/01) Jan

hui, hehehe, MSN

HI Mommies interested in the Zoophonics, they're reply below.
Tell me if you interested in this arrangement?

"Sorry we have limited rooms for trails, can you try to get all your nine friends to form a class for a month as one lesson is not sufficient to see observable results.
We can give special concessions that you just pay the registration fees and one month's fees, we will waived the deposit. After one month, if you and your friends would still like to continue with the class, then you pay the deposits.

The timing for the class is sunday 12:30pm to 1:30pm."

the number of spots if you are younger will be less are not true leh. She seems to have more spots than me. but it's still not itchy I think cos she didn't really scratch which is good. There's quite a number around her hairline and those are the ones she will scratch esp when she feels hot.

I have calamine lotion from pharmacy that will help relieve the itch.

ya, can save on the chicken pox vaccine but then I didn't intend to let her take in the first place..hehehe...it's not really life threatening so don't see the need lor. somemore not 100% foolproof. =)
Good Afternoon!!!
Wow so many ppl miss me meh? wakakka... went for my detailed scan today. And.............and...........its a..........MINNIE MOUSE!!! Woo.... hooo....

wakakkakaak........lets see if this means more shopping or less shopping for me. wakkakaka.....
thanks for checking with Zoophonics.

since they want committment and i don't now whether kaelyn like it or, i think i won't sign up with them. heart pain if kaelyn refuses to attend class.

now she is throwing tantrum and refusing to go childcare even for half a day. when we want to don her uniform, she waved us away. sigh.....wat a temper for a 1½ yrs toddler.
hi mildy! **wave wave**
oh no, i think it means MORE shopping for u i think!!!! but it's great to have a minnie mouse... girls are nice n melts hearts... thanks for not forgetting us n update us... heehee... take good care!!
yo yo hui...
yeah....kekekek....wont forget u all one la. its becos last few months my company blocked SMO. then now suddenly can use again but super duper slow tats y u c mi come out again. wakakka...

thanks babe!
Hi mildy! congrats on the minnie mouse!

aiyo, Trisha has worse symptoms of chicken pox than me, way more spots and fever is worse than me. last 2 nights she was so itchy on the crotch area (lots of spots at her diaper area) she can't sleep well. cry for a few hours in the end too tired and fell asleep but slept for only 2 hours then wake up and cry again! Me and hubby are very very tired and very heartpain to see her suffer. I'm so regretting that I pass the virus to her now. I didn't think she'll get it worse than me! =(

now her blisters are drying so not so bad but fever shot up to 40.5C today and lucky hubby took leave and we had to give her cold baths and those med that put in the anus but her temp is still hovering at 38+. It's been almost 12hours but her fever still haven't come to normal temp. very worrying. =(
oh no. i tot babies got chicken pox maybe more mild, but now heard your description, seems like they can't really tolerate the itchiness...n gosh, fever, that's a nightmare to parents!! fully understand how tired can be to monitor the temperature 24/7. take care gal. maybe this vacine i should consider then...

mildy, icy, sherl,
the jan thread so quiet without u all, u should come in more often to keep the thread alive! heehee.
good afternoon!

mildy, congrats!!! minnie good right, give u chance to buy more kekekkke

lawpei, oh dear poor trisha. will take 2 wks also?
Gd Afternoon Mummies!

lawpei - oh, heartpain that Trisha's chicken pox is so serious.
Me and my big mouth saying too soon, on how glad that she did not get cp. Wish Trisha full recovery soon! You and your hubby, must take care too.
Btw Estelle cant make it for GUG Tots class on 6 Sep (sat) 4pm class. I am looking for replacement to take over. Anyone keen to take it as trial? Willing to let go at $35 (Usual trial is $45).
regarding fever: wonder did the doc advised cold bath? if not, my elder generation dun really encourage cold baths... coz if not handled properly, can even catch a chill, which might be worse. Usual practise is to let them 'sweat it out'. have u saw my blog entry as on may 11th on fever tips? (http://hui-treasures.blogspot.com/2008_05_01_archive.html). there's an old folks' tradition which we use hard-boil egg to expel the high temperature out of the body. u might want to see if u believe and try... hope trisha recovers soon.
Hi lawpei,
I seldom post here but often come in to read. just thought of replying your concern regarding your daughter's fever as my daughter (15months old then) had high fever for about a week (38C to 40C). I was worried sick and having sleepless nights. Here is a link you can read up. I find it very helpful:


I was giving my daughter warm sponging when her fever was high and when it went close to 40C, I gave her lukewarm to warm bath for half an hour. Just make sure that the water is lukewarm to warm, not cool, because shivering can actually raise your child's temperature rather than help bring it down. Also light clothing is a good idea. There were 2 times I gave her paracetamol when her fever went above 40C.

Here's some important highlights:
<font color="0000ff">Since fever is part of the body's defense against bacteria and viruses, some researchers suggest that the body may fight infections more effectively when its temperature is elevated. (Bacteria and viruses prefer an environment that's around 98.6 degrees F, or 37 degrees C.) A fever also tells the body to make more white blood cells and antibodies to fight the infection.

On the other hand, if your toddler's temperature is too high, he'll be too uncomfortable to eat, drink, or sleep, and that will make it harder for him to get better.

If your toddler's fever isn't affecting his behavior, you don't need to give him anything to lower it. Offer him plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration, and don't overdress him or bundle him up when he's sleeping.</font>

A simple prayer to all babies:
May all babies be free from harm and danger,
May all babies be free from physical sufferings,
May all babies be free from mental sufferings,
May all babies be able to take care of themselves happily.
Hi all,

thanks for all the advice and well wishes. Phew! her fever is down! Yippee!!! =)

Re cold baths...it's not really cold water..hehe..it's more lukewarm water cos like Saphira and hui said, might catch a chill which is not good.

I wanted her to sweat it out but somehow she didn't leh...think also cos the weather here these few days are pretty cool and rainy so not so hot hence she didn't sweat at all! From prev experience of her having fever, she usually is better after sweating. Luckily last evening, she seems better and I played with her and made her walk all over the house and finally sweated a bit and when sleeping, she sweated again and this morning, fever is down to normal or sometimes 37+ only. I'm so happy and she slept quite well last night too. =)

hui - alamak, I read about your blog post on fever before but this time I forgot about it and didn't go read again else I will try the egg method!

Re children chicken pox milder. I also don't know why she got it worse than me. The only thing I can think of is that she may have the virus at the same time as me but the incubation period in her is longer cos she got it later than me so the virus stayed in her longer and become stronger in her?

now she's so much better and back to normal self and the blisters are drying up but the ones on the crotch still giving her pain. everytime wipe for her after she poop, she will cry. but I'm really happy and relieved that the worst is finally over! =)
regarding the cp vaccine, I think better let you kiddos take. I also thought children will have it milder and less spots and hence didn't think should let Trisha take but now from my experience, I regretted not letting her take it.

btw, if you gals wanted to see updates on the blog on this, I will only post sometime later cos if I blog about all this, the grandparents will worry and I dont' see the need to worry them since they can't do much for us in Singapore loh.
Hi Trisha,
Glad to know Trisha is getting better
I have the same experience on my gal not sweating when she was having fever. It's very scary when that happens cause it means the body's temperature will be shooting higher. The sweat is a big relieve.

By the way, any news on Janson and Rachel?
hi lawpei,

glad to know that trisha is better now. ya i intend to let estelle ve cp jab as i cant afford to let her kena as my hb nv had chicken pox b4. will give her after she finish her blooster &amp; flu jab. take care!
Hi Morning All,

See whether any of u r keen on the following:


+Terms &amp; Conditions
1)Per piece diaper is based on recommended retial price.
2)Diaper to be exchange should be unused.
3)Huggies Ultra pack for exchange includes Small-24s, Medium-22s, Large-20s only.
4)Kindly produce original or photocopy of your baby's birth certificate during registration.
5)Limited to 1 Huggies Ultra per baby 0-30 months.
6)Entitlement of Huggies Ultra diapers will be at the sole discretion of Kimberly-Clark Singapore Pte Ltd.
Milday, congrats!
Did you already have an inkling that #2 would be a Princess? Is the chart accurate for you?

Just did a 3D scan last week (29th week) but still couldn't really tell from my Prince's features who he resembles. Got to wait till the growth scan in my 32-33rd week when he's more fleshed out to have a better idea.
But at this juncture, he's already in the heads-down position.
yeah.... funny that the first one i dun have such a feeling but this one i kinda of "already knew". Shopping TIME!!!! wakakakak.....

wow u already 3rd tri le, time really pass so fast man...
Good Morning to All!!!

Finally our Jan 07 Forum is up &amp; gg again. For 1 moment i tot we had been ban. Could'nt find Jan 07 forum anymore
